Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 103


Qiu Yan from start to finish didn’t look towards the disorderly fight of the two people. From the beginning when that brazen man declared war, she just knew that this guy would definitely die. She was very clear about Xu Yun’s terrifying strength now compared to other people.

That night, the moment Qiu Yan discovered that Xu Yun could use True Qi to help her force out poison, her heart was already thoroughly stunned. She also didn’t know that because of the fight between Xu Yun and Crimson Scorpion, he broke through the mental state; she still believed all along that he was an Ultra Elite hiding his powers.

GuoGuo grabbed the half-eaten piece of pizza in her hand and stuffed the whole thing into her mouth, shaking her head somewhat dissatisfied. Clearly she didn’t see a good show – that talentless trash completely wasn’t dad’s match. Unexpectedly at the beginning he hooted so insolently, but he was simply an idiot that overestimated his abilities.

Su XiaoRan wasn’t able to be so calm and collected like them.  Looking at Liu TianYi who was just like a dead dog, in her heart she felt a bit bad. “This……what should we do?”

“Boss.” Xu Yun turned around to look at this boss that owned this self-service buffet, “I’ll help you provide testimony. He said he’d pay double compensation to you for losses. After swiping the card, remember to notify his family to collect the ‘corpse’.”

Aiya oh mother, once the boss of the buffet restaurant heard his pair of legs completely went soft – wasn’t this going to get him killed?

Xu Yun waved his hand, smiling relaxedly he said, “I’m joking, don’t be so nervous.”

The restaurant boss dared to believe this guy in front of him, however he didn’t dare to call the police. He could only wait until this guy who was the same as a fierce beast left his restaurant, then it would be okay. Anyway he thought that the restaurant interior had surveillance, they couldn’t escape them.

Once he thought of this, that boss couldn’t help but to go towards the location of the cameras to aim them to pa.s.s over the area, however he didn’t look so he didn’t know. Once he saw he was scared till he jumped. He didn’t know when, but every camera had a chopstick stuck into it! This was absolutely destructive damage.

“Teacher Su, I’ve eaten, what time should we leave?” GuoGuo wiped her mouth, this fellow knew what time they should slip away.

Su XiaoRan didn’t have any appet.i.te. Now she just wanted to know how to handle the matter with Liu TianYi. “He’s like this, do we need to send him to the hospital or not?”

“Let’s leave Teacher Su, he won’t die.” Qiu Yan also stood up to go. “For these kinds of people, they don’t need sympathy.”

Even though Su XiaoRan’s heart was still so fl.u.s.tered inside, GuoGuo didn’t care as much, directly pulling her forth to leave.

Xu Yun stared blankly for half of the day before saying, “Didn’t you call me out to eat? I just got here, and you’re all leaving? I haven’t even eaten a mouthful of stuff yet.”

“This place has been completely made to be like this, how can we still eat.” GuoGuo couldn’t help but to shake her head, “Forget it, dad, you should just go back. Maybe mom at home saved you something to eat.”

“……..” Xu Yun was really defeated. GuoGuo fundamentally didn’t at all plan on having him come to eat, it was to make him educate this thick skinned guy and that was all. Ai, played.

Qiu Yan clearly still didn’t forgive Xu Yun for the matter of leaving GuoGuo at school in the morning, so Xu Yun also wasn’t willing to touch upon that snag. After leaving the buffet restaurant he said goodbyes to the three people.

At the moment, the panacea restaurant was busy; starting to serve food would need at least another hour more, so Xu Yun also didn’t need to rush urgently back. All along the way he strolled heading back. This time there really were a lot of beautiful women – for the most part they were city white-collar workers coming out to eat lunch on break. Seeing them Xu Yun began to move faster for the rush.

Xu Yun abruptly stopped his steps. His facial expression clearly began to tighten up, his ears making a supreme effort to discern something. Although the road was incredibly noisy, but Xu Yun could still distinguish a familiar sound of an engine. He quickly turned his body and ran towards the location where the sound came from, but ultimately that sound gradually became still further and faded away.

Could it be that he sensed incorrectly?

Xu Yun’s mind was in chaos, no, it couldn’t be a hallucination…… inside of his sea of consciousness floated up a person, the Ponytail who ate at the panacea restaurant in the afternoon. Now he very much wanted to see her again, to ask her just what kind of person she was.

Why did the panacea restaurant suddenly turn into a place where many eyes watched? Absolutely, it was related to Crimson Scorpion being unable to escape. Xu Yun really regretted that on that day he really didn’t directly and thoroughly kill him to end his troubles, otherwise it was unlikely that today this kind situation would arise of where the enemy was in the dark, and he was in the light.

After quickly returning back to return to the panacea restaurant, Ruan QingShuang and them had only just finished the rush, and Xu Yun at last had time to stop for a meal. Ruan QingShuang really wanted to ask Xu Yun how he could have such a good appet.i.te today – he just ate at a buffet and he could still eat.

Shan JiaHao didn’t talk during the whole meal. After seeing a crowd of people finish eating, he immediately cleared the table and went to go wash dishes, truly shocking Ruan QingShuang. Was this still yesterday’s domineering little master that was above the world? He simply was like a nice kitten.

Lu WenYi also didn’t stay idle, wiping and clearing tables. Liang Shan was a gruff big guy, of course he wouldn’t do these kinds of work. Directly pulling two chairs together he laid down and slept. After a whole afternoon of making dishes, indeed it was tiring.

“Shuang-jie, you should go up and rest. I got downstairs.” Xu Yun sat in the chair of the front desk, pouring a cup of green tea. He suddenly saw an advertis.e.m.e.nt for HeDong City’s Grand International Hotel, introducing the same panacea dishes that were exactly the same as the panacea restaurant’s dishes.

Whatever time or day it was, he truly had to go and investigate, and see just what kind of person created this mischief that secretly sold the secret panacea cuisine recipes.


After being violently beaten by Xu Yun, after half an hour Liu TianYi finally recovered his body’s strength. Even though he had taken a shortcut, but after all, he was an elite that had his meridians cleared – he wouldn’t go the hospital just for a few surface wounds from punches.

Xu Yun didn’t use any true strength in handling him, and completely didn’t even use his True Qi and internal strength. If he truly did, then probably Liu TianYi wouldn’t be able to take a single punch.

The restaurant boss was struggling wondering how to handle this, but this seriously injured person suddenly got up, directly scaring him into a fright.

Liu TianYi’s eyes showed a savage light – even if he was beaten to death he wouldn’t have thought that his opponent was an elite. Good thing that before he hadn’t touched him, or else he would’ve been dead for sure.

On this matter, of course he wouldn’t let it go just like this. Right now he had a 1st-tier elite as his backing, what would he fear? No matter what, he wouldn’t just swallow this mouthful of evil. Originally he wanted to shine in front of Su XiaoRan, but unexpectedly instead of shining, he instead had lost so much face.

“You….are you okay?” The restaurant boss gently and cautiously went forward and asked.

Liu TianYi impatiently waved his hand, “Say how much I have to pay. Don’t f*cking mince words in front of me!”

The restaurant boss hadn’t thought that he wouldn’t be the kind of person to go ditch a debt, but couldn’t just let it go like this. While humbly giving the wallet before Liu TianYi, he said, “Tw……..two hundred thousand?”

Without another word, Liu TianYi took out that gold card and swiped it for the restaurant boss, then quickly turned and left, driving the car to directly look for his shifu.

With messed up clothing, when Liu TianYi stood before his dad Liu Sheng and his shifu Crimson Scorpion, Liu Sheng nearly spat out his tea. Clearly his son had already become an elite, how did someone fix him into such wretchedness!?

Crimson Scorpion couldn’t help but to frown, a kind of small city like HeDong would actually have another elite? This made him very surprised, afterall right now people that were able to get through the First Glimpse wouldn’t be willing to stay in this kind of small city – they were all cramming their heads with going to a big city and battling heaven and earth.

“Just what happened!” Liu Sheng with a look of shock said, “What kind of person beat you into this state?”

“A b.a.s.t.a.r.d stole my woman. Dad, I absolutely won’t let it go like this!” Liu TianYi indignantly said.

Liu Sheng heard and flew into a rage. “Women, women, in your head everyday besides women do you think of anything else! For women you have actually got yourself put into this state, and you still can’t grow up a little!”

Once Liu TianYi heard he also became angry. “Dad, I don’t care, that’s the woman for me! I want her, in this lifetime without her I won’t marry! This time for me it’s true love. You must let me get her!”

“You! You want to anger me to death don’t you?!” Liu Sheng truly didn’t know what kind of evil he had done in his past life, to actually raise such an unfilial, failure of a son.

Liu TianYi had an expression of stubbornness, without the slightest intent of giving in.

Crimson Scorpion curiously spoke up, “TianYi, say it. That guy that’s fighting for the woman with you beat you into this state?”

“Right!” Liu TianYi heard Crimson Scorpion speak up, just like he grabbed onto a life-saving straw. “Shifu, you must help me. That person is definitely an elite – once he attacked I knew, I wasn’t a match for him!”

Crimson Scorpion coldly laughed. Of course he knew, because Liu TianYi, this person that entered the ranks of elites through a shortcut was among elites the most inferior type. Their power would only be able to be staggering in ordinary people’s eyes. Among elites, they weren’t even worth looking at.

“Shifu, you must help me.” Liu TianYi said through clenched teeth.

Crimson Scorpion lightly smiled. “On matters of women, of course you must settle them yourself. If I act on it, it’s meaningless.”

Liu TianYi felt a spell of loss in his heart. “But I can’t beat him.”

Crimson Scorpion had a sinister expression on his face. “You insist on fighting? Avoid the blade’s edge, take advantage of when he’s not there and directly take the woman you want away. Forcibly doing things like a despot, are you unwilling? Wait for the raw grains to become rice. At that time again tell your opponent, this is the best punishment for your opponents.”

Liu TianYi’s expression wasn’t distinguishing right from wrong. “Shifu, you made me strong……”

“Correct.” Crimson Scorpion didn’t want for Liu TianYi to finish and interrupted him. “If a man wants to succeed, he mustn’t be picky about the methods. It isn’t that I’m not helping you, but I can’t help you your whole life, I have to teach you how to do things. This is called ‘a person without venom cannot be great’.”

Liu TianYi still couldn’t quite accept the issue of forcing Su XiaoRan, after all he didn’t think of Su XiaoRan like all the other women from before. “What if she is dead set against it? What if she reports me? She’s not that kind of girl, and won’t yield so easily.”

Crimson Scorpion coldly laughed, “Then we’ll see if you can catch the people she wants to protect. Once people are under threat, they’ll comply with anything. What if you get her family members to use as bargaining chips? Would you still believe that she would dare to resist? TianYi, I think you don’t need me to continue right?”

Liu TianYi suddenly had the look of realization – with an expression of excitement he said, “Shifu, I understand what you mean.”

“Ordinary people don’t have the strength to take the pressure of an elite. Tell her that if she resists, her whole family will have the same ending…..heh heh, I guarantee she’ll obey like a kitten.” Crimson Scorpion’s eyes flashed with a cold light.

Though Liu Sheng didn’t support Crimson Scorpion teaching his fundamental failure of a son like this, but because of Crimson Scorpion’s strength, he didn’t speak again.

The smile on Liu TianYi’s face became more and more sinister. For a person to learn good was very difficult, but to learn evil only needed an instant. Moreover, at his core he wasn’t an ideologically moral person.

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