Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 102


“Daddy, are you coming or not?” GuoGuo said with finality.

“Right away.” Xu Yun finally made a decision. He wasn’t worried about Su XiaoRan, because even if that guy called Liu was even more vile, he wouldn’t do something excessive in a public place with lots of people.

But he was worried that Qiu Yan couldn’t take that vulgar man’s incessant hara.s.sment. If she did something it definitely would wound someone, after all a fire was still nesting in Qiu Yan’s heart.

Xu Yun got out and waved down a taxi, rushing towards the direction GuoGuo spoke of that was a barbecue buffet. He was guessing that GuoGuo chose this place. These past few days the dishes Xu Yun made were mostly light ones because of consideration for Qiu Yan. After all Scorpion Poison had just been removed, and excessive greasiness wasn’t good for her body. Meanwhile the carnivorous animal GuoGuo hadn’t eaten meat for two days, and she practically couldn’t hold on any longer.

Ten+ minutes later, GuoGuo saw long-called for Xu Yun, and they had already had completely nothing to say to the guy that came to their table.

This barbecue buffet mostly had four seaters, so after they sat down, Su XiaoRan’s side naturally had an empty s.p.a.ce.

Liu TianYi, who in profoundly picking up girls necessitated true boldness and thick skin, very consciously sat down, still feigning a great coincidence. In fact he had completely followed them the whole way.

Liu TianYi’s s.e.xual desires were indeed not small – from one aspect his obvious intent was to pursue Su XiaoRan, in another he was still sneaking glances from time to time at Qiu Yan, that arrogant person’s figure and her coldly elegant face.

GuoGuo and Su XiaoRan strongly stressed 10+ times that this seat had someone, but Liu TianYi didn’t believe it. He said one thing, “Then if the person comes, I’ll immediately leave.”

Qiu Yan already had enough of this house fly, and she already couldn’t suppress the desire to attack this house fly.

“Yo, so lively?” After Xu Yun saw the several of them, he immediately came over smiling.

GuoGuo finally let out a breath, to the thick-skinned Liu TianYi she said, “Alright, the person we were waiting for came, you can leave!”

Even if Liu TianYi was beaten to death, he wouldn’t have thought this b.a.s.t.a.r.d would come. His fist suddenly made a cracking sound, already unable to suppress acting against this man that was stealing his woman.

Liu TianYi with his whole body’s meridians being opened hoisted unlimited self-confidence; having already stepped up and broken through, becoming an elite, he of course wouldn’t feel any other pressure. Today he exactly wanted to have Su XiaoRan see and experience what was called a man’s dominating aura!

Liu TianYi coldly laughed and got up. He wanted to have everyone see the difference between him and Xu Yun. The whole while in his favorite brands, in terms of image completely left Xu Yun in the dust by ten+ streets.

On Liu TianYi’s body he had a short-sleeved Armani shirt and matching trousers with Gucci shoes with Dior’s men’s cologne, while on Xu Yun’s body was a black t-shirt with a skull print, bright and colorful beach shorts with flip-flops on his feet. On his person was a simple manly flavor.

“You aren’t worthy of Teacher Su.” Liu TianYi disdainfully said, “I don’t want to do anything to you, you’d best take a step back yourself. If you’re still involved with Teacher Su, I’m afraid my fists don’t have eyes and will hurt you.”

This guy on the contrary was an outstanding crock of sh*t; Xu Yun helplessly said, “The one involved with Teacher Su is you right? Yesterday I already warned you. Something wrong with your head?”

Liu TianYi saw that Xu Yun took his bait, and heavily scoffed, “Then we’ll see just whose head isn’t good. I’ll also warn you, if I see you again, I won’t be civil.”

Su XiaoRan nervously looked at the two people with their swords out and bows drawn. Qiu Yan’s face was expressionless as she drank juice, just like as though those two guys completely had no connection with her.

“Go daddy!” GuoGuo this little thing that just wanted to see the world burn was naturally very excited, directly standing on her seat with her left hand holding milk, and right hand grasping a pizza. With a face of excitement she was completely not worried that her pops would be defeated.

In the self service buffet area, instantly the dense smell of gunpowder was extreme.

Liu TianYi suddenly exploded, like a crack of thunder he angrily chopped, directly using a single leg to kick over a table. The frightened surrounding guests each stepped aside, some even directly stopped eating, quickly leaving the scene.

Su XiaoRan was so scared that her two eyes nearly popped out – she hadn’t thought that Liu TianYi would actually be so formidable.

Of course the restaurant’s boss wouldn’t let the situation develop into a bad spiraling descent – quickly going forward to stop the threat he said, “If you guys are like this I’ll call the police!”

Liu TianYi coldly laughed, throwing his wallet directly at the restaurant manager. “No need to call the police. Today for all of your losses, I’ll give you double! Widen your dog eyes and look at the gold card inside, no need to worry that I can’t pay.”

It was the restaurant boss’ first time seeing such a rich and obnoxious guy. Even though he didn’t believe it, but he still unconsciously opened the wallet, and inside the RMB was just a few thousand Yuan, but that big bank’s gold card absolutely wasn’t fake.

Having some cards required fixed deposits above 10 million Yuan to apply for! This time the restaurant boss truly believed this rich and obnoxious guy.

“If you dare to call the police, I’ll make you suffer without end in consequence.” Liu TianYi’s cold words threateningly said. Today he had to teach this guy stealing his woman, who didn’t know how high heaven was and deserved death.

The restaurant boss’ hostile face simply changed faster than flipping a book over. Directly carrying the wallet and getting out of the way, he immediately ordered all servers to tell the other guests to leave, today everything eaten was free.

This kind of loss was 1) compensated, 2) good business, so he of course wouldn’t miss it. Right now the restaurant boss simply hoped this rich and obnoxious person could completely smash the shop – he would clearly earn half the money, and still save the demolition cost for renovating it.

Liu TianYi’s mind right now was already confused and unclear. He was only thinking of wanting to show a scene to Su XiaoRan of his own manly dominating aura, and he didn’t care about whether or not he would destroy this shop. He only wanted to teach this man – however much he had to compensate didn’t matter.

Suddenly Liu TianYi launched an attack. After Crimson Scorpion opened all of the meridians on his body first thing in the morning with his father accompanying, he could only feel a long, long, unending power being suppressed into his DanTian. Crimson Scorpion had him look for an opportunity to vent it out, this way it would promote his mental state’s growth.

Originally Liu TianYi’s father wanted him to look for several little gangsters that he provoked in a bar, but Liu TianYi instead held it down. He held down that fire because he was waiting for this kind of chance.

Just that he hadn’t thought that this chance would come so quickly, so fast that it made him secretly pleased!

Liu TianYi suddenly struck like a thunderclap, and Xu Yun easily dodged to the side by slanting his body. Liu TianYi’s one punch smashed the gla.s.s part.i.tion in the restaurant – with a crashing sound, the broken gla.s.s scattered falling onto the ground.

If it was Liu TianYi before, he would already be holding a b.l.o.o.d.y fist with difficult to bear pain, but now not only did his fist not have the slightest wound, but he couldn’t even feel half a bit of pain.

But ordinarily a person that entered the ranks of elites wouldn’t so easily feel pain; unless the force surpa.s.sed the power of their own attack’s force would they not be well. Liu TianYi right now already wasn’t that trash from before.

Qiu Yan slightly frowned. She hadn’t thought this guy would actually be in the realm of a 3rd-tier elite, because his body didn’t emit one bit of the aura of an elite. Very strange.

Xu Yun turned and coldly smiled as he glanced at Liu TianYi, indifferently saying, “People who take short cuts will never be able to reach their destination.”

After Liu TianYi’s first attack, Xu Yun could directly confirm that he was just a fake elite and nothing more. This kind even though he was a 3rd-tier elite, but he wasn’t formed like a 3rd-tier elite was, Xu Yun was very clear.

“Daddy today doesn’t have the energy to talk about these theories. I want to have XiaoRan see what a true man is!” Liu TianYi suddenly ripped off his own clothing, directly throwing away his expensive shirt, revealing strong big muscles that were all formed and shaped in the gym. Today before this morning, this body of muscle could all be said to be a superficial display, but now it was not the same.

Xu Yun didn’t know just how a 1st-tier elite cleared the meridians of this guy in front of him. He could only pity this guy, because for this guy living ten less years had already become reality.

Without breaking through by one’s own comprehension beyond the mental state it was unfeasible, and people at the level of 1st-tier elites and above should understand this principle. The mental state is proof of one’s own growth. If a person himself didn’t reach that strength, and the mental state was forcibly promoted to that power, often it would cause very great harm to the person.

This kind of method of using a 1st-tier elite to clear the meridians of the entire body to achieve the 3rd-tier elite realm was fundamentally not acknowledged, in the same way that that kind of forbidden medicine, the Yin Yang Pill, that could raise a person’s tier in an instant wasn’t.

But seeing how excited Liu TianYi was, it seemed that he didn’t even know that in reaching this state within a short period of time, just what kind of price he would pay for this exchange.

Because fundamentally no one had told him all of the side effects.

A burst of evil fire exploded from Liu TianYi, and there was no way he could be stopped! He was just like a mad beast, flipping heaven and earth in this buffet restaurant. From the chairs to the ceiling, from the ceiling to the part.i.tions; again from the part.i.tions to the floor, there was pretty much no place he didn’t destroy!

The restaurant boss had long been dumbfounded as he watched. He completely had no way of believing that a person could use fists to break the floor tiles! The hand holding onto the wallet already started to tremble, and he started to suspect he wouldn’t even be alive to swipe the credit card inside the wallet.

But Liu TianYi’s attacks as quick and violent as a tiger’s hadn’t once truly hit Xu Yun. Even Xu Yun’s feet hadn’t left the ground, tightly using casual dodges to completely dissolve Liu TianYi’s attacks.

After all, Xu Yun became an Ultra Elite – compared to this kind of fake 3rd-tier elite that completely wasn’t in a tier, it could be said to be the difference between Heaven and earth.

After a flurry of frenzied attacks, Liu TianYi finally realized that something wasn’t right, because the guy in front of him completely hadn’t counterattacked while he himself had already used most of his body’s strength.

Just in the instant that Liu TianYi was distracted, Xu Yun suddenly exploded.

Xu Yun’s pair of hands suddenly grabbed into Liu TianYi’s pair of shoulders, and brutally threw his whole body towards a wall! Liu TianYi banged against the wall, and the pain of fractured bones came from his back. He gasped – his own 180 pounds of weight was so easily thrown flying!

After all Liu TianYi had just become an elite – the Qi in his heart was much higher, and he completely couldn’t accept this. After he got up he quickly punched towards Xu Yun’s left cheek. Xu Yun seized the advantage pressing his left arm down directly parrying Liu TianYi’s fist – his right hand becoming a fist, and continuously, three punches like thunder smashed onto Liu TianYi’s chin.

Liu TianYi’s head rang for a moment. Without waiting for a counterattack Xu Yun viciously threw him over his shoulder, smashing him ruthlessly into a table!

Closely following, Xu Yun again used both hands to pick up Liu TianYi and ferociously smashed him towards the ceiling. Anyways this guy had already said he would pay, what was there to fear?

Liu TianYi at 180+ lbs of weight harshly smashed two LED lights in the ceiling, and then heavily fell onto the floor, his whole body completely losing the aggressiveness from a minute ago. Like a wretched old homeless dog, he lay paralyzed in the corner, struggling pathetically for breath in big mouthfuls.

A real man is a real man, everyone can see it for what it is.

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