
Chapter 137

The earth quaked and the mountains shook!

The Vile Devourer"s mountain-like body occupied the entire transverse s.p.a.ce of the canyon. As it pushed forward, it rubbed against the mountain walls on both sides, causing stone chips to fly everywhere and causing the earth to tremble.

The Devourer was like a bulldozer that was moving at high speed, constantly digging up the mud and the DeathG.o.d"s Flower, before pouring them all into its bottomless pit like stomach.

The speed at which it was moving seemed slow, but if one were to look at the gigantic body, the speed was astonis.h.i.+ng.

In the blink of an eye, it had arrived at the bend of the canyon.

From afar, he could see the Devourer"s body that was constantly moving under the dim light of the Death G.o.d"s Flower, as well as its huge mouth that was almost half the height of the canyon.


The girl quickened her pace and moved toward the exit.

Zero also silently followed behind her. The two didn"t care about saving energy anymore. They just wanted to get as far away from the Devourer as possible.

Otherwise, once the Devourer arrived, it wouldn"t care about whether the monkeys on the vine were compatible with it or not.

To the Devourer, even if none of them were its primary dish, it was still possible for it to be a sweet dish.

Just like that, a chase began in the canyon.

The shaking walls of the mountain caused the vines to tremble unceasingly. This caused quite a bit of trouble for the two of them.

She was okay, and Zero had nearly lost his grip on the vine several times.

Behind them, the Devourer chased relentlessly. It was faster than the two of them.

As the pursuers got closer and closer, the stench of the Devourer"s body began to permeate through the noses of the three people.

Zero threw himself forward and reached out to grab a piece of vine.

He did not want his palms to sweat and become slippery, but he could not grab hold of it tightly. His entire body swayed forward.

Fortunately, the other hand did not relax, otherwise he would have fallen.

Looking back, the Devourer was very close. The distance between the two was less than a kilometer.

From this direction, the sand and sand on the surface of the canyon was flowing back into the Devourer"s mouth. As expected of a giant beast with the name of Earth Eraser, the Devourer had no intention of stopping to rest after filling its stomach.

His stamina had fallen to the bottom. He calculated that at this speed, he would only be able to move another two kilometers.

But after that, the speed would slow down, and even drop to the bottom.

However, the Devourer"s speed did not slow down at all. According to this speed, it would be able to catch up before it reached its limit.

In other words, he would never be able to run away.

Her condition was better than his, but it was also extremely limited.

If you can"t stop the Devourers, they won"t be able to get through the valley.

However, it wasn"t easy to make the devourer stop. The appet.i.te of this beast was enormous.

As she said, it wouldn"t stop until it ate up all the death flowers in the valley.

However, the two of them did not have the weapons or the ability to stop the Devourer. Regardless of whether it was the Colt of Zero or the Wheel Saw of Aisha, before the Devourer"s huge body, it would only be a joke.

To stop a behemoth like the Devourer, it needed at least a strategic level of war weapon.

However, where could they find such a weapon?

Zero continues to move and keeps thinking about possible strategies in mind.

However, after he thought of one method after another, he quickly rejected them.

Combine the environment they are in, the equipment they carry, and the capabilities they have.

However, after these data were exchanged for data, there was no feasible method to obtain sufficient data to support the data.

After another kilometer, the Devourer was close to three hundred meters away.

What they were worried about finally happened. As their physical strength and speed decreased, the Devourer"s constant speed gradually closed the gap between them.

At this rate, they would be overtaken by the Devourer in less than half an hour.

Zero glanced behind him again, and as his eyes swept over the Death G.o.d"s Flower that glowed in the Devourer"s mouth, he suddenly thought of a feasible but dangerous plan.

"How far is it from the exit?"

Zero asked.

She didn"t know what he was going to do, but she replied, "It"s still more than three kilometers away, but I"m afraid …"

"I have a way."

Zero called out to her, "No matter what, we have to speed up even if we have to.

"I need to draw a distance and time that I can attack!"

"Are you crazy?"

"There"s no way to stop that big guy!"

she cried.

Zero roared, "I have to try it no matter what."

Unless you want to die here, or you don"t want revenge? "

The expression on her face changed, and she no longer spoke.

The African girl clenched her teeth. She no longer calculated her physical strength by pressing zero, but used them all at once.

Immediately, her movement speed increased.

Zero took a deep breath and tossed all kinds of damage values to the back of his head.

Not caring about whether his body would collapse due to this, he used the speed of Agility of the fifth step.

Immediately, not only did he catch up to her, but he also overtook her, moving as fast as he could between the vines.

Just like this, the two of them desperately moved forward. In the blink of an eye, they had traversed half of the distance, and Zero had successfully created a distance of about 1200m from the Devourer.

He suddenly stopped and flipped his body upwards, hooking his foot around the vine, his entire body drooped down.

Colt reached into his hand and produced a sniper bullet at the same time.

A red glow visible to the naked eye flowed from his finger to the sniper bullet.

After the sniper bullet started to emit a red glow, he pressed the Flame Bomb, which had fire elements in it, into the chamber.

She was too weak to ask him what he was up to.

His condition was worse than hers. All the wounds on his back had been cut open, and blood and sweat combined to wet his bandages and combat suit.

Even so, Zero"s hand was still steady, even though his body was trembling slightly.

"Don"t worry about me, don"t look behind you. Just keep moving until you leave the exit!"

Zero shouted, his voice carrying an indescribable majesty, not allowing her to question him.

After hearing his words, she turned around and walked towards the exit of the canyon.

The Zero, hanging upside down in mid-air, began to sway, and as he swung his body in the direction of the cliff, he let go of his feet.

Immediately, he dashed in the direction of the cliff face.

He spun once in the air, adjusting his position in front of the Devourer.

Just as he was about to crash into the mountain wall, the muzzle of Colt"s gun formed a straight line with the big mouth of the Devourer.

He pressed down hard on the trigger.

In the next moment, under the dark red night sky, a fire cloud suddenly rose from the deep blue valley. It was quiet and beautiful, like a beautiful flower blooming in a valley.

It was only when the flower and leaf were finally at ease that it began to display its ferocity and savagery.

The sound of the explosion drowned out the sound of gunfire. First, the fire cloud shrank into the inner layer before suddenly rolling in all directions.

Raging waves of fire immediately spread along both sides of the canyon. The Death G.o.d Flower that was left on the ground brushed past the flames, and its radiation immediately became the most intense fuel, continuously increasing the fire wave"s speed and power.

As for the Devourer, it wailed and stopped after the explosion.

The [Zero Explosive Fireball] shot into its body, instantly setting off countless Death G.o.d Flowers in its body and exploding.

Half of the Devourer"s body had been reduced to ash, although the beast"s life force was strong enough to withstand the explosion, it did not immediately die.

However, it could no longer move. Furthermore, it could only choose to dive underground in the sea of flames that enveloped the entire canyon.

Even though the danger of the Devourer had been averted, none of them had been able to protect their lives.

The waves of fire swept in their direction at great speed, and in the twinkling of an eye they were within inches of each other.

At this moment, Zero crashed into the wall.

He took a deep breath and let it out again.

At the same time that the hot gas spewed out from his mouth and nostrils, the zero eyepatch ruptured noiselessly.

The silver threads in the golden right eye suddenly converged in the middle, then suddenly unfurled, forming a dragon-like vertical pupil.

With a heavy stomp on the mountain wall, his body fiercely lunged forward.

It was as if he had been submerged in water. A loud shout was heard and a huge amount of kinetic energy pushed him out of the water.

The air exploded and Zero"s figure suddenly appeared at a distance of three hundred meters away. Then, a series of m.u.f.fled sounds rang out in the air.

At this critical juncture of life and death, Zero had already thrown caution to the wind.

He used the "Rampage" ability, immediately pus.h.i.+ng the ability of Agility to the seventh step in exchange for breaking the sound barrier.

The waves of fire roiled about, but were always slower by one beat.

Zero clenched his teeth and sprinted. His figure left behind a series of afterimages on the mountain wall. He was actually running on the slanted mountain wall!

Now that he had used Rampage, his injuries had worsened even more.

It could have lasted 12 seconds, but after using it for 6 seconds, it had already reached its limit.

One more second!

The exit of the canyon was right in front of her, but she was already at her limits.

Behind her, a wave of fire rushed toward her. She could feel the destructive heat, and her hair was already slightly curling up.

She lurched forward again, but in the end, she didn"t have the strength to grab onto the vines above her. Under Monnie"s shrill cries, the two of them both fell.

The wave of fire had arrived.

Suddenly, her whole body shook.

Looking back, Ling Chen, who was covered in blood, suddenly pounced from the side.

He clutched at her and Monnie, and hurled himself with all his might toward the mouth of the canyon.

The wave of fire chased them out of the exit, but the moment it touched Zero"s back, it unwillingly rolled back into the valley due to the explosion.

In mid-air, Zero"s back was set on fire, but they had finally exited Death"s Canyon!

When they hit the ground, the three of them fell into the wet mud and rolled into a ball.

In the end, she finally came to a halt. Lying on the ground, she stared blankly at the dark red cloud floating in the night sky, unable to believe that she was still alive.

If it hadn"t been for Zero"s last charge, they might have failed.

That flame was ignited by the radiation of the Death G.o.d Flower, and whether it was heat or harm, it was all above ordinary flames, and even carried a great deal of poison.

She could still breathe the air out of the valley, thanks to the zero.

However, the strength and speed displayed by Zero"s pounce gave her an ominous feeling.

It was as if he had traded his life for something else, something that did not belong to him.

Just as she was thinking this, Monnie screamed, "Zero, what"s wrong with you!"

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