Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 13


With Xu Yun’s arrival, the originally fervent cacophony was forgotten – inside the room suddenly fell silent.

Xu Yun’s gaze swept over each person inside the place. Inside the factory were dozens of big strong guys, most of them exposing their bare upper arms. Wolf head and tiger claw tattoos were everywhere! This group of fellows surrounded him thickly with quite a few numbers.

In the middle of the crowd were 7 or 8 people, enjoying and eating charcoal hot pot, each one with scattered beer bottles laying at their feet.

Right behind this group of guys, Qin Wan’er was bound head and limbs to a big pillar that went all the way to the roof of the factory. Seeing Xu Yun appearing, she was speechless about why this guy didn’t call the police. “Why did you come by yourself?!”

“Mmm well, you didn’t say I could bring anyone.” An ounce of tension couldn’t be seen on Xu Yun’s face.

On dozens of guys’ faces there were cold smiles of ridicule. It seemed as if Xu Yun clearly didn’t know all along that he was a lamb heading to a slaughter. The 7 or 8 at the gang leader’s table also put down their chopsticks one after another and stood up.

At the front of the hot pot table, a darkly-tanned, tall and buff guy stood up at last. In this circle of muscled, vicious men, that one gave a sense of a valor, like a majestic crane in the midst of chickens. “You are that Xu Yun?”

“It wasn’t you that called me.” Xu Yun paused, hearing him didn’t sound the same. “Where’s the person who called me?

“You can see my boss, if you don’t die by my two black* arms today. Then you will definitely have the chance.” The tanned guy clenched both his hands cracking into fists!

*His gangster moniker Er Hei means ‘two black’, a reference to his arms xD

Xu Yun wrinkled his eyebrows. “Huh? Er Hei? That name is pretty plain. Are you confusing it with a village?”

Out of 1000 members of the Four Wolves Gang Er Hei was #2. Within HeDong City’s dark path of life, he was recognized as a great fighter! Daring to insult him was really done by the ignorant. Even when the experienced met him, they would easily be thrown in the Si River to feed the fishes.

“It’s about time. I heard this afternoon you beat down Wei 4th, and then at night you ended Chen 3rd.” Er Hei coldly laughed. “I’m telling you, don’t think you’re all amazing. I’m not as useless as they are.”

When Xu Yun entered, he already felt that this Er Hei’s aura was remarkable. This was a person who had gone through life and death struggles before possessing such an aura, and by his side, the crowd around him were several levels fiercer than the group of gangsters that afternoon. They definitely were all the types to either bleed or be bled by others.

“Since you all are lacking a beating, then I’ll help you guys out.” Xu Yun suddenly clenched his fists, his pair of fists crunching was even louder than Er Hei’s!

“Xu Yun! Are you crazy! You’ll get beaten to death!” Qin Wan’er completely didn’t understand this idiot Xu Yun. “I don’t need your help! Run away quickly!”

After all, she was a top student at police academy. Even at a critical moment, Qin Wan’er’s style was to place the people’s interests first.

“Seeing you so distressed on my part, makes this trip not in vain.” Xu Yun smiled as he looked at Qin Wan’er, she was tied up like this and still could consider others’ safety. Seems like she wasn’t like some other police.

“You really don’t know what’s good for you!” Qin Wan’er’s impression of Xu Yun was pretty good, so she was quite worried about him. She wanted to struggle out but in the end it was hopeless.

As Qin Wan’er kept struggling, that superb loop climbed and strangled more obviously. Xu Yun was reluctant to look away. Concerned he said, “Tied up like this isn’t very comfortable eh? Don’t worry, I’ll release you soon.”

“I don’t see how!” Qin Wan’er looked at Xu Yun not in the least concealing his gaze at her chest – she really wondered what this guy was thinking in his brain! Was this the time to be randomly thinking and randomly looking at whatever he wanted?!

Er Hei’s face showed savagery. This little punk is actually still acting cheery! He was simply not putting him in his gaze!

This type of person Er Hei would never forgive. “Little boy, heaven has got a road for you that you didn’t go to. Instead you actually walked into the gates of h.e.l.l! Today I’ll let you find out exactly what happens when you provoke the Four Wolves Gang!”


At the sound of the angry shout, dozens of silver machetes all dazzled brightly and without another word the machetes attacked! It seemed they wouldn’t give up until Xu Yun bled two pots of blood!

Xu Yun marched forward with an exquisite step rising like a wave.  Screaming, dozens raised their machetes as they whizzed past his shoulder, and he moved at the edges of blades into the middle without a single wound!

Suddenly a boundlessly powerful killing aura, without exaggerating, exploded out from Xu Yun. The sense of absolute devastation instantly enveloped Er Hei and every one of his men like a rolled up mat!

Time seemed to stop immediately, everyone’s body alike seemed frozen.

On Xu Yun’s face hung an evil, forbidding smile that if nearby people saw, it might go so far as to make them break out in cold shivers – even pain and powerlessness sensations might suddenly cram into their legs. The machetes in their hands unexpectedly dropped!

*Bang Clang!* The sound of machetes dropping on the floor awakened the people from their stupor.

Er Hei found it unbearable to resist this boundless pressure out of thin air, roaring, “Hack him to death!”

But now, this mob already didn’t have that initial confidence and bravery. They’ve hacked up people and been hacked by people, but had never felt such an imposing aura before! The dread in their hearts often wanted to force the mind to become even more fearful.

That bone-piercing chill just now was like the Death G.o.d was hovering over their spines!

Knowing that would you still stubbornly charge?

Even if these fellows were total bada.s.ses and didn’t fear the master, in this instant they were quite stiff in their legs.

There is a fitting saying, the husband battles, and even with courage. With lots of effort, he falls anyway, all three are used up*!

TN: Well this is kind of a poem, so a bit of a personal  interpretation here. Only the first parts of the last two phrases rhyme, and I think ‘3’ refers to the husband battling, his bravery, and all his effort. Yet all of it is wasted by the authority.

The situation now was just like that meaning – originally these completely confident dozens with their attacking arms still thought the next 3 or 5 guys could end the battle. But now after all this, they didn’t even injure a single hair on the enemy, and the enemy only used a fierce murderous aura was like giving them all a bang on their heads with a stick!

Seeing no one reacting, Er Hei came up with a good scheme, but with his faction, the worst he can do is to lose face. If he threw away face in front of all his brothers, even if they still saw him as boss after, his prestige would be wiped away.

Suddenly, Er Hei strode forward, his blade raised ruthlessly cutting towards the crown of Xu Yun’s head! With only a tiny lean Xu Yun dodged, his hands gripping Er Hei’s wrists! Er Hei’s wrist ate some pain, and he screamed aloud and his hands dropped the steel blade.

Er Hei found it hard to believe that this man in front of him could so easily dodge his single strike, powerful enough to split Mt. Hua! After all, he was considered someone at the peak of HeDong in prestige and respect. Unexpectedly today he was forced to lose face by a no-name little punk!

The dignified second lord of the Four Wolves Gang brought dozens of fighting-capable brothers – unexpectedly a single enemy riding solo gave them plenty of trouble. This was losing a ton of face!

And also Xu Yun went so far as to be calm and composed, compared to them they looked like dogs drowning in the water – the difference was enormous. In fact they were like a pack of homeless dogs.

Er Hei suddenly flipped out like a mad dog gone berserk pouncing over!

Xu Yun didn’t dodge though, despite Er Hei pouncing in front of him! He abruptly lifted his leg and with lightning speed too quick to dodge, whipped his leg out ruthlessly – he thrashed Er Hei right between the ears directly on the chin! Er Hei’s whole body shook from one powerful smashing force and barreled through the air 360 degrees! Then he heavily fell on the hot pot table!


“Ahhhh-! Owwww-!”

The soaringly famous Er Hei-ge was actually sitting with his b.u.t.t inside the flipped over hot pot. Boiling broth splashed his entire body, the severe scalding caused unbearable pain – he couldn’t resist and yelled ‘ah ah’ and rolled about! A body full of blisters were crushed and popped and the pain became even more unbearable.

Dozens of fighters saw Er Hei-ge become disabled, and were unable to refrain from terror. None dared to take lead and act. Confused eyes looked at the people beside them, and heavy breathing came from their noses each louder than the next. It seemed that they were all nervous to the limit.

But this mob of fellows were in the end not the type that could use ‘to defeat the enemy, destroy the head’ calmly. Right now getting merits for the gang can get very high prestige. Whoever could capture Xu Yun would definitely become a big brother above others, so Xu Yun also didn’t lower his guard.

Finally someone couldn’t hold it in anymore – with a surge of the desire for promotion, yelling ‘ya’!, he raised his blade at Xu Yun’s back attacking! Xu Yun stepped aside and dodged the blade’s edge, raising his foot quickly, he stomped squarely on the calf! Like an eagle claw, his right palm fiercely locked on the other’s throat, making him violently crash on the floor!

He was the first to eat dirt, and the others also couldn’t bear any longer! Bang! Certainly, even though every one of them was full of fear, all of them rushed to attack! This group dared to risk their lives, unlike some little foolish greenhorns.

Xu Yun was also not careless – stomping with his foot and thrusting out his right fist, then a high kick, with covering step punch, he then grabbed someone’s neck and twisted it, violently slamming him down! Even though each move was so simple it couldn’t be further simplified, it was also life-threatening! Those attacked by Xu Yun were dazed without a single one being able to stand up again!

Qin Wan’er watched with her eyes stiff. She had never seen someone that could be like Xu Yun, with simple military style techniques yet making such flexible changes! All alone against dozens of big dudes with machetes besieging him, unexpectedly he did it with ease!

He was simply a mysterious man!

She even suspected that this wasn’t some kind of movie right?! Even if right now someone yelled “Cut! That’s a wrap”, Qin Wan’er still definitely wouldn’t be surprised.

Three minutes later, Xu Yun in drop stance* flipped over the last one. Letting out a relaxed breath, “d.a.m.n, I sweated all over.”

*A Wushu stance, hands not necessarily in the same place

“You simply aren’t human!” Qin Wan’er’s chin nearly fell off. Dozens of people, and just like that Xu Yun with seemingly 3 fists and 2 kicks, put them all in their place!

Xu Yun heard and almost rolled his eyes. “Having you saying stuff like that? Who isn’t a person huh!”

“I didn’t mean that… I was saying you….you…you…” Qin Wan’er temporarily didn’t know what she should say, “Are you really a human!?”

“Correct, I’m not human. I’m not a human so I can leave.” Xu Yun finished talking and really started walking away.

“I already said I didn’t mean that! If you want to leave then you should release me first ah!” Qin Wan’er was lovably angry and said, “I have to go to the bathroom, hurry and come over here and free me!”

In Qin Wan’er’s eyes, Xu Yun enlisting for two years definitely wasn’t so simple. Now she was really curious about Xu Yun’s background. This guy’s talent honestly made her think unimaginable terrors!

Xu Yun stopped teasing Wan’er. To let her down he picked up a machete, and with a whoosh of the blade he cut the rope that bound Qin Wan’er.

Qin Wan’er finally struggled out of the bindings, neatly and quickly she pulled the bindings off her body, shooting a look at Xu Yun, “Accompany me to the bathroom…”

What the, what kind of invitation is this?!

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