Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 69


After a round of meditation breathing exercises, Xu Yun calmed down. It seemed that he had to think of a way to break through the evil in his heart, or else in this lifetime he truly could only linger half-way like this.

Ai, thinking of this Xu Yun felt a bit of regret. He himself was a young man overflowing with talent. His honored master once said his prospects couldn’t be measured, and the brothers at his side all envied his natural talents.

There weren’t many that could ascend to the 1st-tier elite realm at the age of eighteen. For several years, everyone was expecting that Xu Yun could become the first person to proceed to become an ultra elite before age of twenty-five, but no one had thought that because of Yin Long’s tragic death, he would be inhibited by his inner demons. For an entire year, his strength didn’t progress half a bit.

With just a step away, even though on the surface Xu Yun had a manner like he was whimsical of the world, but in his heart more than anyone else, he wanted to purge the inner demon’s inhibition. This was also the reason Xu Yun left that place – with the t.i.tanic pressure, he had no choice but to choose to come out.

Because his state of mind had faintly changed, the whole night Xu Yun didn’t sleep well. At night he heard Qiu Yan come in and out of the restaurant three times. It seemed like she was truly worried and uneasy about Qin Wan’er’s words about an S-rank criminal.

After getting up in the morning, the group of them followed their routines. Sunday for the two resting workers was a beautiful day, and to Xu Yun and the others it was even busier, because at 10 in the morning people came to eat. Getting up late, they directly ate breakfast and lunch together.

Besides Qin Wan’er who left early in the morning, the others weren’t idle in at the shop. HongNan District’s branch had been wrecked and closed, and QiangZi and Xiao Fei both came to this side’s shop and waited.

Qin Wan’er originally was supposed to rest, but because yesterday they arrested so many of Jin Biao’s Eastside’s people, she wasn’t rea.s.sured and in the morning rushed to the station.

However, by the time she came it was already too late – Little Wu told her that last night someone directly bailed them out and greeted Superintendent Liu, so they didn’t dare to ask.

Hearing this Qin Wan’er directly wanted to explode. “Liu GuangMing actually released all of them?!”

Little Wu was frightened by Qin Wan’er’s outrage, and quickly made a gesture to quiet down, “Qin-jie can you please lower your voice? You are truly my Qin-jie. Early this morning Superintendent Liu came, he’s upstairs – aren’t you worried that he might hear?”

“So what if he hears! I still have to go find him and ask him to explain!” Qin Wan’er could tolerate yesterday in Steep Mountain District’s station, but in her own place’s jurisdiction, she absolutely couldn’t tolerate it. Once she was done speaking she directly turned and went upstairs to look for Superintendent Liu.

Little Wu was stupefied, Qin-jie’s anger was too much right? To actually have the idea to go and look for Superintendent Liu…..

After Qin Wan’er got upstairs, she didn’t even bother knocking the door, directly pushing it open to Superintendent Liu’s office.

Liu GuangMing was in the middle of a phone call. Seeing Qin Wan’er’s angry face, he couldn’t help but to hesitate. To the phone he said, “I have something to do, in a moment we’ll talk again. First this thing.”

With that Liu GuangMing hung up the phone, and Qin Wan’er then directly opened her mouth to ask, “Superintendent Liu, why did you release everyone we arrested last night!?”

“Little Qin ah, I just happened to want to talk to you about something.” Liu GuangMing face had some obvious signs of difficulty. After all he was the number one at this police station. For Qin Wan’er to speak to him like that, more or less was to not respect him.

But Qin Wan’er didn’t soften her tone. “I only want to know why you let them go. Picking a fight and causing trouble isn’t considered a crime? Yesterday we arrested them and yesterday they were released. Just how powerful of a background do they have to have you do that?”

Liu GuangMing put on a face. “Qin Wan’er, in this station I’m superintendent. I have the power to do anything! It’s not up to you to point fingers and criticize.”

“So what if you’re superintendent? A superintendent can be partial?” Qin Wan’er was a bit severe with this statement.


Liu GuangMing angrily smacked the table and stood up. “Qin Wan’er, do you think that just because you got some merits that you can run amok? I’m not afraid to tell you yesterday it was Superintendent Qi of Steep Mountain District that gave me a phone call and spoke of it. It was all just a small fight and a small argument – I was just doing an easy favor! It wasn’t that I hadn’t asked Little Wu and the others. These people fundamentally hadn’t caused any other disturbance to that shop! We don’t have evidence to arrest them! In fact it was the employees of that restaurant that attacked them, and that they didn’t turn around and accuse them of attacking them is already taking a step back.”

“Society nowadays is just like this?” Qin Wan’er laughed coldly. “Just with some connections they could turn around and take a bite?”

Liu GuangMing scoffed. “Qin Wan’er, I still haven’t asked you. Yesterday why did you go to Steep Mountain District’s police station? Also, why don’t I know why you got an informant? Do you think you’re acting in a Hong Kong gangster movie? This is China! Do you know that informant you wanted to get out attacked police officers! I already justified the situation for you, and you’re still like this?!”

Qin Wan’er heard and disagreeably said, “My informant is my direct subordinate. The less people who know, the better. Also, they said my man hit them and you believe it? Where’s the proof?”

Liu GuangMing pulled out his cellphone and flipped to picture texts and threw it on the table. “This is proof!”

Qin Wan’er cast a glance, instantly her shocked jaw nearly fell off – in the picture indeed several people were the guys from yesterday. All of them had a fist-sized bruise on their bellies, but yesterday they clearly didn’t….just how did Xu Yun do it?

“Nothing to say?” LIu GuangMing saw Qin Wan’er’s temper calming down a bit, then he spoke up, “Little Qin, you’re still young. Whatever you do, you have to study how to be slick about it. Let other people keep some face, and in the future other people will also let you keep some face.”

Qin Wan’er already understood Liu GuangMing’s intent. “Superintendent Liu, I understand. In other words, about Qi YiShan colluding with gang leaders in Steep Mountain District, everyone is keeping one eye open and one eye closed?”

Liu GuangMing didn’t deny it, but didn’t nod either. “Little Qin, I urge you to not meddle in other district’s matters. You would better concern yourself more with our own WenHui District’s matters. Lately there are rumors that there is another Big Sister of the dark way, have you heard?”

Qin Wan’er understood Liu GuangMing was hinting at who that big sister of the thug world was. “If I know who is gossiping badly about me, I definitely won’t let them go. But right now I first want to ask Bureau Chief Chen. Qi YiShan is feeding a tiger as an accomplice, and doesn’t deserve to be Steep Mountain District’s superintendent!”

“You…you want to tell Chief Chen?” Liu GuangMing really suspected that his ears had heard incorrectly.

Without turning back, Qin Wan’er headed out of Liu GuangMing’s office, but he didn’t stop Qin Wan’er’s actions. In fact in his opinion, this wasn’t a bad thing.

After all during election time, Qi YiShan was also his opponent to enter city council. If Qi YiShan had a reputation for working with the thug world, that and with his own reputation of shoveling away evil would contrast to make the discrepancy even bigger – by then who could become vice-chief would be obvious.


Because Qin Wan’er had several meritable deeds, in HeDong’s Public Security Bureau she was considered a minor celebrity. Very many people saw her coming and smiled widely, greeted her, and expressed friendliness. After all, everyone was sure in the future she definitely would transfer in because of her outstanding work and become part of the leadership.

To these, Qin Wan’er would also respond with a wide smile.

“Little Qin, why have you come?” The legal division’s section chief saw Qin Wan’er and squintily smiling said.

Apparently Qin Wan’er had no way to remember so many people’s names, only knowing that he was a section chief. “h.e.l.lo leader, I’m looking for Chief Chen to report something.”

“Today? Today is Sunday though.” The legal division’s chief hesitated, “Today Chief Chen has the day off.”

Qin Wan’er only now realized. She was just anxious, and forgot about it being the weekend – then she can only let it go, and she was only able to wait till tomorrow to try again. “Sorry, I forgot. Hehe, then I won’t bother your business, I’ll head back first.”

“Won’t you sit a while?” The legal division’s section chief politely said.

“Thank you, but there’s no need. Goodbye.” Qin Wan’er turned and left quickly.

Just as she left the office building, a car parked right in front of her. The car door opened, and Chen Wei stepped out of the car. Seeing Qin Wan’er, he minutely paused. “Little Qin? Why have you come?”

Qin Wan’er heart felt joy, really it was too timely!

But without waiting for Qin Wan’er to open her mouth, Chen Wei spoke. “Just perfect, I have something to say to you. Follow me to my office for a bit, I’ll let you see something.”

“With me?” Qin Wan’er didn’t get it for half a day. For Chief Chen to look for her about something, did a chief doing things have to report to her? Hey, even Qin Wan’er felt that she was thinking about it too wonderfully.

Chen Wei was indeed a more low key person. Even though HeDong wasn’t considered big, but at the very least it was still a prefectural level city. As a police chief, his position wasn’t at all low, but the car he drove was an older model Pa.s.sat, compared with those little town bureau chiefs that dared to match themselves with cars above several hundreds of thousands of dollars. Chen Wei absolutely was a fair, honest, clean, law-abiding good leader.

“What are you thinking about? Let’s go.” Chen Wei saw that Qin Wan’er was distracted, and called out to her.

Qin Wan’er hurried and nodded her head and followed after. To herself she said if everyone in the country was like Chief Chen, then she estimated law and order in all of Chinese society would rise by several levels.

Very quickly, Qin Wan’er followed Chen Wei to his office. Chen Wei made a phone call, and less than a minute later the fax machine printed out a fax. It was a photograph, and below there were a few small letters.

Chen Wei took the fax and then gave it to Qin Wan’er.

The picture had a man about 30 years old. His face could be said to be a bit ugly, but his gaze carried quite a bit wickedness.

Below was a line in clear characters:

Hao Kai, male, 30 years old, Han Ethnicity, household registration unknown, height 1.75m, body type medium, square face, beard wrapping his cheeks, high cheekbones, wide nose, sunken eyes, thick protruding lips, dark red hair. National S-rank wanted criminal. Citizens who provide accurate information to the Public Security Bureau will receive a 500,000 RMB reward. Citizens who discover clues to report, please call the 110 emergency hotline, or notify the local Public Security Bureau. Those that withhold information, cover for or harbor the suspected criminal will be investigated according to law for criminal responsibility!

After Qin Wan’er finished looking at it she was stunned. A while ago that possible S-rank wanted criminal that entered HeDong City was this person?!

“Right now we have already basically verified that this man is already hiding in our HeDong City.” Chen Wei lightly said. “Little Qin, right now the top has already ordered to post an arrest warrant. This person was the mastermind of last year’s 8.12 prison break case.”

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