Unique Legend

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Female Ghost Incident

Location: Atlantis  Time: 1:45 PM

“Yang~Are you ready yet?” After waiting in the dorm for two days, on the second afternoon, I rearranged the things in the dorm that needed to be replenished and brought home, and including the phone, this time I even looked through them three times to make sure everything was in order . An impatient knocking sound came from the door, “Alright, I’m ready . The door’s not even locked; why don’t you come in yourself?”

Lifting my backpack, I pulled open the door that had been knocked for at least five minutes and looked at the five-colored rooster head standing outside, who was going crazy over who knows what again, “You think I’m the kind of person who will just obediently come in if you tell me to come in?”

The five-colored rooster head issued a completely useless answer! “Then why did you keep knocking…” I found that I can’t seem to keep up with his reasoning…No, it should be that I’ve never kept up with it in the first place .

“It’s faster to knock . ” After I closed the door, the five-colored rooster head happily walked down the stairs with me following behind him . Going downstairs, I could see that Senior and some people were sitting in the hall and chatting about something . It felt quite pleasant, different from the atmosphere three days ago when I came in .

In the hall, apart from Senior, there was also Randall and Dallow . “Chu, are you ready yet?” As soon as he saw me enter, the group of people broke off their conversation, and Senior spoke first, “Uh…I’m ready . ” I should be .

“Don’t use any uncertain words with me . ” Red eyes glared over, “I, I’m ready!” I brought the phone, and I brought the talisman . The rest of the things were already taken home two days ago . I guess there’s probably nothing else to bring, right .

The five-colored rooster head jumped down from the steps beside me, “That’s weird? Where’s my third brother?”

Following his words, I looked around, and sure enough, I didn’t see the black cactus there .

“Julian went to the medical team . He probably won’t come for these two days . ” Dallow told him, “He just left . Are you looking for him for something?”

“Who wants to look for him!?” The five-colored rooster head said with a very disgusted look .

Then why did you ask him?

This was my doubt .

“Okay, then once we’re ready, we’ll go to the original world . ” Completely disregarding the conversation we just had, Senior stood up, picking up the backpack next to him, “I’ll be troubling you guys during this period of time . ” He used another language that I couldn’t understand to tell Randall something . The other person nodded several times before he finally turned around and walked over .

I guess, this time I’ll actually be able to return home smoothly .

“Wait!” Just when we were about to leave, a multicolored interruption…Correction, the five-colored rooster head stood in front of us, “Yang~I want to go too . ” His tone didn’t seem as if he was asking but rather, as if he had already planned out the trip .

Can I refuse!?

In that second, I suddenly felt my heart thump twice, and I seemed to have a premonition that the world will be destroyed if he goes there .

“You feel very excited about the world being destroyed, huh!?” With a “pa” sound, Senior directly swung down on the back of my head .

Holding my head, I mournfully looked at the five-colored rooster head, “Why do you want to come along?” There’s nothing fun for you to play with there .

“Hmph hmph, this uncle has wandered around the jianghu my whole life . Any place with dirt has my footprint on it . ” The five-colored rooster head folded his arms and held his chin, one foot stepping on one of the set of public sofas in the Black Dorm that looked very expensive .

“There are more asphalt roads there . ” Yeah, and there’s still dirt because of the street trees there .

“Asphalt is also dirt . ” The five-colored rooster head issued words that would give children the wrong understanding, “I don’t have anything to do over the winter vacation anyway . This uncle will just come along with you to have some fun . You have to be grateful oh . ”

I’m sorry, but basically I won’t be grateful . You just decided to come along on your own!

“That’s great, Chu . There’s someone who can help you with your problem . Take care on the way . ” Standing beside me, Senior issued words that were suspected to be adding insult to injury, and I even saw some kind of brilliant smirk on his face .

You’re kidding with me, right!? I think there’s no way the five-colored rooster head can help me solve my problem!

“Senior, I really need you . ” I saw the words “this way to h.e.l.l” above the five-colored rooster head .

Red eyes glanced at me, “Then don’t waste any more time . ” Saying that, Senior took out a cap from his backpack and put it on his head . A second later, I saw his long silver hair turn completely black, and turning around, even his eyes have changed, “That one over there, if you want to come, please make the color of your head a bit more normal . ”

“What!? This is very normal!” The five-colored rooster head protested .

Basically, I don’t think it’s normal at all . There’s not a lot of people like this in our world . Everyone prefers simple colors .

“Otherwise don’t go . ” Senior, who completely didn’t want to be treated as the companion of a weirdo, gave a final notice .

“Tsk, this is so troublesome . ” Looking around, the five-colored rooster head snorted, “Changing back is so troublesome…” I saw him taking out a white talisman paper and putting it on the front of his head, and his completely multicolored hair suddenly began to change color .

In just a few seconds, a still very shiny head of golden hair appeared before everyone .


“Let me speak first! This is this uncle’s limit!” Interrupting Senior’s words in less than half a second, the five-colored rooster head…now it should be the golden-colored rooster head rushed to be the first to throw down this sentence, with an imposing manner that very much implied he would grab someone to kill if he had to change his hair to black .

You really do have guts . I rarely see people defying Senior like this .

“Change your clothes . ” Senior’s gaze lowered, staring at the other person’s flowery Hawaiian shirt and flip flops .

“Not changing!” The very insistent five-colored rooster head guarded his last right to his clothes .

I glanced at my watch, and began to think that maybe by the time they’re done with their appearance, it’d be just in time for breakfast the next morning?

“If you guys continue arguing on like this, there won’t be enough time” The kind-hearted Brother Dallow said .

Suddenly ending their conversation, perhaps also feeling that arguing like this was too troublesome, Senior turned around and walked out of the dorm .

“I won’t change my clothes even if I die!” The five-colored rooster head quickly caught up to him, still harping on nonstop, “These are the clothes that this uncle is most proud of; why should I change them…”

Watching those two people, one in front and one behind, leave the Black Dorm’s entrance, I suddenly felt as if the future was full of dark distortions .

“Yang Yang . ” Brother Dallow jumper down from the sofa, patting my shoulder, “This is for you . I hope you enjoy yourself during the winter vacation . ”

I looked at what he had handed over . It was a small box . It felt like a dessert box or something, because there were even a bunch of unfamiliar words and three Chinese characters about a dessert store printed on top of it .

“Happy New Year . ”

After that, we probably didn’t take more than a few minutes to return to the original world .

Looking at the familiar crowds and vehicles coming to and fro on the street, I was very moved as I held the dessert box in my hand, automatically omitting those things that shouldn’t appear here, “This student, would you like some chewing gum that will anyone who eats it?” A completely abnormal thing once again appeared before us .

This time, before I could react, Senior, who was standing just a bit ahead of me, had already coldly glared over first . It wasn’t red, but rather, a gaze full of ferocity plus a sentence that was sent to the other side: “Don’t block the road . ”

“I, I’m sorry, excuse me . ” The chewing-gum-selling Little Red Riding Hood ran off in a hurry .

Sure enough, Senior is very powerful . Even a Little Red Riding Hood knew that he will die if he offended him .

Standing nearby, the five-colored rooster head scratched his golden hair and looked around, “Turns out Yang~you live in this sort of place . Feels a little crowded, a lot worser than my family’s . ” He pointed to urban crowd . and uttered his impression of it .

“My family doesn’t live here . ” How can I afford to live in a prime location, “My house is on the other side, a bit far from here . ” I moved aside a little, to let the winged rabbit fly past .

“It’s been a while since this uncle last came to this sort of place . At the very top of that tall building had a very rich person . ” Pointing to some kind of luxurious building . the five-colored rooster head told me, then used a very innocent expression to say the next sentence, “Someone asked us to cut him into pieces, which just happened to be this uncle’s mission . ”

I don’t want to know about you cutting someone up in a luxurious building!

“Se, Senior, right now do you want to go see the place with the female ghost first?” The second I turned my head and changed the topic, I saw that person standing by the side buying a beverage .

“Or else?” Senior answered with a rhetorical question .

Then alright, I understand . It means we’re going to see it now .

The five-colored rooster head leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder, “Yang~What does that ghost look like?”

The five-colored rooster head leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder, “Yang~What does that ghost look like?”

What does it look like? Don’t all ghosts pretty much look the same?

Being asked by him like this, I didn’t know how to describe her, “Uh…It’s a woman, her hair is somewhat long and her face half rotten, pretty much like how a ghost looks . ” I’m already starting to forget what I’m describing, “She said that her boyfriend killed her and has been wanting to take revenge . She insisted that I help her, but I don’t know how to do this, so I had no choice but to find Senior . ”

Hearing me describe it roughly, the five-colored rooster head tilted his head and thought for a long while, then looked over at me saying: “Yang~If you get involved in this sort of stuff too often, you’ll become very unlucky oh . ”

I’m sorry, I know that I’ll become very unlucky too, but the problem is, she came over on her own!

“A person’s energy will dissipate, and when it encounters time distortions, it will be absorbed or destroyed . And one’s fortune will turn bad with it . ” Suddenly turning into a numerologist, the five-colored rooster head actually used a very serious tone to tell me this .

In fact, you’re actually not the five-colored rooster head, right!?

That guy would never say something like this!

Just who are you!?

“This is basic theoretical study . ” Leisurely walking beside us, Senior abruptly threw over this sentence .

“Hehe, I overheard this a while ago . ” The very proud five-colored rooster head announced .

What kind of theoretical study is this? How come I’ve never heard of it before?

“Spirituality subject . ” Glancing at me, Senior shook the already-empty beverage bottle in his hand, then threw it into the next recycling bin we pa.s.sed, “It’s one of the second-year elective subjects . You didn’t choose it . ”

Ah, that’s right, I do remember that there was this course; because at that time, the very first second I saw it, I thought it was some kind of weird course, so I didn’t choose it . Turns out the five-colored rooster head ran off to learn this inexplicable thing .

Wait a minute! Senior, why are you so familiar with my schedule? I remember I didn’t give you a spare copy at all?

Senior raised his eyebrows, and looked at me with a “because I’m a black robe” kind of expression .

Alright, I understandAt any way, I can’t get the answer out of you . I might as well give up .

“Eh, ghosts count as time distortions?” I suddenly noticed those words within what the five-colored rooster head just mentioned .

“Oh, it does count because it should have already headed to the underworld, but since it’s still here, it destroys the rules of time and is considered a type of distortion . ” The five-colored rooster head was rarely so serious as he told me this .

“It’s not the place of rest?” How come I remember that Senior and the others previously mentioned that if someone dies and does not go to the place of rest, they go to the whatchamacallit something?

“Humans go to the underworld . ” The five-colored rooster head told me with a why-would-I-ask-this-sort-of-question tone, “You don’t know? It can’t be that you don’t even know that your ancestors go to h.e.l.l!?”

I’m sorry, but please don’t casually curse my ancestors to go to h.e.l.l . I know they can also go to heaven!

“Then why did they say that Yido will go to the place of rest last time?” Could it be that there are also higher levels of heaven?

“…Every race has a different final world . ” Perhaps unable to keep watching the bordering-on-idiocy discussion between the two of us already, Senior rolled his eyes at me and said, “The Elves will sleep till the end of time before returning to their Lord G.o.d’s side, and the Angels will devote themselves to the G.o.d of Creation; the spirits of the earth such as the Fairies, Beastmasters, Scaled Clan, Winged Clan, etc . will head to the country of rest, which is also the place of rest you asked about . The place of rest is a peaceful country . Over there is an eternal beautiful world that will allow every spirit to rest until the next reincarnation cycle begins . Previously, the Beast of Scroll and the Seventh Master of Spring and Autumn has also headed there . Spirits can choose whether or not they want to go there, but once they decide, they won’t be able to go back . And the dead will listen to the sound of the place of rest and follow . Their memories will gradually become faint and not as important there . Until the time of reincarnation arrives, all the memories of the past will disappear and they will return to the world once more . Simply put, it’s the same as the reincarnation that you guys were talking about . ”

“Likewise due to the difference in region and race, the place of rest is also known as the final place or the place of tranquility . ” The five-colored rooster head cheerfully added on this sentence .

It felt like some kind of fairytale return story .

“Eh, then the Ghost Tribe doesn’t have one?” I remembered that Senior seemed to have left out something .

“The Ghost Tribe become nothing in the end . They won’t leave anything behind . ” Senior coldly snorted, “Things that shouldn’t exist in this world will become nothingness in the end . ”

It sounds quite sad when you say it like that . Because I feel like the Ghost Tribe really have existed before, like the Ghost King, aristocrats, and Andellar; they really existed, but after dying, they wouldn’t even have a spirit . Then what is the purpose of fighting these battles while they’re still alive?

I really don’t understand .

“That is their nature, and even till death, they will not change . ” Senior only gave me this cold sentence .

“That is their nature, and even till death, they will not change . ” Senior only gave me this cold sentence .

After ending this discussion topic, all of a sudden, I didn’t know what else I should say, and could only walk a bit faster to lead the way .

Very soon, we came closer and closer to my home, and closer to the place where I encountered the female ghost .

“Yang~Wait for us . ” The five-colored rooster head suddenly stopped .

“What’s wrong?” It can’t be that now you don’t want to go anymore?

“That thing’s power is very small . We need to suppress our own first so that she won’t run away . ” Scratching his head, the five-colored rooster head shrugged as he told me .

Power is very small…I’m sorry, I was defeated by something with small power, okay .

After two seconds, the five-colored rooster head rushed toward me with a grin, “We’re done . ”

That’s strange, how come Senior didn’t need to suppress his power when he came here in the past? Could it be that it really is because black robes are different?

I suddenly felt my admiration toward Senior go up another level .

In less than a few steps, I saw that familiar white thing swaying at the original place .

“Is that the one?” Just as he said that, Senior was already slowly walking over . Following behind was the five-colored rooster head who suddenly became enthusiastic at some point .

Uh…I’m wondering whether I should ask the two of them to show a little mercy in place of that female ghost right now .

Standing at the original spot for only a few seconds, that white thing quickly discovered our presence, and her whole head turned around, then the form of that woman I saw before appeared . I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over . After all, I’m hoping to solve this issue not for her soul to scatter into pieces .

“Wait for me!”

While I was quickly running over, the female ghost had already fully appeared .

“You finally returned . ” She used a tone as if it was only natural for me to come back to find her, then completely ignored Senior and the five-colored rooster head standing by the side, “I thought you were just like all the other men who should die and can’t be trusted!”

I’m really sorry but I didn’t exactly want to come back at first, “According to our agreement, I found someone who can help you . ” I secretly pushed Senior a little .

Black eyes viciously glared at me, then he turned to look at that female ghost .

“This person?” The female ghost was obviously quite doubtful as she sized up Senior .

“That’s right, I’m here to end you . ” Before I could realize what Senior meant by this sentence, he had already stretched out his hand, [The one who signed a contract with me…]

“Senior! Don’t do this!” I immediately rushed over to cover Senior’s mouth . A second later, the back of my head was smacked down until my vision turned blurry .

If you hit her, she’ll definitely die! She definitely have her soul scattered until nothing remained; can you use a gentler method to solve this problem!?

“Yang~This can’t be directly eliminated?” Pointing to the female ghost, the five-colored rooster head asked in the sort of tone like he was looking for a beating .

“I’d like to trouble you to please try not to do that . ” Please remember that she was once human; don’t ignore her human rights just because she’s dead!

And also Senior, when you disposed of another ghost before, you didn’t use this method, right?

“That was a mission . It had to be done in a way that both sides would be satisfied with . ” Senior glanced at me, and said inhumane words, “This isn’t, so I can handle it however I want . ”

It can’t be that you didn’t sleep well yesterday?

“What are you guys talking about!?” Clearly also noticing that the atmosphere wasn’t right, the female ghost instantly became alert .

“It’s nothing, we’re discussing how to help you resolve your issue . ” I hurriedly muddled past, and next to me, Senior even coldly snorted .

“There’s no need to discuss anything . You just need to do as I say . ” The very aggressive female ghost reiterated her requirement .

“It’s nothing, we’re discussing how to help you resolve your issue . ” I hurriedly muddled past, and next to me, Senior even coldly snorted .

“There’s no need to discuss anything . You just need to do as I say . ” The very aggressive female ghost reiterated her requirement .

The five-colored rooster head leaned over, “Hey, right now the person who needs help seems to be you . What gives you the right to ask this uncle to do as you say? The one who should do as they’re told is you, understand!?” The five-colored rooster head, who was even more aggressive than the female ghost, stepped onto the nearby rock, and very arrogantly said, “Otherwise, do you believe this uncle will seal you into a bottle filled with ditch water and set you out on the sea, so that you can travel around the world for free? No need to thank me too much!”

I think the threat of a bottle filled with ditch water is scary to some extent, especially for girls .

The female ghost took two steps back, “You d.a.m.n men, I will curse you to never rest in peace!” Her whole hair rose up, her originally pale face turned bluish-purple, and she became very terrifying .

“She’s already turning evil . ” Senior looked at the female ghost who started to distort into a vicious spirit, and said .

You guys were the ones who caused it!

I started to feel that, sure enough, it was a mistake to let the five-colored rooster head come along .

“Calm down, calm down, if you can go crazy from just this, then that means you didn’t train enough . ” The five-colored rooster head ignored the female ghost’s transformation, and even threw over this famous saying to her .

The female ghost’s eyes became completely covered with red streaks of blood, her pupils turning grayish-white and bulging . A bit of blood slid down from her cheeks, making her look quite terrifying, “I will curse you all!”

“Senior, what do we do?” I gave up asking the five-colored rooster head for help .

Senior coldly looked at me, “So troublesome . ” He took two steps forward and stood in front of the female ghost, then from took out a tiny transparent crystal from the side of his backpack, [The incantation chant of returning to the beginning, first as a child that grows into an adult, be purified with the water . ]

Right after chanting what should be an incantation, I saw a small silver array appear beneath the female ghost . It started to slightly glow above her head, and just happened to shine with the crystal .

“Ziray, move back . ” Stopping the five-colored rooster head who still wanted to say something, Senior flung the crystal onto the array . That crystal quickly sank and vanished, and the female ghost above it actually quieted down unexpectedly, “You’re already no longer a part of this s.p.a.ce . If you don’t hurry up and leave, don’t blame us for forcibly sending you back . ”

That female ghost turned silent, and her blood-streaked eyes looked straight at Senior, “I want to find that person who deceived me, killed me…” Her voice was faint unlike before, giving one a feeling of drifting far away, “I want his life…He caused me to lose everything…”

“Then if you kill another life, who is he supposed to look for?” Senior narrowed his eyes, and coldly asked .

“What?” Stunned for a moment, the female ghost looked at Senior .

“First as a child then as an adult . That is your order of death . You are not the only one who has deviated and distorted time . ” Pointing to the array on the ground, Senior said this, and at the same time, another figure that wasn’t completely formed and was only a round white thing slowly began to appear on the array, “It’s just that he wasn’t able to find you in time . ”

A child?

To be honest, at the start I didn’t realize what Senior was talking about, but after that round, white thing became clearer and clearer, all the hair on me stood on end .

It was a blood-filled, slightly transparent…thing that should be an infant, struggling to appear on the array with a pattering sound . And its small, not-yet-formed face was a blurred ma.s.s . There was a big black hole at the place where its mouth should be, opening and closing at the female ghost .

I took a step back, then remembered what the female ghost said before…how she aborted her child .

“What qualifications do you have to take revenge on someone?” Bending slightly, Senior reached out his hand, and that tiny ma.s.s of flesh struggled to climb onto Senior’s hand, then he stood up, “You see, he also had a life . In your stomach, he heard voices from the outside and when he looked forward to everything, you killed him . Before you take revenge on someone, you should first explain yourself to the one with your blood in front of you . ” The tiny ma.s.s of flesh on Senior’s hand continuously moved . Its black eyelids focused on the female ghost, then blood red tears flowed out .

“I, I…But I had no choice either…” The female ghost was very shaken, even turning her gaze away and not daring to look at that infant, “He said if I do anything for him, he will be good to me forever . ”

“Then what about him?”


I was a little scared . For some reason, I feel like the current Senior was aggressive . His tone was very sharp and merciless . Before, his mouth was bad but it had never reached this extent .

Is he angry? Because of the matter with the infant?

“A life should not erase another pure life, even if he will commit thousands of atrocities in the future . ” Looking at the infant on his hand, Senior said this in another language, then he turned his head to look at me, “This is why I didn’t want to help her, Chu . ”

That female ghost was speechless .

Chapter 1 The Female Ghost Incident Location Atlantis Time 1 45 PM Yang Are you ready yet After waiting in the dorm for two days, on the second afternoon, I rearranged the things in the dorm that needed to be replenished and brought home, and including the phone, this time I even looked through them three times to make sure everything was in order . An impatient knocking sound came from the door, Alright, I m ready . The door s not even locked why don t you come in yourself Lifting my backpack, I pulled open the door that had been knocked for at least five minutes and looked at the five colored rooster head standing outside, who was going crazy over who knows what again, You think I m the kind of person who will just obediently come in if you tell me to come in The five colored rooster head issued a completely useless answer Then why did you keep knocking I found that I can t seem to keep up with his reasoning No, it should be that I ve never kept up with it in the first place . It s faster to knock . After I closed the door, the five colored rooster head happily walked down the stairs with me following behind him . Going downstairs, I could see that Senior and some people were sitting in the hall and chatting about something . It felt quite pleasant, different from the atmosphere three days ago when I came in . In the hall, apart from Senior, there was also Randall and Dallow . Chu, are you ready yet As soon as he saw me enter, the group of people broke off their conversation, and Senior spoke first, Uh I m ready . I should be . Don t use any uncertain words with me . Red eyes glared over, I, I m ready I brought the phone, and I brought the talisman . The rest of the things were already taken home two days ago . I guess there s probably nothing else to bring, right . The five colored rooster head jumped down from the steps beside me, That s weird Where s my third brother Following his words, I looked around, and sure enough, I didn t see the black cactus there . Julian went to the medical team . He probably won t come for these two days . Dallow told him, He just left . Are you looking for him for something Who wants to look for him The five colored rooster head said with a very disgusted look . Then why did you ask him This was my doubt . Okay, then once we re ready, we ll go to the original world . Completely disregarding the conversation we just had, Senior stood up, picking up the backpack next to him, I ll be troubling you guys during this period of time . He used another language that I couldn t understand to tell Randall something . The other person nodded several times before he finally turned around and walked over . I guess, this time I ll actually be able to return home smoothly . Wait Just when we were about to leave, a multicolored interruption Correction, the five colored rooster head stood in front of us, Yang I want to go too . His tone didn t seem as if he was asking but rather, as if he had already planned out the trip . Can I refuse In that second, I suddenly felt my heart thump twice, and I seemed to have a premonition that the world will be destroyed if he goes there . You feel very excited about the world being destroyed, huh With a pa sound, Senior directly swung down on the back of my head . Holding my head, I mournfully looked at the five colored rooster head, Why do you want to come along There s nothing fun for you to play with there . Hmph hmph, this uncle has wandered around the jianghu my whole life . Any place with dirt has my footprint on it . The five colored rooster head folded his arms and held his chin, one foot stepping on one of the set of public sofas in the Black Dorm that looked very expensive . There are more asphalt roads there . Yeah, and there s still dirt because of the street trees there . Asphalt is also dirt . The five colored rooster head issued words that would give children the wrong understanding, I don t have anything to do over the winter vacation anyway . This uncle will just come along with you to have some fun . You have to be grateful oh . I m sorry, but basically I won t be grateful . You just decided to come along on your own That s great, Chu . There s someone who can help you with your problem . Take care on the way . Standing beside me, Senior issued words that were suspected to be adding insult to injury, and I even saw some kind of brilliant smirk on his face . You re kidding with me, right I think there s no way the five colored rooster head can help me solve my problem Senior, I really need you . I saw the words this way to h.e.l.l above the five colored rooster head . Red eyes glanced at me, Then don t waste any more time . Saying that, Senior took out a cap from his backpack and put it on his head . A second later, I saw his long silver hair turn completely black, and turning around, even his eyes have changed, That one over there, if you want to come, please make the color of your head a bit more normal . What This is very normal The five colored rooster head protested . Basically, I don t think it s normal at all . There s not a lot of people like this in our world . Everyone prefers simple colors . Otherwise don t go . Senior, who completely didn t want to be treated as the companion of a weirdo, gave a final notice . Tsk, this is so troublesome . Looking around, the five colored rooster head snorted, Changing back is so troublesome I saw him taking out a white talisman paper and putting it on the front of his head, and his completely multicolored hair suddenly began to change color . In just a few seconds, a still very shiny head of golden hair appeared before everyone . You Let me speak first This is this uncle s limit Interrupting Senior s words in less than half a second, the five colored rooster head now it should be the golden colored rooster head rushed to be the first to throw down this sentence, with an imposing manner that very much implied he would grab someone to kill if he had to change his hair to black . You really do have guts . I rarely see people defying Senior like this . Change your clothes . Senior s gaze lowered, staring at the other person s flowery Hawaiian shirt and flip flops . Not changing The very insistent five colored rooster head guarded his last right to his clothes . I glanced at my watch, and began to think that maybe by the time they re done with their appearance, it d be just in time for breakfast the next morning If you guys continue arguing on like this, there won t be enough time The kind hearted Brother Dallow said . Suddenly ending their conversation, perhaps also feeling that arguing like this was too troublesome, Senior turned around and walked out of the dorm . I won t change my clothes even if I die The five colored rooster head quickly caught up to him, still harping on nonstop, These are the clothes that this uncle is most proud of why should I change them Watching those two people, one in front and one behind, leave the Black Dorm s entrance, I suddenly felt as if the future was full of dark distortions . Yang Yang . Brother Dallow jumper down from the sofa, patting my shoulder, This is for you . I hope you enjoy yourself during the winter vacation . I looked at what he had handed over . It was a small box . It felt like a dessert box or something, because there were even a bunch of unfamiliar words and three Chinese characters about a dessert store printed on top of it . Happy New Year . After that, we probably didn t take more than a few minutes to return to the original world . Looking at the familiar crowds and vehicles coming to and fro on the street, I was very moved as I held the dessert box in my hand, automatically omitting those things that shouldn t appear here, This student, would you like some chewing gum that will anyone who eats it A completely abnormal thing once again appeared before us . This time, before I could react, Senior, who was standing just a bit ahead of me, had already coldly glared over first . It wasn t red, but rather, a gaze full of ferocity plus a sentence that was sent to the other side Don t block the road . I, I m sorry, excuse me . The chewing gum selling Little Red Riding Hood ran off in a hurry . Sure enough, Senior is very powerful . Even a Little Red Riding Hood knew that he will die if he offended him . Standing nearby, the five colored rooster head scratched his golden hair and looked around, Turns out Yang you live in this sort of place . Feels a little crowded, a lot worser than my family s . He pointed to urban crowd . and uttered his impression of it . My family doesn t live here . How can I afford to live in a prime location, My house is on the other side, a bit far from here . I moved aside a little, to let the winged rabbit fly past . It s been a while since this uncle last came to this sort of place . At the very top of that tall building had a very rich person . Pointing to some kind of luxurious building . the five colored rooster head told me, then used a very innocent expression to say the next sentence, Someone asked us to cut him into pieces, which just happened to be this uncle s mission . I don t want to know about you cutting someone up in a luxurious building Se, Senior, right now do you want to go see the place with the female ghost first The second I turned my head and changed the topic, I saw that person standing by the side buying a beverage . Or else Senior answered with a rhetorical question . Then alright, I understand . It means we re going to see it now . The five colored rooster head leaned over and put his hand on my shoulder, Yang What does that ghost look like What does it look like Don t all ghosts pretty much look the same Being asked by him like this, I didn t know how to describe her, Uh It s a woman, her hair is somewhat long and her face half rotten, pretty much like how a ghost looks . I m already starting to forget what I m describing, She said that her boyfriend killed her and has been wanting to take revenge . She insisted that I help her, but I don t know how to do this, so I had no choice but to find Senior . Hearing me describe it roughly, the five colored rooster head tilted his head and thought for a long while, then looked over at me saying Yang If you get involved in this sort of stuff too often, you ll become very unlucky oh . I m sorry, I know that I ll become very unlucky too, but the problem is, she came over on her own A person s energy will dissipate, and when it encounters time distortions, it will be absorbed or destroyed . And one s fortune will turn bad with it . Suddenly turning into a numerologist, the five colored rooster head actually used a very serious tone to tell me this . In fact, you re actually not the five colored rooster head, right That guy would never say something like this Just who are you This is basic theoretical study . Leisurely walking beside us, Senior abruptly threw over this sentence . Hehe, I overheard this a while ago . The very proud five colored rooster head announced . What kind of theoretical study is this How come I ve never heard of it before Spirituality subject . Glancing at me, Senior shook the already empty beverage bottle in his hand, then threw it into the next recycling bin we pa.s.sed, It s one of the second year elective subjects . You didn t choose it . Ah, that s right, I do remember that there was this course because at that time, the very first second I saw it, I thought it was some kind of weird course, so I didn t choose it . Turns out the five colored rooster head ran off to learn this inexplicable thing . Wait a minute Senior, why are you so familiar with my schedule I remember I didn t give you a spare copy at all Senior raised his eyebrows, and looked at me with a because I m a black robe kind of expression . Alright, I understandAt any way, I can t get the answer out of you . I might as well give up . Eh, ghosts count as time distortions I suddenly noticed those words within what the five colored rooster head just mentioned . Oh, it does count because it should have already headed to the underworld, but since it s still here, it destroys the rules of time and is considered a type of distortion . The five colored rooster head was rarely so serious as he told me this . It s not the place of rest How come I remember that Senior and the others previously mentioned that if someone dies and does not go to the place of rest, they go to the whatchamacallit something Humans go to the underworld . The five colored rooster head told me with a why would I ask this sort of question tone, You don t know It can t be that you don t even know that your ancestors go to h.e.l.l I m sorry, but please don t casually curse my ancestors to go to h.e.l.l . I know they can also go to heaven Then why did they say that Yido will go to the place of rest last time Could it be that there are also higher levels of heaven Every race has a different final world . Perhaps unable to keep watching the bordering on idiocy discussion between the two of us already, Senior rolled his eyes at me and said, The Elves will sleep till the end of time before returning to their Lord G.o.d s side, and the Angels will devote themselves to the G.o.d of Creation the spirits of the earth such as the Fairies, Beastmasters, Scaled Clan, Winged Clan, etc . will head to the country of rest, which is also the place of rest you asked about . The place of rest is a peaceful country . Over there is an eternal beautiful world that will allow every spirit to rest until the next reincarnation cycle begins . Previously, the Beast of Scroll and the Seventh Master of Spring and Autumn has also headed there . Spirits can choose whether or not they want to go there, but once they decide, they won t be able to go back . And the dead will listen to the sound of the place of rest and follow . Their memories will gradually become faint and not as important there . Until the time of reincarnation arrives, all the memories of the past will disappear and they will return to the world once more . Simply put, it s the same as the reincarnation that you guys were talking about . Likewise due to the difference in region and race, the place of rest is also known as the final place or the place of tranquility . The five colored rooster head cheerfully added on this sentence . It felt like some kind of fairytale return story . Eh, then the Ghost Tribe doesn t have one I remembered that Senior seemed to have left out something . The Ghost Tribe become nothing in the end . They won t leave anything behind . Senior coldly snorted, Things that shouldn t exist in this world will become nothingness in the end . It sounds quite sad when you say it like that . Because I feel like the Ghost Tribe really have existed before, like the Ghost King, aristocrats, and Andellar they really existed, but after dying, they wouldn t even have a spirit . Then what is the purpose of fighting these battles while they re still alive I really don t understand . That is their nature, and even till death, they will not change . Senior only gave me this cold sentence . After ending this discussion topic, all of a sudden, I didn t know what else I should say, and could only walk a bit faster to lead the way . Very soon, we came closer and closer to my home, and closer to the place where I encountered the female ghost . Yang Wait for us . The five colored rooster head suddenly stopped . What s wrong It can t be that now you don t want to go anymore That thing s power is very small . We need to suppress our own first so that she won t run away . Scratching his head, the five colored rooster head shrugged as he told me . Power is very small I m sorry, I was defeated by something with small power, okay . After two seconds, the five colored rooster head rushed toward me with a grin, We re done . That s strange, how come Senior didn t need to suppress his power when he came here in the past Could it be that it really is because black robes are different I suddenly felt my admiration toward Senior go up another level . In less than a few steps, I saw that familiar white thing swaying at the original place . Is that the one Just as he said that, Senior was already slowly walking over . Following behind was the five colored rooster head who suddenly became enthusiastic at some point . Uh I m wondering whether I should ask the two of them to show a little mercy in place of that female ghost right now . Standing at the original spot for only a few seconds, that white thing quickly discovered our presence, and her whole head turned around, then the form of that woman I saw before appeared . I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over . After all, I m hoping to solve this issue not for her soul to scatter into pieces . Wait for me While I was quickly running over, the female ghost had already fully appeared . You finally returned . She used a tone as if it was only natural for me to come back to find her, then completely ignored Senior and the five colored rooster head standing by the side, I thought you were just like all the other men who should die and can t be trusted I m really sorry but I didn t exactly want to come back at first, According to our agreement, I found someone who can help you . I secretly pushed Senior a little . Black eyes viciously glared at me, then he turned to look at that female ghost . This person The female ghost was obviously quite doubtful as she sized up Senior . That s right, I m here to end you . Before I could realize what Senior meant by this sentence, he had already stretched out his hand, The one who signed a contract with me Senior Don t do this I immediately rushed over to cover Senior s mouth . A second later, the back of my head was smacked down until my vision turned blurry . If you hit her, she ll definitely die She definitely have her soul scattered until nothing remained can you use a gentler method to solve this problem Yang This can t be directly eliminated Pointing to the female ghost, the five colored rooster head asked in the sort of tone like he was looking for a beating . I d like to trouble you to please try not to do that . Please remember that she was once human don t ignore her human rights just because she s dead And also Senior, when you disposed of another ghost before, you didn t use this method, right That was a mission . It had to be done in a way that both sides would be satisfied with . Senior glanced at me, and said inhumane words, This isn t, so I can handle it however I want . It can t be that you didn t sleep well yesterday What are you guys talking about Clearly also noticing that the atmosphere wasn t right, the female ghost instantly became alert . It s nothing, we re discussing how to help you resolve your issue . I hurriedly muddled past, and next to me, Senior even coldly snorted . There s no need to discuss anything . You just need to do as I say . The very aggressive female ghost reiterated her requirement . The five colored rooster head leaned over, Hey, right now the person who needs help seems to be you . What gives you the right to ask this uncle to do as you say The one who should do as they re told is you, understand The five colored rooster head, who was even more aggressive than the female ghost, stepped onto the nearby rock, and very arrogantly said, Otherwise, do you believe this uncle will seal you into a bottle filled with ditch water and set you out on the sea, so that you can travel around the world for free No need to thank me too much I think the threat of a bottle filled with ditch water is scary to some extent, especially for girls . The female ghost took two steps back, You d.a.m.n men, I will curse you to never rest in peace Her whole hair rose up, her originally pale face turned bluish purple, and she became very terrifying . She s already turning evil . Senior looked at the female ghost who started to distort into a vicious spirit, and said . You guys were the ones who caused it I started to feel that, sure enough, it was a mistake to let the five colored rooster head come along . Calm down, calm down, if you can go crazy from just this, then that means you didn t train enough . The five colored rooster head ignored the female ghost s transformation, and even threw over this famous saying to her . The female ghost s eyes became completely covered with red streaks of blood, her pupils turning grayish white and bulging . A bit of blood slid down from her cheeks, making her look quite terrifying, I will curse you all Senior, what do we do I gave up asking the five colored rooster head for help . Senior coldly looked at me, So troublesome . He took two steps forward and stood in front of the female ghost, then from took out a tiny transparent crystal from the side of his backpack, The incantation chant of returning to the beginning, first as a child that grows into an adult, be purified with the water . Right after chanting what should be an incantation, I saw a small silver array appear beneath the female ghost . It started to slightly glow above her head, and just happened to shine with the crystal . Ziray, move back . Stopping the five colored rooster head who still wanted to say something, Senior flung the crystal onto the array . That crystal quickly sank and vanished, and the female ghost above it actually quieted down unexpectedly, You re already no longer a part of this s.p.a.ce . If you don t hurry up and leave, don t blame us for forcibly sending you back . That female ghost turned silent, and her blood streaked eyes looked straight at Senior, I want to find that person who deceived me, killed me Her voice was faint unlike before, giving one a feeling of drifting far away, I want his life He caused me to lose everything Then if you kill another life, who is he supposed to look for Senior narrowed his eyes, and coldly asked . What Stunned for a moment, the female ghost looked at Senior . First as a child then as an adult . That is your order of death . You are not the only one who has deviated and distorted time . Pointing to the array on the ground, Senior said this, and at the same time, another figure that wasn t completely formed and was only a round white thing slowly began to appear on the array, It s just that he wasn t able to find you in time . A child To be honest, at the start I didn t realize what Senior was talking about, but after that round, white thing became clearer and clearer, all the hair on me stood on end . It was a blood filled, slightly transparent thing that should be an infant, struggling to appear on the array with a pattering sound . And its small, not yet formed face was a blurred ma.s.s . There was a big black hole at the place where its mouth should be, opening and closing at the female ghost . I took a step back, then remembered what the female ghost said before how she aborted her child . What qualifications do you have to take revenge on someone Bending slightly, Senior reached out his hand, and that tiny ma.s.s of flesh struggled to climb onto Senior s hand, then he stood up, You see, he also had a life . In your stomach, he heard voices from the outside and when he looked forward to everything, you killed him . Before you take revenge on someone, you should first explain yourself to the one with your blood in front of you . The tiny ma.s.s of flesh on Senior s hand continuously moved . Its black eyelids focused on the female ghost, then blood red tears flowed out . I, I But I had no choice either The female ghost was very shaken, even turning her gaze away and not daring to look at that infant, He said if I do anything for him, he will be good to me forever . Then what about him But I was a little scared . For some reason, I feel like the current Senior was aggressive . His tone was very sharp and merciless . Before, his mouth was bad but it had never reached this extent . Is he angry Because of the matter with the infant A life should not erase another pure life, even if he will commit thousands of atrocities in the future . Looking at the infant on his hand, Senior said this in another language, then he turned his head to look at me, This is why I didn t want to help her, Chu . That female ghost was speechless .

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