
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Watchmen Chapter 12: Rival


Zhen Dou Bi was stunned when he heard Jiu Jie’s words. He thought that he heard wrong, so his brain couldn’t come up with a response.

“What did you say just now? You solved it?” Zhen Dou Bi asked doubtfully.

“Yeah, I solved it.” Jiu Jie calmly said, his face full of sincerity. No matter how you looked at it, it didn’t seem like he was lying.

Gu Shi Chen was amused by Jiu Jie’s appearance, and started laughing as he looked at the two.

Zhen Dou Bi became flushed red in the face because of her laughter. He looked up and down, sizing Jiu Jie up. No matter how he looked at it, the other boy looked nothing more than a country b.u.mpkin. Zhen Dou Bi glanced up, “Friend, a person needs to be honest. Bulls.h.i.tting is not good.”




“I wasn’t bulls.h.i.tting,” Jiu Jie said innocently. “I’ve always been very honest, I have never told a lie. If you don’t believe me, you can go find Zhang Ju. I haven’t left for very long, so he should still remember my face.”

“Ask Zhang Ju? He’s at T city, right? Where do I go to ask him?”

“You can call him. No, wait, everything regarding me is a secret. Even if you ask him, he won’t answer. That isn’t a good way to get verification.”

Zhen Dou Bi sneered, “Friend, you’ve already shot yourself in the foot.”

“It’s fine if you don’t believe me. Besides, I’ve always been humble and kept a low-profile. I’ve never spread the word when I do good deeds, so I’m already used to it. Zhang Ju is really stingy though. He didn’t give me a medal when I helped him out with such a big favour, which is fine, but it still makes me seem like a braggart when I speak of this incident.”

Gu Shi Chen was genuinely laughing at Jiu Jie’s dramatics, while Zhen Dou Bi was so angry at his words, his face turned red.

“Friend, we’ve met for so long, but I still don’t know, what do you do?” Zhen Dou Bi asked.

“Me?” Jiu Jie said while eating, “I don’t have a formal job, just an unemployed person.”

“Then, how did you get involved in the case?”

“Zhang Ju invited me.”

“Zhang Ju invited you?” Zhen Dou Bi asked, face full of disbelief.

“That’s right. They couldn’t solve it, so they got me to help.” Jiu Jie continued lightly.

Gu Shi Chen started laughing again.

Jiu Jie looked at her helplessly. “Look at you, not believing. Zhang Ju really invited me. The start of the year is really something. Speaking about the truth and no one believing it, but they believe a braggart.”
Gu Shi Chen grinned, saying, “Right, right. It’s Zhang Ju who invited you to go.”

Zhen Dou Bi held his anger in his heart. He chased Gu Shi Chen for so long, but she’s never looked at him in any positive manner. Today though, she was amused and kept laughing at this tramp’s impromptu performance. Additionally, Jiu Jie had even brazenly sabotaged Zhen Dou Bi, which was actually extremely hateful.

Zhen Dou Bi glared at Jiu Jie, while overbearingly saying, “Friend, since you said that you solved the case in T city, then please tell us how.”

Jiu Jie waved his hand. “Not telling, not telling. As people, we need to be humble and low-key, we shouldn’t keep flaunting. If Uncle Luo finds out about this, he’ll scold me again.”

“Friend, you must take responsibility for your words. You made a solemn vow just now. Now that it’s up to this point, you still don’t want to explain. It can’t be that y

our words just now were just a farce, right?”

Jiu Jie just continued eating, not even lifting his head to reply, “Then, just treat it as if I’m bragging (farted). Remember that at that time, I didn’t see you. You definitely don’t know specific details. Even if I do tell you, you probably won’t believe it. Oh, that’s right, when I saw Zhang Ju then, his hair didn’t turn white from stress. Even though he was anxious on the inside, his expression was very firm. Just now, you were slandering people, it’s wrong.”

Zhen Dou Bi’s small family business was thriving, so he was spoiled by his parents. He has always kept his word. However, he was being played around with by Jiu Jie, how could he stand it?

Zhen Dou Bi, in a fit of fury, wanted to flare up, but taking into account Gu Shi Chen’s face, he couldn’t lose his manners, so he stuffed out his anger into the depths of his heart, and said, “Boy, why did you come to Nanjing? It can’t be to curry favour with the Gu family, right?”

Jiu Jie’s chopsticks didn’t stop, drumming his cheeks, while saying, “You’ll have to ask Uncle Gu what I came to Nanjing for.”

“Ask Uncle Gu?”

“That’s right, this time, Uncle Gu personally invited me over. If not, I would be really bored to come all the way here.”

Gu Shi Chen, at this time, was laughing until she was rocking back and forth. A beautiful woman trembling, covering her mouth, and putting effort not to laugh out loud.

Jiu Jie said unhappily, “Look at you, not believing again. It’s really Uncle Gu who invited me! Forget it, forget it, don’t talk about it, don’t talk about it. No matter what I say, you still won’t believe me. Besides, I’m such a low-key person, I don’t need to explain it to you. Anyways, I have a clear conscious. A person needs to be honest. Bragging for no reason is not right.”

At this time, Zhen Dou Bi was so angry, he turned white. His face turned cold, saying, “Boy, you need to stop while you’re ahead, what kind of person are you?”

“I said it already, I’m an unemployed person with no proper job.”

“Take out your ident.i.ty card, and let me see.”

“I didn’t bring it. If you want the number, I can tell you.”


Zhen Dou Bi stood up, his face no longer smiling. “I am using my ident.i.ty as a police officer to ask you, why did you come to Nanjing?”

Jiu Jie put down his chopsticks, saying helplessly, “I just can’t win with you guys. It’s really Uncle Gu who invited me here. How many times do you need me to repeat that before you guys believe it?”

“Why don’t you look at yourself? Uncle Gu is what kind of person, how would he need your help?”

“He does. If you don’t believe me, then let it go. I’m too lazy to talk to you.”

When Jiu Jie was done, he picked up his chopsticks to eat again.

“Boy, you don’t refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit. If you still don’t explain, then don’t blame me for being discourteous.” Zhen Dou Bi threatened.

“Discourteous? What can you do?” Jiu Jie was not intimidated at all.

“If you don’t cooperate, I might have to invite you to the station to sit down for a while.”

Jiu Jie was slightly amused when he heard that. He laughed, “Go sit inside the station? You need a reason, right?”

“Finding a reason is not easy. Like say, threatening public safety. I’ll give you one last chance, if not, when you really go there, it will be too late for regrets.”

Without waiting for Jiu Jie to reply, Gu Shi Tong coldly interrupted, “Officer Zhen, you really have a lot of governmental power. Jiu Jie is my guest. Inviting him to the station, are you also inviting me to the station to sit?”

When Zhen Dou Bi heard that, his anger vanished in a flash, immediately changing into a smile. “Shi Chen, what are you saying, I just felt like this person is of unknown origins. Scared you’ll be hoodwinked by this person?”


“My Gu family, on this Qin Huai river, even though we don’t breed good, but good or bad, some people still remain hopeful. When hitting a dog, you still need to see the owner. You threaten my guest in front of me, is it because you look down on my Gu family?”

Jie Jie: “…”

He knew that what Gu Shi Chen was doing was protecting him, but listening to her words, they sounded very awkward.

Zhen Dou Bi quickly smiled obsequiously. “Shi Chen, I don’t have such intentions. You misunderstand.”

Gu Shi Chen stood up. “Let’s end this meal here. Thank you for your hospitality. Jiu Jie, let’s go.”

Finished speaking, she already turned to leave. Jiu Jie quickly wiped his mouth, then rushed to catch up to her.

Gu Shi Chen directly left Zui Xian Lou. Zhen Dou Bi kept apologizing, but Gu Shi Chen paid him no mind.

Gu Shi Chen stood at the side of the road, raising her hand and managing to hail a cab, pulling Jiu Jie into the car, she abruptly left.

The car had driven quite far. From the rearview mirror, you can still see Zhen Dou Bi chasing after the car, still trying to explain.

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Gu Shi Chen and Jiu Jie were sitting in the backseat. She glanced at Jiu Jie a few times before a laugh escaped her.

“What are you laughing at?” Jiu Jie asked.

“Laughing at you. I’ve never seen someone who could bulls.h.i.t so well, and with a straight face at that. If I were Zhen Dou Bi, I would probably have been furious as well.

Jiu Jie, his face full of defeat, said, “Miss, how many times must I say it until you believe me? What I said just now was all true. I can swear on this car, not one word was a lie.”

“Okay, okay, okay, I believe you that everything is true.” Gu Shi Chen smiled. “See, you make Zhen Dou Bi so angry, which made me so happy. That rascal is always so arrogant, looking at him is so hateful. Seeing you p.i.s.s him off is like venting my own anger.”

“I never had that intention. I’m very honest. I always speak honestly.”

Gu Shi Chen laughed. “You are really something. Just now, calling you fat, you’ll get angry. You play games quite well, your acting was quite good.”

Jiu Jie innocently raised his hands in surrender, helplessly saying, “Ok, big sister, just think however you like. Looking at the difference in our IQ, it’s really hard to explain it to you.”

Right now, it was just past noon and it was also a weekday. The roads were quite empty. Quite soon, the taxi was reaching the hotel Jiu Jie was staying in.

“Just drop me off at the front. You can do your own thing. I’ll go back myself.” Jiu Jie said.



“No, it’s better if you return with me to the business office. These few days, you can just accompany me.” Gu Shi Chen said.

When he heard this, Jiu Jie felt that something was off and asked, “Why?”

“Of course, it’s for your safety. You may incur vengeance.”


“That’s right.” Gu Shi Chen’s mood was quite good. She smiled and answered, “Zhen Dou Bi, while being quite hateful, he’s still quite popular on the surface. Just now, you made him so angry. According to his personality, he will definitely find you for revenge. Staying by my side will be for your safety.”

Jiu Jie disapprovingly said, “It can’t be that serious. It was just a few words, so it’s not worth it, right?”

“If it was merely words, then of course it’s not worth it, but the the most important is that he lost face in front of me because of you. This makes it worth it. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“d.a.m.n, he won’t think I’m a love rival, right?” Jiu Jie said in sudden realization.

“That’s very possible. Zhen Dou Bi has always been narrow-minded. His methods of dealing with love rivals are very brutal.” Gu Shi Chen said, while smiling.

“Is there a precedent?”

Gu Shi Chen thought for a little bit before replying, “There was. There were a few suitors in the past. However,they all suddenly had bad luck for no reason. I think that it was mostly likely Zhen Dou Bi’s doing.”

“Then, I shall keep my distance from you. If he really thinks of me as a love rival, should I be worried?”

“It’s too late. He won’t listen to your explanation. You’re a guest of my father. Since he placed you in my hands, I will do my best as a host. Before my dad comes to pick you up, you’ll just follow me. We’ll settle it at that.”

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