Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 79


“Me being here wouldn’t affect you discussing some big things right?” Qin Wan’er coldly laughed. Three of the most prominent figures in HeDong City’s thug world had actually gathered into one room – just what kind of feast for Ruan QingShuang was this? Just what were they hiding?

Jin Biao quickly said, “Of course not, of course not! Officer Qin, I heard my nephew say, say you’re a woman comparable to men. In Chief Chen’s eyes his big star, haha, you’ve gotta help my disappointing nephew by speaking a few good words.”

“We have also heard of your deeds – Officer Qin’s ability is simply so admirable we could kneel on the floor!” Wu Lei understood the principle that if thousands, or tens of thousands of things fail, kissing a.s.s wouldn’t fail. Today he wanted to be amply low key, minding if they truly had ability. He had already decided to put away that usual above-the-world att.i.tude, bending over to serve. After all now no one would dare to guarantee what the surname of the person who seized HeDong City was.

Qin Wan’er scoffed, she wouldn’t accept this kind of big gangster of the dark path’s praise. She coldly said to Jin Biao, “Jin Biao, don’t think that because you have Qi YiShan’s support you can do whatever the h.e.l.l you want!”

Even though Jin Biao had hatred in his heart till the root of his teeth itched, but he still kept up a face of smiles. “I don’t dare, don’t dare. Officer Qin, from now on we’re all friends on the road, let’s all let go of things in the past.”

Qin Wan’er nearly viciously cursed his great aunt – as if she would be on a journey with you guys! But thinking that Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun still came here, she decided to endure, but in her heart this was especially not her taste.

d.a.m.nable Xu Yun, to actually bring QingShuang-jie on such a path. In the beginning Qin Wan’er had thought that they were just being fresh – for the purpose that in the future there wouldn’t be people coming to the panacea restaurant to cause trouble like little fights or disturbances. But now QingShuang-jie actually directly rushed into the position of G.o.dfather of the Southside in the thug world.

If it was like that, what should she as a police officer do? How could this not be caught in the situation where if she stepped into any decision, there would be difficulties?

“Wan’er-jiejie isn’t on a path with you guys.” GuoGuo suddenly spoke up. With one phrase she destroyed the others’ potential relationship with Qin Wan’er. “Hey, we came to eat. Fatty, why don’t you go ask when they’re going to serve dishes?”

Qin Wan’er’s heart was originally tangled in a knot; with GuoGuo’s one complaint, her heart had eased a lot.

Jin Biao’s mouth twitched – this little girl really spoke like there was nothing too large or too small, to actually call him fatty?!

“Jin Fatty, I didn’t come here for idle chat, we’re hungry, pay more attention.” Xu Yun as a G.o.dfather would naturally support his daughter.

Ma PingHai and Wu Lei were covered in cold sweat – people in the thug life in HeDong City didn’t dare to not give Jin Biao face. Even if in their hearts they didn’t want to, but face to face they would call out ‘Biao-ge’ and give him a bit of respect.

The ‘Jin Fatty’ way of addressing him was the first time in his life hearing it, and the most important thing was that Jin Biao with his type of explosive temper actually could hold it in. Hanging a smiling face he said, “Alright, alright, alright, let’s start eating immediately!”

“Serve the dishes!” Jin Biao turned and resumed his normal imposing expression calling to the waiters outside the door.

HeDong’s foremost three hotels were as expected more efficient than the rest. After Jin Biao called out, in less than 3 minutes a team of waiters directly served dishes. With many flowery tricks, after each dish was placed the waiters would call out the dish’s name.

“Mushroom fig pot, sponge gourd liver and lean meat, Huai Mountain lotus seed pig tail soup, pepper silky chicken, shrimp and yellow flower fungus soup, cilantro stir-fried beef, lily and smooth-sliced chicken, rock candy and pig trotters, rose wolfberry jujube jelly, rocky candy and lotus seed stewed with bird’s nest, Qi chrysanthemum ribs…..”

Each and every dish of delicacy was served, such familiar names!

Panacea cuisine, and all were exactly alike panacea style!

Xu Yun frowned; he remembered very clearly, at the time when Shan HongNing mentioned that he wanted to do business with HeDong’s International Grand Hotel. But afterwards he said that HeDong’s International Grand Hotel’s boss didn’t think it was good enough, so the Ruan name’s panacea cuisine didn’t get into HeDong’s International Grand Hotel.

Why did the talks of business fail, and right now it would appear here?

GuoGuo couldn’t help but to hold a piece of cilantro stir-fried beef, half-eating and half-surprised she said, “Mmh? Why does it almost taste like ours?”

Xu Yun didn’t need to taste and could see it, the ingredients were the same – this panacea cuisine was completely done according to Ruan QingShuang’s heirloom panacea cuisine recipes.

F’cking sh’t! Knock offs!

“Hehe, I know Shuang-jie is in the panacea cuisine business, so I ordered this place’s newly launched panacea cuisine banquet.” Jin Biao hadn’t seen misgivings on Ruan QingShuang’s and Xu Yun’s faces. Continuing, “Please, see how the flavor is.”

Qin Wan’er hadn’t intended to be polite with the three big gangsters. Directly turning the Qi chrysanthemum ribs to herself, first she gave GuoGuo two pieces. After seeing GuoGuo pa.s.s the two pieces to Qiu Yan, she again gave GuoGuo two pieces, then put two pieces in her plate. One dish only had 10 pieces of Qi chrysanthemum ribs leaving only two pieces – Qin Wan’er directly pa.s.sed it in front of Xu Yun.

This one dish, when they themselves eat meals Xu Yun often makes, also receives great reviews.

Xu Yun also didn’t hold back, directly putting the last two in his plate, completely without intent of leaving any for the three of them.

The five people started just like they were at a gourmet tasting. It seemed like all of them were finding out the difference between this flavor and Xu Yun’s cooking. After tasting a little bit, Ruan QingShuang discovered that besides the heat control second only to Xu Yun, these dishes were done perfectly. The ingredients were absolutely not lacking even by a hair, completely with her own ancestors’ panacea cuisine’s flavor.

They hadn’t ended up cooperating with HeDong’s International Grand Hotel, and yet they actually figured out her own ancestor’s recipes. Definitely someone leaked the recipes.

But Xu Yun hadn’t changed his voice or expression. Right now wasn’t the time to discuss with the hotel about this matter. Waiting to settle the issue they should settle, he naturally would send someone to investigate this matter after.

Finally, Jin Biao got up and poured wine, and no one refused, but no one drank. After he was full of wine, Jin Biao spoke up.

“Shuang-jie, today we invited you, is that there is one thing we want to ask you.” When Jin Biao spoke he was especially careful.

Wu Lei of course didn’t know what kind of power Ruan QingShuang had, but seeing Jin Biao so nervous, he couldn’t not pay attention – with a serious expression he looked at Ruan QingShuang.

“Ask me?” Ruan QingShuang froze.

Ma PingHai at the moment appeared a bit as though he didn’t care. He suddenly got up and apologetically said, “I’m going to the restroom, hehe, you guys slowly discuss it, slowly discuss it!”

To this one move of Ma PingHai, Jin Biao and Wu Lei were both quite noticeably surprised. Just when they were talking about the subject he left – just what did that mean? Jin Biao and Wu Lei were both clear that Ma PingHai behaved and did things like a slippery old fox – leaving right now was an absolute taboo.

But Ma PingHai didn’t care about Jin Biao’s light cough and Wu Lei’s gaze; still definitively with large strides, he walked out of the room.

Jin Biao’s expression was a bit embarra.s.sed. He unnaturally looked at Ruan QingShuang, but he hadn’t seen half a bit of happiness or anger on Ruan QingShuang’s face. She had an expression completely as though no one else was around, fundamentally not caring one bit about Ma PingHai leaving.

In this instant Jin Biao seemed to have thought of something – he feared, because he completely couldn’t understand Ruan QingShuang’s inner world. Right now he finally understood why Ruan QingShuang’s side could have Xu Yun and Qiu Yan, these kinds of super powerful elites – it was because she herself was a deeply immeasurable person!

Actually Ruan QingShuang completely didn’t care what Ma PingHai did. The reason was very simple, she hadn’t thought of any plans. It wasn’t that Jin Biao couldn’t see through her, but that she wasn’t thinking about anything that Jin Biao was trying to figure out.

“My stomach is also a bit uncomfortable.” Xu Yun frowned, and shook his head in objection. “Knock off things can’t be eaten, without being allowed, I’m not used to eating it.”

Qiu Yan understood Xu Yun’s meaning, but Qin Wan’er and GuoGuo had baffled faces, completely not understanding what Xu Yun was saying.

Suddenly two people left; Jin Biao’s face of course was without shine, but still with his face’s thick skin, he persisted on. “Hehe, Shuang-jie, we want to ask you, do you have an intent to expand your power?”

Ruan QingShuang’s expression was confused; this HeDong Southside Big Sister really didn’t understand matters in the thug world, she was completely baffled by what Jin Biao said.

Jin Biao and Wu Lei saw Ruan QingShuang’s uncertain expression, suddenly feeling like something was squeezing their hearts – they even held their breaths. The two of them instantly understood without need of words and formed an agreement. If Ruan QingShuang said there was a plan, then they definitely, without the slightest hesitation, would point the finger at Ma PingHai’s sudden departure.

Qin Wan’er was extremely speechless – of course she was clear Ruan QingShuang completely didn’t have the makings of becoming a Big Sister in the thug world. But she as a police officer was of course clear of just what these big gangsters were thinking in their heads.

Seeing Ruan QingShuang truly wasn’t able to say anything, Qin Wan’er without choice spoke up. “Just put your hearts in your stomachs. QingShuang-jie won’t expand. But you guys listen to me clearly, don’t let me catch your little tails….. QingShuang-jie won’t touch you, but that doesn’t mean we police officers won’t touch you.”

Once they heard Qin Wan’er’s words, Jin Biao and Wu Lei suddenly dropped their hearts like a boulder – handling the police they have been familiar with, what they feared weren’t police officers, but rather Ruan QingShuang’s sudden rise was much more terrifying.

After all these old guy gangsters getting picked up by the police still had ways, but the same principle of someone in the thugworld would end a person, that was absolutely a route to death. The bigger the gangster, when they fall it’s exceedingly ruthless.

“Officer Qin, we are all law-abiding citizens, hehe, what we do is all principled buying and selling.” Wu Lei laughed and got up, then picked up the teapot and poured for everyone, because the waiters had all been dismissed by Ruan QingShuang, because she wasn’t used to the feeling of having servants behind her.

Qin Wan’er disdained to accept Wu Lei’s a.s.s kissing. She looked towards the doorway, and to herself she said, “Xu Yun didn’t go missing right? Still hasn’t come.”

“Uh……” GuoGuo was speechless, “Wan’er-jiejie, when eating, can you not talk about such nauseating things?”

Originally there still weren’t any people that felt that Qin Wan’er’s words had any significance, but because of GuoGuo’s words, they didn’t feel like eating. However GuoGuo didn’t feel like there was anything wrong, and as before ate a lot. Here’s panacea food was equivalent to 20-30 times more expensive compared to their own family’s restaurant, of course she couldn’t waste it.

Xu Yun didn’t go out to the bathroom, he simply wanted to know ultimately what Ma PingHai’s objective was for going out.

Ma PingHai also certainly didn’t let Xu Yun down. After going to the bathroom to hide, he pulled out his phone and called a number right away,  “Lord Kai, I found the people that you told me to find……“

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