“Oh, little boy, you have no idea. Better get the h.e.l.l out now ifyou don’t want to die!” With a murderous fury, Cheng Biyuan lunged at them.

Even though he had just broke through to martial master, but hehad been in many deadly battles in the past 30 years. His ability to fight wasway above those of the kids in front of him.

Not to mention that he had killed martial masters when he wa.s.still just a martial scholar. He was not worried in the least bit about 3junior martial master and 3 common servants.

A cold killer’s intent pierced through the air and pressure boredown on Ning Xunzong like a giant wave. Suddenly he was having trouble just tobreath.

The other two turned pale and startled. But they dare not move forfear that they would become the next target!

“You, you you, you dare to kill me? My grandpa will come afteryou! As would the instructors as School of Divine Condor!”

Ning Xunzong was angry and scared. He was completely caught offguard. He never would have imagined Cheng Biyuan, a martial master equivalentof his, would be so terrifying. Just his presence made them too scared to fightback.

Two families had visited previously plus the ones they took careof last night. Cheng Biyuan had no idea which family these people were from.With a deep voice he asked, “Which family are you with?”

“Me? I am the young master of the Ning’s!” Ning Xunzong’s feardissipated a little, but after meeting Cheng Biyuan’s chilling look, his neckshrunk uncontrollably. Stubbornly he said, “You name a price, the Ning’s willbuy all your land!”

“Get the h.e.l.l back to where you were from before I snap yourneck!”

The Ning’s was just a big fish in a small pond. Cheng Biyuan wasnot worried about them at all.


Ning Xunzong shook from anger. Right then, his two shi xiong went and stood beside him. Itgave me some sort of comfort and he cast them an appreciative look.

Shi xiong Zhou pulled his sword from it’s sheathand laughed coldly, “Shi di Ning,he’s just a martial master. Do you really think he could take all of us?”

“He didn’t want to leave, we will make him leave!” Shi xiong Gu also unsheathed his sword.

Neither one of the shi xiongbacked down. Ning Xunzong finally regained his confidence from earlier. With aferocious look, he said, “Shi xiong Gu, you have misspoke. I didn’t want them to get theh.e.l.l out, I want his entire family to be my servants and serve me for life!”

“Let’stake care of them first!” Shi xiongZhou frowned. From his perspective, you take him down, you take him out. If youwant to seize someone’s property, you don’t let them live.

“Okay!”Ning Xunzong unsheathed his own sword!

Thethree servants of the Ning’s stood as far away as possible. They were justinnocent bystanders and didn’t want to die.


Aloud roar and three silhouettes attacked thunderously. Their swords swung likeswimming dragons with the speed of lightning. A twirl in the air and they allwent after Cheng Biyuan.

“Youare going to die now!”

ChenBiyuan was enraged all over again. His look cold like that of glacier. Justwhen he was about to engage, an odd looking fly swatter appeared in the airsuddenly and he heard his daughter’s familiar voice, “Dad, let me!”


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