Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 130

After Leaving Dragon Fury, He’s Still Flame Dragon

“What is this thing?” Fan Shuang’er held that Yellow Bone Pill and scrunched her brow.

“Internal medicine. The Panther Fist that Panther Lady used emphasizes the five fingers like metal hooks, and she had just fiercely used a great deal of speed and power. You’re lucky to have come across me, or else even if your arms aren’t crippled, then in the future they would definitely be unsightly.” Xu Yun looked at Fan Shuang’er’s arms and frowned, “If the swelling gets as big as a leg it’ll be trouble.”

No matter what Fan Shuang’er was also a girl, and there are no girls who don’t wish to be beautiful. Don’t speak of her arms becoming as large as legs – if her arms truly changed to be as big as her legs she wouldn’t want to live.

In regards to this former Dragon Fury ‘Boss’, of course Fan Shuang’er had heard many stories. He had been proclaimed as a super-genius of medicine seen in one-out-of-a-hundred years in the Divine Dragon Army – if he wasn’t an odd one that also practiced martial arts, he probably would’ve already been a.s.signed as a healer.

“Then hurry and treat me.” Fan Shuang’er was a bit panicked. “Weren’t you called Dragon Fury’s G.o.d of Healing? Hurry and think of something.”

Xu Yun pointed at the small bottle in her hand, “Didn’t I give you the medicine? This is a treasure. I wouldn’t give it to an ordinary person.”

Fan Shuang’er quickly opened the medicine bottle of the Yellow Bone Pill, and a powerful choking smell hit her face – this was too stinky right?!

“You gave me this to eat?” Fan Shuang’er truly doubted Xu Yun was going to heal her. “This thing didn’t expire right?”

Xu Yun shrugged. “If you don’t believe it, you could not eat it. Wait for Azure Dragon to come back and let him see, and watch if he wouldn’t fight with you over it. If not for the concern about the damage to your arm bones, I wouldn’t give you this medicine to take. At the very most I’d apply Heavenly Fragrance Ointment.”

Heavenly Fragrance Ointment! Fan Shuang’er froze; that was a topical cure-all, no matter what kind of injury from a blow it was, it was something that could cure it all – who would’ve thought that Xu Yun was actually capable of possessing such a precious thing.

Fan Shuang’er abandoned formalities, reaching out with both arms she said, “Just let me use the Heavenly Fragrance Ointment.”

“Em……” Xu Yun flipped around for half a day and couldn’t find it, and finally he suddenly realized that the time QiangZi was wounded, he used it on him. “I think I used it all up.”

“Hey! You’re truly hateful!” Fan Shuang’er directly put down her arms, with her anger not showing in just one spot. “Can you do it or not? Why do I feel like you’re more and more unreliable?”

Xu Yun widened his eyes. “Don’t tell a man he can’t do something.”

While speaking, Xu Yun grabbed Fan Shuang’er’s arms, and just when Fan Shuang’er wanted to resist, she felt a burst of special True Qi easing through the skin and into the muscles of her internal wounds; this feeling was very comfortable.

Was he using True Qi to help her heal, with the intent to drive the cold of her wound and the strain of the injury directly out of her body? This was absolutely not something an ordinary person could do – it necessitated proficiency or else it was very easy to bring about another round of harm.

Now Fan Shuang’er was completely convinced about Xu Yun’s level of healing expertise.

“Talk about why you two came back.” While Xu Yun alleviated the strain caused by injury, he indifferently asked.

“When we went back we merely told the Honored Master about your situation.” Fan Shuang’er felt there was nothing to hide. “After he learned of the circ.u.mstances, he immediately determined that you had provoked some kind of trouble, so he had the two of us quickly go back. Because previously he had heard that Blue Ghost had brought people to HeDong, so at that time he was sure it was because of Crimson Scorpion.”

Xu Yun frowned. “That is to say, people of Dragon Fury have already become involved in the situation with Blue Ghost’s faction. Then why don’t they go and directly destroy his entire nest?”

Fan Shuang’er shook her head. “Before there was that kind of plan, but Blue Ghost is indeed not easy to deal with. The place he’s based at is heavily populated. In concealing himself in that place, for a long time we haven’t moved. One because we fear hurting innocents, and second to avoid increasing unnecessary injury.”

“I get it.” Xu Yun bitterly laughed, “It seems, you two told him about me breaking through the mental state right?”

“Mm, Honored Master already knew you broke through the mental state and stepped among the ranks of top quality elites.” Fan Shuang’er said, and then curiously asked, “That year when you left Dragon Fury, wasn’t it to break through the mental state? Now since you’ve already done it, why aren’t you preparing to go back?”

Go back? Xu Yun faintly smiled, if not for this matter, he wouldn’t have gone as far as to truly leave and come to this small city. Inside there were too many things that couldn’t be explained clearly, and Xu Yun didn’t want to explain.

But Xu Yun was very clear, Honored Master already knew he had stepped into this trouble just like he had thrown this situation on his own head. Anyways he knew he had already broken through the mental state, and this decision would have him get some experience.

Ai, if not for him to learn through experience and help him settle this trouble, he actually also got some baggage. Xu Yun was truly helpless. If he wanted to help, he only needed Azure Dragon, why send this person that only just received the position of Silver Dragon?

Xu Yun thought to himself, Geezer w.a.n.g Yi, you’re really thinking of one stone for two birds. Since you’re teaching ge through experience, and having ge teach the rookie, actually you just want to be happily relaxed, not worried of the possibility if I get smashed into a cripple by Blue Ghost.

A warrior who hadn’t truly gone through life and death battles wasn’t qualified to be a warrior. Obviously, Fan Shuang’er being thrown here was for her to have a good experience of a life and death battle.

This was her first time facing crossed blades, and she had nearly crippled both her arms.

“w.a.n.g Yi didn’t say anything else?” Xu Yun eyebrows jumped. “He didn’t tell you two to listen nicely?”

Fan Shuang’er nearly glared her eyeb.a.l.l.s out – this guy actually dared to directly say Honored Master’s name, this was simply impudence. And without Honored Master here, if he had truly heard it, wouldn’t she directly fly into a rage?

Anyhow, Fan Shuang’er truly had words she hadn’t said clearly. In this instance of being sent with Azure Dragon to help Xu Yun, w.a.n.g Yi had indeed very clearly told the two of them, even if Xu Yun was already no longer the Dragon Fury SPC’s former Instructor Flame Dragon, they still must move according to Xu Yun’s intentions.

With regards to this point, of course Qian Feng had no objections. Perhaps even if w.a.n.g Yi had told him not to listen, in front of Xu Yun he would absolutely comply with his life. In his mind Xu Yun was the only Boss he approved of, and the only person he esteemed.

“I……how would I know that much.” Fan Shuang’er threw a glance, and then ambiguously said, “Honored Master only said, even if you left Dragon Fury, you’re still Flame Dragon……”

Inside Xu Yun understood. “Alright, since that geezer has already arranged for it, then I can’t just rush you two back. However, s.p.a.ce in the panacea restaurant is very limited. If you want to stay, then it’ll be improper but squeeze in with me on a bed okay?”

What?! If not for Fan Shuang’er’s arms being wounded, she would’ve already shot one punch over!

Xu Yun was arranging things for himself. Even Qian Feng that kid, I’ve wronged the place he chooses……

Qiu Yan suddenly pushed open the door and entered, pointing at Fan Shuang’er, and directly gave a proposition to Xu Yun. “She can stay in my room.”

“What about you?” Xu Yun felt a surge inside. There should be no way that the Venerated Violent Fox as cold as ice and snow would suddenly have a spring right? Could it be that she decided to subst.i.tute Fan Shuang’er to help warm his bed……wait, Xu Yun rapidly shook his head. This kind of fantasy was impossible.

“I’ll sleep on the sofa.” Qiu Yan replied extremely firmly, clearly she had long prepared to do this.

Fan Shuang’er hastily shook her head, “No need, Azure Dragon and I have already set a spot not far from here. We have a place to sleep.”

“The two of you? In one room?” Xu Yun enviously said.

Fan Shuang’er glared, “Of course two rooms!”

*Exhale*……Xu Yun took advantage of Fan Shuang’er’s momentary blank, and suddenly applied strength – a burst of True Qi was directly squeezed into the spots on Fan Shuang’er’s that were most severely wounded. Fan Shuang’er was pained till she nearly cried! If it weren’t for Xu Yun’s words earlier to distract her, she truly didn’t know if she would be able to endure this kind of pain.

However, after the difficult to bear pain pa.s.sed there was a relaxing of the whole body. Fan Shuang’er didn’t dare to look at her arms that had been purged of swelling. She lightly lifted them, and there wasn’t the slightest bit of the heavy feeling from before, and the painful sensation had completely faded.

“Remember to take the Yellow Bone Pill.” Xu Yun once again reminded. “Don’t treat it like it’s not treasure.”

Fan Shuang’er truly hadn’t intended to treat it as treasure. Such a smelly medicine was hard to intake.

“Yellow Bone Pill?” Qiu Yan heard and couldn’t help but to be stupefied, saying, “You actually have even this kind of thing? That’s something that has a sky-high price, a medicine that after taken can power-up the toughness of a person’s bones and body – why would you have it?”

Xu Yun faintly smiled, and to Fan Shuang’er said, “Looks like I really shouldn’t have given the medicine to you. You’re so clueless, perhaps you didn’t even notice my good intentions. How about you return it to me?”

Once Fan Shuang’er heard, without another word, she directly opened up the medicine bottle, and simply threw the single Yellow Bone Pill inside in her mouth and roughly swallowed it down.

Qiu Yan’s mouth was slightly open, and then she was very speechless. She wasn’t going to fight with her over it……

“…….” Even Xu Yun was speechless, and then raising up a thumb he said, “I forgot to tell you, if the Yellow Bone Pill isn’t washed down with water, it can very easily make the user get a really sickly feeling.”

Just as this finished, Fan Shuang’er had a kind of ** burning sensation. She felt like her body was a ball of flame, urgently needing someone to extinguish it.

Qiu Yan sighed, “It looks like ‘if the Yellow Bone Pill isn’t taken with water, it will give an unusual effect’ is not at all nonsense.”

*Screech screech screech screech*

Suddenly from outside of the panacea restaurant sounded a screech owl’s cry. The third one was a rising tone, and the others were flat ones.

Obviously this wasn’t a forest, of course there wouldn’t be birds of the owl type. Xu Yun knew that outside, Qian Feng had come back, thus he went to the window in the corridor and also used the screech owl’s calls to reply to him. *Screech screech screech*

This was communication code among members of Dragon Fury in thick forest. Different sounds, length, tones and frequency all meant different things. The sounds that Qian Feng made earlier were ‘looking for comrades’ in meaning, and the reply Xu Yun gave was to have him directly come up.

Qian Feng heard and directly jumped up to the second floor of the panacea restaurant. “Boss, how are Fan Shuang’er’s wounds?”

“Already nothing much.” Xu Yun said, “Come to my room, I have something I want to ask you.”

Qian Feng knew that Xu Yun wanted to know what Honored Master had arranged for this time, and very docilely he followed behind Xu Yun and went into Xu Yun’s room – tonight perhaps they also wouldn’t sleep. He always felt that his mind was a bit lax, not knowing if it needed progression or not, and it just happens that he could go with the Boss to get some experience to progress. If after the mission he could get to 1st-tier 7th rank, when he goes back he would definitely make all those punks envious.

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