Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 26


With great difficulty, Qin Wan’er got up, and quickly set about looking for Qiu Yan.  She narrowed her eyes and asked Xu Yun, “Then who is Qiu Yan?”

“Follow me.” Xu Yun grinned as before.

Qin Wan’er snorted.  “How do I know who you are!”

“Guess. Anyway, not a bad guy.”  Xu Yun smiled helplessly.  For the sake of helping Qiu Yan covering up the killer’s ident.i.ty, what else could he do?

Just now the sirens sounded, and several police cars whizzed to the scene. With the sound of car doors in a jumble, the sound of crowded footsteps could also be heard.  It must’ve been because someone heard the sound of gunshots and called the police, that’s why it would attract so many police and special police forces.

“Oh man! Officer Qin! Your great favor and virtue, I have no way to repay! If not for you, my little life would’ve been lost today!”  Xu Yun suddenly, sobbingly hugged Qin Wan’er, and then whispered in her ear, “The merit is yours, I still don’t want the trouble.”

“Who’s cherishing some c.r.a.ppy merit!” Qin Wan’er had Xu Yun’s head on her chest, suddenly her face reddened.  “Quickly! Don’t try to take cheap advantages of your aunt!”

Jeez, it’s not for gaining small advantages. As my savior, my all is still not enough!

Liu GuangMing heard that someone was firing a gun, and instantly he personally brought several reputable officers.  Special Police Forces came to the scene. At the moment of seeing Qin Wan’er, he paused for a second.  “Qin Wan’er? It wasn’t you that fired the gun right!?”

“Superintendent…I…” Qin Wan’er was at a loss for words. She didn’t know how to explain.

Xu Yun, with a face full of tears and mucus, grabbed Liu GuangMing’s hands and said, “Mr. Leader, you must reward the courageous Comrade Qin Wan’er well! She fired the gun shooting an atrocious, heinous villain!”

Dozens of officers around Gong You’s body which held the gun were all shocked, one couldn’t help but cry out loud, “Superintendent Liu! This person is an A-rank serious criminal wanted by the entire country, known as the Goshawk a.s.sa.s.sin, Gong You!!”

When Liu GuangMing heard this his face’s color changed instantly.  Quickly dashing over to confirm the dead man’s ident.i.ty, he couldn’t help but to say in shock, “Comrade Qin Wan’er!  You’ve done a great service! This afternoon, news came in alerting the office, saying that someone looking exactly like Goshawk Gong You had appeared in our HeDong City.  Who would’ve thought that he would’ve been captured and stopped by you!”

Xu Yun shot Qin Wan’er a secret smile, but Qin Wan’er’s face was blank. What kind of merit was this?  If it weren’t for Xu Yun braving death to block the bullet, then perhaps the one laying on the floor right now would be her.

Dozens of officers all charged at Qin Wan’er baring admiration and shocked praise in their eyes, each of them lamenting that they weren’t worthy of WenHui District’s famous violent lady cop.  Even this type of evil person like Goshawk Gong You was captured!  It simply made all of these men feel doubly ashamed!

“Superintendent Liu, I’ll leave the scene to you guys. I first will take him to the hospital!  It was him that helped me just now, otherwise even I maybe…” Qin Wan’er couldn’t care about work. Right now Xu Yun’s wound was the biggest problem she was worried about.

Only now did Liu GuangMing hear that someone was injured, quickly turning his head he loudly said, “I’ll have Little Wu’s car take you there!”

“No need, I like motorcycles!”  Xu Yun laughed, grinning widely.  Sitting on a motorcycle he can hug on the driver. Sitting inside of a car, there’s no way he can get this treatment.

Qin Wan’er was in no mood to think of this problem, and didn’t care where Xu Yun hugged onto. As long as Xu Yun was comfortable it was good.  Once she knew he was ready, they directly took the shortest path to the city’s People’s Hospital.

Luckily Xu Yun’s injury wasn’t severe, just a grazing wound.  Or else Qin Wan’er really didn’t know how she could make up for it.

After simply wrapping it up, it stopped bleeding. Xu Yun, after grimacing in pain for a moment, got used to it when they applied ointment on his skin.

Fortunately this little nurse Xu WenYa was outstandingly attractive and intelligent, or else Xu Yun would’ve quit being bandaged. This hemostatic medicine was too ordinary –  applying so much and yet it there wasn’t much of a result.

“Qin Wan’er, you unexpectedly dared to fire a gun against an A-rank criminal. Hey, extraordinary guts.” Xu Yun said indifferently, “Did you ever think of the consequences?”

“What consequences?” Qin Wan’er paused. When she opened fire she was only thinking that she couldn’t let a criminal get away from her hands. How would she know that the one she unexpectedly killed was such a widely infamous A-rank wanted criminal!

Xu Yun chuckled a bit.  “It’s called the gun shoots the non-conforming bird that pokes its head out. If you don’t want to provoke more trouble, it’s still best to keep a low profile.  Killing Gong You might make you earth-shakingly famous, but with that comes even more trouble. Compared to being famous, I think that life is even more important.”

“I get your meaning. Do I look like one of those publicity people?”  Qin Wan’er naturally understood Xu Yun’s good intentions.  A kind of fellow like Gong You would naturally have a pack of scoundrels, and they definitely were the type that weren’t good to provoke.  If this case was publicized, she would definitely have unwanted troubles on her doorstep.  “I will talk it over with the leadership about this situation.”

“Haha, it seems you aren’t just big chested with no brains.” Xu Yun candidly laughed.

Qin Wan’er glared at Xu Yun. Right when she wanted to say something, her cellphone rang.

She took it out and with a glance saw it was the superintendent calling, then she left the room to take the call.  Superintendent Liu said that when she had the time, go to the office and report. This was the biggest case to file since the founding of HeDong City’s Public Security Department!

Also, leadership attached great, great importance to everything involving this case.  Reportedly, members of leadership got up in the middle of night to personally go to the Forensics Department to identify the corpse!

It so happens that Qin Wan’er could use the opportunity to say to leadership what Xu Yun advised her. This case was thus suppressed to the greatest ability to prevent others from knowing much about it.

In reality, on this matter there was completely no need to worry, because HeDong City’s Head of Public Security Department Chen Wei was an especially steady person.  He very clearly understood what kind of person Goshawk Gong You was.  There were too many fierce people from the Underworld. If the news of the case leaked out, inevitably Gong You’s pack of scoundrels would come for revenge.

Without Qin Wan’er even mentioning, Chen Wei gave the order to cla.s.sify the case and made them keep the praise low-key.  This case was thus only praised internally within the department. Publicly, this case was completely locked down information!

After Qin Wan’er finished her phone call, she went back to the emergency room, unexpectedly discovering that Xu Yun was already gone.  She hastily asked the little nurse Xu WenYa, “Where’d he go?!”

“He, he said he had some things he had to take care of and left first.”  Xu WenYa’s entire face blushed, and amorous feelings rippling through her manner.

Qin Wan’er was speechless, dammit!  What kind of seducing drug did this guy Xu Yun give to this little lady!  Was following her to the station and writing a report that difficult?  Was it really that troublesome?!

When Xu Yun returned to the panacea restaurant, the police had already left.  He guessed that the situation with Gong You being shot to death had already been investigated well after a night.

Qiu Yan was waiting for him at the main entrance.

“You finished up so quickly?” Xu Yun was amazed.  As expected, the venerated Violent Fox was very skilled in dealing with the aftermath.  Qin Hu’s fate upstairs should be the same as yesterday’s Leopard right?

“They were dealt with cleanly, but this thing is a bit troublesome.”  Qiu Yan frowned and extended her right hand.  She impressively displayed 3 dark red micro chips in the shape of phone cards in her right hand.  “With these things here, they will very quickly find this place again.”

Xu Yun couldn’t restrain frowning. Sh*t, wasn’t this troublesome?  If from now on they were to fight everyday against these guys, then he can forget about sleeping!

Qiu Yan of course very clearly understood the situation and had another troublesome thing to add.  “Next time they come again, perhaps compared to the level of Gong You’s viciousness, they will be even more vicious…”

Although Qiu Yan didn’t say, but she already made preparations for taking GuoGuo and leaving.  Originally she thought that GuoGuo was safe here, and she herself could relax here and have her wounds heal.  But right now it seemed everything was on the verge of becoming the past.

“Then what’s your plan?”  Xu Yun clearly understood Qiu Yan’s internal plans at the moment, just that he wanted to hear how she would say it.

“Leave this place.”  Qiu Yan’s tone was unusually firm.  She didn’t conceal her intentions to Xu Yun. Even though if she left immediately she would definitely die, she definitely must bring GuoGuo to a safe place.

“You really are thinking of the 36 stratagems, to flee?”  Xu Yun showed a helpless smile, it seems that Qiu Yan really didn’t understand tactics.

Qiu Yan was silent and unspeaking, then what else could be done?

“Isn’t it just the three locator microchips?”  The corners of Xu Yun’s mouth rose, a mischievous smile hung from his face.  “Would you rather yourself leave, or rather ‘they’ leave?”

Qiu Yan suddenly raised her head, why didn’t she think of that?!

Xu Yun stretched his hand out and pointed in the southeastern direction.  “HeDong Airport is just over there. You can go see if there is a flight to South America or Africa. If there isn’t then Europe works too.  Let ‘them’ go on a trip.”

Qiu Yan, cold as ice and frost, again let out a smile that could shock the heavens, “I understand.”

Xu Yun believed that such a small matter, Qiu Yan could easily handle.  She only had to slip the microchips inside of the pockets of foreigners heading home, then wouldn’t the trouble completely go far away?

Qiu Yan didn’t waste any more time, she immediately got up and proceeded to the airport.


After Xu Yun watched Qiu Yan leave, he returned to the panacea restaurant’s second floor.  Seeing Ruan QingShuang’s room door open with the lights on, he walked with normal steps over.

Ruan QingShuang was sitting on the side of her bed guarding GuoGuo.  Xu Yun hadn’t returned and so she couldn’t sleep.  After one hour of peace and quiet, she could only barely control the fear from a moment ago.  Seeing Xu Yun had returned, Ruan QingShuang could finally let out a sigh of relief.

But closely following, Ruan QingShuang’s heartbeat rose up. She quietly and softly looked at the bandages tied around Xu Yun’s shoulder, pained and angry she said, “Your wound…”

“Flesh wound, it’s not serious.”  Xu Yun made a gesture to lower voices, he was worried of awakening GuoGuo.

Ruan QingShuang looked down at GuoGuo, and then adjusted her blanket. She turned and came out, closing the door.

Xu Yun sat in the living room sofa.  Ruan QingShuang gave him a gla.s.s of water, and in a low voice asked, “How can it not be serious? That’s a gun wound! What did the doctor say? Do you need to stay at the hospital? Why did you come back by yourself?”

“The doc said my skin is durable and tough. Forget about a bullet, even hand grenades may not necessarily injure me.”  Xu Yun didn’t want Ruan QingShuang to worry, patting his left shoulder with an expression in high spirits, it was just like someone with nothing wrong.

Ruan QingShuang’s elegant brow knitted up, she pulled the hand Xu Yun used to pat his shoulder, “Are you crazy! After taking such a serious injury you’re still touching it!”

Xu Yun broke out a smile, he hadn’t thought that when Ruan QingShuang was mad she had a totally different flavor.  “Um, I’m injured on my right shoulder…”

“It’s already like this and you still have the heart to play around!”  Ruan QingShuang really made Xu Yun not know whether to laugh or cry. Finally she couldn’t help asking, “Where’s Qiu Yan?”

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