Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 73


Ma PingHai called Wu Lei, and Wu Lei apparently was a bit surprised. “Secretary Ma, you’re such a busy person. How’d you suddenly think of me?”

“Brother, you understand me, I don’t like to owe people. Today your old brother is looking for you over an important matter.” Ma PingHai got straight to the point. This wasn’t like any other time – right now he was lowering his face to beg someone. “Your old brother has a problem he has to ask of you. Tonight at 6, the Golden Pavilion Grand Hotel, I’ll be the host!”

Wu Lei was the youngest of HeDong City’s three G.o.dfathers, but was in his forties. Still, he operated very elaborately with a clear mind, so he climbed up very quickly. “Secretary Ma why are you being so polite? Hehe, if you wanted to drink, then of course I as a younger brother must accompany you.”

“I know you brother have the most morals.” Ma PingHai let out a sigh of relief. “At night if I don’t see you I won’t leave.”

“See you there.”

After hanging up the phone with Wu Lei, Ma PingHai took a deep breath. He should still give Jin Biao a call. “Biao-ge, it’s me. Got time?”

“Secretary Ma, for you to call me you must be thinking of snapping my life right?” Jin Biao had just got out of the hospital, and at the moment still had some swelling. Speaking was a bit painful. “Hai-ge if you have something to say, say it. Don’t be polite with me.”

Ma PingHai knew Jin Biao – this guy wasn’t as even tempered as Wu Lei, so he didn’t have too much hope. “Biao-ge, don’t joke with me. I have something I need help with.”

Jin Biao slightly paused. Ma PingHai’s type he understood that he very rarely asked for help. How big was it that he needed to come to ask for help from him?

“Tonight at 6. Golden Pavilion Grand Hotel. Wu Lei and I look forward to Biao-ge honoring us with your presence.” Ma PingHai saw that Jin Biao didn’t speak, and could only pull out Wu Lei to increase the stakes.

Hearing that Wu Lei was also going, Jin Biao’s internally surged – in the HeDong area’s thug world, only two people could stand on his level, and they actually called him by themselves to have dinner. This obligated going. “Hai-ge, this meal is on me! I’ll definitely go!”

After a few chills, he finally hung up the phone. Jin Biao internally started making his own plans. Him going to this dinner wasn’t to help Ma PingHai with his problems, but to seize the chance to talk about the matter of the new rising power in the Southside’s two districts.

If it wasn’t for Qi YiShan, Jin Biao estimated he would’ve been screwed long ago, and Qi YiShan had said to him to no longer mess with that person. They also had support from a police station, and also support from Qin Wan’er, who at the moment was in Chief Chen’s eyes his big star.

Jin Biao completely dropped the idea of swallowing the two Southside districts, but he absolutely had to find a chance to have an amicable settlement, or else he was worried the opposing side might want revenge and that would be trouble. If he could pull the other two G.o.dfathers to stand on his own position, and then open up dialogue to the opposing Southside’s G.o.dfather and have them sit, perhaps they could peacefully coexist.

If the opposing side didn’t agree, then he would think of a way to incite Ma PingHai and Wu Lei with himself together to get rid of the opposing side!


Ma PingHai hung up the phone and it settled him inside a bit. He directly got moving to the Golden Pavilion Grand Hotel. He couldn’t delay this issue any longer – to prolong it then he really would have trouble.

At 6 pm, Wu Lei was the first to arrive. Ma PingHai prepared the most luxurious room with the highest level of dishes and alcohol.

Wu Lei saw it and to himself he whispered, such a high level of hospitality – this old thing wasn’t about to ask them to kill someone right? “Secretary Ma, we don’t need this much luxury eh? It’s all our own people. What for?”

“It’s just an ordinary thing. Brother what reason do you have to be so polite?” Ma PingHai spoke and then pulled out a small case of NanJing 95 Honors and he pa.s.sed it over, instantly taking out a lighter and lighting it for Wu Lei.

Wu Lei quickly refused, then lit the cigarette himself. He still didn’t know what Ma PingHai wanted him to do, so of course he wouldn’t easily let him light the cigarette. To eat a meal and not help him do something wasn’t considered bad etiquette; if he even smoked his cigarettes, then whatever he needed he had to help.

Just after the two of them lit the cigarettes, Jin Biao also stuck out his belly and came in. Even though he took the best anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling medicine shots, but the blue bruises on his face were still somewhat visible. “Old brother Ma, your level of treatment is a bit too high right? I was thinking you were going to entertain some leaders in government, hahaha!”

After Ma PingHai and Wu Lei saw Jin Biao they were a bit amazed.

“Ai, isn’t this Wu Lei-ge? Long time no see!” Jin Biao spoke and then went forward to shake hands.

Wu Lei also got up and greeted him. “Biao-ge please, please sit here!”

Ma PingHai’s whole face was puzzled. “Biao-ge, this bruise……”

Actually Wu Lei also wanted to ask, but because he was younger, it wasn’t quite proper for him to ask. After all the event of taking a beating wasn’t too good to talk about.

“Hai-ge, don’t mention it. A fierce dragon has arrived in our HeDong City, and I’m worried that the Eastside can’t be maintained. Today can also be said to warn you guys.” Jin Biao with a face of anguish said, “See it? I took a beating. It was pretty vicious eh? This isn’t considered much. My nephew directly cuffed him, and he directly had cops come to take him out! His support is d.a.m.n tough!”

Hearing this from Jin Biao, Wu Lei had forgotten for whom today’s event he came for was. “Biao-ge, who has so much ability? To even dare to touch you?”

“Touch me? Hmp hmp, you guys just wait.” Jin Biao coldly laughed, “Who knows when the three of us will return to the earth. All of HeDong’s gangster world will have to return to the earth.”

Ma PingHai and Wu Lei took a deep breath – who was so powerful!

Jin Biao waved his hand. “Well, forget about it. Hai-ge, what did you call us over for? Speak up, we’re all brothers, no need for formalities.”

Ma PingHai squinted a smile and had the waiter set the dishes, and pour the booze. To the two of them he said, “No rush, no rush. Let’s eat first.”

During dinner, Ma PingHai again and again got up to toast, and provided ample foreplay, while Jin Biao took the opportunity to speak of the situation with the two Southside districts. Obviously the other two were exceptionally curious about this new rising power. Those who dared to touch Jin Biao in themselves were not simple, and now Jin Biao spoke of them so incredibly – naturally it made the two of them a bit disturbed inside.

Very quickly they had enough food and liquor. The issue Jin Biao wanted to convey, he wanted to express clearly. To Ma PingHai he said, “Hai-ge, whatever you sought us out for you should say right? I didn’t drink just a little of this liquor. If you still don’t say, I’m afraid that in a bit I’ll be drunk.”

Ma PingHai pulled out an envelope and put it on the table in front of Jin Biao. “I want to have the two of you help me find two people in these pictures. I have a friend that wants to find them, and I simply don’t have enough hands on deck. This matter is quite urgent, so I can only ask the two of you to help me think of a method.”

Wu Lei originally thought it was a huge issue with so much showy extravagance and foreplay, but it turned out to be searching for people. “Fine. Secretary Ma, don’t worry. I will have my men at hand help you keep a look out.”

Even though Jin Biao took the envelope, but had no heart to look at these photos. Did this sh*tty little issue of looking for people need them to help? It simply degraded them. “Hai-ge, you sure got it carefree… even helping a friend look for someone. Right now we might not even be able to protect our own territories.”

Ma PingHai frowned. Even though he felt Jin Biao was exaggerating the rising power in the southern districts a bit, but he felt that the bruise on Jin Biao’s face wasn’t just costume. “Then what should we do?”

“Right Biao-ge. They dared to attack you. I truly feel a bit nervous,” Wu Lei said. Of the three of them, his power was the smallest. If a fierce person was gobbling them up, he needed the two of them’s help the most.

Jin Biao knew he didn’t come to today’s dinner in vain. “Whether we can protect our own territories will depend on whether we can join forces together.”

“Say it, how do we join forces?” Ma PingHai scrunched up his brow. If they make him deploy even more people, he had no one else. Right now what he needed most was the two of them to help in this kind of situation.

Jin Biao had already planned ahead. “Tomorrow I’ll be the middle man. The three of us will set up a meeting, directly saying it clearly. We will support them controlling the two southern districts on the premise that they don’t interfere with our affairs. If the other side doesn’t agree, there’s also the intent to expand. No matter who it is, we will all unite to resist them!”


These words definitely resonated well, but actually resonated to each person selfishly.

Jin Biao had this kind of thinking because he knew if the opposing side attacked, they would definitely pull him out and use the machete. Ma PingHai agreed because there was already no one to resist someone else invading at his disposal. He didn’t have the nerve to ask Crimson Scorpion Hao Kai to help. And Wu Lei was firmly in favor of this because he was the weakest of the three. As everyone knows of the three of them, he had the best ability in defense.

“Then it’s settled!” Jin Biao finally showed a slitted smile to himself. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first.”

“Mmh, it’s settled.” Wu Lei nodded. “Then I’ll also head out.”

Ma PingHai saw Jin Biao still hadn’t opened the envelope and looked at the pictures. Quickly reminding him, “Biao-ge, old brother Wu, don’t forget to help me find the two people in the pictures…..”

“Don’t worry.” Jin Biao waved the pictures in his hand and to Ma PingHai he said. “I’ll go out and make a thousand copies – haha, have Wu Lei old brother also take it back to make a few hundred to hand out, hand ‘em out!”

Ma PingHai’s heart felt like a lump of stone hitting the floor. This could be considered a failed matter. Having so many eyes, looking for someone would be faster by a bit.

After Jin Biao and Wu Lei left the hotel, Jin Biao directly tore the envelope in Wu Lei’s face, directly throwing it into the trash.

Wu Lei slightly hesitated, wanting to speak up and ask, but still held it in.

Jin biao saw through Wu Lei’s expression of hesitation, and clapping Wu Lei’s shoulder said, “Brother, these are what desperate times and Ma PingHai still wants us to help him look for people. He really f*cking thinks I’m a secretary. For this matter, let his own little brothers go and do it. Why should he make us do it? Look at my body full of wounds. I was in Steep Mountain District, on my own territory, and I was cut by their people. You should be careful.”

Once he heard these words Wu Lei also felt it was reasonable. Presently, a ferocious dragon crossing the river wanted to expand its territory. He naturally didn’t have the resources and manpower to give to Ma Pinghai to look for people. First, having the brothers raise their spirits and pay attention to the two Southern districts’ activity was the most important thing for him to do.

“Biao-ge, thanks a lot for the warning.” Wu Lei said, “Don’t worry, I’ll absolutely stand at your side. If they dare, we’ll be just as daring!”

Jin Biao solemnly vowed as he nodded his head, “Mmh, having brothers with these words, I feel a.s.sured!”

Wu Lei had an expression of loyalty and self-sacrifice, but his mind had already previously completed preparations. Keeping those two old veterans on top, he couldn’t be dim-witted and allow his own brothers become the spearhead. When their power was weakened, then him doing his own thing still wouldn’t be too late.

After the two people trembled for several sentences, they immediately left. Ma PingHai had been in the upstairs room watching the whole time, and he also saw Jin Biao tear the envelope. “F*ck, Jin Biao you son of a b*tch. You say one thing with yo’ daddy, and another thing behind my back, then don’t blame yo’ daddy for also playing shady!”

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