Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

“Oh give it up already. There’s no way I am letting you go!”

The human and the crane started a tug-of-war as usual. Mo Xuanzun hadno choice but to turn and walked up to the kiosk.

He cupped his hand and greeted the girl with the welcoming smile andsaid, “Shi mei Gong, long time no see. How has my shi mei Gong been?I haven’t seen you visiting the Temple of Divine Plans for a while now.”

“Ho ho ho.” Gong Zixuan was already used to his rambling. Smiling, shesaid, “Thank you for asking, shi xiong Mo. I heard you have gone on atrip recently, did you have fun?”

“Aye, I don’t even want to talk about it!” said Mo Xuanzun ashe took a seat. He didn’t look very cheery and even somewhat at loss.

Gong Zixuan was a bit surprised at that. Concerned, she asked,“Shi Xiong Mo, what happened? If you need someone to talk to, I am allears!”

Gong Zixuan had already thought of her nerdy shi xiongas her own brother. He has had very few encounters with the outside world andhas always been pampered at the Temple of Divine Plans, so he was a relativesimpler person who are unfamiliar with maliciousness.

But that didn’t mean he was ignorant. When it came tocalculations, even his master openly admit that he had excelled him. Everyonetreated him nicely whole heartedly, which was why he had retained the innocentlook in his eyes for his entire 20 years.

“Thank you for asking, shi mei Gone. I am fine, justfine!” Mo Xuanzun felt a little awkward, he didn’t want to say anythingembarra.s.sing in front of her.

Ever since half a month ago, when he had encountered thatmean, little face, he had been thinking about that face day and night. Mostimportantly, even a genius mathematician like him could find out herwhereabouts through his calculations, let alone who she was!

As a genius mathematician who had never experience failure before,he was taking this quite hard and was very devastated!

Gong Zixuan noticed his odd expression and was baffled, butsince he didn’t want to elaborate, she didn’t want to pry either. “I am glad tohear that you are alright. Shi xiong Mo hasn’t been busy lately, haveyou?”

“No, not really. Lately I have been helping out with my masterand taking out my shi di’s to take on a.s.signments.”

Mo Xuanzun produced a wine bottle and a wine cup from thedimension ring, filled the cup for Gong Zixuan and drank directly from thebottle himself. “I heard that shi mei Gong had been looking for me. Isit something that I can help with? If it is, I will be more than happy tooblige!”

“That is very kind of your, shi xiong! But I don’t haveany pressing matters!”

Gong Zixuan produced a vine from her bracelet and said, “Shixiong Mo possesses a wealth of knowledge and is much more knowledgeablethan your shi mei. This vine had came into my possession recently, andit seemed to have a mind of its own. I would like shi xiong to take alook at it and tell me what he thinks of it!”

“It sounds wonderful!” Mo Xuanzun’s eyes beamed immediatelyand the hint of unhappiness that was between his brows disappeared instantly.

Holding the vine that was of such bright green color, lookingat it left and right, Mo Xuanzun was lready aextremely fond of it. At the sametime, he tried to recall as best he could whether he has ever read aboutanything like this in the past.

Looking at him quietly, Gong Zixuan did not interrupt him; shepicked up the wine bottle from the table and enjoyed the fruit wine made by MoXuanzun personally.

It was well known among the four top powers that Mo Xuanzunmake an awesome wine. Anyone who had tried it just once would want more of it.But, anyone without some sort of connections would also find it very difficultto get their hands on one of these.

But for Gong Zixuan, it was quite easy. All she needed to dowas to ask Mo Xuanzun each time she saw him and he’d gift her some.

Shi mei Gong, this is no normal vine; can you pleasetell your shi xiong where you got it from?” He looked up at her, the sparkling in hiseyes gave away his fondness of the vine.


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