
Chapter 143

Lan Qi angrily hopped onto the beach. Behind him, the raft completed its final mission and finally broke into seven or eight logs.

They were carried downstream by the rus.h.i.+ng river, then buried in the raging rapids until they were pulverized and lost in the great creva.s.se a kilometer away.

The white-headed eagle sat down on the wet bank of the river, where a mutated shrub twisted restlessly, then stretched its sharp, serrated leaves toward him, trying to slit Lankey"s body.

Lan Qi snorted through his nose, took out a military knife and nailed the leaves of the restless bush to the sand.

The leaves of the shrubs twisted and twisted until they split in half and broke free of Lankey"s sabre.

It shrank back into the main thicket, and the whole shrub s.h.i.+fted about ten meters to the other side, to avoid the Blue Qi, which was considered dangerous by the plants.

It was not uncommon to see something like this on the G.o.d of Death Ridge, and Lan Qi didn"t have the energy to waste on this mutated bush.

In fact, his journey from the Ramathon had not been a smooth one. For example, the first night, the sudden explosion of flames in Death Canyon had caused the mutated fish in that part of the river to come alive.

The giant toothfish that kept rising into the air from the river caused Lan Qi no small trouble, especially after he woke up from hibernation. His body function was revived so that the giant toothfish could sense his biological heat, so a school of giant toothfish attacked him.

Lan Qi chose to go ash.o.r.e after killing more than half of the giant tooth fish, but he was wise to do so. Not long after, the two crocodiles smelled the blood in the river and swam over.

In the Ramason River, the Triangular Crocodile is the Cretaceous Tyrannosaurus rex, which is definitely the king of the river.

The Horned Crocodile"s large and sharp corners would easily disperse the raft. If Lan Qi were to fall into the water, then what would test him would be the sharp teeth of the Three Edge Crocodile and its close to ton rank bite force.

The bite force of the crocodile can lightly damage and distort a piece of composite armor material.

Lan Qi knew that his body couldn"t withstand such a trial, so he decided to stay far away from the kings of the river.

Then he spent the night in the woods by the river, and it was not until the next day, when the river was calm again, that Lankey pulled the raft into the water again.

This time it was obviously much smoother, and to this day, the nearer the downstream region, the more difficult it was to control the Ramason River.

Even a professional rubber dinghy would not be able to withstand such torture, not to mention a raft.

If it wasn"t for Lan Qi"s rich experience, his raft would have collapsed long ago, and he wouldn"t have been able to hold on in this place.

Within this short span of a hundred miles, Lan Qi had almost run out of spiritual power. Therefore, he had no choice but to close his eyes and use the well-trained breathing technique to speed up the recovery of his spiritual power.

What he heard was the strange sound waves coming from the rapids not far away. It sounded like a whistle, but it was also like the sound of the wind.

It was the sound of a river, almost fifty meters wide, as it crashed into the rocks of the river. The sound was like a whistling sound as it pa.s.sed between the rocks in the lower reaches of the river.

At night, it could almost be described as the wailing of ghosts and the howling of wolves.

It was the steep terrain of the Ramason River that allowed ordinary caravans to leave the Forbidden Land of Life on a man-made suspension bridge through a crevice after cutting a mountain road from the edge of the vast forest of Death"s Ridge instead of taking a relatively comfortable waterway.

Right now, Lan Qi only wanted to have a good rest for a day.

Once he was done, he would choose a sniper position in the downstream area, where he would wait for three days.

If zero did not appear, Lan Qi would choose to leave, regardless of whether it lived or died.

Although he was patient enough to wait a few more days, food was a troublesome problem, especially clean water that he could drink. He did not carry much with him, and some of it fell into the Lamarsson River.

If Zero was still alive and he hadn"t shown up for the past few days, then Lan Qi would be at least as far away as he was.

He didn"t mind setting aside Zero Horse, and then snipe him in the wilderness outside the G.o.d of Death"s Ridge.

As far as Lankey knew, there would be a windmill town about three hundred kilometers north of the Death G.o.d"s Ridge.

It was the closest supply base outside the G.o.d of Death Mountain Range. If LingLing wasn"t dead, he would definitely go there.

What would welcome him would be Lanqi"s Berserk Vulture.

However, Lankey knew that Saurun didn"t have much patience left, and the Parkland probably knew about it as well.

Based on Old Brent"s character, he would most likely directly throw himself into the army and kill off Zero with absolute dominance.

Only G.o.d knew how much Lankey wanted to kill Zero himself. That was the only way he could face his dead son.

After all, revenge was something no one could take care of.

Just as Lankey was planning how to kill Zero, he heard another sound.

Amidst the rippling sound of the waves, another kind of sound slowly rang out.

It was hard for Lankey to categorize it. It was like a song, but it seemed to be only a meaningless note.

But there was no denying that it was pleasing to the ears.

However, this heavenly voice made Lan Qi s.h.i.+ver all over.

That was a sign of danger!

The White-headed Eagle suddenly opened its eyes, and saw a light wheel flying towards it. Lanqi knew it was definitely not a pleasant looking thing, and it might even be a deadly weapon.

He sprang up from the ground and rolled behind a fir tree.

The wheel of light whizzed past where Lankey had been and cut through the cedar trees to the edge of the Ramason River.

A figure flew out from the reef by the river. He firmly pulled the light wheel and threw himself forward. His speed was so fast that Lan Qi couldn"t catch him.

Lankey only knew that when she stood still, there were fragments of the Lamarson River.

The fir fell with a creak, and the smooth cut made Blue"s face break out in a cold sweat.

If not for his quick dodging earlier, he would not have been split into two by now, but by himself instead.

The one who attacked was a black girl.

Looking at its appearance, Lan Qi could see that it was a half-moon shaped saw.

The side of the thing"s crescent was full of serrated teeth, and it wouldn"t be a pleasant thing to have your body cut up like that.

The young girl"s entire body was shrouded in a layer of hazy silver light.

The voice which Lankey heard, like the voice of heaven, came out of the silver light, as if there were an invisible angel singing in the silver light.

Suddenly, Lan Qi thought of an ability that was very close to the strange scene in front of him.

The Elemental Domain"s second rank ability, Song of Hope!

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