Unique Legend

Chapter 67

Atlantis  7:03 AM

On the second day after the opening of the eye, I woke up early in the morning.

Relax, it"s definitely not that the opening of the eye had succeeded, which forced me to get up early then feel refreshed as I ride the clouds off to heaven. That"s the kind of plot that typically only appears in Xianxia novels.

The reason I woke up so early, is all due to the ninety-nine yuan magical alarm clock that I bought from the night market.

Just after I turned off the alarm clock, knocking sounds came from outside the door.

"Coming, coming!" I quickly got dressed and rushed to open the door.

Once I opened it, I saw Senior standing by the door and holding a big bag of something. "Your clothes." He stuffed that bag into my hands. "It arrived the day before yesterday but I didn"t have the time to give it to you until now."

Printed on the bag was the mark of our school’s representative totem.

It’s the clothes of the representative team.

"So quick." Do customized clothes really come this quick? It’s only been a few days. I opened the paper bag right away. Contained inside was a set of short sleeved shirt and pants along with a coat that had the same style as the one Gasai was wearing the other day. On it was the badges of the representative team, the school and finally my grade badge.

"These are handmade by the Northern Fairies, as we requested, excellent workmanship. Even if it’s not during the compet.i.tion, you could still wear it out on a mission." Senior lightly said while leaning by the door. "Only the members of the representative team can have these clothes, so it’s very special.


But then if I wear this outside, wouldn’t that be showing off?

I’m a bit scared that I"ll be surrounded and beaten up by jealous people outside.

"Whether you wear it or not will be your choice. But it"s best if you wear it during the match, because in the process of making the representative team"s clothing, they used the clothes of the robe levels as a sample. Thus, there’s a lot of incantations to prevent you from getting injured. At the very least, if you accidentally get hurt, the degree of damage will be halved."

"I"ll immediately wear it." I changed my mind within a second.

"You should first wash up and then go to the players" lounge. I"ll be going now." Senior threw the keys to his room at me then disappeared after walking down the stairs.

Oh right, I still have to be the odd-job man.

I skillfully opened Senior"s door, having done this a lot before, and carried my toiletries over to the bathroom.

A cold wind scratched my ear.

Strange, has Senior"s room always been this cold? Why haven’t I ever noticed it before? Or am I just being oversensitive?

Forget it, I should just hurry and meet the others. Otherwise, everyone might have already arrived while I"m still taking my time here.

I don’t know why I felt Senior"s room seems so unfamiliar today. It’s clearly the same place I come to everyday, so why does it feel like I entered the wrong room?

Placed on the table along with a few books, was an untouched plate of desserts. It doesn’t seem like something Senior would eat, so who eats them?

This room suddenly gave me a creepy feeling.

"Don’t think nonsense, don’t think nonsense, hurry up and brush your teeth."

Based on my experiences, thinking too much will lead to bad luck.

When I finished cleaning up, I used a teleportation charm to rush to the players" lounge. By then, fifteen minutes had already pa.s.sed.

Sure enough, the others had long since arrived.

"h.e.l.lo, Yang~come and eat breakfast." The five-colored rooster head covered the entire table with the food he brought. There was so much that I suspect he might have bought off everything the vendors had.

"Morning." As usual, Gasai watched us while holding a book on the side of the chair. A transparent cup filled with an unknown light blue liquid sat in front of him.

"Good morning." I hurriedly walked into the room and closed the door. Unexpectedly, I saw Senior lying inside the sofa on the side like an old man. Perhaps he"s sleeping, or perhaps he’s thinking about something. He had his back to us so I can’t tell.

There’s still a long time until the compet.i.tion begins. To tell the truth, I don’t know why I came here so early either, especially since I’m the odd-job man.

"Chu, the name list for the compet.i.tion arrived." Gasai put down the book in his hands and handed me a black book that looked very similar to a menu. "Both of our teams will be competing at the same time in the first two matches. Which is to say, Randall and the others are up at the same time we are. But I"ve already inquired, Randall and the others are still the main match, so there’s a relatively low chance for backup players to come in. You can choose which match you want to watch."

I flipped open the match list to the teams that advanced to the second round.

Ryan"s team will be up against Seven Hill Academy.

Senior"s team will be up against Clear Wind Academy. Both matches will begin at nine.

"The compet.i.tion doesn’t state that the related personnel must be present so you can watch whatever you want." Senior Gasai smiled at me then sat down on a nearby chair.

So to say, there isn’t any match I particularly want to watch.

"Yang~wants to watch our match, of course!" Currently eating a large hot dog, the five-colored rooster head"s voice sounded out. "Right?! It can’t be that you"ll want to see those two suckers sitting in the bleachers?!"

You’re the sucker and I heard you’re also sitting in the bleachers today!

"I don’t mind either way." I returned the book back to Gasai. In fact, I don’t want to watch either match in particular. Since both sides can be considered to be my friends, I"ll just watch the nearest one to make it more convenient.

But then again, the view on Senior"s side is better because you could watch it in the players" lounge, compared to sitting in the audience.

"You want to watch the ones sitting in the bleachers?" I don’t know when the five-colored rooster head"s hand had turned into a beast claw. Then he took out sandpaper from out of nowhere, and started to slowly sharpen his claws.

I instantly had a sensation of gooseb.u.mps-rising-on-my-skin.

The sound of sandpaper against claws sounds so disgusting, I actually never noticed this before!

"If you want to abandon us for them, I"ll first kill you."

Your degree of love has already reached the stage where you’d kill your lover?

Very experienced, I turned around and grabbed something like egg stuffed buns to eat by the window. I did not want to perform a comedy act with him.

The five-colored rooster head spoke a couple more words before he realized that no one was listening. He retracted his claws and went to eat his food.

Around half an hour later, Senior crawled out from inside the sofa.

"There’s no more drinks." Throwing out the trash from the table, the five-colored rooster head issued a cry. "Who finished all the drinks?" He opened the refrigerator, and not even the ones stored were there.

I really want to tell him: You’re the one who drank them all yourself, you pighead!

Within the trash that’s about to be cleared away, there’s at least two or three dozen cans inside.

You"ll get diabetes sooner or later!

"Chu, can you go out and buy some drinks?"

Unexpectedly, the one who said this was actually Senior, Senior! This is the first time I heard Senior asking someone to go buy drinks! And here I thought he wasn’t going to eat today!

"This odd-job man, do you still have something to say?" Blood-red eyes dangerously narrowed.

"No, I"ll go right away."

Senior threw a coin purse at me. "Walk along the corridor outside until you reach the entrance of the hall. The vending machine is probably located past there."

"Vending machine?"

"If I say that it’s there, then it’s there. Don’t be so wordy!"

In order to avoid being beaten in the next second, I tactfully went out the door.

It’s only when I walked outside, that I realized that I haven’t visited this place dedicated to the players.

In front of me were several doors that I found had led directly to the players" lounge. I had overlooked the rest of the things in the long corridor.

After walking down the corridor for a while, sure enough, the "hall" that Senior spoke of immediately appeared.

It seems to be a saloon, a rather big one though, with some bookcases and a sofa inside. Outside the huge French windows were artificial landscapes with gurgling water and green plants. It all seems so peaceful.

The drink vending machine was right next to the entrance of the hall, exactly as Senior said it would be.

"Oops, I forgot to ask what to buy." I looked at the drinks provided by the vending machine. I couldn’t read almost any of the words but thankfully, some of them look like fruit juice. I could guess what kind of drink it is, by the fruit on the packaging.

The hall was very quiet, with not a single person.

I took out the coins from the coin purse and inserted one in. All the lights on top of the vending machine flashed on.

Forget it, if I buy one of each type, there’s bound to be someone who"ll drink them.

A "kou dong" sound of something heavy was heard after I pressed the b.u.t.ton.

I crouched down to take out the drink. Just when the can was about to pa.s.s through the opening, I suddenly heard a strange "kacha" sound.

What was that?

I heard it wrong, right?

I must have heard it wrong!

That’s right, I must have heard it wrong.

"Don’t scare yourself, don’t scare yourself." I comforted myself inside and then slowly picked up the beverage can…wait, are beverages supposed to be this light?

With trembling hands, I slowly turned the beverage can over.

The bottom?!

Where’s the bottom of the can?

What I saw was that the bottom half of the beverage can had completely disappeared, and fruit juice was spilling on the ground.

Following the convention of the story, I tremble as I look around the vending machine. As expected, I saw a note posted on the nearby wall. Written on it was: "Please be aware that the vending machine bites. There has been already seven people with their arms and legs broken."


Such an important thing, you should have directly attached it to the vending machine! Who do you expect to see it if you stick it on a small corner on the wall, b.a.s.t.a.r.d! My hand was nearly taken off, you know!

I looked at the bottomless can, with an impulse to not to buy anymore.

"Don’t worry, it’s only broken arms and legs, that’s nothing to be afraid of." I breathed in deeply two or three times. Actually…I"m still very scared…

What kind of vending machine would break your arms and legs when you buy a drink? Tell me? Which one?!

My hands shook as I slowly pushed the coin through, and quickly pressed the b.u.t.ton. At the same second, I immediately bent down to take the drink that just fell out. Sure enough, at the same time the drink fell out, I heard that mysterious "kacha" sound again. But fortunately, this time the can still had its bottom intact.

Amitabha, Buddha bless me, and continue to reward my efforts.

Once the second coin went in, I used the same speed to take out the beverage. However this time when it came out, it was missing its bottom. Its orange juice had spilled all over the floor. Wait a minute, did his biting speed just increase?

I lift my head to look at the vending machine, its schemes are really deep…

No worries, if you want to play then I"ll play. I squatted in the same spot and inserted a coin while randomly pressing a b.u.t.ton. Then at the moment the can was about to hit the bottom, I instantly took it out!

The strategy was a complete success!

The third can was also a complete success.

"Are three cans enough?" I looked at the randomly chosen drink in my hands and started to do a headcount. If I subtracted myself since I wouldn’t be drinking, then it would be enough for three people. But the five-colored rooster head always drinks more than the others, so should I buy a little more?

Narrowing my eyes at the deep scheming vending machine, I was feeling very unsure about this idea.

Then getting another can should be fine.

I inserted the coin in. The moment the can was about to fall out, I was just about to lift the flap and reach the drink-


The d.a.m.n vending machine actually ate the can before it even hit the bottom!

What kind of justice is this?!

You’re an unscrupulous shop, right!? I paid the money but you won’t give me the item!

"I won’t buy then, alright?! Rotten machine!” I stood up, and did something more than half of us would do when we get our money eaten–ruthlessly gave the vending machine that bites, a kick.

Then the tragedy occurred the moment I turned around.


With a "kou" sound and a burst of pain, the back of my head felt like a brick had smashed into it. For a second, I saw shiny flowers appear in front of me before it became dark and dizzy.

With a "kou dong" sound, something fell behind me.

A beverage can!

d.a.m.n this vending machine, it even spits out cans to hit people!

I picked up the can that had just hit the back of my head from the ground. Very good, it’s actually frozen solid; that vending machine could even spit out frozen drinks!

"You can have this back!" I threw the can on top of the vending machine. With a "dong" sound, the can hit the vending machine. Then it fell heavily to the ground and slowly rolled three rounds.

The vending machine started shaking.

Then from within, I heard a continuous sound of "kuang lang kuang lang" falling on the ground.

In the next second, I made my escape.


I ran with my head lowered and after three steps, immediately collided with a person in the corridor. As both sides fell backwards, so did the drinks in my hands scatter on the floor.

As soon as I lifted my head I saw that the person I collided with, in front of me, was someone I did not want to meet a second time.

"Huh? What a coincidence." The other side was one step ahead of me and stood up. At the same time, she picked up the scattered drinks and handed them to me. "We meet again. So you’re actually a representative player."

Clear Wind Academy"s Instructor Sinla.

"I"m not one of the players…” I took back the drinks while thanking her with a nod. "I"m just helping them run errands." Honestly, I didn’t have a very good impression of her because of last time"s XX.

Sinla blocked me from moving forward and didn’t mention what happened last time as well. "Aren’t you wearing the clothes of your school’s representative team? Or does your school allow anyone to wear the representative team"s clothes as long as they’re related personnel?"

I don’t know why, but this time she gave me a very bad impression. There’s a reptilian creature sort of feeling. I can’t state the reason why, it’s just that I have this feeling.

"Sorry, I don’t know either. You might have to ask our school that. Please excuse me and thank you." I hugged the drinks and carefully walked past her on the side. After checking that she didn’t put anything on me this time, I immediately ran out of her range of sight.

Really, I thought that this time she would have done something to me again. Indeed, it’s better to be careful.

Not long after, the doors to the lounge reappeared in front of me.

"I"m back." I weakly pushed the doors open. Inside, three people that originally sat in different areas, were now huddled together for unknown reasons. It seems like they were in the midst of discussion, before ending their meeting as soon as they saw me.

Probably tactics or something?

The five-colored rooster head ran over from his seat. "Why did you buy so little?"

You’re complaining!? I almost broke my arms and legs for these three cans!

"Oh I"ll take one, so thirsty." He smoothly took a can of juice with a picture of an apple on it. "Thanks."

Humph, humph. That’s more like it.

"Senior, and senior Gasai." I put the drinks on the table before each side.

"Thank you. You didn’t buy one for yourself?" Senior Gasai glanced at the drinks before asking me.

"Uh…I’m not thirsty." In reality, it’s because I don’t want to die from a beverage can.

"I"ll give you mine to drink." Senior suddenly spoke, making me think I misheard. I turned around to see him push the drink in front of me. In fact, I seem to feel that Senior was a bit strange today but I can’t say why. "Do you want to drink or not! So long-winded!"

Now it’s not strange.

I swiftly picked up the drink.

The waiting period pa.s.sed by rather quickly. I glanced at my watch to see that it’s about half past eight.

I carefully opened the beverage can. From within came the smell of apple juice, so it shouldn’t be anything weird. Looking around, the drinks of the five-colored rooster head and Gasai are nearly finished.


As soon as I heard Senior call me, I quickly put down my can and ran over. "What is it?" It can’t be that I have to go run errands again?

I just fought with the drink machine!

"I"m not asking you to buy drinks!" Senior rolled his eyes at me and then placed the book he was reading down. "I"m asking you, did you do an opening of the eye?"

I instantly turned to look at the five-colored rooster head. He also looked at me with a look of surprise and frantically shook his head.

He didn’t say it!

"How did you know?" Senior"s a ghost! He"s a ghost! He even knows about this!

Senior stared at me like I was an idiot. "Because I"m your Senior."

Great answer…such a great rotten answer.

"Because before when you couldn’t control your power, the energy you released was about three percent. Now it’s ten percent. Just a look and anyone can tell that you did an opening of the eye. However if it’s not properly controlled, next time you might be coming along as a corpse." He said something that makes one very concerned.

"How do I control it?"

Seriously, from arriving at school till now, I don’t even know what my power is, much less having to control it!

"Everything depends on your spiritual feeling."

Senior said another piece of nonsense, a completely useless piece of nonsense for me.

"Chu, you should be able to feel a bit different now, right?" On one side, Gasai kindheartedly joined in the conversation, and changed the wording into something more practical.


I suddenly thought of that matter this morning, how Senior"s room seemed very cold.

Does that count?

"That does count." Senior sat back in the sofa, with a large part of him sinking into the soft sofa."But you are rather slow, to only feel that after the opening of the eye."

…So your room really is cold?

Senior nodded at me.

I felt like cold sweat had appeared on my back.

To be honest, I definitely don’t want to know "what" Senior"s room has that makes it so cold.

"What’s in my room…" Senior suddenly smiled, a very strange kind of smile. "Wait until your power is strong enough, you will then naturally know what’s in my room."

I suddenly feel like I should find another bathroom to borrow.

"Chu, I don’t know if it’s the right time now for you to have the opening of the eye done." Gasai folded his arms and thought for a bit before curving his lips. "But that time should be arriving soon. Before you get used to using your power, you should bring the talisman along as much as possible. "

Truthfully, even if he didn’t say that, I would still carry the talisman with me everyday. Sorry but I’m still afraid of pain.

"Oh." I nod at Gasai to show my thanks.

"Humph." I don’t know why Senior would coldly sneer but wouldn’t say anything.

Is it really the suitable time for me to have done the opening of the eye?

Honestly, I have no idea at all. But if I can, I would trust Ran who helped to do the opening of the eye for me. If he thinks it’s alright to do that now, then it must be alright.

Just like how I also trust all the people I know.

"You really can be too naive at times."

Red eyes looked into mine and Senior coldly spoke these words.

Before I had the time to ask what that meant, he already got up to walk to the entrance. The others did the same as well.

And so, the next match begins.

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