Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 14


Outside was dark. Qin Wan’er really didn’t dare to go out and randomly search. She also wasn’t familiar with this factory. Who knows what kind of strange, bizarre thing could happen in the middle of the night?

“Me? So honored?” Xu Yun stared blankly, doubting whether or not he had misheard.

“Get lost, not whatever dirty thing you’re thinking! Outside is too dark, and alone I was afraid of getting lost!” Qin Wan’er blushingly explained. She was completely red because she was afraid that Xu Yun would joke about her timidness.

Xu Yun had no opinion. “Deference is no subst.i.tute for the respect obedience shows.”

The two people went to the front and the back of this factory building. Then they moved down along the factory building and along the corner they searched. In this kind area, the bathroom was sure to be located at the corner. Very quickly, they found the place.

Although she was also afraid to go in alone, Xu Yun was after all, a male – she still suppressed the idea of dragging him in together.

But at that moment Qin Wan’er got her wish, a vroom of a car engine’s sound rumbled out!

Xu Yun’s heart had a bad feeling. Qin Wan’er was also in the bathroom, calling out. “Don’t let them get away!”

However, Xu Yun broke into a pursuit at once, yet by the time he returned to that vacant land, all that was left was the police bike. Even though right now Xu Yun could chase them, he thought that abandoning a beautiful girl like Qin Wan’er in a desolate rural area was too thoughtless and inconsiderate.

Qin Wan’er also tightly followed in pursuit. Even though in her heart a strong anger rose up on the toilet because things weren’t going well, but in a desolate countryside, a kind of fearful feeling became stronger and suppressed her angry impulses.

“Where are they?!” By the time Qin Wan’er caught up with the pursuit, even the car lights were not visible.

“They already escaped.” Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

Qin Wan’er rolled her eyes. “Then why didn’t you chase them!”

“Come on, that’s a car. I have two legs, how can I chase them?” Xu Yun was silent. “You’re a police officer, you chase ’em!”

“Then chase ’em!” Qin Wan’er saw that the patrol bike the station gave her wasn’t at all taken away. Directly climbing on the bike, after starting the engine, she launched!

Xu Yun, seeing the situation, quickly jumped on the back seat, and hugged onto Qin Wan’er. He didn’t hope to be left in the desolate countryside in the middle of the night – if he had to run back, tonight he wouldn’t be sleeping!

“Xu Yun!!” Qin Wan’er suddenly shouted.

“I’m ready!”

“No one cares if you sit or not! Where is your hand grabbing! Don’t touch my chest!” Qin Wan’er demanded as she completely flipped out.

“Oh… no wonder it was so soft.” Xu Yun quickly moved his hands lower.

Qin Wan’er’s demand fell apart. “You’re still touching your aunt’s chest! Let go of me! Don’t hold onto me!”

“……” Xu Yun was silent, this is to be blamed on your b.o.o.bs being too big, he moved his hands down so much and still could touch them. “Then where do I hold?”

“Hold onto yourself!” Qin Wan’er really wanted to get a block of tofu and beat to death the guy behind her!

Xu Yun could only obediently release his two hands, and tighten his two legs against the seat under his b.u.t.t.

Hearing a hum, the bike broke the speed limit in 10 seconds charging out! Fortunately, Xu Yun wasn’t an ordinary person, or else he would’ve fallen off ages ago!

Once on the road, Qin Wan’er was like lightning, full throttle chasing for 20 minutes and they didn’t see so much as half of a car’s shadow! This view continued until they reached the city, which directly threw off clues for the chase.

“Do you remember their license plate number?” Qin Wan’er crunched the vehicle to a stop and got off, panting from rage and frowning as she asked. Xu Yun shook his head.

“Can you do anything?” Qin Wan’er groaned ‘ai’.

“Then what about you? You’re a police officer and you got tied up. Got the nerve to say something to me?” Xu Yun sighed endlessly.

Qin Wan’er resolutely glared at Xu Yun, “I owe you one, okay then!”

“Considered a decent ethics.” Xu Yun stroked his chin, and nodded.

“Get off!”

“A good person finishes the job. Take me home yeah?”

“You think I’m a motorcycle taxi? This is a police vehicle! It doesn’t carry pa.s.sengers!”

“Don’t be so uptight, just do it this once.”

“Get off!”

“Policemen serve the people, this is Heaven’s law and Earth’s principle!”


With Xu Yun’s insistence, Qin Wan’er could only send Xu Yun back home acting against her will. Otherwise, this guy would refuse to get off the vehicle!

After getting home, Xu Yun quickly took a cold shower, then did his usual routine of duties, after finishing his Master’s breathing and evil-suppression techniques.

Once Xu Yun was done with ordinary tasks, he would comfortably recline on his bed. He was convinced that the so-called 4 Wolves Gang wouldn’t so easily let him go. He worried that in the future there would be even more inconveniences watching and waiting for him.

If he really offended some giant owl* he still wasn’t afraid, but offending this type of ruffian was the most troublesome. They would hara.s.s you with wanton recklessness, and Xu Yun was too lazy to kill them.

*Owls have evil connotation.


Inside of a room within the club house of Hundred Happiness, on a small sheepskin sofa sat a roughly 50+ old middle-aged man, his hair mostly white. Copper coin designs on a loose shirt were incapable of hiding the faint tremble of his body. He squinted through his triangle-shaped eyes, which flashed a hint of a darkly fierce, cold brightness, just like he was prepared to spit out poison like a white-browed viper at any time.

“Urrrraawr-!” Furious, the middle-aged man threw the expensive purple sand cup in his hand fiercely on the ground! He roared, “Useless s.h.i.ts! Brought so many men and couldn’t even deal with one person! Even shameless enough to go to the hospital! Hmph!”

A few guys nearby began to tremble and quake in fear, afraid of saying anything wrong which would incur wrath.

The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa was called w.a.n.g ShunXi. In HeDong City’s WenHui district, he was a notorious big time gangster, and the leader of the Four Wolves. The younger generation of gangsters all addressed him as Uncle Xi.

It is said his father was the first generation that started a big time criminal syndicate here; inherited by him, he spent his whole life developing and promoting it. Leading Er Hei, San Pao, and Wei-4th they established the Four Wolves Gang. He was absolutely, 100% the local tyrant gangster.

“Uncle Xi, this can’t also be blamed on Er Hei-ge. That kid is simply…… too powerful.”

It took a while before w.a.n.g ShunXi calmed down – probably, these underlings really didn’t lie. After all, Er Hei was his right-hand and a capable man. He could fight, was ruthless, and he could be considered loyal and devoted towards him. This time they sank in a sewer – he was worried that maybe they really did come across a worthy adversary.

If the other side was a group of people, perhaps w.a.n.g ShunXi wouldn’t be as angry, but his adversary was a lone person!

One person, man! At noon the 30+ underlings Wei 4th brought to go f’ck up his place were done in by him! At night #3 San Pao and the casino’s 20+ capable fighters unexpectedly were put down by one guy! Right now even #2 Er Hei was dropped by him!

Where the h.e.l.l was that boy from? Could he be a.s.sociated with the Underworld?

Up till now, w.a.n.g ShunXi had seen such a ferocious person before,  but that was something he couldn’t touch – an Underworld elite! That person in his eyes was an existence like a ferocious animal, he even had a chilling moniker “Leopard”.

If this young guy really was the ferocious type a.s.sociated with the Underworld, then he absolutely can’t be working at the little panacea restaurant doing manual labor! Therefore, w.a.n.g ShunXi was very quick to refute this thought as untrue. Since he wasn’t a ferocious person of the Underworld, then he there wasn’t anything fear!

This kid really had quite some ability. If he could get him to serve the Four Wolves Gang, then w.a.n.g ShunXi would naturally choose full throttle growth!

“How is Er Hei right now. Were his scalding burns severe?”w.a.n.g ShunXi tried to calm himself down.

That little underling’s head was like a baby chick pecking at grains. “Mm, mm, mm, such a large hot pot’s broth on a rolling boil, I fear Er Hei’s skin has all been scalded by the broth ….”

Once w.a.n.g ShunXi heard, he ferociously blamed, “I tell him to take care of something and that f’cking pretentious b.a.s.t.a.r.d ate hot pot! He deserved it!”

But Er Hei after all, was his right-hand man. After venting his temper, w.a.n.g ShunXi still decided to go have a look, “We’re leaving. Take me to the hospital.”

Inside the hospital, Er Hei’s arms, thighs, back, chest, and up to his face were wrapped up in white bandages. That one hot pot of broth, indeed not 1 drop was put to waste, all of it splashed on his body.

Er Hei was howling angrily at little nurses applying medicine. At this moment w.a.n.g ShunXi had just pushed open the door to enter, he waved his hand to the small nurses, “Go on out.”

The small nurses hurriedly escaped outside, treating this kind of patient was really a kind of torture!

Boss, why did you come…” Er Hei stared blankly and endured the pain to sit up, “I’m sorry boss, this matter.. I..”

“Forget it.” w.a.n.g ShunXi waved his hand. Even though his voice wasn’t his frame of mind, but he didn’t blame either. “Sh’t happens, this one page has already turned. Nurse your wounds well and don’t think too much.”

Er Hei’s heart had a burst of warmth. Afterwards, he immediately gnashed his teeth and pledged, “Boss, when I leave the hospital, the first thing I will do is chop that grandson into 10,000 pieces!”

Saying this was all out of anger. Today Er Hei was beaten to this state, then it was definitely because of the gap in strength. w.a.n.g ShunXi understood the concept that to strike a stone with an egg, then one will suffer bitterly..

Seeing w.a.n.g ShunXi smiling a subtle, extremely deep smile, Er Hei felt a sense of calmness. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that he was definitely not a worthy adversary of him. The gap in strength was enormous. Ever since, his arrogant and confident heart suffered from serious trauma.

“Look after your injuries, alright.” w.a.n.g ShunXi saw that Er Hei’s injuries were skin burns and was immediately relieved. He got up to leave the hospital ward at once.

Just as w.a.n.g ShunXi left the hospital room, Er Hei used some strength from who knows where, and showing unexpected toughness, he sat up. Even though his entire body felt tearing pains that made it hard to endure, he still insisted on straightening his body, “Boss, when I leave the hospital I’ll use a gun to take care of him!!”

“Er Hei, your boss also isn’t just anyone, before doing something think about it first! w.a.n.g ShunXi said, “Guns aren’t the kind of thing you can just casually take out and f’ck around with. China is still China. Even though there are plenty of young kids with very big b.a.l.l.s, and using a gun to do two savage things can get you promoted, how many of them have been arrested and taken to prison for them to rot their days away?”

Er Hei lowered his head speechless to w.a.n.g ShunXi.

“I, w.a.n.g ShunXi could live so many peaceful days in HeDong City, is all because of one code! If you want to punish someone, besides violence there are many ways.” w.a.n.g ShunXi smiled widely, his evil face ferociously sinister.

w.a.n.g ShunXi left the hospital and entered into his Audi car, permitting his chauffeur to drive quickly away from the hospital. He always believed that hospitals and places like them were extremely unlucky, if the injured person was not his #2, he wouldn’t have come here.

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