Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 70


Qin Wan’er took the warrant and looked at it for half a day, then lightly said, “Chief Chen, what you wanted to talk to me about was this thing?”

“Correct.” Chen Wei nodded as he spoke, then smiled to Qin Wan’er and said, “Little Qin, do you know why I wanted to discuss this matter with you?”

Seeing Chen Wei with a somewhat serious expression, Qin Wan’er was truly a bit confused. “Since arrest warrants were all distributed out, the entire public has the right to report. Then it should be that all of our police officers should know about this matter, and that Chief Chen told me in advance is for me to go to the station to inform everybody right?”

Chen Wei squinted a smile. “Just now, when I was on my way here on the road, I had people do the informing. In a moment I’ll let Little Li fax this criminal’s picture over. Those things don’t need you to worry about. I’m telling you because there’s another reason.”

Qin Wan’er frowned in puzzlement. “What reason?”

Chen Wei pointed at the sofa and to Qin Wan’er he said, “Sit down. Help yourself to drink water. In the water dispenser there are paper cups.”

“No thanks Chief Chen.” Qin Wan’er sat down.

Chen Wei then spoke up. “You still remember that A-cla.s.s wanted criminal Gong You that was shot to death on the scene from before?

Qin Wan’er nodded her head. “I remember.”

“Perhaps there are some words that shouldn’t be said, but right now I must say them. Little Qin, I’ve been a cop for so many years – whatever kind of armed police force, special police, Interpol departments, I have worked for them all.” Chen Wei especially seriously said, “I have no way of believing that you have the ability to gun down a national A-cla.s.s wanted criminal.”

As Qin Wan’er heard these words, in her heart she felt a bit guilty. Her expression also had a subtle change. Indeed, that night if it wasn’t for both Xu Yun and Qiu Yan, she definitely wouldn’t have dared to shoot, and wouldn’t have had the chance to open fire.

Chen Wei very sharply captured the changes in Qin Wan’er’s expression. “Hehe, so I always wondered if there was some kind of external, very skilled person secretly helping you. This is a good thing. I truly hope that everyone could lend us a hand in a time of crisis. After all right now there are some suspected criminals that are not simple.”

“Chief Chen, I understand your meaning.” Qin Wan’er nodded, “You’re hoping…..to have me go find those people that can help us, right?”

Chen Wei still kept up that plain smile. “Right. If you are willing to help me, then I would be very happy if you would do that. This Hao Kai really isn’t an ordinary person. You should remember the 8.12 Prison Break case – this person is too terrifying.”

Of course Qin Wan’er would remember such a big case. A suspected criminal went to Suzhou City Prison to look for a major criminal from a huge case and help him break out of prison. He killed two prison guards and took the guns, and a police officer who chased after him disappeared suddenly half-way. Half a year later he was determined dead, and afterwards Hao Kai was surrounded in a small hotel by an armed police battalion. When he broke through the siege he killed three special police officers with his bare hands.

Within a short, short time, one person killed six people, and every one of them were Public Security Police officers – a case with these kinds of vile characteristics was rarely seen. In the end, the suspect seized a hostage and fled, and afterwards it was very difficult to find a trace of his figure.

It took half a year of investigating before they found some information on this person, but they only knew he was called Hao Kai and was a member of a mysterious organization. Besides that, they didn’t know anything. Originally Hao Kai vanished without a trace and now, suddenly he again entered the scope of the police because an anonymous tourist pa.s.senger on a scheduled flight in HeDong reported it.

That time three died from the Special Police Forces in that major case, the informant just happened to be a relative. The report only said what he looked like, but didn’t dare to be sure. Because they knew the criminal was exceptionally terrifying, they didn’t dare to say anything inside the airplane.

After processing for a week, the police already had basically confirmed that the person who appeared on that plane was Hao Kai himself.

Seeing Qin Wan’er had for the whole while not spoken, Chen Wei again said, “I don’t know if I’m thinking too much. I always felt that there was a n.o.ble person helping you at your side. Hehe, the Four Wolves Gang and the Blade Axe Crew were always the two gangs in WenHui District that created the most headaches. That you could eliminate them was also the work of that n.o.ble person right?”

“Chief Chen, rest a.s.sured, I will definitely do my utmost to fulfill the duty of an officer.” Qin Wan’er didn’t directly acknowledge Xu Yun’s existence. “No matter what methods, as long as I can do something for public security, I definitely won’t hold back whether I have a n.o.ble person’s help or not.”

Chen Wei was especially pleased, but a bit worriedly he said, “Little Qin, this way of thinking is good, but there is something I must remind you of.”

“Please speak.”

Chen Wei said with a serious expression, “If you come across this person yourself, please, please don’t face him directly! He is a horror that you can’t even imagine.”

After all, Qin Wan’er was a person with quite some character. How could she so readily comply with this kind of request? “Chief Chen, if I come across him, I will definitely use my brain. I won’t be so stupid as to directly confront him.”

“No good!” With one phrase Chen Wei rejected it. “That year because those police tracked him down, the nationally famous model officer Comrade Jiang Zhi was killed. Even he couldn’t escape Hao Kai’s sinister hands – you fundamentally couldn’t even take up half a point of advantage.”

Jiang Zhi, consecutive two year champion of the National Police Contest…..just like that suffered evil acts. From then up till now no one had found a corpse. Just on this point, it could ill.u.s.trate how dangerous it was to to try to arrest Hao Kai.

Qin Wan’er saw how serious Chen Wei was, and took it seriously to heart as she nodded. “I understand, Chief Chen, if there is nothing else then I’ll head out.”

Chen Wei *mmh’d*. “Go ahead, remember what I said, please please don’t risk yourself.”

Qin Wan’er smiled and then grabbed the arrest warrant and went out of the bureau chief’s office. Her head was a bit confused. So it happens Chief Chen had long already known that those merits were from someone’s help, just that he hadn’t ever said anything.

And now he hoped to get help, so had no choice but to say it out.

Qin Wan’er drove her bike and then went to the panacea restaurant. Halfway on the road, she finally remembered that she had gone looking for Chen Wei because she wanted to accuse Qi YiShan of colluding with criminal gangs as an accomplice. Because Chief Chen spoke of this matter, she forgot about that other matter.

Now thinking it over, not mentioning it was also good. Right now with such an important criminal entering HeDong City, even if she wanted to force Bureau Chief Chen, he definitely must be exhausted, mind and body. At the moment, bringing up this matter with him would only give him a headache.

Since it was so, then she had to think of a way to capture this Hao Kai. This way Chief Chen could have the time to go straighten up the working methods of leadership members, especially this kind like Qi YiShan that was suspected to have ties with a criminal syndicate – he definitely must thoroughly investigate.

Capture Hao Kai? Qin Wan’er was still a bit too inexperienced.

Once she returned to the panacea restaurant, she ran into the peak of customer flow. Just as she entered the door, GuoGuo arranged for her to go help Qiu Yan serve dishes and plate dishes. Because Xu Yun as one person was too busy to come over, Ruan QingShuang had always been in the back kitchen helping.

The matter of the criminal could only be put aside by Qin Wan’er. First they would have to send all the guests off then mention it – to live here and eat here for free every day, if she still didn’t put in a bit of effort it simply couldn’t be justified.

From 10 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon, Xu Yun was so distracted and busy that he didn’t swallow his saliva. When the guests were about done to the last person, the several of them sat tired on chairs not wanting to even move.

Xu Yun took out some completed dishes. “Lunch.”

It was GuoGuo with the appet.i.te. One afternoon of business had very quickly broke 20,000, and she naturally ate with relish. Suddenly she recited a poem: “Dig the grains and to noon the sun crawls, sweat drips, and towards earth the grains fall; who knows that the dish for lunch, each grain is so toilsome.”

“GuoGuo is amazing.” Qin Wan’er clapped and said, “Really amazing, when I was little I wasn’t so amazing.”

GuoGuo’s expression was proud, but then waved her little hand saying, “Troublesome. Even if you say that about me, I still won’t be proud.”

Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang were completely speechless. “But you were obviously very proud….”

“Mommy….do you want me to say what you were sleep-talking about last night?” GuoGuo threatened.

Ruan QingShuang was surprised for a moment. “What did I say?”

“You really want me to say it? You said…..” GuoGuo put a hand at the side of her waist, then her eyes squinted in joy. “Ahhh, Xu Yun, no more! No more!”

“…….” Behind Xu Yun a burst of bone-freezing cold emerged…..oh d.a.m.n, this is killing intent?!

Ruan QingShuang’s face quickly became rosy red. She didn’t remember the dream she had last night! Why would she call out Xu Yun’s name, and then say “no more”? Just what did that mean?

Qiu Yan was still quietly eating her lunch, just as though nothing had happened.

Qin Wan’er didn’t get it for half a day, and right there laughed till she sprayed out rice. GuoGuo’s expression just now needed so much ecstasy and had so much overwhelming joy that it simply sounded and looked vivid. It captured Ruan QingShuang’s kind of delicate and modest expression fully and thoroughly wishing to resist sensual desire.

“GuoGuo, what do you think mommy’s reason for saying no was?” Qin Wan’er, deliberately mischievous, raised the question.

Ruan QingShuang glared at her. “Wan’er, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“……” Xu Yun continued on sealing his ears, not daring to make a sound.

GuoGuo stroked her chin, and with good reason said, “I think that, when women say that they don’t want it, it’s the opposite meaning, that she wants it.”

Xu Yun couldn’t help but to imagine the image of Ruan QingShuang without wearing any clothes towards him: Ah, Xu Yun, I want, I also want…..


This one phrase nearly choked Xu Yun to death, and Xu Yun swore that in this life that he couldn’t discuss thoughts with GuoGuo – it very easy for him to catch on fire and be possessed by demons!

Because there was GuoGuo, a meal could conclude so happily relaxed. To avoid embarra.s.sment, Ruan QingShuang cleared the table and then ran to the kitchen to wash dishes, and wouldn’t let any other people help out. GuoGuo had just simply embarra.s.sed her too much.

Qiu Yan prepared to take GuoGuo upstairs to rest, and Xu Yun pondered about laying on top of the front desk and taking a nap.

At this moment Qin Wan’er took out that arrest warrant, and directly slapped it onto the table. “The arrest orders have come down. That S-rank national criminal has already been confirmed to be hiding in our HeDong City.”

That one phrase made Xu Yun completely not sleepy. His first reaction was to look towards Qiu Yan that was taking GuoGuo upstairs.

Indeed, Qiu Yan trembled from head to foot and stopped her step. She tapped GuoGuo and said, “GuoGuo go up first, I’ll go up in a bit.”

GuoGuo had eaten her fill and drank till she was full – how would she care about some wanted criminal? Then she alone turned upstairs for an afternoon nap.

When Qiu Yan came over, her steps were very slow. She just glanced once at the one on the arrest warrant, and her gaze showed a hint of cold sharpness. She still didn’t say anything, and turned to go upstairs and look for GuoGuo.

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