Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 36


“You little imp, don’t touch my chest!” Qin Wan’er’s frantic voice came out of the room.

“I just touched it a little and you exploded. Are they fake?” GuoGuo said with disdain.

“GuoGuo!  You touched them again!”

“Wan’er-jiejie, you wouldn’t ruin it by wearing it right?  It’s really expensive!  How about you try the 36G one I got for myself?”

Qin Wan’er crashed headlong onto the bed.  This little imp was driving her crazy!  She actually bought a bra for herself, and it was as big as a 36G?!

She really couldn’t figure out how such a gentle and refined Ruan QingShuang could give birth to such a scheming, strange, and intelligent little witch.

Xu Yun laughed wickedly and went to Qin Wan’er’s room’s door, and knocked the door three times *tap tap tap*.  Then purposefully loudly he said, “Qin Wan’er, do you need my help?”

“Xu Yun!  If you dare come in, I’ll kill you!” Qin Wan’er’s panicked voice instantly sounded out like 100 decibels, as she grabbed her clothes and covered her naked body.

From inside GuoGuo loudly instigated, “Daddy, daddy, come help her out. I’ll open the door right now!  Hehehe!”

“GuoGuo!” Qin Wan’er swore this was the most ridiculous father-daughter pair!

Ruan QingShuang shook her head helplessly, she really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with these people.  No matter how she imagined, she wouldn’t have actually thought her life would one day become so colorful.

“Qin Wan’er, seize the moment and come out, I have important things to tell you.  If you still won’t come out then I’ll have to go in.” Xu Yun continued to scare Qin Wan’er, and sat on the sofa.  To Ruan QingShuang he said, “About a major event in GuoGuo’s life, you as her mother need to hear this.”

Ruan QingShuang hesitated, looking bewildered at Xu Yun. GuoGuo was only seven years old – talking about big events in life right now, wasn’t that a bit early?  She as her mother still hadn’t even considered major life events!

Qin Wan’er had just been scared by Xu Yun and didn’t care about being smug anymore.  After putting on her clothes, she pulled GuoGuo and out they came.  “What?  What serious matter do you have to discuss with me?”

It wasn’t that Qin Wan’er didn’t want to believe Xu Yun, but when Xu Yun had done serious business before, he had never told her. Just like how he today came and crushed the Four Wolves Gang’s nest, he hadn’t called out to her.

“It’s about time that school starts.  Help GuoGuo find a school.” Xu Yun smiled, “GuoGuo staying at the panacea restaurant can’t last forever.”

Ruan QingShuang’s expression shined, she didn’t think that Xu Yun was actually so attentive.  Before she had considered GuoGuo’s school situation and consulted two primary schools, but GuoGuo didn’t have a proof of residence here, so she fundamentally couldn’t enroll in school here.  And the better the school, the more strictly it adhered to the rules.

Qin Wan’er nodded her head, she didn’t feel it was a problem at all.  “This is no problem. Here in HeDong City, the best school is Bilingual International School. It’s famous nationwide.”

“Wan’er.” Ruan QingShuang’s expression looked helpless, “I also inquired before – GuoGuo doesn’t have a proof of residence.  Basically all the schools won’t accept her.”

Qin Wan’er frowned, “No proof?  You as a mother also… wait, GuoGuo doesn’t even have a household registration?  QingShuang-jie, when you gave birth to GuoGuo, were you underaged?  So that’s …”

“What the what?  GuoGuo is….is…” Ruan QingShuang was afraid GuoGuo would feel hurt, and was unwilling to mention that she was picked up.

But GuoGuo’s face was glittering, and without the slightest pressure she said, “I was picked up by mommy.”

“Oh…..” Qin Wan’er’s entire body stiffened – no wonder there was such a big gap in personalities between the two.

Xu Yun’s eyebrows jumped.  “It’s like that, we’re all unfamiliar outsiders of this place.  As a local, this matter isn’t hard for you right?”

GuoGuo looked at Qin Wan’er with particular antic.i.p.ation.  “Wan’er-jiejie, this major event in GuoGuo’s life will depend on your strategy.”

Qin Wan’er saw the teary-eyed GuoGuo, and then thought of her tragic circ.u.mstances as a child picked up off the streets – such a cute kid, why was her life experience so pitiful?  She definitely must resolve this issue for GuoGuo!

“GuoGuo don’t worry!  Wan’er-jiejie will definitely have you go and study at the best school!” Qin Wan’er guaranteed with a pat on her chest.

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue, “Love you forever Wan’er-jiejie. It’s just that earlier when I touched it you yelled out so loud, but you tapped it with so much force and aren’t afraid of them popping?  Seems that they are real.”

“Of course they’re real!” Once Qin Wan’er heard she clenched her teeth.  This thoughtless girl dared to suspect her chest. Wait, was this her show of grat.i.tude?

Xu Yun saw this and was a bit dizzy. GuoGuo was so happy.  If he was also a little girl, he could help big sister wear underwear…..

“Keep looking and I’ll carve your eyes out!” Qin Wan’er’s had a cold streak towards Xu Yun.

Ruan QingShuang held onto Qin Wan’er’s hand.  “Wan’er, I don’t even know how to thank you!”

“QingShuang-jie, you’re still so courteous to me?” Qin Wan’er feigned anger and said, “Are you treating me like a stranger?”

Ruan QingShuang quickly waved her hand saying, “Of course not!”

GuoGuo also pandered and said, “Wan’er-jiejie isn’t an outsider.  I already consider her as a second mom, just worried mommy would be jealous.”

Ruan QingShuang decided to no longer indulge GuoGuo.  She got up and picked up GuoGuo.  Then smiling apologetically to Qin Wan’er, with big strides, she went to her room and tenderly reproached GuoGuo.  “GuoGuo if you keep acting silly mommy will shut you in a dark room.  Come back and go to sleep!”

“Fortunately, I’m not her mom.” Qin Wan’er patted her chest and lamented, if she had a daughter like that, she definitely would’ve collapsed.

Xu Yun finished his cup of water.  “Then we’ll trouble you with GuoGuo’s problem. I would like to thank you first.”

“Yo, when did you words get so sweet?” Qin Wan’er expression was like the sun coming out of the north.

Xu Yun scoffed.  “Then I will curse you to never be able to wear that piece of underwear.”

“Xu Yun you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” Qin Wan’er grabbed a sofa cushion and attacked.  Xu Yun quickly stood up and directly ran to his own room and hid.

Waiting until after all of them fell asleep, Qiu Yan again came to Xu Yun’s room.  She had to keep up the acupuncture treatment!  If only her internal injuries healed, she could go back to being the venerated Violent Fox!  Then she would have the power to protect GuoGuo!

Xu Yun had long ago already prepared the silver needles in his room.  He waited with raised corners of his mouth for Qiu Yan to take off her clothes.  Qiu Yan having gone through the struggle of removing her clothes once already, no longer cared.  Turning her body for Xu Yun, she didn’t hesitate at all and stripped her clothing.

“Today there might need to be a little adjusting, can you inspect a bit?  Even though the blood clots in your body dissolved, there are special inner energy disruptions.”  By the time Xu Yun had said it, he took out the needles.

Qiu Yan nodded her head, and didn’t hesitate to take out the silver needles.  She still decided that if she can do it herself, then she wouldn’t want Xu Yun to do it….

Xu Yun pierced a needle on the Spirit Platform Meridian, and a hundred wisps of internal energy pa.s.sed through the silver needle, slowly dispersing inside of Qiu Yan’s body.  Inside of Qiu Yan, a strange internal energy suddenly rose out, and both portions of internal energy slammed, crashing together!

Qiu Yan only felt a sharp pain inside of her, suddenly there was a ma.s.s of chaos throughout her meridians!  Qiu Yan closed her eyes – no longer able to hold the silver needle in her hand, it directly fell to the floor!

“Take deep breaths!” Xu Yun’s heartbeat rose, he also didn’t expect this situation to suddenly happen!

Qiu Yan was actually hit by the 7-Absolute Palm!  Even though Xu Yun knew that it was vast under heaven, with many mult.i.tudes of elites, however, to have the ability to use the 7-Absolute Palm to such a degree of perfection, it absolutely had to be a 1st-tier elite!  Or perhaps it could even be one who has broken through the 1st-tier bottleneck to become an Ultra Elite!

Shi*!  Xu Yun couldn’t help but let out a breath of cold air.  No wonder Qiu Yan would have preferred she and GuoGuo split off.  From the beginning, the strength of the people who opposed them was truly terrifying!

A fierce internal energy suddenly broke through Xu Yun’s silver needle, directly circling in reverse on Qiu Yan’s Central Court Meridian on her chest!

“This is bad!” Xu Yun was secretly alarmed.  At a time like this, he couldn’t care about some social norms between men and women – his left palm shot out onto Qiu Yan’s left shoulder and Qiu Yan’s whole body turned facing him in an instant.  Xu Yun’s right hand was already squeezing a silver needle and pierced directly center on Qiu Yan’s Sandalwood Center Meridian!

Rushing from Qiu Yan’s Central Courtyard Meridian, a wisp of internal power was instantly dissolved by Xu Yun’s internal energy, directly following the silver needle and being drawn out of the body!  Qiu Yan’s tightly shut eyes suddenly opened, and a mouthful of clotted blood came rushing up.  The corner of her mouth dripped with rotten-smelling red blood.

Phewww….that was close, Xu Yun’s brow was covered with beads of sweat.  If just now he had half a second of hesitation, that bit of evil energy would have directly broke through into the Sandalwood Center Meridian and the Jade Hall Meridian, attacking Qiu Yan’s heart and lungs!  At that point, it would be too late to do anything.

Everything calmed down before Xu Yun was finally conscious of Qiu Yan in front directly facing him.  Uh…. this wasn’t him trying to take advantage on purpose, human life is beyond value.

Because he feared an uncontrollable b.l.o.o.d.y nose eruption, Xu Yun quickly turned his head away.  He was also worried Qiu Yan would suddenly explode – the Supple Dragon Abyssal Blade wasn’t a vegetable knife cutting tofu…

Right now Qiu Yan didn’t have the energy to squabble about that stuff.  She put all of her effort into adjust her own breathing until her Meridians calmed.

The whole time Xu Yun was laying down, looking at the night-scape out of his bedside window.  Several plastered hoodlums were puking up nasty stuff and it was making Xu Yun feel very nauseous.  The night-scape outside and the nighttime inside was simply worlds apart!

Qiu Yan finally calmed down her breathing.  Even though she knew Xu Yun saw all of her body, she didn’t say anything, only quietly putting on her coat.  She didn’t blame Xu Yun, because she very much knew that she owed her entire life to Xu Yun!

Before leaving, Qiu Yan took the small medicine bottle full of treasured medicine and put it on top of the table.  “Nine Treasured Revival Pills are very precious.  You can help me with acupuncture, using internal energy to resolve the evil force inside me, then I already don’t need this medicine.  I’m giving it back to you.”

Xu Yun took the bottle and threw it back at Qiu Yan.  “I have plenty of Powerful Pills, just treat it like enjoying a snack and eat ’em.”

“What?” Qiu Yan was shocked by Xu Yun again and again.  He actually said he had plenty of this stuff – just enjoy it like a snack?  That simply couldn’t even be described as a luxury!

Xu Yun didn’t kid around with her any more and seriously said, “Perhaps this thing is very precious to you, but to me it isn’t that important.  Today I could use silver needles to draw out the remaining injuring energy from the 7-Absolute Palm because you have this thing’s medicinal power protecting your body.  If you want to get better sooner, then keep taking it.  Perhaps acupuncture wouldn’t be necessary anymore.”

“You……” Qiu Yan truly didn’t know what she should say, she turned and left Xu Yun’s room.

Qiu Yan didn’t know what she could possibly do to repay Xu Yun, so saying anymore was pointless.  Qiu Yan secretly told herself that from now on, her life was Xu Yun’s.

Xu Yun put away the silver needles and went to sleep.  More and more he thought that Qiu Yan’s personality was like someone he knew.  He held back all the words inside his stomach, and said nothing.

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