Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 146: First Show of Force

Chapter 146: First Show of Force

JiBei City was worthy of the provincial capitol city. Seas of cars stretched like dragons, much more than HeDong City. Xu Yun drove Tang Jiu’s little car under Tang Jiu’s direction the whole way, all the way to the Tang Family’s villa.

After Xu Yun entered JiBei City he was extremely careful. With the power of the Tang Family, someone would know with certainty after Tang Jiu’s car appeared in JiBei. As such, then definitely someone would come for a “welcoming”, so Xu Yun didn’t dare to treat it lightly.

Indeed as expected, just as the car entered the second loop of the highway, Xu Yun sensed something wasn’t right about the place.

GuoGuo the little sharp kid also spoke, “Daddy, are we being followed?”

“You also noticed?” Xu Yun smiled disapprovingly. “Then what should we do? Should we get out of the car and say h.e.l.lo, or directly throw them off?”

Listening to the conversation of the two, Tang Jiu couldn’t help but to look out, and indeed two black commercial cla.s.s Mitsubishis were following behind them neither closely nor slowly. Tang Jiu frowned – who would’ve thought that her own whereabouts would be monitored so closely, just arriving to JiBei City and immediately coming under control. With such careful thinking, perhaps it could only be Tang YiFei.

“Qiu Yan-jiejie, what do you think?” GuoGuo turned and looked at Qiu Yan.

Qiu Yan’s face didn’t have any kind of reaction, and calmly said, “Anything, doesn’t matter.”

Tang Jiu decided in one breath. “Throw them off. They definitely stop me from partic.i.p.ating in the big family meeting today. A person who is absent from the Tang Family’s gathering for no reason forever loses the right to be the Tang Family’s successor. This is a rule from the ancestors, and no one is an exception.”

Xu Yun laughed mischievously, “Then sit tight, we’re going!”

Just as the words came out, Qiu Yan grabbed hold of GuoGuo, and then closely following an intense push coming from directly below their bottoms. Tang Jiu felt like she was sitting on a little cannon, fiercely rushing forward!

How would Tang Jiu know that with one step Xu Yun could smash the meter above 7000 RPMs! The rumble of the engine sounded like a monster, scaring her into grabbing onto her seat, and seeing the two black Mitsubishis behind them instantly being left far, far in the dust in the time frame of just a few seconds, they could no longer be seen.

Once the two following cars discovered, they also fiercely smashed onto the gas pedal to chase after, but hopelessly. Even though Tang Jiu’s Scirocco was small, but it could easily break speeds above 200 km/h(124 mph), while those two Mitsubishis were carrying full cars of people. Once it reached speeds of 180+, it was hard to increase it.

Watching Xu Yun easily get rid of the two cars following them, GuoGuo became extremely excited, and her whole body started wiggling.

Seeing the car charging for several kilometers, Xu Yun bitterly laughed inside, and lightly said, “Don’t be happy too early. This road in front wasn’t closed off by people working for the public right?”

Once Xu Yun finished saying this, Tang Jiu also followed suit tensing up – in front in less than the distance of one mile was a row of all kinds of cars blocking off the entire intersection. Just as Xu Yun wanted to slow down, the two black commercial Mitsubishis behind them finally caught up, lining up side by side, directly occupying nearly the entire road.

“Your Tang Family is too gracious, so graciously welcoming me that I kind of can’t take it.” Xu Yun grinned as he slowed the car, finally stopping the car five meters from the row of cars blocking the road. Behind him those two Mitsubishis also followed parking close behind him. In order to prevent Xu Yun from escaping, they even divided up and parked horizontally, not leaving one bit of road.

No one dared to look of the few cars pa.s.sing by on the road. Knowing that anyone who dared to do this definitely was no ordinary person, each of them accelerated and left. The cars on the side were all forced by people from those two black cars to stop, and each cautiously backed up and left, seeing that the deterring power of these people was extremely powerful.

After Xu Yun stopped the car, Tang Jiu was the first to open the door and walk out. In one glance she recognized the leader.

“XiongZi, what’s the meaning of this?” Tang Jiu coldly said after getting out of the car.

The leader of them was a young person wearing gray exercise clothing with a head of short hair and extremely focused. Even though his face wasn’t very pale, but it wasn’t very dark either. He wore a spike through his ear, a ring on his nose, with triangular eyes in a squint. No matter how it was viewed he didn’t seem like a good person, a typical villainous gangster.

“Aiyo, and I was thinking Miss Jiu’s car had been stolen by someone. So you were also in the car.” The person called XiongZi by Tang Jiu laughed gleefully and said, “Miss Jiu, truly sorry. Since you were in the car, then allow me to take you home.”

Tang Jiu’s gaze coldly stayed on XiongZi’s head. “My second brother had you come right?” XiongZi, you’d best figure out who calls the shots in the Tang Family. Move aside now!”

XiongZi didn’t move, and faintly smiled, saying to Tang Jiu, “Miss Jiu, indeed your second brother sent me to pick you up, but he told me that as long as it was you alone Miss Jiu, then no problem, but to absolutely not let other people also come and dirty the territory of the Tang Family. It looks like it wasn’t just you in the car, so as a lesser person I could only offend you.”

Xu Yun opened the door from inside the car and walked out, glancing at the ten+ people blocking the car, and then lightly said one thing, “Good dogs don’t block the road. Tang Jiu, your family’s dogs ** are too lacking eh? Not even understanding the most basic rules? If it was me, I’d get them all butchered and immediately eat hot pot.”

Seeing Xu Yun get of the car, the crowd behind XiongZi quickly surrounded him, clearly with the att.i.tude of swallowing Xu Yun whole, without the slightest bit of friendliness. It ought to be that they received some kind of order.

“Kid, since it looks like you’re Miss Jiu’s friend, I’ll let you live. Kneel on the ground and crawl to me feet and call me Grandfather Xiong three times, and Grandaddy will let you go from suffering.” XiongZi’s confidence was quite swollen, without any fear of the sole person of the other party.

Tang Jiu coldly said, “XiongZi, I advise that you don’t look for trouble. Leave now! Recalling your toil for the Tang Family for so many years, no matter who sent you today, I will let it go.”

XiongZi laughed gleefully. “Miss Jiu, really sorry. For this today I really can’t obey you. If today you brought home a powerful person we will be at ease, and you brought home this piece of work – do you think that from now on the you will still have a say in the Tang Family?”

Tang Jiu pretty face changed, “What are you saying? XiongZi, don’t forgot who is the current head of the Tang Family!”

“Miss Jiu, of course I know who is the lord of the Tang Family now, but after tonight that won’t be certain.” XiongZi said it calmly, as though the servants of the Tang Family already could see clearly the current situation. “I advise you to look for a place for the old lord to retire.”

Tang Jiu’s fists tightened, and her face filled with the expression of anger.

Xu Yun knew Tang Jiu’s goal of having him come. If in this situation he didn’t fight, then what was the point of him coming?

“There’s a servant that talks like this? Do you know what your status is? Miss Jiu giving you guys face? Get the f*ck out!” Xu Yun stepped forward, putting Tang Jiu behind him.

“What the h.e.l.l are you?” XiongZi disdainfully threw a glance at Xu Yun, and said to his underlings, “Tie him up for Grandaddy!”

Three people behind XiongZi quickly stepped forward, but without waiting for them to act Xu Yun raised his leg and kicked them to the ground! In this move Xu Yun shocked XiongZi’s underlings – even though he was surrounded he was still so wild. It seems like someone who can date someone like Miss Jiu had a thing or two.

Xu Yun coldly laughed, “Just you are a Grandaddy? You ought not to have any say in JiBei City. Get out.”

XiongZi trembled under Xu Yun’s aura, but after all he was someone who crawled up from guns and blades. After the shock he recovered quickly, and angrily yelled, “Brothers, get him!”

Immediately, the ten+ people behind XiongZi quickly got in fighting stance, with the situation absolutely about to butcher Xu Yun.

One underling took out a repeating five shot shotgun from the car and directly gave it to XiongZi. XiongZi didn’t hesitate, after getting the gun he directly took a step forward, and without another word he stuck the gun on Xu Yun’s chin, and angrily yelled, “Get out! Someone that dared to f*ck with Grandaddy hasn’t been born yet! Don’t pretend to be tough in front of Grandaddy! Do you think I won’t shoot you!”

Xu Yun lowered his head and looked at this five-shot shotgun rarely on the blackmarket, and faintly smiled. With a single hand he grabbed the gun barrel and to XiongZi’s face he said, “Daddy is a little more professional at scaring. You haven’t even taken off the safety. Even if you put against my head it’s no use.”

XiongZi was shocked – in a time like this, how could ordinary people still have the gall to see if the safety was on or not? They would’ve already spilled their gall long ago. He hadn’t scared just a few people with a gun – pretty much just taking this out and the other side would have their legs go soft, who would still have the ability to think about some safety?

Without mentioning anything else, just this was enough to shock XiongZi. No matter what was said, indeed the person Miss Jiu had chosen had a thing or two……

But Second Young Master had already given him absolute orders. Today, no matter what he would have to stop Miss Jiu, to absolutely not let her take this man and show up to the Tang Family’s Gathering. If he accomplished this there would be great reward, and if he didn’t then he would be kicked out.

XiongZi became cross. It wasn’t a big deal to fire the gun, with the power of the Tang Family in JiBei, even if he fired a gun then nothing would happen. Thinking to himself, XiongZi already took the gun back, and with a click he pushed open the safety, and once again pointed the shotgun at Xu Yun’s chin!

“Do you believe that Grandaddy will shoot you to death?” XiongZi’s expression became heavy, as he coldly said.

Xu Yun faintly smiled, disagreefully saying, “In the future when you play with guns you have to inspect it. The trajectory is deformed. If you let that one go, I can’t guarantee if the bullet won’t pop out the back.”

XiongZi’s pupils suddenly instantly widened, and everyone’s jaw dropped down. He looked shocked at this person that already turned into a gun instructor – the finger dents on the front were extremely clear, clearly that one grab from earlier had already caused this! What kind of freak power was this!

Tang Jiu felt a burst of happiness – this was exactly the reason why it had to be Xu Yun. Only Xu Yun could ignore these kinds of coercion and intimidation.

XiongZi was scared stiff – in his whole life, this was truly the first time in his life he was defeated by someone who didn’t fight. At first Tang YiFei had him come to play rough with the other side, and let them know that the depth of water of the Tang Family wasn’t good to wade through, but he hadn’t thought that the other side would directly play rough with him.

Now in XiongZi’s eyes Xu Yun was an elite of unreachable heights, before an elite of course he wouldn’t even dare to let out a fart, because he was very clear that he completely wasn’t a match for him.

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