
Chapter 127

Chapter126 The Native in the Jungle

In turbulent times, all those who do not accept the jurisdiction of the company or organization are referred to as mobs. The mob that roamed the wilderness might not have any superpowers, but in order to resist the harsh natural environment, the mob that could survive often had stronger bodies than ordinary people.

Without an organization, there would be no civilization. After nearly three generations of transformation, the mob living in the wilderness now had a physique that was not inferior to the mutated beasts, as well as a wide range of recipes that allowed them to eat almost anything. However, with the enhancement of their function, they are not different from beasts after losing their heritage of civilization. There are even radical scholars who cla.s.sify them as living corpses of the same species, all of which are the product of the evolutionary path of humanbeings but the end is ultimately divergent. The only difference between them and the living corpses was that the mob still retained the instinct to reproduce.

As for living corpses, there was no way for them to reproduce. In this aspect, the mob was much better than the living corpses.

For most people, the mob means more labor. To the people who were shrouded in the fire of civilization, they only had this little bit of value. Other than that, they were no difference from mutated beasts.

This was the world view of the vast majority of people, even for a child like Monnie, who had been unlucky since childhood but had at least lived in a city base. So Ling can see the deep disgust in the girl"s eyes when they looked at the two naked men.

Ling understand the disgust of Monnie and even the most people"s aversion to mobs. It"s like you can"t love a vicious stray dog unless it becomes your dog. But in Ling"s eyes, they were more like the native of the jungle in Central Africa than the mob.

The natives, the people who lived in the jungle, lived in isolation. While we enjoy the convenience of modern industry, they still hunt for food in the jungle with homemade crude weapons. You may not see the sparks of civilization, but they have inherited the ancient customs.

Of course, in the turbulent times, there were still some differences between this kind of aboriginals and the old era. At least, they were more dangerous.

Because of the urgent evacuation, Ling"s pack was left by the fire. It contained the water and food he and Monnie needed for ten days. Ling could lost anything but this backpack.

There was water on Death Ridge, too. However,Ling didn"t dare to try the streams with s.h.i.+mmering radiations, let alone Monnie. As for food, unless Ling want to taste the mutated beast, or those bread which was not tasty but may have expired were more suitable to eat.

When he saw the two natives walking curiously toward his backpack, Ling untied Colt from his back and began to collect data of the surrounding terrain, even on the number and direction of the obstacles and the wind direction.

Colt"s single shot could easily kill one aboriginal without any defense. As for the other one, he could kill it with the M500 at his waist. None of this was a problem. The problem was that once he opened fire, he would definitely expose himself. Not to mention the Parkland a.s.sa.s.sins, who were hiding somewhere, even the tribes on the Death Ridge were more than enough for Lingto evacuate.

However, it was night, and only those with a bit of wilderness survival experience knew about it. It was much more dangerous at night to move randomly than during the daytime, especially in the ruins or the woods, where the terrain was more complex.

However, other than shooting, Ling only had the cold weapon of fighting technique. Judging from that Ling had not yet mastered one level of cold weapon in fighting , killing two natives who had been active in the forest with poisonous lanceswas not an easy task.

This made Ling very worried, but the reality didn"t give him much time to hesitate. Because the natives were already beside his backpack and were curiously looking through its contents. Ling would rather be hunted by indigenous forcesrather than without water and food.

The sniper bullet being squeezed into the gun"schamber, Ling calmly held his Colt up. Countless numbers of data flashed through his mind. Under a series of complicated but fast calculations, Ling was constantly correcting the trajectory until he had absolute confidence that he would be able to dodge one of them and kill one of them.

An accident happened at this time.

A series of rustling sounds came from the nearby bushes. The two aboriginals, who were rummaging through Ling"s backpack, immediately turned to the source of the soundwatchfully. They held their spears, changed their positions and Ling"s previous calculations were in vain.

Just as Ling was readjusting his trajectory, a black shadow darted out of the bushes. It quickly swam to the bonfire, but the bright flame made it afraid. Therefore, the black shadow retreated slightly, exposing its body to the firelight.

Without a doubt, this was a python. However, its huge snake body was covered with thick helical armor. These armor leaves were like small s.h.i.+elds that wrapped around the python"s body, protecting it. These thick scales extended all the way to the python"s head before gradually evolving into dense scales of various colors.

On the triangular head of the snake were three eyes. The three eyes were arranged in a straight line, which was quite peculiar. There were bone spikes coming out from the snake"s back. The spikes stretched from the snake"s head all the way to the tail, which was extremely malevolent.

The s.h.i.+eld snake with ribbed spikes was a mutated snake-type creature that lived in the forest. They had a huge appet.i.te which was proportional to their body, so these giant snakes were always hungry. This meant the prey that fell into their eyes were usually hard to escapetheir fate of being devoured. These two barbarians seemed to be aware of this problem. The twenty meter long s.h.i.+eld Armored Snake was one of the overlords of the jungle. No matter how one looked at it, the wooden spear in its hand was not a good weapon to kill it.

Without hesitation, the two aboriginals shouted and escaped separately. They were very smart; they knew that only one of them could be chased by the s.h.i.+eld Armor Snake. However, they had underestimated the python"s intelligence. Hardly when the natives began to move, the huge snake flew towards the left aboriginal and bit him down. As it flew, it swept its huge tail towards the man on the right at the same time.

The snake"s tail swept across the fire, and in the blink of an eye it whipped the person on his back. Followed by a series of cracking sounds, the barbarian"s back was split open and blood spurted out from it, his body heavily falling on the ground. However, from the way the aboriginal was still struggling to stand up, itcould tell that his vertebrae were not broken by the giant snake, which made Ling heartily admire their toughness.

As for the other aboriginal, he was not lucky. The snake directly bit his head with its big mouth and then used its strong muscles to smash him. After a few smas.h.i.+ng, the aboriginal was killed, and only did the the snake swallow his whole body.

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