Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 77


Originally going upstairs to do homework, GuoGuo charged down the stairs like a gale. “What about me!? Daddy, you can’t just bring mommy and not bring GuoGuo, that’s called favoritism! That day you saw the picture don’t you still want to see it again?”

d.a.m.n, this counter was too alluring right!

“Mmh, mmh, of course I want to see!” What Xu Yun liked the most was that little secret between him and GuoGuo.

Left in the dark, Ruan QingShuang asked confused, “What picture?”

“I know.” Qiu Yan also came down. With one line, she scared Xu Yun and GuoGuo into being covered in cold sweat. Qiu Yan didn’t usually like to gossip about love – why would she suddenly change her nature?

But Qiu Yan’s voice changed. “If you don’t want me to say it, then take me along as well.”

The magnificent Violent Fox Senior wasn’t doing it for a meal. She was only concerned about GuoGuo and that was all. After all, she already confirmed that Crimson Scorpion had entered HeDong City – she didn’t want to be separated from GuoGuo for a minute.

“Of course that’s no problem!” GuoGuo on one hand wiped off the cold sweat on her forehead, and on the other hand quickly agreed, while still sending a message to Xu Yun with her eyes.

What else could Xu Yun do? He could only agree! If they blew the cover on this matter, Ruan QingShuang definitely would kick him and GuoGuo both out. Thinking that he and GuoGuo would have to sleep out in the streets, he had cold sweat.

Sleeping in the streets wasn’t horrible – what was horrible was that he had to be with GuoGuo together….

“What are you guys talking about?” Ruan QingShuang with a wave, didn’t have the heart to mind them. “If you guys are so willing to go, then you guys go. I won’t go. I’ll busy myself in the store, and have QiangZi help me.”

QiangZi pointed at his still wrapped hands. “Shuang-jie, I….. they’re still injured.”

Xu Yun smiled, grabbing QiangZi’s hands for Ruan QingShuang to see. “This is still heavily injured. Even carrying plates is hard for him. Perhaps his hands still won’t be healed after waiting for the HongNan District branch’s heavy fix.”

Right now the panacea restaurant’s remodeling work was all done by Xiao Fei’s uncle Pang Gang, so that each branch had the same style, with a heavily linked development trend.

“Then, I’ll wait for Wan’er to come back and help me.” Ruan QingShuang didn’t much like going to someone’s dinner party that she didn’t recognize, always feeling that it was especially awkward.

Xu Yun laughed bitterly. “Lately she’s been so busy that she’s scatterbrained. If she can even come back is a problem.”

With this Xu Yun was done talking. At the panacea restaurant entrance, Qin Wan’er especially impolitely got off work and returned.

“Haha, Wan’er you came back at the right time. They want to go out for dinner. Today help me in the shop.” Ruan QingShuang showed a proud smile.

Qin Wan’er shook her head, looking at Xu Yun. “Go where to eat? Take me….. I simply don’t want to move…..”

“Mommy, today just promise to rest a day. Come with GuoGuo together to go have a big feast. We’re all going together.” GuoGuo settled the matter in the family. “Decide it just like that.”

Xu Yun had a bit of a headache. Originally he was just taking Ruan QingShuang to go negotiate, and incidentally he could test if he could get some news from Ma PingHai. Now was great, it directly became a family’s big party, dragging the family together…..

Forget it. Xu Yun would cede everything – even dragging along the family like this, he guessed that Jin Biao and the others wouldn’t dare to say anything.

“GuoGuo, when you open a restaurant you can’t close it whenever you want to. It will affect business.” Ruan QingShuang said, “If the customers come and discover there isn’t the slightest sign of not being open, a few more times and they would have no faith in our panacea restaurant, understand?”

“That’s easy to handle.” GuoGuo directly gave QiangZi work. “QiangZi-gege, give Shan HongNing and them a call. Have them bring a chef over. Don’t be idle yourself, come here and do odd jobs. Since your hands are injured then handle receiving money. Record the bills clearly. When I come back I’ll check it.”

QiangZi had a sullen face. Having been injured, is it easy for me? Even like this I still have to work.

Xu Yun was especially satisfied with this arrangement, directly beating the auctioneer’s hammer. “Then it’s settled. Go, let’s depart! Eh…… right QiangZi, give me the car keys, I still have to use it for a bit.”

“Ge……. drive slow on the road…….” QiangZi saw his own brand new Audi with a dent and felt pained. Even though he didn’t even pay a cent for this car, and it was without doc.u.ments or a license plate, it was still his treasure.

Xu Yun waved his hand impatiently. “I got it, I got it. Short tempered geez. Give Shan HongNing and them a call to borrow a chef. Tonight you guys will handle the shop.”

QiangZi drooped his head downwards.

Xu Yun with a party of five was just perfect for a car. They directly rushed for HeDong’s International Grand Hotel in Central City District. He wanted to see what tricks Jin Biao could play, and also wanted to see if Ma PingHai really was the Crimson Scorpion’s feeler after he arrived in HeDong City.

Just arriving at the International Grand Hotel, GuoGuo was filled with a myriad of emotions. “It’s been a long time since I went to such a big place to eat. Mmhmm, not a bad feeling.”

“You’ve come to this kind of place before?” Ruan QingShuang looked surprised at GuoGuo. She had never gone to this kind of scale of a large hotel. Just looking at the LED screen at the entrance advertis.e.m.e.nt showing rows of calligraphy she knew that this place had a lot of shadiness: Our hotel is launching a special economical family party meal for 10 in a standard single room: 3988 Yuan.

A cheap economic family meeting banquet would have that kind of price! Insane perhaps?!

Maybe it should say the people who came to eat were stupid?

“Just who invited you that is so generous?” Qin Wan’er couldn’t help but to speak up and ask.

“Jin Biao.” Xu Yun had a squinty smile, as he lightly said.

Qin Wan’er’s eyes instantly widened. “What? Just what is he planning! I still haven’t gone to cause him trouble, and now he dares……”

“Wan’er, today we came to eat dinner. Whatever debts you have, settle it later. Also right now you don’t have the time to care about the matter with Jin Biao.” Xu Yun calmed Qin Wan’er who was on the verge of exploding. “Whatever he is planning over this meal, we’ll only know after we arrive.”

Qin Wan’er’s rage still hadn’t subsided. If it wasn’t because of the issue of that wanted criminal, she would have already had a good chat with Qi YiShan and Jin Biao, the two colluding villains.

“Since we’ve come then focus on safety.” GuoGuo got upset. “A banquet of butchery is nothing. Even if he wants to perform a sword dance in front of us like Xiang Zhuang, then don’t we still have daddy at our side as Uncle Xiang and Fan Kuai?”

Ah, this little girl truly thinks clearly; Qin Wan’er had truly been humbled a bit. “Alright, since GuoGuo thinks so, then I’ll accompany you guys and watch if he actually thinks like that.”

Qiu Yan didn’t say anything. She hadn’t sniffed out any dangerous existence here. She didn’t come because she liked this kind of dinner party, but only because she knew GuoGuo wanted to go. She honestly didn’t have the ability to convince her to stay at home, and could only follow her. Only this way could she be a.s.sured.

Ruan QingShuang only now knew that the one who invited them was the big gangster that came looking for trouble. “We….. why are we eating with the G.o.dfather of a gang?”

Xu Yun smiled and didn’t speak, Qin Wan’er had a look of helplessness and Qiu Yan still didn’t speak a word.

“Ai, mommy, you still don’t get it?” GuoGuo shrugged her shoulders. “You’re also a gang leader.”

Ruan QingShuang’s eyes both stared, suddenly she realized her own change in ident.i.ty.

Qin Wan’er didn’t support this, but because of various reasons, she didn’t say anything.

After learning that Xu Yun agreed to attend the banquet, Jin Biao directly came to the International Grand Hotel. Because of the reason he entered the Southside’s influence and got back up again, Ma PingHai and Wu Lei also didn’t delay, and all came a step earlier to the room Jin Biao arranged for.

Seeing that it was just about time, Jin Biao personally sat lordly inside the resting area of the great hall of the lobby. Sitting on that mahogany sofa and smoking two cigs, he waved to the lobby manager saying, “I’m going to nap for a bit. Today I invited guests, a man and a woman. Once they come immediately tell me.”

“Yesyesyes, Biao-ge, what kind of distinguished guest is it for you to personally wait below?” The lobby manager submissively said. Him doing this kind of work, of course he would understand the concept of observing words and watching expressions. He knew what kind of position and status Jin Biao had, when he spoke he naturally was cautious.

“Is this something that you’re capable of asking about?” Jin Biao looked disdainfully at him, and then closed his eyes to rest.

That lobby manager was still squintily smiling and bowed. He left, going directly to the entrance of the big hall to welcome the people. To himself he wondered just what kind of t.i.tanic person Jin Biao would personally greet.

Jin Biao directly shut his eyes and slept, until he heard a tender voice calling out his own name, would he abruptly wake up.


Xu Yun brought four beauties – three adults and one child carefreely into the International Grand Hotel’s lobby. The revolving door opened, and Xu Yun strode in with big strides directly inside.

“Wait a moment.” A male lobby manager directly blocked in front of Xu Yun. The lobby manager with a face of doubt, sized up Xu Yun’s off-the-mark outfit, and then saw behind Xu Yun that each were peerless beauties that could destroy a nation. Frowning, he said to himself: What in the f’cking world is this? Could it be that such good crops have been ‘cupped’ by this guy in front, that no matter who looks would say is unreliable?

Xu Yun stared blankly, “What?”

“I’m sorry, what did you come in for?” The lobby manager asked with a frown.

“There’re people that invited ge to eat.” Xu Yun had nothing to say, I don’t always come to play majong right?

The lobby manager completely didn’t believe him. “You? Friend, this is a high-cla.s.s place. You with this kind of outfit is simply rude. I have no way of letting you come in.”

GuoGuo speechlessly put her hand over her face. Ai, pops, this is simply too shameful to yourself right?

Xu Yun glanced at this guy using dog eyes to look down on people, and the corners of his mouth hung up into a wide smile. “If I’m dressed like this then I can’t come to eat? Whose rules?”

“My rules.” The lobby manager saw the person before him’s attire and could be sure that this person was no one of ability. Also this person’s face was unfamiliar and obviously wasn’t some high official or n.o.ble person. He wasn’t at all afraid of offending this kind of little guy.

Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders. Turning his head with an expression of having no way out, towards the many beautiful women he said, “It seems like we won’t be able to eat this food today, let’s go back.”

To this kind of guy who looked down on people with dog eyes, Xu Yun had nothing good to talk about. He only needed to walk outside and then give Shan HongNing a call. Shan HongNing would immediately pa.s.s the message onto Jin Biao’s ears, and this lobby manager’s good days would definitely be over.

Ruan QingShuang anxiously walked, finally she heaved a sigh of relief, but Qin Wan’er was somewhat in a bad mood, losing face!  Qiu Yan stirred and turned around, she completely didn’t care.

“Do you know who invited my daddy to come?” GuoGuo couldn’t swallow this set. With a small hand on her waist she said, “Don’t judge people from a crack of the door. Although my daddy’s clothes are a little poor, but you can’t afford to offend him.”

Lobby Manager saw that this little girl was so arrogant, coldly sneering he said, “Okay, you tell me, who invited you guys to eat?”

“Jin Biao!” GuoGuo however was a child prodigy, she knew that saying this type of old thug tyrant’s name out would certainly resonate and certainly be useful.

That lobby manager actually looked distracted; afterward he felt it was funny, then after his brows pursed and he again became alarmed and trembled with fear……
“Your mom’s v.a.g.i.n.a!” Suddenly a sound of a slap carrying rage directly stumbled the lobby manager a few steps before he fell!

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