Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 145: Entering JiBei City

Chapter 145: Entering JiBei City

After some dinner and changing the name into the ‘Grand Panacea Hotel’, the Grand International Hotel had everything going smoothly. For the next three days Xu Yun hosted people without rest; first having Qin Wan’er pull some connections and changing the name of the hotel, then having Lu Feng go look for someone to make a new sign, and changing all of the interior design anew.

Afterwards, Xiao Fei and a few others did advertising for the panacea restaurant at the old shop. Of course the old shop wouldn’t move, but the new Grand Panacea Hotel’s advertising was the most important among importances.

With the panacea restaurants on the right track, the day for Xu Yun and Tang Jiu to leave had come. Truly it felt like the two of them were a destined couple – even though for now it was fake, but what about once they reached the Tang Family?

All along Ruan QingShuang hadn’t asked much about Xu Yun needing to go to JiBei City for a few days, but due to Xu Yun having to go to JiBei for several days, inside she had constantly felt a knot. After all there were too many temptations in the world, and she truly worried that Xu Yun wouldn’t come back again. Ruan QingShuang was very clear about Tang Jiu’s real status; if Xu Yun went with her, and if the Tang Family wanted to keep Xu Yun, then perhaps they could offer an even bigger price tag.

She could be without a big hotel, and without money, but she couldn’t not have GuoGuo or Xu Yun. Were she to be without them, then all of her possessions would lose their meaning.

When GuoGuo came back and told everyone the news, it also meant that they immediately wanted to leave. Ruan QingShuang’s expression had yet another faint layer of gloom.

Of course this little person GuoGuo could see through the unsightly expression on Ruan QingShuang’s face, immediately going over to snuggle. “Mommy, don’t worry. With GuoGuo there, I will definitely bring daddy back.”

Ruan QingShuang’s expression gained a faint layer of comfort. “What will we do if your life at Little Jiu-jiejie’s is more comfortable here and you don’t want to come back?” Ruan QingShuang faintly smiled, with a very bitter smile. She really felt that Xu Yun and Tang Jiu were a fated couple.

“If Little Jiu-jiejie’s family was even bigger and more comfortable, it won’t be happier than GuoGuo at mommy’s side.” With that GuoGuo mysteriously lowered her voice. “Mommy, even though Little Jiu-jiejie and I are sisters, I won’t let her take daddy away. Hehe, first dibs. Even if she also likes daddy, then she has to line up behind mommy.”

At the moment Xu Yun’s only worry was that Blue Ghost would suddenly show up, but Qian Feng told Xu Yun that even if right now Blue Ghost knew that his three elites had already been defeated, then there would definitely be no way for him to leave Suzhou and come. If he really had such time, then that day he wouldn’t have chosen to leave in advance.

Azure Dragon Qian Feng and Silver Dragon Fan Shuang’er were directly arranged by Xu Yun for check-ins. With the two of them secretly guarding, Xu Yun wouldn’t worry about anything happening.

On Suzhou’s side, three elites had unexpectedly still not come back. Blue Ghost’s sixth sense told him that something had definitely happened on the other side.

For this Blue Ghost didn’t dare to be careless, after all three great elites joining forces had been defeated. Even for him he wouldn’t dare to act rashly, and currently there was such tight pressure – and Blue Ghost still hadn’t been able to completely pacify Suzhou. With several of his great elites not winning, on this side he couldn’t leave Suzhou even more.

The top had already given Blue Ghost his final ultimatum – in one month he had to pacify Suzhou, or else Blue Ghost’s own head would be hard to keep. Burning with rage, Blue Ghost destroyed nearly everything in the room that could be destroyed, but he could still not vent his anger. He swore that he absolutely wouldn’t let that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Xu Yun go who had caused so much trouble.

Xu Yun sneezed twice heavily – he knew who it was cursing him.

After dinner everyone went to sleep. The top floor suite of the Grand Panacea Hotel was still not opened to the public, all of it was for their own people to live in. The hotel had been purely given by Tang Jiu, of course they wouldn’t care about a few rooms.

Late at night, the light sound of pacing came through the hallway. Even though the ground was carpeted, and the steps of the pacing were extremely light, but Xu Yun could still hear very clearly who it was.

The instant that Xu Yun got up and opened the door caused a big fright for Ruan QingShuang

Xu Yun faintly smiled, “Shuang-jie, I also can’t sleep. How about the two of us chat?”

Ruan QingShuang blushed, but in the end she bit down and nodded, following Xu Yun into a room. Once inside, Ruan QingShuang appeared especially restrained. Before in the panacea restaurant, she had never had such a feeling before – now she always felt that this wasn’t her own home.

“Shuang-jie, don’t worry. This time going to JiBei, Qiu Yan and I will watch over GuoGuo. She definitely won’t be able to cause any trouble.” Xu Yun said, “You don’t need to worry.”

After quite a while Ruan QingShuang finally spoke. “Xu Yun, I’m not worried about that. I’m thinking, if you don’t come back, what should I do……I can be without a hotel, without anything, but I can’t be without you both……”

“Shuang-jie, I’m you’re employee. Hehe, unless you fire me, otherwise I definitely won’t leave.” Xu Yun faintly smiled, “I think GuoGuo is also that kind of person. How could she leave her mom that she loves the most?”

“Xu Yun, I’m afraid of being alone. When a person is alone they are so helpless, so lonely – I’m afraid that after you leave you won’t come back. By then I’ll be left alone to handle this hotel by myself. I’d rather have all of us loud and lively in that little restaurant…..before I never would’ve thought that I would have so many people at my side. If I had never had it before then fine, but I know, once its been had, then I’ll be afraid of losing it. I’m afraid of losing GuoGuo, afraid of losing you, afraid of losing everyone……I don’t want to feel that kind of loneliness from before. I’ve endured enough of that feeling, really endured enough……” While Ruan QingShuang spoke her eyes had become red.

At a time like this, as a man of course Xu Yun would have to give a warm hug. He directly held onto Ruan QingShuang, and in a low voice said, “No one is leaving, and you won’t lose anyone. Shuang-jie, I’m not that kind of person, and GuoGuo also isn’t that kind of person. Just treat it like we’re going to JiBei City to loosen the mood, as though I’m taking GuoGuo for some fresh air.”

“Will you really come back?’ Ruan QingShuang leaned into Xu Yun’s embrace. That kind of warmth gave her infinite strength as wide as the ocean is vast. This was a man’s embrace that gave her leaning inside an inexplicable feeling of security. Ruan QingShuang savored the sense of security Xu Yun gave her to her heart’s content, not wanting to leave one bit.

“Shuang-jie, GuoGuo even gave me shares. I’m such a stingy person, how could I not come back?” Xu Yun cracked a smile, the feeling of holding a beauty in his arms was beyond ordinary. Sitting beside his bed made him have a stirring feeling.

This scene in this moment was absolutely a moment of devotion of feelings between a man and woman. With this kind of atmosphere how could Ruan QingShuang back out? In the first place she wasn’t someone who would refuse too much, and facing her was also the man she loved. As long as Xu Yun took the initiative bit by bit, she would certainly yield to being won over after a bit of resistance.

Xu Yun only needed to lower his head, and the wisps of those soft, lovable red lips could be directly drawn into his mouth……

Lowering one centimeter, yet another centimeter……just as Xu Yun was about to place a kiss, Ruan QingShuang suddenly spoke. “Xu Yun.”

Xu Yun took a deep breath to calm his mind. “What is it, Shuang-jie?”

“I have an idea. After we earn 100 million from the hotel, let’s give it back with interest to Tang Jiu okay? You know that I don’t like to take other people’s things,” Ruan QingShuang lightly said.

Xu Yun nodded. He was very sure that Ruan QingShuang didn’t want for Tang Jiu to use this as a bargaining chip to have him go help her do something. “Alright. I also don’t like to owe other people. Hehe, 100 million isn’t considered much, it’ll be very quick.”

Ruan QingShuang nodded. She still didn’t leave Xu Yun’s embrace; that kind of tenderness made it so she didn’t want to leave, and she leaned quietly on Xu Yun’s chest, feeling the rise and fall of this man’s breathing. Even after a long long time later, this kind of feeling was hard to forget.

Xu Yun also didn’t move – even when Ruan QingShuang closed her eyes in his arms, quietly sleeping. And Xu Yun sat just like this, dazedly sitting for a whole night without moving, afraid that once he moved he would awaken Ruan QingShuang.

Directly until the next morning, after GuoGuo awakened and went to go looking for her mother, did Ruan QingShuang awaken in Xu Yun’s arms.

Ruan QingShuang’s pretty face faintly blushed. She hadn’t thought that for the whole night Xu Yun didn’t awaken her, and further hadn’t thought that unexpectedly Xu Yun would do so for the whole night, just so that she could sleep the whole night in his arms.

“Oh no, if GuoGuo knows that last night you were in my room, who knows what she will think.” Xu Yun bitterly laughed.

Ruan QingShuang said with a blush, “It doesn’t matter if GuoGuo sees, I’m just worried that if Tang Jiu sees she will feel ill at ease…..”

“Eh………” Xu Yun was awkward for a bit. “She should be no problem.”

Ruan QingShuang finally roused enough courage to open the door, discovering that GuoGuo had long been waiting at the entrance. “About that, this morning I came to Xu Yun to say a few things. What is GuoGuo looking for mommy for?”

“Oh? Only came in the morning?” GuoGuo’s eyes rolled around. “Mommy, last night I couldn’t find you. You came to daddy here too “early” eh? Hehe, even if you came last night it doesn’t matter, soon there will be a small time of parting ways, you and daddy lingering for a bit is understandable.”

Ruan QingShuang being so embarra.s.sed by a 7 year old was truly awkward. “What does a little child know, don’t talk nonsense.”

Xu Yun directly picked up GuoGuo, “Go! Let’s go eat. After eating we have to leave.”

During breakfast no one mentioned any comments about this, only just before leaving, Tang Jiu said a “thanks” to Ruan QingShuang, without knowing what the meaning of her thanks were for.

Ruan QingShuang and Qin Wan’er watched as Xu Yun and the other three got in the car. Xu Yun drove, Tang Jiu sat in the front, and Qiu Yan took GuoGuo and sat in the back. HeDong City to JiBei City wasn’t considered long or short, a 600km journey. At the very least they would need to be driving for four+ hours.

Because there was fog in the morning, the several of them waited until 10am before departing to drive at high speeds. Half way on the road they stopped at a resting area to eat a bit and rest a while, and by the time they reached JiBei City it was already 4pm.

Tang Jiu told them in the car when they entered JiBei City at high speeds with a layer of dark clouds covering her face that she knew that she would definitely face many difficulties, and now only Xu Yun could help her.

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