Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 78


Jin Biao with a face of rage stood in front of that fallen lobby manager. “Daddy had you serve my honored guests well, and here you are f’cking being a pretentious b.a.s.t.a.r.d kicking people out? Tired of living?”

Being slapped by Jin Biao, the bewildered lobby manager was struck dumb – how would he know the person Jin Biao wanted to invite was actually an unremarkable, insignificant guy? And at the time Jin Biao had said it was one man and one woman. He didn’t say it was 5 people! From beginning to end he hadn’t thought that Jin Biao’s honored guests would be these people.

But he didn’t dare to say these words, and could only do his utmost to resist the ma.s.sive pain on his face and crawled up from the ground. With a face of regret and ten thousand times apologetically he said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I deserve death, My dog eyes looked down on a person. I didn’t know the several of you were Biao-ge’s honored guests. I deserve death!”

Jin Biao glanced at Xu Yun out of the corner of his eyes, and saw his expression still hadn’t dissolved his anger – he closely followed with one kick across! It simply sent this lobby manager flying several meters, scaring several female servers until their legs went soft.

Even with this, no one dared to come up and tell him to stop. The employees of the International Grand Hotel all knew Jin Biao – even their boss didn’t dare to provoke this person.

“Alright.” Xu Yun knew Jin Biao was waiting for him to speak. This one lesson should be enough.

Jin Biao spat. To that lobby manager that had been explosively kicked away he said, “Go back and tell your boss to f’cking fire you! You can’t even do such a simple fart job well, and you’re still a manager? Get the f’ck out!”

The kicked lobby manager immediately begged for mercy. “Biao-ge, Biao-ge, please no. I recognize I’m at fault, I apologize, I deserve death! Please Biao-ge give me a chance, let me have a way to get something to eat….. don’t….. don’t have the boss fire me!”

Jin Biao was too lazy to care about other people not having something to eat or not having a job. “Too late. Get the f’ck out right now!”

“That’s about enough!” Ruan QingShuang finally couldn’t help but to speak up. She was kindhearted, and couldn’t watch someone else forced until they didn’t even have a road out.

Jin Biao was shocked. Seeing this naturally weak woman that suddenly exploded, he actually unconsciously admired her a bit more.

Originally Xu Yun didn’t intend to bother with this lobby manager’s life or death, but Ruan QingShuang had spoken, so naturally he wouldn’t just sit around and do nothing. “Jin Biao, since Shuang-jie has spoken, don’t be excessive.”

Jin Biao was shocked. Even though he didn’t know why Xu Yun would wrongly place himself below this woman called Ruan QingShuang, but he still did as was said. “Today look at Shuang-jie’s not caring about you. Lucky you!”

“Thank you! Thank you Biao-ge! Thank you Shuang-jie! Thank you! Thank you!” This lobby manager was nearly kowtow-ing. He wasn’t just afraid of being fired, he was afraid that his boss would know he offended Jin Biao. Perhaps from now on he wouldn’t be able to drift along in HeDong anymore.

After the several of them pa.s.sed by this person, Xu Yun lightly said one thing. “The customer is king. As a person in the service industry, understand those words. From now on do less of the dog eyes looking down on people. Since they dared to come to your shop, even if it’s an old garbage collector buying a single bun, you will have to greet him smiling. This is the basic essence of the job.”

After Jin Biao brought the several of them and disappeared from this lobby manager’s view, only then did he completely let out a breath.

“Jin Biao, I beat you into this state, you’re not trying to have a banquet of butchery for revenge right?” Xu Yun finally spoke to Jin Biao.

Jin Biao quickly said, “Brother don’t say that, I am a broad-minded person. We aren’t fighting – as a gege that day I burned your shop, today I definitely will make amends and apologize!”

“Jin Biao, don’t think that using your nephew you can run amok.” Qin Wan’er coldly said.

Speaking truthfully, Jin Biao hadn’t thought that Xu Yun would bring a police officer here, but his face was still calm. “Officer Qin, everyone from now on is one family. Why are you so like a needle tip to the other side? Hehe, from now on if you use anything that I, Jin Biao own, directly give orders!”

Qin Wan’er turned her head, and to herself she said: Who’s in your family!

“Jin Biao, since I dared to come, then clearly say your intent so I understand.” Xu Yun smiled till his eyes squinted. “However, if you play any tricks, I don’t have the patience to play with you.”

“Brother, look at you. Today I’m hosting to apologize, conveniently pulling the strings to make a bridge. Ma PingHai of the Northside and Wu Lei of the Westside all want to recognize the Southside’s Shuang-jie, who is a match for men.” Jin Biao spoke like heavenly flowers were falling. “The guests I could invite are truly proud men.”

Xu Yun softly scoffed, and with a bit of a disdainful breath he said, “In a moment whatever you want to say directly say it. Don’t take a roundabout route. Shuang-jie doesn’t like that.”

The corner of Jin Biao’s mouth twitched slightly – in his heart of course he wasn’t happy, but he still held it in. If Han Xin could endure the insult of climbing between the legs, then today Jin Biao would study the art of endurance.

HeDong’s International Grand Hotel definitely wasn’t that kind of famous but lacking kind of hotel. Here, from the decorum that was like shining gold and jade, the most luxurious rooms were even more luxurious that it made people sigh in amazement.

The crystal chandeliers shone like the stars, and solid wood floors were lavish and gorgeous. There was a huge mahogany dinner table with mahogany chairs that were even more expensive…..

Ma PingHai and Wu Lei were in the middle of smoking in the room. Seeing Jin Biao appearing and bringing people, each got up to greet them, making their gazes fall wide-eyed that the other side actually dragged the whole family to come and brought 5 people……

Xu Yun let Ruan QingShuang go into the room first. After Ruan QingShuang saw the strangers she only had a wide smile, and said nothing.

Xu Yun was the second to walk into the room. He quickly sized up the two people inside the room. Two gang leaders that could conquer a whole area in the thug world were fundamentally not simple. Unlike Jin Biao who was showy and domineering, the two of them appeared like subtle and profoundly deep schemers. One appeared low-key and modest, and quite cautious.

Closely following behind Xu Yun, Qiu Yan and GuoGuo came in.

Xu Yun instantly noticed that deep scheming guy’s face change color. His pupils momentarily became bigger by a whole size.

It seems this was Ma PingHai.

Also, Xu Yun could basically conclude why when he saw Qiu Yan and GuoGuo he would have such a big change. Clearly he should know a bit of something. Perhaps the probe Crimson Scorpion came to HeDong to look for was exactly this person.

Because Xu Yun believed that what the taxi driver Feng Wei said when his life was threatened definitely wouldn’t trick him. He dared to conclude that Crimson Scorpion definitely had some relationship with Ma PingHai.

Ma PingHai’s brow apparently already leaked out a thin sweat. His nervousness and excitement was completely hidden in his heart, but the subtle changes in details betrayed this somewhat shrewd old fox.

“Hmph, I was still wondering what it was. Turns out to be a big meeting of the HeDong’s G.o.dfathers.” Qin Wan’er was the last to come in. After seeing Jin Biao and the other two, she couldn’t help but to coldly laugh. “It seems that today I really shouldn’t have come.”

Qin Wan’er’s reputation had long ago spread from WenHui District to the entirety of HeDong City. Ma PingHai and Wu Lei both had seen her picture in the newspaper, and had also heard the rumor that she had uprooted the powers in the Southside. Who would have thought today they would meet her at this occasion?

This undid the doubts that Ma PingHai and Wu Lei had about one woman being able to leap to heaven in the thug world. So it turns out behind her not only did she have a skilled person’s help, she also had the police’s support.

“Come, everyone come, let’s all eat.” GuoGuo didn’t mind so much, pulling Qin Wan’er she strutted inside.

Ma PingHai’s gaze constantly hadn’t left GuoGuo. The expression on his face turned from feeble to rich. Anyways in Xu Yun’s eyes he felt he was especially excited.

“Not going to introduce yourselves?” Xu Yun spoke up.

Jin Biao was not clumsy, and his palm spread out towards Ruan QingShuang. To Ma PingHai and Wu Lei he said, “You guys are looking at the real thing right now. This is the one everyone is talking about in the Southside, Shuang-jie! Hehe, she’s actually more capable than us by a lot – in just a few short days she unified the Southside’s WenHui District and HongNan District!”

Ma PingHai and Wu Lei each said, “Shuang-jie, a pleasure to meet you!”

Actually the two of them in their hearts didn’t accept it; thinking that if they had police protection, they definitely wouldn’t lose to a woman. Back when they were on the path to become G.o.dfathers of one of the corners, it was exceptionally difficult. Not one bit was easy.

“This is Ma PingHai, the one from HeDong City’s Northside.” Jin Biao on one hand introduced and one on hand stuck out his thumb, and then pointed at Wu Lei. “Don’t think that Wu Lei is young, in the Westside he is the resounding number 1.”

Jin Biao introduced these two people just to let Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun and the others know: In this HeDong City’s thug world it wasn’t like if you wanted to do someone in, you would just do it. The structure that warlords have set up wasn’t something that could be changed in a day or two – calm down a little in the Southside.

How would Ruan QingShuang see these circ.u.mstances? Her exposure to thugs was just the South City Tiger Trio’s level. Right now seeing nothing but G.o.dfathers of regions, after a minute and a half she didn’t know what to say in reaction.

“My youth can’t compare to Shuang-jie, hehe……” Wu Lei dryly laughed twice. This woman in front of him was just 26 or 27, and he really couldn’t see just what kind of charm she had that she could suppress HeDong’s Southside.

No matter what, Wu Lei decided to temporarily adapt – whoever’s momentum was more fierce by a bit, he would directly stand at that person’s side. To him sitting on the fence wasn’t disgraceful – not being swallowed up was the way of the king. Also Wu Lei was sure Jin Biao and Ma PingHai both definitely also had their own sinister plans; this youngun, a man who doesn’t watch out for himself is destroyed by heaven!

But Ma PingHai was a bit distracted. His attention was fundamentally completely not on Ruan QingShuang. His gaze showed that his thoughts were wandering – time and time again he looked at GuoGuo and Qiu Yan, and each time his eyes would flash with excitement.

How could this not make Ma PingHai extremely happy? Originally he gave Jin Biao and Wu Lei a picture to look at, but Jin Biao didn’t even look at it and threw it away. Right now directly delivered the people to the door. As long as he informed that grandfather living at his home, then at that time Jin Biao definitely would also follow in misfortune…….

Originally because Jin Biao didn’t look at the photos and threw it away, halfway Ma Pinghai wanted to launch an attack with Ruan QingShuang’s side – combining North and South and directly pulling in Wu Lei, then they would destroy Jin Biao from three directions. It seems this method couldn’t be used. As long as that fierce person acted, the Southside and the Eastside would be like a pack of dragons with no head. At that time he would split all under heaven with Wu Lei. Perhaps that fierce person would show thanks and help him a bit. Wu Lei definitely wasn’t a worthy opponent – this way he could unify HeDong!

In history no one had been able to conquer all of HeDong’s thug world. Thinking that maybe he could complete this amazing feat, Ma PingHai couldn’t help but snicker in his heart.

Only all of Ma PingHai subtle changes in expression didn’t escape Xu Yun’s eyes. Xu Yun put all of Ma PingHai’s reactions in his eyes. Of course, it wasn’t just Xu Yun that discovered this person wasn’t right, Qiu Yan did as well. Each time Ma PingHai’s gaze fell on her and GuoGuo, she felt uncomfortable.

At the moment in Qiu Yan’s head she only had one terrifying thought – regardless of whether she felt this was right or not, she didn’t intend for Ma PingHai to live past tonight. Qiu Yan’s sixth sense told her, letting this person live was dangerous, he must be killed.

After Jin Biao introduced everyone, he also told the ident.i.ty of Ma PingHai and Wu Lei both to everyone.

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