
Chapter 128 Prophet

Chapter 128 Prophet

The attempt to find water through the aboriginal was quickly dissuaded.

Ten poisoned spears were suddenly thrown from the dark forest behind the surviving aboriginal. They pierced neatly into the soil in front of Ling, separating him from the aboriginal like a cordon.

At that moment, Ling was slightly in a trance. When did his sense of danger drop? When this thought came across Ling"s mind, he felt relieved looking at these primitive weapons. All of the time, only powerful mutated beasts and modern weapons had been able to trigger Ling"s sense of danger. The weakest weapon would be cold weapon which had been artificially forged.

Ling had never encountered such kind of wooden primitive weapon before. For Ling, they were no differences from the trees in the wilderness. Moreover, these spears only served as warning, not stabbing into his body. As a result, they did not have much malice, so his sense ignored them.

But Ling didn"t like being in a pa.s.sive position, and when his fingers touched the b.u.t.t of the revolver, he had to stop.

A strong malice came from behind him, and if he remembered correctly, Monnie was in that direction as well.

Ling turned around and saw Monnie still looking confused, not knowing that behind her in the darkness, a half-moon saw was less than ten centimeters away from her delicate neck.

It wasn"t until Ling looked at her that Monnie realized something was wrong. She immediately tried to dodge the lethal weapon, but there was a dark, slender arm reaching out from the darkness, gently pressing onto her shoulder.

Monnie did not dare to move. Although the hand was slender, Monnie felt it was like a hand of a ravage bear.

In the darkness, a woman appeared behind Monnie.

She was around twenty years old and her skin was as black as the endless night. However, it was not ugly. Instead, it gave off an aura as calm as the earth. The woman"s face was rougher than the faces of her fellow townspeople, but her strong nose and thick lips had a different, wild quality.

She was s.e.xy, but well-proportioned. The two soft and small chunks of flesh on her chest were firm. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s propped up the simple linen waistcoat on the woman"s body, making someone felt like pinching her. The woman"s waistcoat was very short, only reaching her navel, so it was very easy for Ling to see her breathtaking thin waist, as well as the raised b.u.t.tocks that extended downwards as well as her slender thighs.

Her face and shoulder were painted with the same pattern with the surviving aboriginal. She didn"t wear shoes, and her feet with lovely toes were stepping on the ground. Ling was worried that she would become the target of mutated plants.

However,such an elf-like women in the dark night was holding a lethal weapon -----a hacksaw.

There was a great difference between the hacksaw and the weapons used by the aboriginals. Firstly, it was made of metal, and secondly, it is in the shape of a half moon. The side of the moon wheel was full of broken teeth which would widen the swath of its attack and the fang-shaped evil saw could damage the wound for a second time. Ling could imagine that the wound will be more serious and the blood will flow more if the wound was made by them.

Obviously, such a ferocious weapon wasn"t the style of the aboriginals. It came from the hands of a Master Forger.

With the appearance of this woman, more and more aboriginals came out of the woods. They surrounded Ling in a semicircle with arrows or spears in their hands.

"Why did you attack my people, outsider?"

Ling was surprised by what happened.

This women who was obviously from the aboriginal side. Although the language she used was abstruse, it was the continental language Ling could understand. Ling thought she would only bla bla like the aboriginals.

Just as Ling was about to explain, the surviving aboriginal called out. The language he used was quick and urgent, like syllables without meaning, and at least Ling did not expect himself to understand a single word of it.

He did not understand, but that did not mean that the woman who was obviously the leader did not understand. With the change of expression on her face and the release of the hacksaw at Monnie"s neck, Ling knew that the storm was over.

Soon, the other aboriginals discovered the s.h.i.+eld snake"s corpse. When the aboriginals brought back the carca.s.s of the s.h.i.+eld snake, which was almost hollowed out by the man-eating trees, the surviving aboriginal described excitedly to the female leader. As he was speaking, he pointed at Ling, his expression full of respect.

"It"s you …" "Kill this demonic snake?" the woman asked, pointing at the gigantic snake.

Ling acknowledged generously.

As he nodded, the other aboriginals suddenly raised their weapons and yelled.

Ling was baffled when he saw the female leader walking over and handing Monnie to Ling. She then said, "You may leave. Since you saved our compatriot and killed the demonic snake, I can pretend that I didn"t see you. Just remember, this jungle does not welcome outsiders like you. "If you understand, then scram!"

Ling smiled bitterly in his heart. He had killed the s.h.i.+eld snake and saved this aboriginal, but in exchange, he got the word "scram".

He shook his head and said, "we don"t want to stay either, but we need clean water to drink. If you can tell me where I can get the water, we"ll leave at once. "

Ling felt that he had spoken very courteously. He did not even ask water from the aboriginal and Ling was only asking for the location of the water source. Unexpectedly, the aboriginal woman"s face changed as she screamed, "What, so you"re here to s.n.a.t.c.h the life source?"

As she screamed, the hacksaw in the woman"s hand began to vibrate slightly. It was a forerunner of using a certain ability, and Ling could not understand that a casual word would provoke enmity in the other party. He immediately pulled Monnie back and placed a hand on the b.u.t.t of the revolver at his waist.

The aboriginals behind the woman leader seemed to know that their leader was about to take action. All of them let out a strange shout, and a.s.sumed a posture of attacking.

Just as the two sides were about to attack, a loud shout came from behind the aboriginals, "Both of you, stop!"

Hearing this voice, the aboriginal woman was slightly stunned, but obediently abandoned the attacking posture. The other aboriginals all quieted down and made way.

An old man with gray beards and a cane came, accompanied by two male aboriginals armed with bows and arrows on their back, large sabers at their waists, and lances in their hands. The old man sniffed the air, then he looked at Ling and laughed, "I have already forgotten how long it has been since I smelled the odor of gunpowder." Young man, why didn"t you take the mountain path opened by the caravan but came here? "After all, the Death Ridge is not an amus.e.m.e.nt park. You can"t just go anywhere as you like?"

Before Ling could answer, the aboriginal woman interrupted, "Respected prophet, this greedy outsider has come to s.n.a.t.c.h our life source!"

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