
Chapter 138

Lankey lay on the raft, which was drifting along the river.

The current was moderate, carrying the raft across a hundred kilometers of water.

It was still quite a long way to go. It was close to five hundred kilometers of water. According to the constant flow of the river, Lan Qi would not arrive at the downstream region until three days later.

He would set a careful trap there, and if he didn"t die, Lankey would snipe him downstream.

The grizzly eagle closed its eyes and held its sniper rifle horizontally in front of its chest.

He crossed his hands over the cold barrel of the gun. Lan Qi"s breathing was faint, and his heart rate had slowed to its limit. This caused the temperature of his body to drop to an unbelievable level. It was almost as cold as the river.

This was the skill Lankey had learned in his five years of adventures in the southwest, to reduce all the vital functions of the body by a specific breathing technique in order to escape the perception of certain deadly creatures.

During the turbulent years, at least seventy percent of the one hundred mutated creatures possessed the ability to sense heat.

This was an ability that evolved for the sake of survival. After all, for a mutated beast, the most delicious food was humans.

Humans, on the other hand, had a higher body temperature.

The ability to evolve thermal sensing to capture them is a matter of course.

However, Lan Qi had learned this skill, which allowed him to dodge the attacks of mutated creatures.

Thus, knowing that the Ramathon was not at peace, he dared to build a raft and go down, out of self-confidence in his own ability.

In fact, everything was as Lankey had expected.

For the largest of the mutated fish in the Lamarsson River, giant toothfish, pa.s.sing over the river is nothing more than lifeless wood.

Even though the wood was bound together on purpose, it was wood, not meat that would turn into meat by being tied together.

Thus, the giant tooth fish didn"t care about the filament at all. Furthermore, with their pitifully small brain capacity, they couldn"t understand what a man-made object like a raft represented.

As for the mutated crocodile with three long horns on its head, it looked like an ancient horned dragon.

Unless there was no food, they didn"t want to attack humans.

These guys were smarter than the giant toothfish, and the crocodiles knew that humans were far more difficult to deal with than the giant toothfish everywhere in the river.

Even if it wasn"t those troublesome humans who had the ability, but the aboriginal tribes who lived on the G.o.d of Death Ridge, their homemade crude weapons could also injure and even kill the crocodile.

Although humans were indeed very tasty, the sluggish Horned Crocodile was more willing to attack the Giant Tusk.

So even though there were crocodiles lying on the riverbank with their eyes closed, when Lankey"s raft pa.s.sed by, they only rolled their muddy triangular eyes lazily over and went back to sleep.

The whole journey was peaceful until a shocking explosion occurred in the direction of Death Valley.

Lan Qi, who had his eyes closed, first felt the intense light.

He opened his eyes just in time to see a red corner of the night sky.

Following that, a thunderous rumbling sound came from afar.

Lan Qi looked in the direction of the explosion and saw a cloud of fire suddenly rise up from the Death Valley.

The clouds of fire gathered and then exploded on both sides.

As a result, a clear line of fire appeared in Lan Qi"s eyes.

The line of fire ignited the entire Death Valley. The loud explosion accompanied by a strong wind caused by the shockwave swept over half of Death Valley, completely shattering this quiet night.

The vibrations of the Death Canyon from the Big Bang soon reached the Ramason River, shaking the riverbed and boiling the river, causing the giant toothfish shoal to go berserk in the middle of the river.

These giant toothfish, the size of kittens, leaped out of the river and then plunged into the water.

Hunger and petulance made the giant toothfish"s eyes red, and even they hissed at each other in the air and in the water.

The giant toothfish was not small, and its head was especially large.

A row of large canine teeth was placed on their jaws, and the lower jaw of the mutated fish had a row of teeth that corresponded to the upper teeth so that they could receive the teeth when the fish closed its mouth.

However, when they bit their prey, the upper and lower jaw"s teeth would coordinate with each other. In front of the giant tooth fish"s nearly 100 kg bite force, any prey would be easily torn apart by it.

Teeth were never the same. These neurotic mutated fish would normally provoke and bite each other, not to mention the explosion that came from Death Valley made them go berserk.

The Ramathon, which was already restless, became even more chaotic.

Visible to the naked eye, dark currents were generated when the giant toothfish bit each other. The dark currents affected the normal flow of the river, making the raft Lan Qi was on became unstable.

Lan Qi, who had been awakened by the explosion, could no longer maintain his strange breathing. As a result, the heat of his body gradually appeared.

And some giant toothfish, not involved in the fight, immediately discovered the biological heat of the river.

As the firelight of the sky shone down on the surface of the Ramason River, Lankey saw shadows moving back and forth around his raft. He realized that trouble was coming!

Far away in the north, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, more than four thousand kilometers away from the DeathG.o.d"s Legion, a forest hundreds of kilometers of forest had been cleared.

A modern industrialized city was built on the cleared out mountains, surrounded by a ten meter high metal wall. Other than a man-made highway with entrances, no other places were allowed to pa.s.s through.

Every hundred meters, there would be a machine-gun turret on this metal defensive wall. Each turret would have ten soldiers stationed on it. This was to construct the city"s basic defensive force.

Cities under its protection have water treatment plants, logging plants, treatment plants, weapons processing plants and even an army training field.

The modern city had no residential area at all. Every inch of the city"s land was put into the most efficient operations, and the city was not built for people to live in. Its primary function was to excavate civil resources, produce equipment and weapons, and then sell those resources to off-line cities or bases for huge profits.

All night long, the city was a big factory that worked efficiently, while the center of the city was developed into a circular square.

The square was made of white stone square brick, but it was made of gold and dark green brick in the center of the square …

The bed showed a picture of a tulip.

It was the coat of arms of the Parkland plutocrat, and a building that rose up to the sixteenth floor of the square was used by important members of the Parkland family for office and residence.

At this time, the sun was s.h.i.+ning through the clouds, setting over this city, and the processing plants of the city were already in motion.

On the training field, the private troops belonging to the Parkland Family began to gather, and under the shouts of the instructor, they started a new day of training.

At the top of the building, at nine o"clock in the morning, Sauron was woken up by the butler and left alone on the sixteenth floor of the building.

This floor was owned by the head of the Parkland family. Today, Old Brent wanted to meet Saurun, the grandson that he thought the most highly of.

What Saurun didn"t know was that a problem was waiting for him in Old Brent"s office.

(It"s been like this lately. It"s been hard on you.)

Let"s put a little more here, and we"ll get some fresh air!

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