Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 38


Xu Yun reduced his speed, using his rear-view mirror to look at GuoGuo.  Her rosy expression and odd fairy-like manner showed that she was a little carsick.  “If I change vehicles to a Ferrari, it would guarantee that GuoGuo wouldn’t feel dizzy.”

GuoGuo’s small mouth pouted, she used random lies and falsehoods to change the subject, “Daddy, but I heard Wan’er-jiejie say that my cla.s.s teacher is a great beauty.”

“Really?” Xu Yun’s eyes brightened.  A beautiful woman was good. A fair, graceful, and wise lady paired up nicely with a gentleman, “Then if I wear these clothes, wouldn’t that lower my status?”

“What do you think?” GuoGuo was unusually speechless. He drove in the second-hand Citroen, already dropping his status.  He put on flip flops, a sleeveless shirt, and large pants.  Ugh, pops, was this purposefully trying to make her lose face?

On the contrary Xu Yun had no shortage of confidence.  “I feel quite good about it. I just took a shower, got a car – we’re also considered middle-cla.s.s right?”

“Go and quickly rest okay. Right now even driving an Audi is still embarra.s.sing to say you’re a boss.  You need a Mercedes Benz S and above to dare say you’re middle-cla.s.s.” GuoGuo shrugged her shoulders, and spread out her white, tender little hands.  “Dad, how are you considered middle cla.s.s?  Where does that confidence come from?”

Xu Yun was silent, in his heart he said, ge doesn’t have anything, but by his side he has a flock of beauties.  Even a boss that has money wouldn’t have this many apex beauties right? With this alone, we have way more to be proud of!

Ruan QingShuang also didn’t speak.  Originally they were going to the school to register. Why did these two people talk like Xu Yun was going on a blind date?

“We’re here.” Qiu Yan only opened her mouth to speak of their objective.

Xu Yun hit his turn signal and neither nervous nor hurried, turned the car to the school’s entrance. Two or three luxury cars entered the Bilingual International School entrance.  It seemed that the school tuition was definitely not low.

“Ai, what are you doing?” After several luxury vehicles entered the school, security dropped the gate and blocked the front of Xu Yun’s Citroen.  “This is a school, what are you doing?”

Xu Yun smiled his eyes squinty, “I brought my kid to sign up.”

The security guard glanced at Xu Yun’s car, and then looked at his outfit.  “Brother, you went to the wrong school maybe?  This is an elite school. Are you determined to come here and register?”

“Mmm, yeah.” Xu Yun narrowed his eyes, he really wanted to flatten this condescending jacka.s.s. He didn’t block the BMW in front, but he wouldn’t let his own Citroen through.

GuoGuo sighed an *ai*, in her heart she thought they couldn’t blame the security guard.

The security guard originally wanted to say something, but a pony-tailed beauty appeared at the school’s entrance.  Marching with confident steps she walked to Xu Yun’s Citroen.  “Excuse me, are you guys Qin Wan’er’s friends?”

Holy c.r.a.p!  Xu Yun almost automatically stepped on the gas pedal, good thing this beat-up car’s gas pedal was a bit stiff and didn’t spring forward!

What a jade-like flowery and graceful beauty and a rounding brow like willow leaves, her skin was as smooth as jade and shone like ice.  The beauty wore a pair of black capri pants, and an open collared khaki colored shirt professionally tucked into her waist.  Her slightly open collar tightly bundled proud twin-peaks that seemed like they wanted to explode out.

Xu Yun looked and his eyes almost popped out. He really wanted to ask what the age limit of this school was.  When he went back he would definitely ask Qin Wan’er – at his age maybe pulling some relationship favors was it possible to come here to attend school?  That would absolutely be a splendid fortune!

Not knowing when, Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan already took GuoGuo and got out of the car.

“h.e.l.lo, my name is Ruan QingShuang, I am Wan’er’s friend.” Ruan QingShuang smiled, and said, “This is my daughter, and that is her sister Qiu Yan.”

“h.e.l.lo pretty teacher!” GuoGuo’s words were really sweet, without even thinking she blurted out some flattering words.  “My name is GuoGuo. Teacher, you’re really pretty.  Before I still thought that in this world mommy and jiejie were the prettiest, I never would’ve thought that teacher was even more of a startling beauty!”

The pony-tailed beautiful teacher heard GuoGuo’s words and couldn’t help but laugh out loud, this little lady was really cute!  Indeed this was the most pretty and lovable little girl she had ever seen.  “h.e.l.lo, GuoGuo. You’re so cute, teacher really likes you.”

Then, the pony-tailed beautiful teacher smiled to Ruan QingShuang and Qiu Yan, and introduced herself.  “My name is Su XiaoRan, in the future I’ll be GuoGuo’s teacher. Let’s first go in and register, yes?”

“Miss Su, is this your friend?” The school’s security guard’s face was finally the most serious since the beginning.

“Mmm, they are acquaintances of Dong XiaoZhang.”  Su XiaoRan said in a low voice.

The school’s security guard’s entire face instantly piled on a smile, quickly moving the gate away, “Aiya!  Why didn’t you say so earlier? Dong XiaoZhang’s acquaintances, quickly, quickly come on in!”

However, the car didn’t show half a hint of intent to move and the security guard’s body stiffened. Perhaps this person was angry.  To offend Dong XiaoZhang’s acquaintances, he couldn’t protect his job….

“Ai.” GuoGuo sighed and went over and knocked on the car door, laughing she said, “Daddy, don’t look anymore, don’t shame your daughter!  From now on she’s my teacher. Are you still worried you won’t see her?”

Xu Yun snapped out of it. On his face he had an expression like, ‘Pops didn’t care for you in vain’, and said, “Get in!”

“Forget about the car…..” GuoGuo laughed hollowly, “I have to go and register!”

GuoGuo finished talking and ran over, Su XiaoRan politely smiled at Xu Yun in the car, and then turned around leading the several people to go to the office floor to register.

Xu Yun rushed and quickly parked the car at the school entrance parking lot, got out of the car and chased after them.

Inside the school, the registration was managed especially smoothly.  After settling everything, Ruan QingShuang fished out her phone from her pants.  “Teacher Su, GuoGuo is mischievous, and in the future you will have a lot of troubles to manage. Can I leave you with my number?”

“Of course!” Su XiaoRan very quickly followed Ruan QingShuang and exchanged phone numbers.  “I think that GuoGuo is very clever, and is quite the genius. You can rest a.s.sured.”

Xu Yun dryly laughed, “Then you don’t know her.”

“Daddy?  What did you say?” GuoGuo rolled her eyes at Xu Yun.

“I said you’re the best.” Xu Yun cried and laughed.

Su XiaoRan was actually quite shocked – such young parents, but their daughter was actually already so big.  Then when they married, weren’t they underaged?  Thinking that she was already at this age, but she never even had a significant other, Su XiaoRan really felt very embarra.s.sed.

Going back, she really wanted to ask Qin Wan’er about this family’s situation.  Once Su XiaoRan thought of how Qin Wan’er didn’t ask for her help for GuoGuo getting into the school and instead sought Dong XiaoZhang made her mad.  She had already told Qin Wan’er that she taught at this school. That girl actually could forget!

“Teacher Su, it’s already nearly noon. Why don’t you join us at the panacea restaurant for lunch?” Ruan QingShuang sincerely invited her.

GuoGuo also supportingly said, “Teacher Su, come with us! My daddy makes some delicious panacea dishes.”

“Mmm, lemme show Teacher Su a dish or two.” Xu Yun volunteered plainly, “We’ll make our specialty, ginseng orchid soup with lean meat!”

Su XiaoRan smiled and politely refused, “Tomorrow school starts, there are still many things to take care of.  Wait a bit and there will be a chance, I definitely must try GuoGuo’s daddy’s skills.”

“Since it’s like that, then we won’t disturb you.” Upon hearing that she still had a bunch of things to do, Ruan QingShuang no longer insisted.  “Then we will leave first.  Thanks for the help today, Teacher Su.”

“Doing what I should do.” Su XiaoRan smiled widely, “This matter was personally ordered by Dong XiaoZhang, and Wan’er and I are good friends.  Then I won’t escort you any further, good bye.”

As they were talking, several people already walked out of the office floor.

“Bye Teacher Su!” GuoGuo kissed the air. She was very certain, everyone in her year had to follow her, so of course she would need a good relationship.

“Byebye GuoGuo!” Su XiaoRan smiled, this child was really likable.

Several people already said their goodbyes to Su XiaoRan, and left the school.  Xu Yun drove back to the panacea restaurant, GuoGuo enrolling in school was such a big event that they needed to celebrate – go back and make a few tasty dishes!

With a crunching sound, the Citroen cooly stopped at the panacea restaurant’s entrance. However, the panacea restaurant was actually completely empty.  It was understandable that QiangZi and Xiao Fei and the others could’ve all went out to play, but Pang Gang promised them to work overtime to renovate. Why wasn’t there a shadow of anyone?

“Too undedicated.” GuoGuo got out from the back seat, and very unhappily shook her head.

Ruan QingShuang’s face was completely puzzled. Pang Gang didn’t seem like the type of person to speak dishonestly.  How would this situation happen?

Xu Yun went inside the panacea restaurant. A spirit leveler for construction, an air pump, and a nail gun were all tossed about the restaurant, with a big stack of gypsum board, wooden pieces, and core boards.  If Pang Gang had done half and then didn’t want to do it anymore, he definitely wouldn’t leave these things and just leave – these were all guys trying to make a living.

“Something bad happened.” Qiu Yan said coolly, her keen senses picked up small details.

Xu Yun used his leg to kick wood fragments, the dark red on the fragments were clear bloodstains.  Xu Yun’s brow unconsciously pinched together, his gaze severely swept across the entire scene of the panacea restaurant – distinct blood splotches could be seen everywhere, clearly visible.  

In the end, just what happened!

Could it be that the Four Wolves Gang still dared to retaliate!?  Xu Yun’s clenched fist squeezed tightly.  Blue veins burst into view – this pack of sons of b*tches.

Ruan QingShuang’s heart arose a chill. Those people really were the ones that they provoked. Only by relying on Qin Wan’er alone, how could she catch them all?

Xu Yun raised his head and looked up at the ceiling already beginning to take shape, and couldn’t help being perplexed.  This isn’t right. If it was the Four Wolves Gang’s people, then they should have smashed the shop and smashed things inside the restaurant.

But now, inside the restaurant, goods weren’t in the slightest bit damaged. Even including one half of the plaster wasn’t damaged.  Instead, not a shadow was seen.

This matter definitely had something else strange about it!

Qiu Yan and Xu Yun equally doubted this was the same problem. They both didn’t say much to Ruan QingShuang.  After all, they were afraid that she couldn’t repeatedly endure overwhelming force.

“Xu Yun, you stay behind to look after them.” Qiu Yan said indifferently, “I’ll go out to take a look.”

“Okay, be careful.” Xu Yun also didn’t stop this kind of investigation matter. He thought for a long time that criminals from Qiu Yan’s Underworld would certainly be more experienced than himself. Besides, he right now still wanted to get lunch ready, “I’ll first go cook, wait for us to eat together.”

Qiu Yan nodded her head, not saying anymore, then she turned to leave.

“Xu Yun, I don’t have an appet.i.te. ”Ruan QingShuang then still couldn’t go on eating.  One wave hadn’t leveled off, before another began rising. She really wanted to ask the Heavens, why wouldn’t they let her live peacefully?

GuoGuo, especially thoughtful said, “Mommy, if you don’t eat, GuoGuo also won’t eat.”

Ruan QingShuang not out of consideration for herself, but out of consideration for GuoGuo said, “Then mommy will eat, GuoGuo should also eat well.”

“Good, today we’ll make something refreshing.” Xu Yun hoisted a big thumbs up towards GuoGuo, and afterwards he went into the kitchen. It was also lunch time – people should have the resolve of steel, and if one stops eating, hunger could cause them to lose their heads.

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