
Chapter 144

As everyone knows, the Elemental Domain is the domain with the greatest talent in the five domains.

The Elemental Domain"s abilities include Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Light, and Darkness. However, not everyone can use the formula to gain the Elemental Domain"s abilities.

The ability to awaken an Elemental Domain requires the user to have an unusually keen sense towards an element and be able to touch the will of the element.

Of the seven elements, the three elements of fire, wind, and thunder were the easiest to come into contact with because they represented anger and anger.

The will to power and the will to power, and these three, the new era of humanity do not lack.

The ability of a master in the Elemental Domain would always allow them to see through their heart and nature. What kind of mind and personality it was that determined the ability of them to grasp which system they would be able to use.

For example, Lafite, who had been killed by Zero. He was a deformed water element and an ice element user. His personality was as cold as his ability. As for Saurun, who had clashed with Zero, his mastery of fire element also exposed his weaknesses.

It was impulsive and easily angered. With Phoenix City and Zero partic.i.p.ating in the King Slaying Operation together, the Indian used the extremely rare dark element that was even in the Elemental Domain. That person"s temperament was as dark as the power he grasped.

As for the light elements, they were even rarer compared to the dark elements. It could be said that out of a million people, only one had the potential to grasp the light elements.

That was because of the turbulent times, when everyone was doing everything possible to survive.

Not all of these people are evil, but selfishness and greed are never lacking.

The element of light represents innocence, integrity, even a spotless clarity of mind.

Its element will was tranquil, and it was in the opposite direction of the human race in this turbulent era. As a result, it was extremely rare.

In this era, the Light Elemental Ability was the most common place in the continent. There were many people who had touched the Will of Light among the G.o.d Kingdom"s believers because of their faith in G.o.d.

But even with the power of a nation, the Divine State only had a mere eighteenth place with the power of light.

Lan Qi had never thought that he would encounter a light element esper in this remote area of the G.o.d of Death"s Ridge. Moreover, it was the survivor of the tribe he exterminated.

Light element users couldn"t be considered strong in individual combat, and fire and thunder element users were far more destructive than light elements at the same level.

However, any country or organization on the continent would be willing to pay a far higher price to recruit a light elemental user.

This was because of the special nature of the light element, enabling the user of this kind of ability to play a greater role in the group.

The power of the light element was auxiliary, but it was the strongest of all auxiliary abilities.

For example, the "Song of Hope" that she was using could improve a person"s base"s quality, including physical strength, speed, strength, and other aspects.

The strength of the increase was between 1.5 and 3 times, and this was only a second-stage ability.

When this ability reached the fourth step, it would transform into a "Sacred Song" that could be used on a group. And at the eighth step, there would be a "Song of Heaven" with a certain amount of recovery in addition to its basic ability.

In addition to this ability of the Psalm division, the most common abilities of light element users were the Guardian, Judgement and Blessing divisions.

Among them, the Guardian"s ability "Element Immunity" at the twelfth step was almost the most powerful defensive ability.

During the period of elemental immunity, it can be immune to all elemental attacks, and also has a certain defensive effect on other domains or weapons.

This meant that those who wanted to attack the elemental exemption could only use physical means. However, no matter which ability it was, when it reached a high level, it would be marked by energy attacks.

One could imagine, if one side of the battle had the ability of light element user to cast elemental immunity, even if not many units would be covered by this ability, it would be enough to become a Elite soldier on the battlefield.

So when Lankey saw the song of hope on the back of the Atetha pounce on him, the white-headed eagle had a headache.

Another flash of silver light came from her wheel saw. It was another second rank ability, "Sharp Blessing" from the Blessing System.

This ability would greatly increase the sharpness of the weapon, but it could only be used on the series of cold weapons, not on gunpowder or energy type weapons.

However, the circular saw in Aisha"s hand was a cold weapon, so Lanqi couldn"t ignore its destructive power when it added the Blessing System"s ability.

The saw spun like a crescent moon and slashed at Lankey.

At the same time, she was attacking Lankey from the opposite direction, one on the left and one on the right.

Lan Qi was an expert in sniping, but not in close combat.

Even though he and Zero had a certain amount of fighting ability, in front of a true combat ability user, there was a huge difference.

Outside of Phoenix City, even though the position of the bandit leader was not high, he had nearly killed Zero. Moreover, he had created a fatal sniper opportunity for Lan Qi.

And now, Lan Qi was in trouble as well.

He was even worse off than the fight between Zero and the Scarlet Wolf. Lanqi didn"t even have the M500, which could be used for close range attacks and had huge firepower.

His Berserk Vulture"s might would be great, but it was definitely not suitable for such close-combat situations.

Lan Qi could only rely on a small saber in his hand.

After blocking one of the wheel saws at an oblique angle, the saber was immediately sent flying by the rotational force.

Lan Qi embarra.s.sedly threw himself to the ground and rolled away, but he dodged a whip kick that was powerful enough to shatter a tree.

However, in the following attacks, Lanqi understood that Aisha was not only a light element esper, but also a close combat expert in the fighting field. Furthermore, she was also a rarely seen expert in leg techniques.

Fighting field is a wide range of abilities. Other than basic strength, defense, agility, and the ability to control hot and cold weapons, there are also various advanced branches such as boxing fighters, leg experts, blade masters, and sniper experts.

Among them, people like her who used all kinds of dazzling leg techniques as their primary means of attack were known as Master of Leg Arts.

All aspects of the leg technique were based on balance. She stood on one leg, focusing her balance on one leg while performing various explosively explosive kick techniques on the other leg.

Lan Qi was certain that the saw in the girl"s hand was a tool to confuse her opponent"s line of sight. As the saw continued to fly around Aisha, its purpose was to disturb the opponent, while allowing the opponent to ignore the girl"s real killing move.

Just like now, when Lanqi lost his sabre, he was busy using the vulture to block the round saw"s cutting motion, when she kicked straight at him with her perfect long legs.

It was the basic move of the Master of Leg Arts, "Mountain Break Kick", known as "Mountain Break".

Of course, this was a bit exaggerated.

But even if he couldn"t break the mountain with a single strike, he could still break Lan Qi"s chest with a kick.

Lankey, who had just stopped the saw, was losing his balance and was unable to avoid another kick from her.

He barely managed to adjust his position, and the round toe of her toe touched his shoulder.

The huge force exploded like a flood, and the kick skill, which was even more explosive than the boxing technique, immediately sent Lan Qi flying.

Amidst the waves of pain from his broken bones, Lan Qi felt an even greater sense of danger.

Danger, from the other side of the Ramason!

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