When the Cheng’s didn’t find Cheng Xiao Xiao after they woke up, theyunderstood that she had already taken off.

The Cheng’s father and brothers were fine, but Mrs. Cheng wasapparently in a foul mood and didn’t even want to have breakfast. It was asthough her spirit had left with her daughter.

Cheng Biyuan wasn’t sure what he could say, so instead going tosupervise the construction, he stayed behind to sit in the courtyard with her.

The two of them sat and chitchatted in the courtyard and before long,Liu Danhuang hurried in. Cheng Biyuan was surprised by that and asked,“Danhuang, what happened?”

“Master, Shi Mu, a group ofpeople had arrived. I think they are with Deacon Bai!”

“Deacon Bai?”

Cheng Biyuan immediately thought of Zhu Bo, whom they have met oncebefore. The items that he promised had yet to be delivered, were they here tomake the delivery?

“Okay, let’s go take a look!” said Cheng Biyuan as he walked out ofthe courtyard.

Sure enough, not far from his house he could see a troop of men onhorses approaching. And he could also tell the horse-drawn carriages carried alot of stuff in them.

Cheng Biyuan was secretly happy. Right they they are in dire need ofmany items, this could have came at a better time!

A familiarface quickly came up front, it was indeed Deacon Bai who led the group. Butwhen he saw the other strange face, he was take aback a little by surprise.

This youngman look exactly like the lord of Green Mountain Manor, he must be the lord’sson. Cheng Biyuan hadn’t expected the lord to send his own son to deliver theitems.

“MasterCheng, long time no see!” greeted Deacon Bai with cupped hands.

Cheng Biyuangreeted hi as well and asked, “It had been quite a few days. How have you been,Deacon Bai?”

“I am fine.Thank you for asking, Master Cheng!” smiled Deacon Bai, then, immediately, heintroduced the one next to him, “Master Cheng, this is our young master, YoungMaster Zhu!”

“Hi, I amZhu Xiangyu. Greetings, Master Cheng!” Zhu XIangyu examined Cheng Biyuan withinterest as he cupped his hands and greeted him nonchalantly.

Even thoughhe was being very polite, Cheng Biyuan could still sense a hint of pride. b.u.t.that didn’t bother him, it was natural for younglings to have some pride,especially the ones with great accomplishments and talents.

As thesuccessor of Green Mountain Manor, surely he has the conditions to be a bitprideful. Cheng Biyuan cupped his hand in return and said politely, “Youngmaster Zhu is so polite. Young master Zhu came in person, pardon us for notmeeting you far out!”

“No worries,no worries!”

After theexchanges, Cheng Biyuan led them into their courtyard. Afterall, the newresident was still under construction and they could only entertain guests attheir old house.

Young masterZhu entered the courtyard and saw the simple and crude structures. He didn’tthink poorly of them, afterall, regardless of what their standing was in thepast, right now they have status that n.o.body could look down upon.

Not tomention that Cheng Biyuan now have the t.i.tle of a count, Zhu Xiangyu dare notlook at him differently.

Mrs. Chengreturned back into the house, leaving just the few of them in the courtyard.Innkeeper Zhu was attracted by the noises. He was both surprised and excitedwhen he saw that the young master has came in person.

Especiallyafter noticing the approval look that the young master was giving him,Innkeeper Zhu couldn’t stop smiling. Afterall, that was the whole purpose ofserving their master and doing the best they could.

Soon, themaids brought over iced teas. For someone like Zhu Xiangyu, having iced tea inthe summer time was not something special, so he wasn’t surprised by the factthat they have iced tea.


Chapters 1 - 19 now available!


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