Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 37


The first thing in the morning, Pang Gang brought seven or eight workers as well as an entire car full of light engineering components to the panacea restaurant.  Immediately according to the layout that they made yesterday, they started carpenting work.

Xu Yun also got up really early.  He was preparing a delicious Longan porridge with the five flavors for the three beauties that lived here, and a small one.  Afterwards, he called out and several people got up.

GuoGuo caught sight of the food. She ate till she clucked and cooed out!  Immediately moving her small spoon, Qin Wan’er also rapidly ate and afterwards she went to work.  Qiu Yan, in contrast, first went on patrol around the panacea restaurant in a complete circle, and only after returning did she eat.  Ever since the arrival of the three Underworld elites, Qiu Yan at present raised her mental guard twice as much.

Although the completely destroyed panacea restaurant made Ruan QingShuang somewhat heart-broken, seeing so many people at her side, her face nevertheless perked up a hint of a smile.  She believed that she only had to persist and continue on, then certainly would have something happy and good happen to her.

After eating breakfast, GuoGuo clamored that since it was the start of a new term, they must go take a trip to a playground.  In that case, Ruan QingShuang could only bring her to go, with Qiu Yan naturally and closely following around.  Xu Yun then stayed behind.  It wasn’t that he wasn’t a.s.sured about Pang Gang and his workers’ workmanship, and  QiangZi that called and said he wanted to come help, but Xu Yun somewhat had something that he wanted to say to him.

QiangZi would usually spend his days leisurely drifting along, but he brought 10+ of his buddies to the panacea restaurant.  Even though they couldn’t help with any important parts, but they also didn’t help Pang Gang’s workers just a little either.    

Xu Yun jokingly said, “QiangZi, no more being a gangster, you should go with Pang-ge to do renovations together!”

QiangZi nodded his head, “Sounds good to me!  Of course being a gangster doesn’t have a good ending – the Four Wolves Gang’s w.a.n.g ShunXi is the best example.”

“Okay, as long as he can bear hardships, then nothing will be too hard.” Pang Gang gave a gentle *hehe* laugh.  When he turned his head, the corners of his mouth revealed some bitterness.  Right now it wasn’t good for them be thugs either.  Why did w.a.n.g ShunXi of the Four Wolves Gang run out of luck?   And the Fan NanJie of Blade Axe Crew could just sit back and relax?


The news of the Four Wolves Gang’s destruction just needed a single evening to spread all over HeDong City!  

All of HeDong city ‘s police circles were shocked by this affair!  From the City Council to every bureau, to the villages and towns each department office, from the gra.s.sroots level – almost all were discussing Qin Wan’er’s heroic accomplishments.

The final verdict about the matter about the Four Wolves Gang’s secret storage of firearms was reached early.  Using the city’s Public Security Bureau Chief Chen Wei’s words, this was HeDong City’s police world’s most indisputable achievement that shocked the sky and cried out across the earth!

In the case where she shot Gos-hawk GongYou dead, there were still people that said that it was good luck.  Now that she yanked out the roots of the old Four Wolves Gang’s lair in succession, they couldn’t say anything about this event.  They could only say that it was a miracle.

“Little Qin, you give us HeDong City’s Public Security Bureau such glorious achievements.  I don’t know how to reward you.  If you have anything you want, don’t hesitate to speak!  As long as it is within the bureau’s ability and power to do, I will certainly promise you.”  Over the five years since Chen Wei was promoted to become bureau chief, he never spoke in such a way.  It shook up several heads of departments, and their heads were all buzzing.  They were all very clear about Chief Chen’s work style.  Now Qin Wan’er opened her mouth to speak – if she said that she wanted something in the department’s power, he dared to readily promise it.

Qin Wan’er just mentioned one request, “Chief Chen, I still really have a matter that I request your help for.”

Chen Wei waved his big hand, “Say it!”

The department heads of several of HeDong City’s districts all propped up their ears, because they might immediately change chiefs.  If Qin Wan’er was promoted to a chief’s job, it would certainly be possible to have an influence on a change of human resources affecting them.

“I have a friend’s child that wants to go to the primary Bilingual International School, but she encountered some household registration problems.  The child can’t go to school. I don’t have any other requests, I just want to ask if you could urgently help regarding this matter.” Qin Wan’er spoke extremely seriously, with absolutely not a hint of a joke.  “I don’t want any awards, I just hope that the bureau can help me resolve this issue.”

Chen Wei’s head wrinkled into a frown. This was a good, pure young woman to go as far as to not mention anything about promotion in her request.  With such a great contribution, her superintendent Liu GuangMing now had a bargaining chip to enter office and become number one in the Bureau.

Qin Wan’er was still waiting for Chen Wei’s response.  “Is it okay?”

“Bilingual Internal School’s Dong XiaoZhang is my old friend, I’ll give him a call.” Chen Wei’s eyes shone with admiration, he was extremely pleased.  What they wanted was the kind of comrade like Qin Wan’er who was selfless and devoted without greed.

Qin Wan’er nearly jumped up in excitement, even at the time of the awards ceremony, she hadn’t been so excited.

Chen Wei’s single phone call handled the problem with GuoGuo enrolling in school.  He told Qin Wan’er that today she could have her friend take GuoGuo to the school to register.  Once Qin Wan’er heard she was still anxiously waiting, she quickly gave a phone call to Ruan QingShuang!

At the same time, the destruction of the Four Wolves Gang not only shocked the police world.

Those in power on the dark path of HeDong City felt their nerves go cold.  A single policewoman single-handedly toppled the Four Wolves Gang – saying this was simply shocking news!

After the Blade Axe Crew Boss Fan NanJie received the news, he nearly laughed till he vomited blood.  That thorn in his side actually didn’t even need him to act, and was resolved by the police!  Was there anything more refreshing than that in life?

But after that dark pleasure, Fan NanJie considered the issue one step deeper.  The Four Wolves Gang was destroyed, then would the good days of their Blade Axe Crew also come to an end?  Would their fate also follow the same misery of the Four Wolves Gang?

Thinking of that, Fan NanJie couldn’t help but to frown deeply.  It seemed that lately he’d heard a lot about the situation.  Not only would he quietly swallow the remaining Four Wolves Gang’s domain and the scattered underlings, but he also had to carefully avoid police attention.

“WeiMing.” Fan NanJie’s fierce-looking face shook, and his eyelids suddenly jumped.  He beckoned to a male beside him wearing a checkered shirt.

The man with a wide back and broad shoulders stepped forward, “Cousin-ge, what are your orders!”

“Have the brothers keep things on the low. The bathhouse side I will look over, for all other matters be careful.  Including protection money, don’t take any income.  We have to first figure out what the cops wanna do – in particular, be careful of that Qin Wan’er of WenHui District’s police station.  If you can avoid her, then avoid her.”

Fan NanJie sneered, almost no one could see his eyes.  Those fierce-looking cheekbones stood towering – with shoulders like a hawk and eyes like a jackal, his face was abominable.

It made the big and strong WeiMing pause for a bit, “Ge, then what about our underlings’ daily expenses?”

“Last time the situation I told you about, you still haven’t finished?” Fan NanJie frowned, with a bit of impatience he said, “The task of absorbing all of the little contractors till now still hasn’t been settled?  Whoever renovates will follow whoever pays management fees.”

“Ge, I’ve been constantly working on this – those who obediently obey already gave us 140% of the management fees. All of that money has already been used to renovate the bathhouse and give gifts.  Right now the only ones who are left are a few tough bones that are unwilling to pay the management fee.”  The man called Wei WeiMing was Fan NanJie’s younger cousin.  He didn’t have much talent, and just lazily relied on his cousin’s famous battle strength.

“Who is so bold to dare to oppose me?” Fan NanJie coldly said.

Wei WeiMing lowered his eyes and brow obediently, and said, “One is a Lu ZhongHua who had gone to war with the Four Wolves Gang’s Wei the 4th’s gang.  Another is the older cousin of Ma FangGuo of the Mighty Heroes Triad, those little annoying b*tches.  The last one is Pang Gang of the shantytown at the edge of town. That is plainly a stony sh*thole, it stinks and it’s hard…..”

Fan NanJie stared, red with rage.  “Someone from a shanty town dares to challenge me, Fan NanJie!?  Then go get the brothers and teach them how to live!  And with Lu ZhongHua, right now Wei the 4th is already licking this big daddy’s toes!  Who gives a sh*t about him!”

At the moment in the entire WenHui District, he, Fan NanJie only had doubts of one thing, and that was Su YanQing of the Mighty Heroes Triad.

“Yes!  Cousin-ge, I’ll go right now!” Wei WeiMing received an order and followed it like an imperial edict, raising his head and sticking out his chest.


When Ruan QingShuang heard that today GuoGuo could go and register, she immediately picked up GuoGuo in excitement, her eyes a little red.

Qiu Yan saw this and was a bit emotionally moved, she didn’t at all doubt this woman’s love for GuoGuo.

“Mommy, shouldn’t we say something to daddy, and have him come with us to go register?” GuoGuo smiled happily and said, “He definitely will be really happy!”

Ruan QingShuang nodded, smiling brilliantly she gave Xu Yun a call.  “Wan’er managed to get us to enroll in Bilingual International School. Where should we meet up?”

“Name the place, I’ll go find you right away.” Upon hearing Xu Yun smiled.  Qin Wan’er really had some outstanding ability – after talking about it, she immediately settled the issue!  But this matter was indeed urgent.  The day after tomorrow was the start of the school year. If they still didn’t apply it would be too late.

After getting the address, Xu Yun hung up the phone. Turned his head to QiangZi and said, “Lend me a vehicle, I got a little something.”

“Sure!” QiangZi quickly took off the car keys hanging on his waist.  “Ge, this car has a bit of a loose clutch and the accelerator is a bit tough. Other than there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Nice!  These weren’t any big problems. Malfunctioning brakes is a real problem right?

Xu Yun didn’t know what kind of second-hand car dealer or how many thousands of bucks this Citroen cost for QiangZi to get it, and drove it straight to Ruan QingShuang. The three of them drove to an international department store.  Even though the car was indeed a bit worn out and difficult to drive, but in Xu Yun’s hands, he had already driven all kinds of beat up cars and it wasn’t at all a big problem.

Very quickly Xu Yun covered in dust along the road came to the three of them.

Ruan QingShuang hesitated, and puzzled she said, “Why did you drive little Qiang’s car over here?”

“I’m just borrowing it.” Xu Yun grinned, “My G.o.ddaughter is going to register for school. Gotta get our game face on!  If we don’t even have a car, how much would her status drop?”

GuoGuo laughed till she was uglier than crying.  Extremely helpless, she pulled Qiu Yan’s hand. “Qiu Yan-jiejie, how about we take the bus…..”

Qiu Yan was such a silent and cold-feeling person. Riding in a beat-up car to school was considered a game face?  You really can’t afford to lose to that person.

“Let’s go!” Ruan QingShuang didn’t feel that anything was wrong.  She only thought that they would waste a bit of little Qiang’s gasoline, and was a bit embarra.s.sed.

Seeing that her mommy didn’t cold-shoulder daddy, what else could GuoGuo say?  There’s a saying that goes if you marry a chicken, you follow a chicken.  If you marry a dog, you follow a dog – GuoGuo helplessly patted her forehead, and sighed, “Ai, what sin did I commit….”

Qiu Yan helplessly rolled her eyes and sat in the car, in her mind she thought, the sins you committed were not few…..

The used little Citroen dashed like the wind and flashed like lightning on the road.  Inside the car door gla.s.s, screaming and yelling were echoing incessantly.  “Xu Yun how much money was this car?  How about we also buy a car?  We could drive GuoGuo to school every day conveniently.”

GuoGuo heard and panicked, “Mommy, I don’t think we should get it!  Uh….I get motion sickness!”

“Ordinarily sitting on the bus, I don’t think I’ve seen you dizzy before. Xu Yun, drive a little slower.” Ruan QingShuang turned her head with a concerned frown and said, “Right now there’s no problems right?  If you’re uncomfortable then bring it up and tell mommy.”

GuoGuo’s face was full of panic and she dryly laughed, “Mommy, I get sick in a small car, not a bus….”

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