
Chapter 127 Battle with the Snake

Chapter 127 Battle with the Snake

After swallowing an aboriginal, the s.h.i.+eld snakewas still not full. Therefore, the odd eyes on thesnake"s head turned towards the other aboriginal who were still struggling on the ground. The snake retracted its body, and immediately, it swam towards the survivor. When the giant snake pa.s.sed by the bonfire, it ruthlessly rodeover Ling"s military backpack.

It was as if the backpack had been run over by a truck. Ling knew that most of the food and water would be worthless even if he did not check. Although Ling was always calm, his expression also changed as that was something they relied on to survive to cross the Death Ridge, however, they just suddenly went away.

Ling"s colt s.h.i.+fted from the aboriginals to the s.h.i.+eld snake, flames dancing in his eyes.

When the huge snake swam to the aboriginal" side, its front half body rose up. It opened its big mouth and bit towards the aboriginal.

The aboriginal was so scared that his face turned ashen, shouting.

All of a sudden, the snake swung its head as if it had been hit by something. The snake"s mouth deviated from its original trajectory and pounced on the ground beside the aboriginal, large area of soil dug out by it. That huge snake"s head was no more than a meter away from the aboriginal, who couldn"t stop shaking and didn"t even hear the gunshot coming from nearby.

A thumb-sized hole appeared in the back of the snake"s skull, while pale green snake blood was pouring from the hole. Ling thought it would die, however, the giant snake suddenly opened its eyes and let out an angry hiss and leaped up once again. But this time, its rage outweighed itshunger. He turned to look at the source of the shot.

The three snake pupils flashed with a faint jade-green light. Even though they were far from Ling, Ling still felt a chill run down his spine. Immediately, he knew that he was being watched by the giant snake.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the s.h.i.+eldsnake was already flying towards Ling. The enraged giant snake"s body brushed the ground. White smoke rose up from the shattered rocks and a smoke dragon formed behind the snake.

The giant snake came menacingly. Ling took off Colt and stuffed it into Monnie. Then, he dashed out of the hiding spot and headed straight for the giant snake, not dodging at all.

When the two were ten meters apart, Lingjumped off and it seemed he was throwing himself into the giant snake"s mouth. Seeing the snake opening its mouth and biting toward zero, Monnie couldn"t help but scream.

As he hovered in midair, Ling"s figure faintly flickered. The figure shadow was clearly still hovering in the air, but another figure shadow had already landed on the ground. There were two figures as well as two Ling. The snake"s three eyes continuously darted around, but it was impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake. The giant snake"s intelligence was limited. With burning rage, the giant snake did not care much which one was true. With a flick of the snake"s tail, it soared into the skies at high speed to bite the figure shadow in the air.

However, when the giant snake closed its mouth,obviously, it had bitten Ling, however, his feeling told it that it had bitten nothing but air!

Immediately following that, a series of violent tremors followed by a series of boorish gunshots rang out from his lower abdomen.

The s.h.i.+eld snake naturally didn"t know that this was a skill which came from the fifth rank of dexterity: phantom transformation!

It was an afterimage created when Ling"s speed reached a certain level. The afterimage hadcharacteristics such as Ling"s temperature, energy and so on, which would help disturbingthe opponent"s sight. For example, when the armor snake chose to attack the afterimage of Ling as it can not distinguish its authenticity, as a result, Ling would dash towards the ground. While the momentum of sliding across the ground, the two M500 in his hands simultaneously fired towards the s.h.i.+eld snake"s weak abdomen.

Due to the lack of a solid s.h.i.+eld protecting its abdomen, the two large-caliber revolver in Ling"s hands shot at the snake and the giant snake"s body just bloomed. The stench of the snake blood sprayed all over Ling"s face.

The two intersected in the air and on the ground.

He slid another three meters, using his waist strength to leap up from the ground. While maintaining his half-squatting posture, he turned to the giant snake. He swung his hands to his back, where a long black box hung. It was an automatic ammunition loading system purchased in Phoenix City, with a magazine on both sides. When the magazine"s slots were under pressure, the intelligent chip of the magazine would use fine control to load the bullets that had been prepared earlier into the gun.

Because of the difference in firearms, the types of the reloaders were different as well.For arevolver Ling used must also be a matching loader.

Almost as soon as the revolver was pressed into the magazine, the reloader would work at once. Under the control of the A.I. Chip, the mechanic arm on both sides would pull the drums out of the guns, then the sh.e.l.ls would be removed and reloaded. The whole process was completed in less than one second, reflecting the crystallization of combination of mechanical, electronic and microcomputer processes in the new era.

At the same time as Ling"s revolver finished loading the bomb, the s.h.i.+eld snake that had landed on the ground was still alive although the M500"s special warhead drilled into the snake"s body and destroyed its soft tissue with more than 3,000 joules. However, compared to the size of the giant snake, even a .50 warhead could only deal a limited amount of damage to the giant snake if it didn"t hit its vital point directly.

Furthermore, the special muscle structure of the s.h.i.+eld snake made it automatically contract the moment the bullet entered its body, so that the bullet wouldn"t cause any more damage. Once the battle was over, the snake could even use its flexible muscles to squeeze the bullets out of its body. Not all mutated beasts had this kind of ability.

However, it was still far from the time to end the battle. Therefore, the snake didn"t bother with the bullets in its body. After circling around the ground once, it rushed towards Ling without any regard for its life.

Ling turned around and ran, the giant snakechased closely behind. A man and a snake dashed across a large patch of gra.s.sland while countless mutated shrubs were crushed to pieces by the giant snake.

Ling headed straightly toward a man-eating tree, but his speed was far faster than the man-eating tree"s reaction. When the ten-meter-tall mutated tree was about to pull out its deadly roots from under the ground, Ling had already stepped on it and borrowed the force of the impact to fly back. As for the s.h.i.+eld snake, it crashed directly into the man-eating tree. This collision was at least a thousand kilograms, causing the man-eating tree to tilt backwards.

Ling adjusted his posture in mid-air. He shake his wrists and the bullets in the gun fell on the snake. However, the round of this hail of bullets on the s.h.i.+eld snake was not as effective as the previous round. The bullet landed on the snake"s body, creating a series of sparks, but not even a single drop of blood was shed.

As for the giant snake, it Instinctively swept its tail towards Ling in the midair when it felt the pain.

Ling was unable to dodge in midair, so he could only cross his arms in front of his chest and block the s.h.i.+eld snake"s attack.

The instant Ling was. .h.i.t by the snake"s tail, he dropped down to the ground and rolled a few times to divert the s.h.i.+eld snake"s immense force away from his body. However, Ling"s hands were numb and in pain. If not for his second rankdefensive ability, his arm bone would have been broken by the giant snake.

The muscles on his back suddenly exerted force and Ling sprang up from the ground. As soon as he adjusted his posture, he heard Monnie scream.

"Be careful, Ling!"

A fishy wind a.s.saulted his face, and his eyes reflected the vicious look of the fierce s.h.i.+eldsnake as it was biting toward Ling with its shaking head.

It was too late for Ling to dodge. He sprung up slightly with his legs spread apart. However, he stepped on the upper and lower jaws of the s.h.i.+eld snake separately. Ling exerted force and opened the giant snake"s mouth, making it unable to close. The s.h.i.+eld snake was furious, and it pushed Ling straight towards the row of man-eating trees.

Ling pressed the snake"s mouth with his legs and fired with revolvers in his hands. Boorish gunshots rang out, and bullets shot straight into the snake"s mouth, breaking its thin tongue in the blink of an eye. The s.h.i.+eld snake could only wish for nothing more than to swallow Lingwhole. Unfortunately, its mouth was separated by Ling"s legs, and it was simply unable to close it at all. The snake had no choice but to speed up its charge, intending to smash Ling to death onthe man-eating tree.

Just as Ling was about to crash into the man-eating tree, the s.h.i.+eld snakes" speed was comparable to the speed of a moving vehicle at full speed. This collision would cause the armor of the tank to become useless.Ling knew he wasn"t as strong as the tank, but he didn"t dare to joke with his body. He quickly returned to the holster at his waist, but a shard of grenade was now in his hand.

The moment the grenade was thrown into the snake"s mouth, he used his legs to prop and eject out of the snake"s mouth. Ling landed on the ground much faster than the giant snake, then abruptly rolled to the side. At the same time, the s.h.i.+eld snake crashed into the man-eating tree, immediately overpowering four or five trees. Not long after, a m.u.f.fled sound rang out within the giant snake"s body. The huge snake"s body expanded rapidly and then suddenly exploded.

A large amount of snake blood and bone fragments fell to the ground along with the blood. When these things landed on the ground, the weeds and bushes began to move crazily. Mutated plants quickly absorbed fresh snake blood and minced meat on the ground. As for the man-eating trees nearby, they extended theirroots from the ground and stabbed directly into the body of the s.h.i.+eld snake.

The almost exploded s.h.i.+eld snakes was unable to stop the man-eating tree"s from eating its blood and meats at all, but could only helplessly watch as these demons used their roots to continuously suck the flesh and tissue out of its body.

On the Death Ridge, birth and death followed one another and the characters of hunters and preys could exchange anytime, day and night. To Ling"s relief, he did not become a prey. He stood up with small wounds on his hands and shoulders. It was because he was so close to the s.h.i.+eld snake when it exploded and a few fragments of the grenade just happened to fly past Ling along with the snake"s blood.

However, this was only a small injury. Without a frown, Ling pulled out the broken pieces of grenade. As for this level of injury, it could only heal by tomorrow.

Looking at the corpse of the giant snake, Linghad no time to mourn it as it was going to be divided up between the man-eating tree and the other mutated plants. He walked back to the bonfire and picked up the military backpack. As expected, most of the food in it had already been destroyed. Bread and the like could be eaten asthey were just crushed out of shape, but the nutrition that Ling had prepared was broken and liquid had poured onto the ground and could not be eaten.

The most important thing was that the water was also soaked through the entire backpack because of the broken utensil. Even if Ling immediately wrung out the water from his backpack, it wouldn"t be enough for two people a day.

He shook his head and picked out the bread that could still be eaten. Then, he walked towards the surviving aboriginal.

These primitive people living in the jungle survive to this day showed that they had water to eat. If he wanted to continue walking, he would have to find edible water on Death Ridge or hewould have to go back to Phoenix City to buy more materials. However, the second method was not feasible. Other than the Parkland a.s.sa.s.sin who were hiding somewhere, there wasn"t enough clean water to cover five days.

Therefore, there was only one method left:getting clean water from the aboriginal.

This was also the real reason why he shot and killed the giant snake and saved this aboriginal.

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