Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 139: 9th Miss’ Devotion

Chapter 139: 9th Miss’ Devotion

Of course Tang YiFei wouldn’t give up after such a great falling defeat, sooner or later he would settle this bill with them. He wanted to see just what kind of abilities that uncouth thug would have after leaving HeDong – and if he wanted to become an overlord above him, Tang YiFei, then they would see if his life was really that long.

The driver that the bar manager arranged for was trembling. Of course he would be nervous, currently the most boss person in HeDong was sitting right next to him.

“Find a hotel parking lot in WenHui District and let us out then go on back.” Xu Yun spoke while taking out a purse from Tang Jiu’s Louis Vuitton bag and taking out 100 RMB and giving it to the young driver. “A tip, just treat it as a treat.”

It wasn’t that Xu Yun didn’t want to pay, just that today when he went out he hadn’t taken money with him. Since he was pretending to be a pair with Tang Jiu, then spending her money for the both of them wasn’t a big deal.

Once they arrived to the hotel, that young guy holding the 100 RMB continuously said thanks to Xu Yun, directly until Xu Yun couldn’t take his nodding like a bird eating grains and sent him away. He then quickly turned and fled as though for his life.

Xu Yun put Tang Jiu on his shoulders, directly walking into the hotel. He didn’t dare to take the drunken Tang Jiu back to the panacea restaurant with his whole body reeking of alcohol – that would definitely disturb Ruan QingShuang and the others for a whole night of bad sleep.

GuoGuo had such a sense of loyalty, if she knew that he had drunken her sister into this state, then wouldn’t she confront him? After several considerations, Xu Yun decided it wasn’t good to return to the panacea restaurant. He took Tang Jiu to stay overnight somewhere else.

Don’t judge that Tang Jiu still didn’t have any reaction, reckoning that she might flip out – in a bit her stomach might not be able to take it. By then her troubles were waiting. Very likely she would be puking with her world spinning.

“Quickly quickly, open a room.” Xu Yun went in and quickly shouted.

Seeing a man bringing in such a drunk woman, the receptionist at the desk was truly quite worried, but she didn’t dare to offend such a person. Anyways this girl drinking so much and having someone take cheap advantages was reaping what she sowed – drinking so much in the middle of the night proves that this wasn’t a decent girl. She quickly said, “Sir, what kind of room do you want? The prices…….”

“No need to waste words, get the best one.” Xu Yun spoke and took out Tang Jiu’s ID card from her purse.

That receptionist saw, and inside her contempt for Xu Yun viciously doubled – a man locking a drunk girl inside of a room, and using the girl’s money, this was truly shameless. Of course these words were cursed to herself, and definitely wouldn’t be said out to Xu Yun.

After Xu Yun got the card, he took Tang Jiu and went upstairs, completely unconcerned with the doubtful expression on the receptionist’s face.

After the two of them went in the room, Tang Jiu slightly stirred. In the instant Xu Yun put her down, she quickly covered her mouth. Xu Yun saw the situation and quickly picked her up and went to the bathroom, while walking he muttered, “Hold it in for me, if you puke in this room I won’t clean it up!”

Just as Tang Jiu held onto the toilet with a ‘wa‘ she couldn’t hold it in, and that belly full of 108 types of alcohol lit a fire, making Tang Jiu’s whole body dying to live – and she very much wanted to directly spit her whole stomach out before she felt better.

“Puke, put your all into puking.” Xu Yun no longer bothered with her, directly getting onto the bed and turning the TV on. She hadn’t learned about being a proper girl – this one time she drank to the point that she knew in her whole life she shouldn’t recklessly drink. This was Xu Yun’s goal, one time would change her.

Tang Jiu puked in the bathroom for an hour. When her stomach had completely ejected it all out, she sobered, and her whole body felt much better.

Just in this moment, the bang bang knocking came from the door, then someone said stiffly, “Police inspecting the room.”

Sh*t! Xu Yun paused, just what time is it, was something wrong with the people at the police station?

Once Xu Yun opened the door, several police directly jumped inside. Even though Xu Yun could very easily handle them, he wouldn’t cause trouble for Qin Wan’er, and refrained.

He just saw the receptionist following the cops, her mouth ceaselessly yapping. “He’s the suspicious person, the girl he brought in was totally drunken senseless.”

Once these words were heard, Tang Jiu came out from the bathroom. “Who was unconscious? Is something wrong with you? My man and I rented a room and you called the cops?”

“Ah…….?” The receptionist was stupefied – it seems she had been malicious out of good intentions. If she had known it was so earlier, she wouldn’t have been nosy.

“Where is your marriage certificate?” The people of the police station weren’t good to mess with. “At the moment I suspect there are some improper interactions between you.”

“When you go out and rent a room with your wife do you bring proof? Do those unmarried couples bring proof when they rent rooms?” Tang Jiu forcefully said, “You’d better talk less nonsense. You suspect that I was sold right? Mmh? Hmph, I’ll tell you, even if we did have ‘improper interactions’ then it was I who spent the money!”

Xu Yun was pressured by several officers, and finally spoke. “Brother, you look familiar. You’re Little Wu right?”

A young officer froze, and quickly recognized Xu Yun. “Aiyooo, you….you’re….you’re that Yun-ge that’s with Wan’er-jiejie! Ya! How is it you?”

“Brother, my girlfriend and I renting a room is too difficult, you guys…….” Xu Yun chuckled. “We’re not strangers eh?”

“Aiyo, definitely we made a mistake!” Little Wu quickly said to the others, “This is Wan’er’s friend, absolutely not that kind of person! Go go go, let’s not bother people!”

Little Wu pushed everyone out quickly and then severely scolded the receptionist who called the police, saying that if she didn’t understand the situation she shouldn’t talk out of turn.

Xu Yun said thanks while seeing Little Wu out, and only let out a breath after closing the door. Seeing that after Tang Jiu washed her face she was a lot more sober, he faintly smiled, “In the future drink a little less. Ladies should be a little more family oriented, drinking too much isn’t good.”

“Weren’t you hoping I’d drink a lot?” The smile on Tang Jiu’s face wasn’t the slightest bit natural, she thought of the incident earlier, thinking of that naked girl in Xu Yun’s room, and so her smile was unnatural.

Xu Yun frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking?” Tang Jiu smiled, the coldness of the smile was such that it wasn’t even a smile. “I finally know what you want. Don’t you only just like women? Alright, If you want me then I can give myself to you, but you must give me your certain word that you absolutely must help me.”

Xu Yun also smiled, “You really thinking that I’m that kind of person?”

Tang Jiu coldly smiled, “You mean that type? Xu Yun, I know that you’re definitely not an ordinary person. I know that you’re an elite, and not just an ordinary elite. I must attain your help, only this way will the people of the Tang Family no longer dare to complain about me! I don’t want the empire that my father fought for to be divided among them! Each one of them is useless but always thinking of how to increase their share of the family wealth!”

“Okay, I understand what you mean.” Xu Yun faintly smiled, “Isn’t it just pretending to be your boyfriend? False things can become true, hehe.”

The cold smile still hung from Tang Jiu’s face. “Weren’t you hoping for the fake to become real? Alright, if you want it, I can give it. I won’t just give my body to you, I can also guarantee to remain pure, absolutely not that type of lousy woman.”

Xu Yun suddenly felt something wrong about Tang Jiu’s tone. Just what was this girl setting him up for?

While speaking, Tang Jiu suddenly took off the thin clothing on her body, revealing a snow white figure in underwear. That thin waist looked as though a squeeze would break it, and those curves in underwear revealed an alluring valley.

This business line was truly big……Xu Yun couldn’t help but to smack his lips, only that this luck came too suddenly eh?

“What are you treating me as?” Xu Yun suddenly bitterly laughed. “Even though I’m not some good guy, but I’m not the type of guy to take advantage of someone in trouble.”

Even though Tang Jiu’s expression hesitated for a bit, she couldn’t help but to say, “But didn’t you take me to a hotel for this reason? Hmph, what you men say and what you think inside, I’m very clear about. Xu Yun, I’m absolutely an honest and straightforward person, so you don’t need to act in front of me.”

Act? Xu Yun was p.i.s.sed till he nearly rolled his eyes. “If I push you onto the ground and instantly draw my sword then isn’t that acting? Tang Jiu, clear your mind a bit. Me taking you to a hotel was because there was no place for you to have a good puke and a hot shower, you’re thinking too much!”

Tang Jiu still didn’t believe a man wouldn’t be interested in her, and still coldly laughed saying, “Hehe, you’re quite flirtatious, a hot shower was it? Alright, I’ll go wash. Whenever you want to come then come in. I’ll be waiting for you.”

With that, Tang Jiu really did go into the bathroom. The shower door here was the frosted gla.s.s type, and Tang Jiu didn’t lock the door, immediately beginning to change inside of the bathroom. Xu Yun outside could see the silhouettes of everything……

Holy sh*t, for a man this was truly a very hard test….Xu Yun cursed inside, this d.a.m.n girl was truly poisonous. If he didn’t go in, then what was the difference in saying he wasn’t a man?

Facing such provocative seduction, besides Liu XiaHui and eunuchs that could resist it, Xu Yun believed that no man under heaven could resist.

Seeing Tang Jiu directly standing under the showerhead and turning on the hot water, the rushing sound of water made the itch in his heart worse than anything else. If not for the super-high concentration power trained in Dragon Fury, perhaps Xu Yun would’ve already took off his pants and charged in…..

Pure men have a way of pure men, if he charged in now he would be taking advantage of someone in distress, no different than beasts. Even though Xu Yun was a strongly hormonal young guy, but he absolutely was not the kind of animal that went into heat once the opposite s.e.x was seen.

The split second that Tang Jiu turned on the shower she wept. She knew what she would lose in doing this, but she would rather sacrifice herself, than want all the hard work that her father did for the Tang Family to be split up among those Tang brothers.

If she could get several reliable cousins it would be fine, but not one of them would treat things of the Tang Family as treasures. They only knew squandering, the parasitic leeching type that would squander everything of the Tang Family.

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