Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 137: 108 Generals

Chapter 137: 108 Generals

Naturally the Ninth Miss of the Tang Family was generous, directly taking Xu Yun to HeDong’s most famous and popular bar. At the moment it was packed with people, and Tang Jiu directly chose the VIP room where the minimum expenditure was 20,000.

Besides there was no need for Xu Yun to dig in his pockets – Xu Yun didn’t care, it wasn’t like she could eat him.

Under the lead of a host, the two of them were led to a private room. Right after Tang Jiu made a phone call and went to the restroom, and Xu Yun sat swaggardly on the middle of the ma.s.sive sofa in the room. A five-colored strobe light flashed overhead, making the atmosphere rich, and a one hundred inch screen was playing some MV Xu Yun had never heard, with several enchanting women constantly dancing. Xu Yun felt it still wasn’t as good as the once popular “Gangnam Style”.

Tang Jiu came out of the restroom, and gave Xu Yun a faint smile. “What do you want to drink? I’m not familiar with this place, so I don’t have any stored alcohol. If you don’t mind, then pick anything you want.”

“Alright, then get two dozen bottles of beer. Any brand is fine, your choice.” Xu Yun waved his hand.

The waiter standing at the side was troubled. A room where the lowest expenditure was at 20,000, and he only wants two big bottles of beer? This didn’t make any sense…..at the very least open a few bottles of fine foreign wines.

Tang Jiu saw that the waiter was troubled, and first waved her hand to have him go on. “Do as he says, in a bit I’ll tell you what I want. Go on, and quickly bring the beer bottles up.”

Two dozen beer bottles were on the table, and Tang Jiu pointed, saying to Xu Yun. “Ordinarily my livelihood is very good, and I definitely wouldn’t drink at a time like this, and would be even less likely to get drunk at this time. But today I’ll make an exception just to let you see my sincerity. If you drink a dozen, I’ll accompany you for one dozen.”

One dozen was twelve bottles, and Xu Yun was really suspect that Tang Jiu’s stomach was able to hold so much booze. “Alright, today you’re hosting me in drinking, then I’ll agree to your terms, I don’t even need to ask the reason!”

“As long as you promise to help me, naturally I’ll tell you.” While Tang Jiu spoke she already opened all of the bottles, directly grabbing a big pitcher on the table, and gulping down four bottles. Holding that big pitcher she toasted to Xu Yun, “A toast of respect.”

Seeing Tang Jiu lifting her neck and the gulping sound inside beginning to pour beer down, of course Xu Yun wouldn’t be outdone. Lifting one bottle of beer, with a single hand smacking the bottom, the lid flew off with a bang. In drinking, men absolutely couldn’t lose to a woman.

For each bottle Xu Yun directly popped them, after he drank four bottles, the big pitcher in Tang Jiu’s hand had been emptied.

“Okay, I didn’t notice that you’re quite the drinker.” Xu Yun pouted his lip, and then asked, “Keep going?”

Without the slightest hesitation Tang Jiu continued to pour four bottles into the big pitcher. “Of course. We’ll drink till you’re completely satisfied.”

The two of them drank all of the beer, and Xu Yun smacked his lips. “This seems a bit unsatisfying. I couldn’t tell you were quite the drinker. How about we directly switch to liquor? Go all out on vodka?”

“As you wish. Since you want to change, then how about we directly change it up a bit? If you want to challenge me, then challenge until you’re happy.” Tang Jiu directly pressed a b.u.t.ton to call the waiter in the room.

“May I ask what you two guests need?”  Seeing that all of the beer had been completely emptied, the waiter was very surprised. He had seen many people good at drinking, but he really hadn’t seen people able to drink that fast. Twenty four bottles of beer, two people, in less than 10 minutes…..

Xu Yun crossed his legs. “Of course to get alcohol. Where’s the alcohol menu?”

Without waiting for the water to give the alcohol menu to Xu Yun, Tang Jiu directly rejected it. “No need. Do you guys have “108 Generals” here? If you do, then immediately bring two!”

Holy sh*t…..the bartender was directly shocked – this year there truly weren’t people who dared to have this. Even though indeed their bar had “108 Generals”, but in truth it was just the same with very many other bars – just a decoration, and no one would pick this unless it was for the cost of connections, but then no one would dare to drink it. This was truly a way of drinking that could kill.

The so-called “108 Generals”, with a 200ml gla.s.s directly on top of 108 types of liquor. That had be a great variety, so whatever spirits included were like Williams Chase gin, Royal Salute whiskey, Remy Martin cognac – all expensive as h.e.l.l, and types like Kaufman’s Premium Vodka, Correlejo tequila and Guizhou Flying Moutai liquor were all very high in strength. Besides none of these were cheap – all were on top of a tray that was definitely of many colors, surely all types of liquor.

If the bar didn’t have buying power, perhaps it wouldn’t even have 108 kinds of liquor, much less mentioning some “108 Generals”.

Of course this one serving of alcohol was ridiculously expensive – of thousands of alcohols, there were more than twenty types, and no bottle was less than two or three hundred……even though two of these servings was enough, but this order was a bit too vicious.

“Miss……if you open a bottle it requires payment, if you really wish for it, then one set is 70,000+……” The waiter swallowed some saliva – this was too shocking, two people drinking 70,000 in alcohol, were they insane?! He had seen many of the wealthy second-generation, this would be the first time seeing the insane second-generation.

Tang Jiu stared, the air of a great Miss instantly filled her body. “I asked for it so give it, why are you adding so much nonsense! Do I need to tell your manager!”

“Yes yes yes!” The bartender could clearly see Tang Jiu was angry, and quickly ran out – this was big news, and must be told to the manager.

Since the inception of “108 Generals”, they hadn’t sold any of this stuff. Those who drank hard were not few, but there were few who could handle the kind of liquor of “13 Delinquents”, and an exceptionally amazing drinker could handle “36 Changes”.

Once the bar manager heard that a party wanted to drink “108 Generals” he was stupefied. In the past in a big bar he had seen a man known widely as a superb drinker, insisting on drinking the liquor collection “81 Hard”, and reportedly directly drank for three days – and now unexpectedly someone at his little place wanted to drink 108 types.

This was simply insane…..

“Manager, they are definitely someone rich. The way I see it, her bag was an LV, and the belt she wore was a name brand.” The waiter said, “And she wanted the VIP room where the minimum spending was 20,000 – shouldn’t be someone who can’t pay.”

The bar manager widened his eyes, and viciously smacked that waiter’s head. “Are you stupid? Nowadays everything the flea market sells is f*cking luxury goods! Who knows if it’s real or fake? Even if it was true then they would definitely be drunk. If they’re drunk then who would f*cking give you money? They’re insane, and you’re insane too? This “108 Generals” is a show. Tell them, we won’t sell this!”

Just as the bar manager finished, behind him came a sombre voice. “Not selling? But this is on your liquor menu.”

“Hmm?” The bar manager quickly turned around, seeing a rich man with the aura of wealth. Seeing the four bodyguards behind him, the bar manager quickly understood that a big shot had come to his little place, and immediately bowed and said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir, our business is small, and can’t take shocks. If something happens with a customer drinking, we can’t afford it.”

This man exuding a sense of wealth had the corners of his mouth rise, and he disdainfully laughed. “You’re afraid no one would pay right? Hehe, how much is it, I’ll pay for them.”

“You……” The bar manager was stupefied.

“Whatever that girl says, you guys just do. If you have no way of meeting their demands, then don’t blame me for being impolite.” The rich man with an air of wealth directly took out a card from his wallet and threw it at the bar manager. “Swipe an extra 10,000 and treat it as a tip for you, and also to thank you for letting me find my little sister here.”

The bar manager knew he had come across a wealthy man, and bowing his whole face he said, “Yes yes yes!” Turning his head he ordered the workers behind him, “Seize the moment to set it up! 108 Generals, don’t mess a single one up! Got it! Be careful!”

That rich-air man’s face continued showing a cold smile with a kind of hidden proudness as though he had won some kind of great battle.

Inside, the bar was busy sending up the “108 Generals” to the private room of two people. Once Xu Yun saw he was a bit shocked – this girl was pretty fierce huh? Was she trying to get him killed, or herself?

Each of the huge trays were carried in by the two people. Luckily the room Tang Jiu wanted was big, the table was enough to place two big trays of alcohol.

“Come on, one for you, one for me. None of us can back out.” The expression on Tang Jiu’s face was exceptionally calm. “You should know the rules of battling in drinking. Once you begin you can’t flee, and must drink it all. If you’re scared now, I’ll give you a chance. You can choose to back out now.”

Aiya d.a.m.n! When has ge admitted to being scared! Isn’t it just a battle of drinking? 108 is just 108, even if it was 180, ge would fight till the end! Xu Yun felt defiant – since he was small he had never lost to anyone in Dragon Fury, and today he absolutely wouldn’t let a girl look down on him.


Once Tang Jiu raised her first gla.s.s, Xu Yun followed with bottoms up! The arrangement of these “108 Generals” was very particular, one strong, one red, one white, one spicy……the cycle continued, the greatest quality of stimulating human limits.

Since the two of them drank the first gla.s.s of tequila they directly raised their efforts. One gla.s.s for you, one gla.s.s for me, no one giving way to the other. Tang Jiu’s brow locked tight, the alcohol was stretching all the muscles of her body to the limit.

Xu Yun hadn’t gone there yet – he had never drank alcohol like this, a bit too exciting eh? If some time he could gather with the brothers of Dragon Fury, he would definitely have them also come and try this kind of drinking, and see just how many people he could out-drink.

Just as the two of them drank the first gla.s.s down, the private room’s door was pushed open, and four big burly guys wearing all black directly went inside. Behind the four big guys followed a rich man with a whole outfit of name brands.

Xu Yun slightly paused. Did they come into the wrong room? Or did Tang Jiu invite them?

And at the moment Tang Jiu’s whole body was already hazy, with the red on her face like a monkey’s and dazedly she said to the people at the door, “You……you……why have you come?”

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