Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 72


Ruan QingShuang very quickly returned to the panacea restaurant. GuoGuo pretended there was nothing wrong and quickly deleted the picture from the cell phone. With a brilliant face, a spring, and a hop she ran over to Ruan QingShuang. “Mommy, you forgot your phone on your way out.”

“Thank you GuoGuo.” Ruan QingShuang took the phone back and put it in her pocket, oblivious that this little one had already betrayed her.

Xu Yun felt a chill in his heart. He was wondering if GuoGuo had betrayed himself just like that. Such an imp with a belly full of evil, she was truly the type that could betray someone and then help her count the money.


Qiu Yan mentioned she wanted to go out and then went out around the panacea restaurant. Right now Crimson Scorpion appeared. Qiu Yan had practically walked an entire loop around HeDong, and discovered the biggest change was that very many prominent places were stuck with Crimson Scorpion’s wanted poster. No wonder Qin Wan’er would go looking for Xu Yun and request for help with that arrest warrant.

Since the police had acted with so much effort, Qiu Yan directly sought the South City Tiger Trio, having the South City TIger Trio muster all of the brothers. So long as someone discovered Crimson Scorpion, they were to notify her at the first moment and to also use Qin Wan’er’s name as a guarantee. If anyone’s information was accurate, 500,000 in reward money would definitely be given.

Once they heard there was so much money, people’s eyes became greedy. Shan HongNing meekly asked, “Yan-jie, what do you say if we personally catch this person, then how much award money would we get?”

Qiu Yan’s gaze coldly glanced at Shan HongNing. “I’m afraid you won’t have the life to spend the money. The police are only giving an award for information, not a bounty. If you want a bounty, I can also tell you this man’s head is worth more than eight digits.”

Eight digits? Holy f*ck, above 10,000,000?!

The award Qiu Yan spoke of, of course wasn’t given by the police – police don’t have that much money. The bounty Qiu Yan spoke of was the Terminate Evil List of the people in the Underworld. This was a bounty list, and one had to be able to become famous in an Underworld gang before they could have their name on the list.

Whoever set up the bounty list, as well as who decided what a person’s bounty was worth, Qiu Yan didn’t know these things. Qiu Yan only knew that her own bounty was 13,000,000 for her head that not just a few people wanted to get.

“If you don’t want to die then don’t beat the gra.s.s to startle the snake.” Qiu Yan coldly said, “This person isn’t someone you guys can defend against.”

The South City Tiger Trio couldn’t help but to swallow saliva. For Qiu Yan to say that person was so terrifying, it truly made people feel the horror. Even if they had Xu Yun and Qiu Yan’s support, these three people couldn’t help but to feel a bit scared with their galls trembling.


Qin Wan’er just received a call from the bureau. Chief Chen Wei temporarily deployed her to the Special Investigations Team, and had her work with the Criminal Police. This was no different than giving Qin Wan’er pressure. Chen Wei in one aspect believed that behind Qin Wan’er there was a n.o.ble person helping her, but Qin Wan’er didn’t tell him that n.o.ble person declined this matter.

From beginning to end Xu Yun had a reason that he didn’t soften his words and mention helping her – because Xu Yun knew police had a lot of especially c.r.a.ppy matters. Each one was a d.a.m.n issue. As long as you agreed, then Qin Wan’er’s leadership would definitely propose various requests, and by then the one whose b.a.l.l.s hurt would be himself.

At the moment Xu Yun didn’t agree, but of course if they came across that dangerous fellow he wouldn’t just sit idly by – after all that b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s objective coming to HeDong was his G.o.ddaughter GuoGuo. He should be even more nervous than the police.

Although GuoGuo understood that soon perhaps it wouldn’t be too peaceful, but she didn’t fully understand the world of adults. As for how dangerous that danger was, she had no concept of it. But GuoGuo after all had gone through the experience of the fall of the Feng Clan, so in her heart compared to an ordinary kid, her ability to endure was far stronger.

Ruan QingShuang, who had been completely kept in the dark, put all of her mind into the panacea restaurant. Today, HeDong’s TV station would broadcast yesterday’s recordings on a panacea cuisine program, and she excitedly turned on the TV.

With this time’s publicity, she believed that panacea cuisine’s business would become even better. Right now besides panacea cuisine in the main branch, they already opened six branches, as well as inside many hotels. The menus of the restaurants already had panacea cuisine appear. Some of it was the South City Tiger Trio pulling connections to promote, and some were seeing the money-making and counterfeited it. It could be said within a period of time panacea cuisine was completely popular in HeDong City like rushing windy cirrus clouds.

For those guys counterfeiting, Xu Yun was also preparing to send them packing. They could join, but had to give a franchising fee. But they couldn’t hang a Ruan Panacea Cuisine sign without paying – that was a bit disrespectful to the ancestors right?

After watching all of the TV station’s taped interview, Ruan QingShuang was especially happy. In the afternoon many customers also one after another discussed the thing about the TV station’s broadcast, and they praised the panacea restaurant without stopping.

After Qiu Yan ordered the South City Tiger Trio she returned. Because of the S-rank wanted criminal thing, Qin Wan’er had to go to an emergency meeting so the whole time she didn’t come back.

Hearing Qin Wan’er was in the middle of partic.i.p.ating in such a dangerous mission, Ruan QingShuang had quite a bit of worry, but that was Wan’er’s work, and she couldn’t not support it. She could only pray that she wouldn’t come across danger.


This time lightning hit the police, and very quickly they set up a Special Investigations Team. The big streets were filled with wanted posters, making the ordinary citizens feel a bit nervous.

However some people are born without knowing how to write the word ‘nervous’, for example this guy on the arrest warrant himself.

With a beard covering his entire face, Crimson Scorpion laughed as he looked at the arrest warrant Ma PingHai gave him, and a bit helplessly sighed. These cops were truly using some quack remedy like dogskin plaster – that had happened so long ago and they still pursued him without relenting. By sitting on an airplane once and he was being watched – truly was bad enough luck.

“Lord Kai, how about, for this short time….just hide for a bit?” Ma PingHai’s entire forehead was covered in thin sweat… he was nervous!

The grand G.o.dfather of HeDong’s Northside, Ma PingHai who was called Secretary Ma, when did he become so servile? But before Hao Kai he wasn’t much different than a grandson.

Hao Kai, people gave him the nickname Crimson Scorpion as Blue Ghost’s faction’s number one elite. His name in the Underworld definitely wasn’t for nothing –  he was a 1st-tier elite in the Underworld where the strong were seen as treasures, and the weak were frightened till they p.i.s.sed and c.r.a.pped themselves.

To be able to be in a gang with a leader that could make a big name in the Underworld, wouldn’t anyone want a 1st-tier elite to support them? Back then Suzhou’s great owl Millennium Feng had a 1st-tier elite, the venerated Violent Fox Qiu Yan at his side to guard his front gates.

Just like the big shot Jiang Huai – people called him the MiLe Buddha under Wei YiShan’s command, who had a nickname: the 1st-tier elite ‘Mad Bear’ Xiong Feng.

The t.i.tle of ‘Emperor’ was given to Long Huang who was the overlord of Lu Nan. He had at his disposal even less of a lack of this kind of 1st-tier executioners – elites like Miao Blade and the Black Tiger Luo Xing.

These were all fierce people no weaker than the venerated Violent Fox. Of course, those tremendous owls that could have them were even less simple – their personal charm definitely exceeded other people, or else it was impossible to have these arrogant, untame 1st-tier elites for their own uses.

“Secretary Ma, what I hate most is to hide.” Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai seemed to be a bit impatient. “It seems like you’re afraid of being affected eh? Or, you want to earn that 500,000 hmm?”

The wanted poster clearly wrote out, Those that withhold information, cover for or harbor the suspected criminal will be investigated according to law for criminal responsibility!

Once Ma PingHai heard, his face color changed, “I don’t dare, don’t dare to. Lord Kai, I wouldn’t dare to think like that. I’m just worried that if you were discovered by the police, I…….I really thought about your safety.”

“Cops that died by my hand are already not few.” Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai’s eyes showed a wisp of cold light. “I also don’t mind killing a few more. If the cops in HeDong City are looking to die, then I can only help them. Don’t you agree?”

Ma PingHai’s head was covered in cold sweat. He was also a person who had done every kind of evil. That year during the demolition of Countrytown District he volunteered for the demolition and relocation. How many he had beaten into miserable or crippled states, he couldn’t even clearly remember. He was the kind of master who swung blades and fired guns without blinking.

But exactly such a vicious guy didn’t dare to casually kill cops. To him the evil person who had done all evils could only be said to be one person: Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai who sat in front of him was a true demon without deficiency.

“Yesyesyes…..” Ma PingHao drew in a breath of a cold air. No matter how he thought he couldn’t understand this ruthless person fixing a gaze at him.

A few days ago Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai found Ma PingHai’s villa, but at the time Ma PingHai wasn’t home. Hao Kai treated it just like it was his own home, and slept with two girls Ma PingHai was caring for. He used Ma PingHai’s personal ma.s.saging bathtub for a bath, and ate and drank even more as he pleased. Ma PingHai’s one highly valuable bottle of BaiJiu from his collection of wine was also unsealed by him….

Ma PingHai was truly shocked someone actually dared to do as he pleased in his home, and of course flew into a rage. At the time his first thought was to kill this person that dared to run wantonly through his own home.

The result was something that was reasonable. The most capable fighters of Ma PingHai’s were all heavily wounded and hospitalized, and the mighty G.o.dfather of the Northside was completely wiped out. Ma PingHai also completely acknowledged the power, directly supporting this ancestor in his own home.

Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai’s request was very simple. He gave Ma PingHai two photos and only wanted him to find the people in the pictures, then he would naturally leave.

With this Ma PingHai dared to get angry but didn’t dare to voice it. HeDong City certainly wasn’t large, but still had a population of millions! To search for two people in a vast sea of people was easier said than done. Moreover the majority of his underlings were all in the hospital. Was he always going to go searching by himself?

Afterwards Ma PingHai thought it through – anyways this ancestor wasn’t anxious and he slowly searched. Good, delicious women were supporting him, so till now he didn’t have any kind of big outburst.

But today once Ma PingHai went outside he went stupid. Everywhere was this arrest warrant for the ancestor in his home. At this time Ma PingHai finally knew this man was actually a national S-rank wanted criminal called Hao Kai, and this made Ma PingHai scared silly.

Harboring this kind of criminal exceeded hiding 10,000 little thieves in weight! Just this one point was enough for him to be trembling with fear for three or five days. At the moment this ancestor was sent off but didn’t leave. If there really were cops killed that came here to investigate, then even if Ma PingHai jumped into the Yellow River he wouldn’t wash it clean.

Presently Ma PingHai could only smash his teeth into his belly, praying that no one would know that this dangerous person was in his own home. For this Ma PingHai even went so far as to spend a heavy amount of cash to find that taxi driver that drove Hao Kai to his own villa, directly using his family as a threat. Before leaving, he dropped another 200,000 in hush money.

But this was all temporary. Ma PingHai knew, if he wanted to be free of worry, this ancestor must leave his home as quickly as possible. And to have him leave his home there was only one way – to find those people in the pictures!

The whole while Ma PingHai didn’t want to owe the G.o.dfather of the East Jin Biao and the G.o.dfather of the West Wu Lei. Finally decided to call them and ask for help.

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