Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 27


“To treat some small personal matters. Should return after while.” Xu Yun raised a cup of water to drink. He knew Ruan QingShuang would inevitably be interested in the subject at the moment, however there really was nothing he could do about explaining this situation.  

Ruan QingShuang tried several times to endure, but she still couldn’t live with it, “Just who is Qiu Yan? When I pa.s.s by her side, I get an inexplicable chilliness……In the end, what kind of relationship does she and GuoGuo have? GuoGuo……whose family is she the child of?”   

Xu Yun shifted his body comfortably on the sofa with ease, “Eh, you’re so many questions at once, I don’t know how to respond. But also, I’m not very clear on the matter, and am just as curious as you are.”  

“Xu Yun, don’t trick me!” Ruan QingShuang said, “You certainly know who Qiu Yan is. If you tell me, I guarantee that I won’t say anything irresponsible.”

“If I told you that Qiu Yan is GuoGuo’s personal bodyguard would you believe me?” Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders, pulling his wound that was in still in pain; he drew back the corners of his mouth.

Ruan QingShuang opened her eyes wide, glancing at Xu Yun,“Did you read too many online novels?! Even if GuoGuo did have a personal bodyguard, it should be a handsome man or some kind of special forces soldier – that kind! How can it be a girl?”

“I see that you have read too many novels on the internet……” Xu Yun’s face blacklined. “I know only of this. If you don’t believe me, then there’s nothing to be done.”

Not in the least bit persuasive!

But Ruan QingShuang saw that Xu Yun’s facial expression was really full of innocence, and she also didn’t question anymore.“Then you should have a light breakfast and rest. Tomorrow we’ll go to the hospital again to look at the condition of the your injury.”

“Sleeping a bit is enough. I’d rather avoid going to the hospital.” Xu Yun got up to return to his room. He was really tired.

After Xu Yun closed his door properly, he casually brought over the satchel from that day and pulled out a white porcelain bottle. This kind of medicinal powder was really effective at speeding up the healing of wounds, paling in comparison to the hospital, which used a whole mess of Penicillin injections, anti-inflammatory agents and painkillers.

Even if this medicinal powder resembled the World War II era US army fever-reducingsulfa powder drugs given to soldiers, its ability to neutralize labor pains greatly exceeded the sulfa powder drugs from that time, and in suppressing the growth of bacterial infections was even more extraordinary. Compared to old-fashioned sulfa drugs, the powder was at a much higher level.      

The medicinal powder was Xu Yun’s own polished and refined development, so after he used it, naturally he felt quite relieved.

Xu Yun grasped, tore off and threw away the thick, heavy gauze that the hospital gave him. After using the medicinal powder to wipe inside of the wound, he felt a burst of needle-like pains. Following the treatment, Xu Yun’s entire shoulder felt gentle and relaxed…… in one word, refreshing!     


Far away at a suburb in Suzhou, in the middle of a secret villa, an eagle-eyed, dark-colored nose stuck out of a big, strong male sitting on a ma.s.sive imported Italian sheepskin sofa.

His entire person seemed like those who hide from the light and fester in the dark; unfathomably deep without divulging anything, making him especially mysterious.

In his hand was a gla.s.s of whiskey, with both eyes tightly watching an electronic map on a laptop.

Several young-looking males stood at his side, each looking like absolute top-notch fierce men. He abruptly pursed his eyebrows, talking to himself. “HeDong City airport……what are three lumps of trash going to do……?”

Suddenly on the computer screen, the three green dots faded away and the cup in his hand crushed with a bang in his grip! The liquor flowed freely to the ground, but his hand wasn’t damaged at all.

“Boss, how did this happen? The tracking devices disappeared!”A surprised person said.

“It is definitely an airplane signal shield.” Another person resolutely said.

The grayish-dark haired, eagle-eyed young faced male, whose gaze showed a hint of cold light had apparently somewhat antic.i.p.ated this situation. Speaking casually and indifferently to the people behind him,“Go get a hold of Scorpion and tell him to come over. Say I have a matter that I want him to investigate in HeDong City for a bit……”

“Yes……yes!” The men stationed behind the sofa couldn’t help but have their shoulders and heads tremble. Apparently the boss already no longer believed them, immediately demanding Crimson Scorpion to put his hand in!

At present, truly dangerous people still hadn’t yet rushed to HeDong City.


Approximately two hours after the event, Qiu Yan returned to the panacea restaurant from the airport, leaving the three microchips to fly to South America, Western Europe, and Africa. This time, she should be able to have a short period of peace.

Qiu Yan walked up to Xu Yun’s room door, wanting to go in and say a few words, but she could hear well-proportioned breathing inside room. Presumably, Xu Yun was already asleep and she didn’t want to disturb.  

Later, Qiu Yan again walked up to the doorway of Ruan QingShuang and GuoGuo’s room direction to listen inside. Feeling relieved, she finally walked back to her own room.  

But at this time, Ruan QingShuang abruptly opened the bedroom door and asked gently, “Qiu Yan, can we chat for a bit?”

Qiu Yan stopped staring blankly, she turned towards Ruan QingShuang’s voice full of expectation – Qiu Yan nodded her head.

Both of the women turned on the floor lamp in the living room, and sat on the two sides of the sofa. Ruan QingShuang filled two cups with bland green tea and handed Qiu Yan a cup, which Qiu Yan didn’t refuse.

Ruan QingShuang was not a woman who was good with words. She thought for a long time, but didn’t know how to start the conversation. She drank a cup of green tea, then more than half of another. But still not a word was spoken.

Qiu Yan also wasn’t a woman who was good at expressing herself. Several minutes later however, unexpectedly it was Qiu Yan who was the first to start talking. “QingShuang, thank you for those days that you took care of GuoGuo.”

“I……this, this is all I should do, don’t be so polite about it.” Qiu Yan saying this to Ruan QingShuang, she was unprepared. After all, Qiu Yan directly gave her a kind of unreachable, cold arrogant feeling.

“Perhaps you are very curious about the mine and GuoGuo’s affairs, but I can’t tell you.” The between Qiu Yan’s eyebrows issued a faint distressed expression. “I’m saying this because it is my problem. You are GuoGuo’s benefactor, and I don’t want to let you get drawn into our trouble. Please believe me – me not saying anything, is all out of consideration for you.”

People of the underworld knew, to have the venerated Violent Fox give thought to others and consideration, there were only two people: Millennium Feng and GuoGuo. Nowadays, Ruan QingShuang unexpectedly became the third person.

There is a saying that describes it well, good people will be rewarded. Ruan QingShuang’s goodness and honesty even moved Qiu Yan, cold as ice and frost. Even though they were strangers coming together by chance, Ruan QingShuang could treat GuoGuo as her own natural child with tender loving care, and doting on GuoGuo was a plus.

This alone was enough for her to get favor from the Heavens.

“That wasn’t my intent, I……I didn’t want to ask about your affairs.” Ruan QingShuang being nervous, she even more didn’t know how to express herself. “I just……I just wanted to know if, you……will you take GuoGuo and leave?”

Ruan QingShuang’s face was written all over with worry and uneasiness. She was worried that Qiu Yan would nod and say that it was possible. She herself, also felt that Qiu Yan could certainly take away GuoGuo – it was fundamentally impossible for there to be a second solution.   

With this kind of knotted feeling and apprehension, there was no way it wouldn’t show up all over her face.

“I don’t know if later on I will or not.” Qiu Yan still had her miserly smile, and pair of eyes like clear autumn waters glanced towards Ruan QingShuang. “But at least right now, I can’t.”  

Ruan QingShuang faintly smiled, there wasn’t any need to say it anything else. She got up to leave, heading towards the room. Even if she really didn’t know how she would face the event of GuoGuo leaving, however she could very much celebrate success – at least right now she didn’t have to think about it.   

“However……if GuoGuo doesn’t want to go, I absolutely will not force her to.” Qiu Yan’s last words gave Ruan QingShuang unlimited hope.

Ruan QingShuang looked back and she simply said one thing,“Thank you.”

Seeing Ruan QingShuang’s back as she was returning to her room, Qiu Yan raised her vermilion lips slightly, quietly saying,“The one that should say thanks is me.”

The entirety of the two women’s conversation, without anything left out was all drilled into Xu Yun’s ear. Xu Yun felt his entire body tingle with gooseb.u.mps rising all over. The Violent Fox Lady Qiu Yan unexpectedly had such a side of her like tender waters – that was simply beyond a human’s imagination!

It must be known that when she cut down Leopard and Qin Hu, those exact eyes didn’t even blink!

It was deep into the night, and all of HeDong City’s peacefulness was in a total mess.

Certainly, the more it was peaceful, the more Xu Yun would feel uneasy. This resembled the approaching storm ahead. The sky was the same, always very tranquil – but a bolt of lightning smashed down, usually foretelling of the eve of a ma.s.sive storm to come…

“Ai.” Xu Yun bitterly sighed a breath. “Ge only wanted to pick up girls, that’s all. Why is there also trouble following closely? Is it possible that Shifu said that ge was exactly the kind of individual whose nature would follow trouble closely and hang around bad luck?!”

Back in those days, at that place it was also that way. So long as Xu Yun partic.i.p.ated in a matter, it would always turn into an extraordinarily th.o.r.n.y problem! Even a seemingly easy thing would end up turning into a series of big troubles, even involving everybody else and making an endless headache everyone.

Really, blame couldn’t be placed on society, and suffering couldn’t be blamed on the government!

Xu Yun had a dozen deep yawns, then went to bed when it was almost daylight. He didn’t want to drag himself to the kitchen tomorrow with a tired body weighing like a large spoon. Better to sleep, these past two days was already one after another of going out with a ton of troubles. Even if his own fate was bad, then there should be at least two days of calm at some point, right?

After all exactly when he arrived at HeDong City, Xu Yun was able to like this place because it was a peaceful area to rest and moreover also had many beautiful women.

Thinking it over, Xu Yun was like the Duke of Zhou playing Chinese chess, eh, more like a Duke of Zhou with eggs…..


HeDong City’s City Council very quickly handled the result of Gong You’s case.

Although Qin Wan’er established a heroic contribution, however Head of Public Security Chen Wei sent out his orders – on this particular matter, although worthy of praise and also should be praised, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble this matter absolutely can’t be leaked to the public!

To put things back in order, Qin Wan’er didn’t want to confront the flashing lights of the news media. Therefore she was exceptionally happy to deal with the matter in this way.  

Even though there were no drums and gongs sounding out in praise, but this case still had Qin Wan’er reaching for clouds she would otherwise never touch – on her shoulder her ordinary police rank in a flash promoted to a Sergeant 2nd-Cla.s.s!

Who said something about a promotion and rising three ranks in succession? Who said something about a meteoric rise in the world?

Qin Wan’er’s position was directly promoted a grade. The city’s Head of Public Security Chen directly and personally promoted her to WenHui police station’s deputy director – it can be said that she is the youngest deputy director! There is evidence that people that are promoted to deputy director are closely in-line with rising up the government’s fork-shaped rankings like they’re on a mysterious rocket and were not the same as their generation!

“Little Qin, you have done very well. The people need an officer like you!” Head Chen Wei gave a heartfelt pat on Qin Wan’er’s shoulder. “Continue the great effort! We are all optimistic about you!”

“Thank you Officer Chen for the encouragement!” Qin Wan’er’s whole body saluted with stern righteousness.

Chen Wei had an unethusiastic smile. Even up till now it was still hard for him to believe. With Goshawk’s name, a nationally wanted A-rank criminal Gong You, would unexpectedly pop out in the hands of a small little police station’s female police officer in their WenHui District of HeDong!

Perhaps, she has someone powerful helping her? But everything was all just Chen Wei’s own conjectures. He laughed internally, HeDong City’s police network having such outstanding young people is really his blessing!

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