Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 129

Overflowing with Femininity – A Man’s Paradise

Xu Yun believed in Qian Feng’s ability to handle the situation, and no longer was concerned with his matters. Just glancing at Fan Shuang’er he said, “Hey hey hey, what, can you still walk by yourself? Don’t need me to carry you?”

“I’m not as weak as you think,” Fan Shuang’er intolerantly glared as she said.

Qiu Yan said nothing, silently following behind Xu Yun.

Qian Feng quickly rushed to throw the car keys to Xu Yun. With Fan Shuang’er’s current condition, it would definitely worsen her injuries – after all with this girl’s incomprehensible temperament, she would never admit to her own injuries.

Xu Yun also didn’t bother with formalities, asking where the car was to pick it up.

Even though when the three of them returned to the panacea restaurant it was already late, but Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo still hadn’t gone to sleep. After all outsiders had come to the panacea restaurant, even when they tried to kick Tang Jiu out she wouldn’t leave, making GuoGuo especially helpless. Fortunately after Qin Wan’er came back, she excitedly told them about what happened after the auction ended.

So everyone focused on listening to what Qin Wan’er said happened after the auction, and learned that the guy that called out 200 million had actually fled. This was enormously good news to GuoGuo, since this meant that the hotel hadn’t been sold. If it hadn’t been sold then this meant that GuoGuo still had a chance of being the boss of the hotel – a second auction would happen sooner or later…..

Seeing Xu Yun return, the people in the room had expressions of shock. The three people that came back looked like they’d had a fight on the floor, especially the arms of the girl that none of them recognized drooped listlessly.

“Daddy, Qiu Yan-jiejie, what is this?” GuoGuo was most helpless in understanding the situation in front of her. “Just who were you wrestling with? Also, daddy, why did the woman you see off come back again? And she’s clinging to our restaurant and not leaving. You didn’t do something did you?”

Ruan QingShuang had a stunned expression, “Xu Yun, Qiu Yan, why did you go out till so late? Just what happened? Ummm……who is this?”

Qin Wan’er frowned, “You guys weren’t fighting with someone, were you?”

Seeing the three people, only Tang Jiu seemed to understand. She was clearer than the other three about one thing – one glance could distinguish more clearly that these three were elites absolutely unlike ordinary people.

“Later I’ll slowly explain this situation, first give me an empty room. This little sister is injured, if she still isn’t helped, I’m guessing tomorrow we could sign her up for the Paralympics,” Xu Yun said indifferently.

“Go to my room.” Qiu Yan said. She understood grat.i.tude, and directly went forward to lead the way. Fan Shuang’er by no means resisted, quickly following after. She hadn’t thought that there was so many people in the panacea restaurant, and they were all women, with Xu Yun as the only man.

This place was truly overflowing with femininity……but these words weren’t spoken aloud by Fan Shuang’er, only they were repeated inside. No wonder the former Dragon Fury instructor, a grand Ultra Elite, would actually happily hide like a snail in this small little restaurant – it turns out he was hiding something fishy.

It could be guessed that if any Dragon Fury person came, they wouldn’t want to leave. They were a group of guys who hadn’t seen a woman since they were small. Fan Shuang’er wasn’t confident about her appearance – she felt that each beauty was top quality and definitely prettier than her. Even if she was the apple of the eyes of that group of people in Dragon Fury, there were so many beautiful women here, no wonder it could be treated as a paradise.

GuoGuo looked at Qiu Yan with astonishment – this was not her way of doing things.

“Dad who is she?” GuoGuo pointed at Fan Shuang’er who had just followed Qiu Yan into her room. “There’s still something in the house that hasn’t been clarified, and you brought home another? You’re really not treating mommy and Wan’er-jiejie as anything. Don’t you know that they’re jealous?”

“GuoGuo……” Ruan QingShuang’s threatening voice sounded from behind GuoGuo.

GuoGuo quickly ran beside Xu Yun. “Was it wrong?”

“I’m guilty by a.s.sociation. GuoGuo, last time you hurt the innocent, watch out or I’ll trample you!” Qin Wan’er said through clenched teeth.

Xu Yun said to Tang Jiu with a bitter smile, “Didn’t I tell you to go home? Why did you come back?”

Without the slightest step back Tang Jiu looked at Xu Yun and said, “I was just worried that after that woman took you away, there would be danger to your panacea restaurant.”

Even though Ruan QingShuang, Qin Wan’er and even GuoGuo didn’t understand something about a woman taking Xu Yun away, but they still listened with great seriousness. Especially GuoGuo, her eyes didn’t even blink, listening very closely.

“Even if you stayed then what? What could change?” Xu Yun was helpless, this woman was truly insane. Clearly knowing that there could be danger, she threw herself in the net instead of running. 

“If I left, that would be too improper.” Tang Jiu said, “Clearly knowing that you guys have trouble, if I left by myself, that is something I can’t do.”

“You’re too proper eh?” Xu Yun smiled, “Fine, very nice of you.”

Tang Jiu shrugged, “Since there is no problem, then I’ll leave.”

“I won’t see you off.” GuoGuo sent the guest off.

At the moment Xu Yun didn’t have the time to send her off, “Be careful on the road. Even though it’s really late, I really can’t send you off, but it’s not that I’m improper, but someone is wounded, and the injuries are serious.”

“Got it.” Tang Jiu wasn’t upset, naturally leaving the panacea restaurant.

Ruan QingShuang and Qin Wan’er looked at each other, the two people and four eyes faced each other, completely not understanding how this woman who was fighting with them over the hotel had become friends with Xu Yun.

Up until Tang Jiu left, only then did GuoGuo sorrowfully think aloud. “Dad, if you still don’t explain the situation, we’ll probably be completely confused.”

At this moment Qiu Yan came out from her room and to Xu Yun said, “If you don’t want her crippled, then hurry up.”

Xu Yun directly got up and went into Qiu Yan’s room.

GuoGuo unwillingly said, “Daddy, you still haven’t explained yet.”

“Don’t you have to go to school tomorrow?” Qiu Yan asked with a glance, and GuoGuo stuck out her tongue, quickly running into her room.

Ruan QingShuang smiled with guilt. Earlier she was only listening to Qin Wan’er’s endless talking, and completely hadn’t realized the time. At such a time and GuoGuo still hadn’t gone to bed, she was completely to blame. Seeing Qiu Yan angry, she also hurried and followed GuoGuo into the room.

Now it was just Qin Wan’er and her – she quickly pulled Qiu Yan into her own room.

“What?” Qiu Yan slightly hesitated.

“Who is that woman?” Qin Wan’er said curiously.

Qiu Yan said, “Xu Yun’s friend.”

“When did Xu Yun have such a friend? How do they know each other? It looks like you all had it especially rough, what happened?” Qin Wan’er repeatedly asked questions, asking till Qiu Yan completely didn’t know how to answer.

“…….” After a period of silence, Qiu Yan shook her head to answer Qin Wan’er’s questions.

Qin Wan’er was speechless – seeing Qiu Yan leave, she again pulled Qiu Yan and asked, “Why is that woman from the auction in our panacea restaurant?”

“Shouldn’t I ask you about that?” Qiu Yan said, “After we came back, weren’t you all chatting agreeably?”

Qin Wan’er’s expression became weird, how was it agreeable? In three words that woman and GuoGuo could start fighting, no matter what the topic was they would argue.

Qiu Yan no longer wasted time with Qin Wan’er, and directly turned to shower. Qin Wan’er called out twice, but Qiu Yan didn’t have the intent to chat nonsense with her about the Eight Trigrams, and completely ignored her.

Seeing Qiu Yan go to the shower, and that Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo went to sleep, the curious Qin Wan’er quietly tip-toed to Qiu Yan’s room. She was too curious about who that ponytailed-girl was – eavesdropping wasn’t peeping, it shouldn’t be a crime right……

“Take off your clothes.” Xu Yun said as easy as drifting clouds, just as though he was talking about eating and drinking tea.

Fan Shuang’er didn’t so easily interpret these words. Her eyes glared, and looked at Xu Yun like he was a monster. With her whole body tense she said, “What are doing?”

“If you don’t take off your clothes, how can I do it?” Xu Yun wrinkled his brow.

“Can’t I just roll up my sleeves?” Fan Shuang’er’s expression was still tense. “No need to take off clothes right?”

Qin Wan’er lay on the floor burning with anger, if this was just to do that, why would he go in and then say undress? Xu Yun was too impatient right? Who would’ve thought that ordinarily he puts on airs, but behind their backs he was actually very perverted.

No good, she couldn’t keep listening to this, Qin Wan’er was afraid this wasn’t suitable for kids. She angrily disdained Xu Yun, then hurried to leave. Anyways after Qiu Yan was done showering she would catch her…….

“Uh…….only the arms were injured? Your body wasn’t wounded? Then…….then you don’t need to undress.” Xu Yun was a bit disappointed

Fan Shuang’er glared. Rolling up her sleeves, even though they were just slightly touched, but they still ached unbearably. She hadn’t thought that Panther Lady’s hands were truly so heavy. “What else do you want me to do? Aren’t I miserable enough?”

“If you want to blame something then blame that you’re nosy. By the way, why did you and Azure Dragon come back to HeDong?” Xu Yun heard Qin Wan’er leave outside, and then lifted Fan Shuang’er’s arms. Swollen to this state, they were truly seriously wounded.

Fan Shuang’er was pinched by Xu Yun, and knitting her brow she lightly breathed, “Hurts……”

“Even if it hurts endure it. If you want to blame something then blame yourself for meddling,” Xu Yun said as he flipped around his own infantry pack of hundreds of treasures; in here were absolutely rare treasures of medicine of the highest quality.

“If we didn’t rush over, then you’d probably be killed already.” Fan Shuang’er glaringly said, “Don’t you know good intentions?”

Xu Yun mischievously smiled, “Being killed is better than having someone nearly bite my lip off.”

“Less cheap advantages and be better behaved! If not for the circ.u.mstances of that crisis, even if I died I wouldn’t have done it!” Hearing Xu Yun talk about this, at that moment back then it was urgent, and this urgency pulled Fan Shuang’er arms, and immediately hurt till she grimaced. “Xu Yun, if you dare to talk about this, I’ll definitely kill you!”

Xu Yun took out a yellow bone pill, and threw it to Fan Shuang’er. “On that, you should tell Qian Feng right? Who would I tell?”

Fan Shuang’er heard and her face immediately flushed red. Right, what if Azure Dragon that b.a.s.t.a.r.d goes back and spreads it without any restraint? Then where could she hide her face?

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