Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 116

The Auction’s Great Battle Plan

Qin Wan’er immediately took people and rushed over. Because of the evidence of Liu Sheng harboring Crimson Scorpion, and with hotel staff also willing to testify, the criminal charges could pretty much be certain. But the power of the police digging was absolutely not meager – they ultimately discovered that five years ago Liu Sheng and his son had actually plotted murders, and so these charges became bigger.

Waiting until noon, there were also clues regarding whether Crimson Scorpion escaped. Very possibly Crimson Scorpion took a train and left that night, and even though he disguised himself extremely closely, a surveillance camera somewhere on the train still unintentionally captured the instant he took off his hat and grabbed his head. Crimson Scorpion’s hair color was extremely unique, and very easily recognizable, and this person’s stature mimicked him in every aspect.

The train was bound for the northeast. This point made Xu Yun quite a bit confused – logically speaking, Crimson Scorpion should have fled back to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Just what was his purpose of taking a detour?

If Xu Yun knew of Blue Ghost’s temper, it wouldn’t be hard to explain.

Crimson Scorpion was worried if Blue Ghost would kill him in a rage. As such, wouldn’t that be a huge injustice to him? Wouldn’t it be better to hide far, far away and then communicate the situation back? This way he could not only protect his life, he also wouldn’t delay Blue Ghost handling the matter.

Even though Xu Yun always didn’t believe in things he didn’t personally see, but with this he decided to believe in the investigation of the police. Because Xu Yun had already thought of the situation that Crimson Scorpion very likely fled, so he pretty much concluded that that guy already left HeDong.

Seeing that Xu Yun’s decision didn’t have any flaws, to have Azure Dragon and Silver Dragon both return first was the right decision. After all their opponent was too cunning. Only, that they missed this opportunity to capture Crimson Scorpion; it was truly a bit regrettable.

The Crimson Scorpion Affair indeed led to a sizable stir, and even involved HeDong’s biggest hotel boss. Of course, this didn’t escape connection with Jin Biao – but as for Jin Biao, his good nephew Qi YiShan had also been implicated.

Police Chief Chen Wei exploded, directly calling for firing him and severe punishment, and additionally notifying the entire police department that if he discovered that there were any more policemen that collaborated with criminal forces, they will all be fired.

When Qin Wan’er heard him say these words, her heart was secretly beating the drums. It had to be known that this case had an extremely big effect on HeDong City, and with the South City Tiger Trio spreading the word, pretty much no one didn’t know of the existence of QingShuang-jie. Originally the last remaining G.o.dfather of the West Wu Lei directly proclaimed his allegiance to QingShuang-jie with great fanfare.

Because of this merit, Qin Wan’er was forcibly transferred as HeDong City’s Chief of Criminal Investigations Department. Because she wasn’t used to the work, it troubled her with three days of busy work with pretty much no sleep.

Of course Xu Yun didn’t stay idle; everyday gang leaders from every district all implored the South City Tiger Trio to help introduce and recommend them. Countless numbers of people wanted to invite him to dinner, and each one was keeping allegiance in mind. After all, the most powerful of the three G.o.dfathers of HeDong had been crushed, and Weng Qing who originally walked with haughtiness sold even more properties and directly took her son and fled, completely without intent to care for her husband Jin Biao’s troubles.

Qiu Yan finally relaxed a bit these days, but she very quickly understood that the removal of danger was only temporary. Even Crimson Scorpion turned tail and ran – sooner or later Blue Ghost would personally come.

Even though Qiu Yan knew Xu Yun’s strength had already reached unreachable heights, an Ultra Elite at her side indeed made her feel that she and GuoGuo were very safe.

But Blue Ghost was absolutely not someone good to mess with – when mentioning the fight between her and Blue Ghost, Blue Ghost absolutely had the strength of an Ultra Elite. Now Qiu Yan’s sole worry was if Xu Yun, who had just broken through the mental state and became an Ultra Elite, would have the ability to contend with Blue Ghost.

She decided to gamble again, and decided to believe in Xu Yun. This wasn’t a choice of Qiu Yan’s without alternatives – because she very clearly remembered that night’s man and woman, the strength of those two was nothing trifling. That Xu Yun actually knew these kinds of 1st-tier elites, aroused more of Qiu Yan’s confidence in him.

After all Qiu Yan and GuoGuo were already left without routes to take – it would be better to stay at Xu Yun’s side. If G.o.ds come, then slay the G.o.ds, if ghosts come, then slay the ghosts. If there was truly a day it failed, Qiu Yan truly would have no complaints.

Ruan QingShuang still went about as usual, everyday she would meticulously go about managing the panacea restaurant’s business. She could not know that she had already entered very many peoples’ notice – she also didn’t know that she had already unwittingly become the top person of power in HeDong’s Underworld.

Xu Yun ought to be the greatest beneficiary from this confrontation. Even though it could be said that they didn’t capture Crimson Scorpion, but because of him the police arrested Liu Sheng and his son, and confirmed clues and information about Crimson Scorpion, so in the end that 500,000 award was sent over.

This big pile of money was enough to make Xu Yun’s mouth split from ear to ear.

500,000 eh, how should they spend it? Should they buy a BMW or a Benz? Or how about getting a Land Rover Freelander or a Jeep Wrangler to play a bit first?

But without waiting for Xu Yun to think over how to spend the money somewhere, Qin Wan’er brought back some shocking news.

“Liu Sheng and his son have already been sentenced to the death penalty and stripped of their rights to live. All of their a.s.sets were to be confiscated, and at the moment the Justice Department has decided to auction their a.s.sets.” Qin Wan’er came back from work and announced this sky-shocking news. “The starting price of his villa in the eastern outskirts is 1,000,000. HeDong Grand International Hotel is also his private a.s.set. The starting price is 8,000,000.”

Xu Yun stared in disbelief. HeDong City’s Grand International Hotel – that was a bustling area in HeDong City’s Central District, occupying nearly four acres of land. On the bottom of the hotel were four floors of big shops, little shops, and single rooms that could simultaneously receive 150 tables of guests. The top five floors were guest rooms, with a total of 120 standard rooms, more than 50 deluxe rooms, and the very top even had four super luxury suites.

How much was this building worth? Much less mentioning how much it costs for an acre of land now!

To actually sell it for 8,000,000!

But this bit of information was basically immediately filtered by Ruan QingShuang because she simply didn’t have that much money, and so she didn’t even dare to think about it. And Qiu Yan completely didn’t care about this kind of thing.

“Wan’er-jiejie, is what you’re saying true or false?” GuoGuo’s eyes directly shone. “So cheap? Just at that location, just the land is worth several millions! To build that kind of hotel right now, no matter what it would be above tens of millions, and that is a profitable kind of hotel, at the very least it would be worth above 30 million.”

Xu Yun hadn’t thought that the only person with a vision was unexpectedly GuoGuo, and hadn’t thought that from just going once to that place, she could estimate the lowest value.

Qin Wan’er shrugged her shoulders. “Of course the starting price is cheap. Tomorrow during the weekend it starts, and a lot of people will definitely go to partic.i.p.ate in the auction, and it will definitely sell for higher than the 30 million you said.”

GuoGuo’s eyes flashed with a sly brightness and Xu Yun was surprised – it seems that this little fella had her own ideas.

“Daddy, let’s buy that place okay?” Of course GuoGuo wouldn’t let Xu Yun down, and cast her big charming eyes at him. “Okay!”

Xu Yun nearly spat out blood. Holy cow, ge only has 500,000 – where would he go to get you several tens of millions of Yuan?

“GuoGuo, what nonsense are you saying? Didn’t you hear Wan’er-jiejie say it would be higher than your 30 million?” Ruan QingShuang helplessly shook her head, “Quickly stop with the nonsense.”

GuoGuo rolled her eyes. “Where am I speaking nonsense? Dad has plenty of money.”

Xu Yun bitterly laughed, “I truly don’t have much money.”

“Mommy, everybody pool their money okay?” GuoGuo pouted her mouth and said, “Lately there’s been so much business. Mommy, don’t be stingy…..”

Ruan QingShuang helplessly shook her head, she hadn’t said falsehoods. “Indeed, lately the panacea restaurants have been very profitable. Adding up the branch profits, I do have 500,000 or so. But even if I and your dad use everything, isn’t that just 1 million?”

GuoGuo licked her lips, and then again looked at Xu Yun. “Daddy, than what do we do? You get your platinum card and overdraft……..”

“My platinum card can’t overdraft to 30 million……” Xu Yun was truly weeping, and after overdrafting these cards, if he didn’t pay it back in one month, then someone would definitely come looking for him.

Being kicked out of Dragon Fury, Xu Yun was not eligible to use this card, but w.a.n.g Yi closed one eye and looked the other way, hoping Xu Yun would use this card in emergencies. Thus, unless he was at the point where all else failed, Xu Yun would not overdraft an amount he could not easily pay in a month.

GuoGuo helplessly sighed, “Ai, such a great opportunity, totally wasted.”

“Alright, don’t daydream.” Qin Wan’er patted GuoGuo’s head. “If I’d known sooner I wouldn’t have said anything. We’re not millionaires, and can’t capture this kind of chance.”

GuoGuo suddenly gave a talk that petrified everyone with shock.

“8,000,000…..if everyone that went knew that mommy also wanted to bid, as long as mommy calls out the first bid, I’d like to see who would dare to utter a word.” GuoGuo combatively said.

Holy Sh*t……

What an evil way of thinking.

With Ruan QingShuang’s influence on HeDong City at the moment, if she truly called the bid, then even if they were beaten to death, no one would dare fight with her!

This was truly an opportunity once in a thousand years! For just 8,000,000, they could get a big hotel worth more than 35 million – this was a transaction of great fortune.

Xu Yun was indeed tempted, at the moment he and Ruan QingShuang had 1 million, and were short 7 million. Even though the platinum card could overdraft tens of millions, but at 7 million, Xu Yun definitely wouldn’t be able to pay that back in one month.

Two million in income from a big hotel shouldn’t be a problem, but 7 million was too fanciful like the Arabian Nights. After all, the maintenance of such a big place was also expensive, requiring very many wages for helping hands and all kinds of maintenance.

“If we can get 8.01 million it’s enough.” GuoGuo unwillingly bit her finger.

Xu Yun frowned, “If I overdraft 2.2 million, relying on the strength of a big hotel, in one month I should be able to pay it back. Right now I and Shuang-jie have 1.2 million, altogether its 3.2 million. Mh, still short 4.8 million.”

Hearing Xu Yun say this, GuoGuo pretty much gave up, and heavily sighed, “Ai.”

But in life when there are no options and no way out, there is a light in the darkness and hope.

Qiu Yan who hadn’t spoken the entire time suddenly said, “GuoGuo, I have here 4.5 million your grandfather left you.”

These words nearly shocked everyone to death – no one had thought that Qiu Yan would actually have so much money! Ruan QingShuang completely didn’t dare to believe that little GuoGuo that she saw in a sc.r.a.pyard was actually a princess of a rich family, and her grandfather was very rich, 4.5 million!

Xu Yun was a bit disappointed. Jeez, Millenium Feng was worth several hundreds of millions, to actually only give GuoGuo 4.5 million – ai, I’ll be d.a.m.ned! Even like this they were still short 2-300 thousand.

Even though Qin Wan’er was very shocked about Qiu Yan’s 4.5 million, but she also said, “I have 300,000 on my card. My dad gave it to me to buy a car, and all along I haven’t used it. How about…….”

“This is too good~ isn’t this enough!” GuoGuo didn’t have a bit of intent to be polite, and took it all!

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