Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 138: He’s My Man

Chapter 138: He’s My Man

The one that came wasn’t just anyone, it was exactly the one who had the bar manager send the alcohol up. Obviously, Tang Jiu and this person knew each other, and in fact not only knew each other, but were very familiar.

This handsome rich man was Tang Jiu’s cousin, Tang YiFei. In the fourth generation of the Tang Family he was second, and was also Tang Jiu’s Second Brother – as well as the one who took up a key opportunity within the Tang Family’s internal struggles, and was the one person most highly valued.

If he now took inebriated Tang Jiu back to the Tang Family, then he’d really like to see how Tang ZhengTian would explain. Even though Tang ZhengTian was the head of the third generation, but if his daughter didn’t live up to expectations, then in the end he’d have to pa.s.s authority to him, his nephew.

And his little Ninth Sister had been drinking with an uncouth man, and perhaps they looked like an even better show…. Hehe, he wasn’t just taking his little Ninth Sister back, he would also bring this uncouth man back, and let Tang ZhengTian see what his daughter was doing in the few days she had left JiBei.

He hadn’t expended just a few connections to get information that Tang Jiu’s license plate had appeared in HeDong, and also hadn’t thought that he would be so lucky – just as he had come to HeDong his little brother had discovered Tang Jiu’s whereabouts. But what Tang YiFei couldn’t understand was, why his highly elegant little sister would come to a bar to get plastered with a little thug.

“Second Brother, what have you come to do?” Apparently Tang Jiu’s drinking ability was shocking, unexpectedly after drinking 108 shots of all kinds of liquor she could still speak.

Once Xu Yun heard that he was Tang Jiu’s brother, he calmed down. At the very least it wasn’t someone causing trouble, and he directly closed his eyes to take a good rest, with one breath releasing 108 shots of liquor, truly greatly refreshing. It was a must to catch a breath.

Tang YiFei frowned and pointed at Tang Jiu and said, “Little Jiu, who is this man? Why did you leave JiBei without a sound and run to a place like this in HeDong, a.s.sociating with this kind of uncouth man? Do you still have any of the manner of a powerful family!”

Even though Xu Yun closed his eyes, but he heard every word very clearly. I’ll be d.a.m.ned, calling me an uncouth man? Ge is also someone that has status alright! Today ge wasn’t wearing flip flops and beach shorts so that people wouldn’t look down on him so much.

Once Tang Jiu heard Tang YiFei roaring behind her, of course she wasn’t happy. “Why do you care what I do? Even my dad doesn’t care, why are you yelling at me? Second Brother, I’m afraid the Tang Family isn’t yours right now right?”

Tang YiFei had been retorted by Tang Jiu without regard. Who would’ve thought that this girl’s ability to drink was so terrifying? After drinking so much, even though with a glance her head was in confusion, she was actually able to say such clearly thought-out words. If it weren’t for being so obviously drunk, Tang YiFei suspected that she had drank 108 gla.s.ses of water, not liquor!

“Come home with me now! And also this uncouth man, I must take this man home to have the Tang Elder Uncle take a look, and see just what kind of a man you were a.s.sociating with! And have the Tang Family members see how they could rest a.s.sured giving the Tang Family to you!” Tang YiFei angrily said, then he waved his hand. To the four people behind he said, “Take them away, tie that man up!”

Xu Yun closed his eyes and yawned, truly they weren’t letting a person rest. He didn’t care that the other side was Tang Jiu’s Second Brother or not, as long as those people dared to attack him, he would have them looking for their teeth.

“You dare!” Tang Jiu suddenly smacked the table. “He is my man! Don’t you dare try to touch him!”

Oh f*ck! Xu Yun’s back had a cold sweat – they say that a drunk speaks the truth, this girl wasn’t playing for real right? Uh….but come to think of it, it doesn’t matter if it’s for playing a game or playing for real, Xu Yun wasn’t afraid of losing out at all. To play a fake lover for the most outstanding of the wealthy second generation in the provincial capitol JiBei? Truly troublesome……

The sneer on Tang YiFei’s face became even clearer. “Little Jiu, you better remember what you just said. When we go back and tell everyone in our Tang family, and have them all know just what kind of a man that you, Tang Jiu have found!”

Tang Jiu’s head hummed, the alcohol had already given her a splitting headache. “The man I find is my problem, but the man I find is definitely capable of helping our Tang Family. As long as it is so, it’s enough, only this way can I prove…..I……I……”

While speaking Tang Jiu directly sprawled onto the sofa. Under the effect of more than 100 types of alcohol, she completely lost consciousness. Even if she had legendary tolerance, but in the end there was no way for her to conquer this drinking style of ‘108 Generals’.

Tang YiFei didn’t bother to listen to Tang Jiu’s earlier words. To him, those words were a declaration of war.

Members of the Tang Family had a tacit custom that if Tang Jiu was able to find a capable significant other, and can prove to them and let them see her abilities, then the Tang Family’s fourth generation would still transfer from Tang ZhengTian’s hands into Tang Jiu’s.

However, if Tang Jiu couldn’t find this, then Tang Jiu must pick someone else that can become the leader of the Tang Family’s fourth generation. And of many candidates, besides Tang Jiu, above her were all 8 brothers, and the most meritorious was her second brother Tang YiFei.

“Bring Miss Jiu to my car.” Tang YiFei said with a frown.

“Stop.” Xu Yun who had all along had his eyes closed finally got up. He couldn’t let someone else directly take Tang Jiu away. No matter what was said, Tang Jiu had just acknowledged him as her man – and no matter if it was true or not, he had the responsibility of acting as her man.

Even if the man in front of her was Tang Jiu’s second brother, he hadn’t expected that with one word he’d take her away.

Tang YiFei looked with surprise at Xu Yun who suddenly stood up. Inside he truly couldn’t help but to wonder that after drinking 108 kinds of liquor to actually still be able to stand up – there was no way for people to believe this. However, even if he could still drink, he wouldn’t be able to escape fate.

“You don’t need to mind Miss Jiu, immediately tie that man up, and throw him in the car and take him back. I’ll handle Miss Jiu.” Tang YiFei directly gave orders, and those big burly bodyguards in black immediately surrounded Xu Yun.

They had completely treated Xu Yun as a drunken man and completely let their guard down.

Xu Yun suddenly coldly laughed, “I’ll tell you guys a few things. If anyone takes a step forward, I’ll beat him till the floor is covered with his teeth.”

Tang YiFei coldly snorted, inside thinking that this was truly a worthless scoundrel.

Of course those four bodyguards wouldn’t believe a drunk man’s words. When the first one stepped forward to grab Xu Yun’s arm, suddenly he felt a gust of fierce wind striking towards him, and closely following, suddenly he felt a burst of ma.s.sive pain on his mouth and nose, flying away with a groan!

Because everything happened too suddenly, the other three hadn’t even seen just what the other side had done, and their comrade’s mouth was covered with flowing blood. His front row of teeth had actually been solidly knocked out!

Tang YiFei’s face revealed a shocked expression – the four that he brought were all capable fighters, how could they not be able to even handle one scoundrel? “Go! Tie him up for me!!”

“Yes!” The three of them said in unison, and directly pounced at Xu Yun.

From inside, Xu Yun burst with a ma.s.sive pressure like the unending flow of the Yangzi River rushing out. Just as the three of them jumped at him, Xu Yun’s figure swayed and flashed, and right after, the three of them were individually struck in the face by fists filled with limitless explosive power!


After several miserable cries, the four bodyguards that Tang YiFei brought directly sprawled onto the floor.

Just as Tang YiFei was stunned, Xu Yun had already reached him, and took Tang Jiu from Tang YiFei’s hands. To him he said, “I told your subordinates that whoever dares to touch me, I’ll have him looking for his teeth. It’s not that I was inconsiderate, but it was them not listening. Sorry.”

Shock filled Tang YiFei’s face, and he clenched his teeth and said, “b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don’t you know who I am? Let go of Tang Jiu now, and come with me to the Tang Family!”

“Pfft, JiBei right? If I give you face, I could also call you second brother like Tang Jiu. If I don’t give you face, I could directly call you grandson.” Xu Yun said with an unhappy expression, “No matter how much face you have in JiBei, this is HeDong. In HeDong, daddy’s face is in the forefront of yours. Got it?”

Since he was small, Tang YiFei was the Tang Family’s hero. At home, at school, in society, no matter where he was he had never lost face! But today, such a scoundrel had actually dared to pointed at his nose and called himself ‘daddy’, this was simply a great insult!

“Waiter! Have your manager bring all the security personnel here! There is someone causing trouble!” Tang YiFei saw that the several useless subordinates were finished, and could only ask the bar.

The bar manager heard and immediately sent people rushing over – this was a customer who could spend 100,000 at once, of course he had to provide for him.

“Yo, yo, yo. Who has provoked such great anger?” The bar manager ran over and quickly tried to tone down Tang YiFei’s anger.

Tang YiFei pointed at Xu Yun. “See that person? He’s causing trouble, and even beat up my people, and even used alcohol to intoxicate my little sister. I want you to teach him a lesson!”

“Such gall! To actually cause trouble in my place?!” The bar manager turned to Xu Yun and angrily scoffed, “Who are you? Who are you with?”

Xu Yun stroked his chin, and lightly said, “WenHui District’s Xu Yun. I’m with Shuang-jie.”

Xu Yun? The bar manager froze, why was this name so familiar?

Suddenly, Xu Yun used one foot and directly kicked that leather sofa 5 or 6 meters away. “You haven’t even heard of Shuang-jie? And you have the guts to open a bar?”

In this moment the bar manager finally came to a realization, fearfully looking at Xu Yun – this was a person his boss’ boss’ boss couldn’t afford to offend! Shuang-jie further stood at the peak of HeDong City’s Underworld! Even his ancestors weren’t enough for who he had offended!

“Yun-ge! Why didn’t you say anything when you visited my humble abode? Aiyooo, ge, I truly deserve death!” The bar manager lowered his head and quickly went forward, and smacked his own mouth without any regrets.

Xu Yun had no energy to mind him. “Don’t get friendly. I want to leave now. Arrange for someone to drive me.”

“Yes yes yes!” The bar manager nodded his head like a little bird pecking rice.

Tang YiFei knew he had been defeated. He didn’t know that this scoundrel was unexpectedly a famous overlord of HeDong. Hmph, Tang Jiu had actually got together with this kind of person, this was truly hopeless!

The bar manager saw Xu Yun off, and quickly turned to apologize to Tang YiFei. “Little brother, we really can’t afford to offend Yun-ge. With one look I could see you weren’t from around here, don’t offend Yun-ge…….”

Tang YiFei heavily scoffed, to his four bodyguards in their sorry state he angrily roared, “Let’s go!”

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