After learning that this mysterious martial emperor would become the newdeacon elder of the Cheng’s, Zhou Jinjiang felt ecstatic after the shock hadsubsided. His gleefulness was not any less than that of Cheng Biyuan, possiblyeven more!

Strength. Real, unadulterated strength!

Even if they only have one martial emperor on their payroll, this didn’tjust raise the Cheng’s strength by one level, but a few levels!

From this point forward, as long as the unwelcomed visitor was not amartial emperor, the quant.i.ty no longer mattered. This, was the Cheng’s abilitygoing forward.

The young Cheng Zheng Yuan recovered quickly as well. He didn’t expectthe bad guy would turn into a part of his family, but he understood that thisman would not want to hurt his family ever again from now on.

Thinking about his own impulsive behavior earlier, he felt slightembarra.s.sed. He cupped his hands at Old Man Ying and said, “Pardon my rudeness,Elder Ying!”

“He He, young master is so polite.” Old Man Ying saw that Cheng ZhengYuan was a direct and straight forward person who spoke his mind. He startedgrowing fond of him immediately. He took another look at him and liked him evenmore. Smiling, he said, “Young master, if you ever have any questions, you canjust come and ask me!”

It was no small feat to be able to receive guidance from a martialemperor. Cheng Zheng Yuan was immediately ecstatic. He nodded and said, “I willcertainly take you up on it!”

After that, everybody sat around and chatted some more. Cheng Biyuan,who was extremely happy with the new addition of Old Man Ying into his family,decided to have a banquet to officially welcome him. All of a sudden, one couldhear the bustling noises of plates,, and happy chattering. Even thougheverybody’s initial impression of Old Man Ying wasn’t the best, but with someinteraction, they were able to turn that around and accept the arrogant oldman.

After all, Old Man Ying had been around for almost a hundred years. Hewas a walking wealth of knowledge that n.o.body there could remotely measure upto. Everything coming out of his mouth was enough to startle everyone andbroaden their horizon. Everybody’s fondness toward him continued to rise and hewas well accepted by everyone at the Cheng’s.

That being said, Cheng Biyuan and Zhou Jinjiang had further noticed thatOld Man Ying was particularly respectful to Cheng Xiao Xiao, more so than whathe had for anyone else. Yet the most important point was that he joined theCheng’s willingly, not against his will.

Although they had no idea howthat happened, but that was not important to them. The most important thing tothem was the fact that the martial emperor did not have any hidden agendaplotting against the Cheng’s.

In the following few days, they have also noticed that Old Man Ying hadlost his interest in the Cheng’s mystical water. He saw them as nothing otherthan just regular water. There was no sign that he valued them at all.

To Old Man Ying, who had spent seven to eight days in the dimension,having 100% mystical water, eating the best mystical animals, and even the airhe breathed was thick with mystical qi. After all those had taken placeand now that he was back to the outside world, everything else that the otherstreasured was just like normal items and were no longer meaningful to him.

This had made Cheng Biyuan felt further relieved.

In a town several hundred miles outside of Willows!

The family inside the Inn was the Tian’s who were booted out by theCheng’s. Luo Yujie’s face was covered in red hand prints. Her usual chubby facewas swollen to the size of a pig’s head. Her normally small and beady eyes hadswollen into nothing but a line.

Even though her face was already swollen to the size of a pig’s head,she was still cussing out the Cheng’s non stopped. Viciousness leaked out ofher eyes, as though she wanted to eat their flesh and drank their blood.

“Shut up! One more word and I will make sure you can never speak again!”came a strict voice and that had finally scared her to shut up.

The one who had finally lost it was Tian Fusheng. His look scarilysomber. He casted her an angry glance then looked at his own son and scolded,“You are so useless. You couldn’t even handle such a simple task. Are you braindead? You dare turned violent toward the Cheng’s?”


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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