Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 35


Just as Xu Yun and the others came back, the first floor of the panacea restaurant had already been completely cleaned by Pang Gang’s workers.

Pang Gang was now drawing a layout on a sheet of paper.  Despite not having an architect using computer aided design software to draw it out, it was drawn out carefully.  It also wasn’t anything embellished and beautiful like a painting, but the drawing was taken very seriously.  Afterwards, he took the diagram and shared suggestions with Ruan QingShuang, with 7 or 8 workers inside listening seriously.

“Mom!” GuoGuo happily charged towards Ruan QingShuang.

Ruan QingShuang intentionally pretended to be angry, and softly reprimanded, “You went out and didn’t tell me before!  Made me think someone abducted you and sold you!”

GuoGuo stuck out her tongue, raising her head to look at Ruan QingShuang steal a glance at Xu Yun.  “Mom, if you were thinking of daddy just directly say it.  Daddy likes you anyways, right daddy?”

“Yeah……” The corner of Xu Yun’s mouth blew out some air.

“Mommy, let’s go the next floor.  GuoGuo has good stuff that she wants to give you!” GuoGuo’s expression had immense pride, and she pulled Ruan QingShuang and went up.

Wearing a confused expression Ruan QingShuang still swiftly followed GuoGuo up a level.

But once she climbed up the stairs GuoGuo exposed her secret – with each step, the *peng peng* sound from the interior of her skirt could be heard as a ton of money fell out!  With a *Pa, pa, pa* 7 stacks fell out one after another!  Seeing this, Ruan QingShuang’s eyes nearly popped out staring.

Xu Yun finally knew what GuoGuo went to do at the 4 Wolves Gang’s lair that time she disappeared, she was looting a burning house!

She really was an evil-doer!

Without saying anything Qiu Yan turned and left the panacea restaurant to patrol.  Truly life was unpredictable – once there was a time where she was a little princess who knew nothing of money troubles, and yet she became someone who would bow before tens of thousands of bucks….

GuoGuo suddenly discovered that her own clothes loosened.  After she realized, she hurriedly squatted down, grabbing all the fallen money on the ground.  After picking it up, like a wisp of smoke she escaped to the second floor.

When she arrived upstairs, GuoGuo grabbed all of the money and pushed to give it to Ruan QingShuang.  She had a happy expression with the expectation of praise.  “Mommy, all those bad guys’ money is yours.”

“GuoGuo!  Where did you get this much money?” Ruan QingShuang was completely shocked.  Practically from ear to ear, her face showed a degree of anger.  “What did you do?  Did you steal it?”

GuoGuo saw that instead of mommy being happy, she was somewhat furious and felt a bit wronged, “Everything I did was what I should have done.”

“GuoGuo!  How would mommy ordinarily teach you!” Ruan QingShuang was angry once she heard.

Xu Yun smiled as he reached the upper floor, “Shuang-jie, you should just accept it.  I let GuoGuo do everything.”

What?!  Ruan QingShuang stared blankly.

As though GuoGuo captured a second chance to explain, she quickly ran obediently behind Xu Yun – on her face was an expression like only daddy was good.

“The 4 Wolves Gang smashed the panacea restaurant, then we can also equally go smash the dog nest of the 4 Wolves Gang.”  Xu Yun said this like it was Heaven’s law and Earth’s principle.  “This is the fee that other people gave us for the financial losses, and we still haven’t taken care of the psychological damage costs – this is appropriate enough.”

“You guys went and did what?  Did you guys go insane?” Once Ruan QingShuang heard Xu Yun’s words, she almost fainted.  Xu Yun unexpectedly said that they went to go smash up the 4 Wolves Gang!  Ruan QingShuang’s heart was shocked, but then they even opposed HeDong City’s notorious tyrant – it was simply insane.

GuoGuo touched her small nose.  “Mommy, there’s Wan’er-jiejie to back us up, we aren’t afraid!”

“Are you guys giving trouble to Wan’er?” Ruan QingShuang was stunned.

GuoGuo readily negated,  “Not really.”

Xu Yun knew that the 2 people’s squabble would continue, and there wouldn’t be an outcome. “Shuang-jie, you shouldn’t worry.  The 4 Wolves Gang’s people won’t come trouble us again.  Wan’er already arrested their boss.”

Ruan QingShuang stared dumbfounded, “Really?”

“At night just ask her and believe it.” Xu Yun grinned,  “Be at ease and accept this money.”

Just now Ruan QingShuang started to relax a little.  She believed that Qin Wan’er wouldn’t allow them to make trouble, but she knew GuoGuo concealed her looting a burning house very well.  Even Xu Yun and Qiu Yan just became aware, right now Qin Wan’er was probably completely in the dark.


QiangZi and Xiao Fei brought the dead Mastiff to Dong Guan Market looking for Bai ErMaZi, and directly skinned it and picked off the bones.  Then taking dozens of pounds of meat, they brought it to the panacea restaurant.  The meat is rich in nutrients, so Xu Yun decided that at night they would have a hot pot feast, having QiangZi call the dozens of brothers that helped out during the afternoon and call Pang Gang and his workers to stay a bit.

“I’m really hungry.” Once GuoGuo heard they were eating hot pot, saliva began to come down.  “I heard that fragrant meat helps heal the kidneys.  Daddy, you’re unlikely to be that weak in health right……”

“Pshh! Ge isn’t a bit weak!”  Once Xu Yun heard, he immediately had cold sweats!

GuoGuo clapped once she heard what was said, heaving a huge sigh of relief, “Hu……This way I can rest a.s.sured of mom’s happiness in the future.”

Lucky……good fortune!

But this word has many tones!

Everyone was completely stunned, Ruan QingShuang’s face completely blushed!

Xu Yun’s smile directly stuck on his face.  Right now he didn’t even know if adopting this wicked little imp was fortune or disaster.  Asking when there were no outsiders around, that was much more well-intentioned, but right now there was a whole group of people, and she said it at this time.

GuoGuo was too lazy to care about a bunch of stony adults; she again emphasized to Xu Yun, “Daddy, I’m hungry!”

Xu Yun didn’t dare to keep up the conversation, and turned his head and directly went to the kitchen getting busy immediately.  QiangZi and Xiao Fei also didn’t hesitate, following him in to help out.  Not long after, QiangZi brought out more than a dozen servings one after another to the panacea restaurant, and bossiness very quickly activated.

GuoGuo like some special boss directed this group of thugs to bring tables and chairs.  The flock of thugs all lowered their heads like servants towards GuoGuo, because GuoGuo was their boss’ boss’ boss!

Several people split 3 tables, and after two hours, three nice and warm hot pots were placed on the table.

At the same time, Qin Wan’er smiling and humming came inside.

QiangZi and the crew saw Qin Wan’er and were at once struck dumb – this cop was too fierce huh!  She even traced them all the way here!  This time they were caught, perhaps even if they tried to flee they wouldn’t succeed.

“I say, what happened to that dog?” Qin Wan’er used all her effort and sniffed the air, and without being polite at all to Xu Yun she said, “Still not getting your jie a bowl and chopsticks?  Waiting for me to tell your boss?”

Xu Yun was told and didn’t have the slightest temper.  He very nicely gave Qin Wan’er a bowl and chopsticks.

After a scene of panicking over a false alarm, QiangZi and the others continuously started guessing in low whispers, a.n.a.lyzing how this little lady cop shoved around the formidable and all-powerful Yun-ge!

“Wan’er why did you come back so late?” Ruan QingShuang asked in a concerned way.

Qin Wan’er rolled her eyes at Xu Yun, “Isn’t it because some people created a situation and people at the station were kissing a.s.s.  So annoying!”

QiangZi and the crew heard and all began sweating.

Xu Yun was especially silent.  With such a large merit how many people would fight to get it?  He gave it to her for free, but she thought it was annoying – she really had a heart that didn’t feel grat.i.tude.

“Was it because Xu Yun and GuoGuo following you caused trouble?” Ruan QingShuang became serious.

Qin Wan’er heard QingShuang’s tone change and explained, “Not on that.  They could be considered as helping me with a big trouble, keeping the people from harm.”

“Did you really arrest the boss of the Four Wolves Gang?” Ruan QingShuang practically yelled out in surprise!

This single phrase made Pang Gang and the crew of workers scared stiff.  Holy s.h.i.t, this policewoman was really fierce eh, she even dared to mess with the boss of the Four Wolves Gang!?

Qin Wan’er quickly pulled Ruan QingShuang hinting that she should keep her voice down.  “QingShuang-jie, from now on in HeDong City, there will be no more Four Wolves Gang.  You won’t have to worry about them looking for trouble again.”

“Really?” Ruan QingShuang thought that maybe she was dreaming.

GuoGuo pouted her mouth and scoffed, “When I said it mommy still didn’t believe me, cheh.”

Ruan QingShuang knew she had wronged GuoGuo, and picked up a piece of meat and put it in GuoGuo’s bowl.  “GuoGuo is really amazing, is that ok now?”

“Daddy is even more amazing.” GuoGuo said it absentmindedly, but the whole group couldn’t help but think of a dog’s use as an aphrodisiac, and looked at each other.

Xu Yun of course didn’t deny it, “It must be done!”

After Xu Yun and the others left Qin Wan’er, she immediately gave the station a call saying that she tracked down w.a.n.g ShunXi’s Tibetan Mastiff kennel base had secretly stored guns and ammunition.  At first the station all thought she was joking around, and were preparing to ask Superintendent Liu if he wanted to confirm it first, but then Qin Wan’er sent Liu GuangMing live pictures.

This time it shocked Liu GuangMing boldly!  He had never run out of the office in such a non-cool manner – half-running and half- yelling out for everyone to prepare to immediately deploy!

w.a.n.g ShunXi had been captured, and the Four Wolves Gang could only disintegrate.  Because the amount of guns and ammunition discovered was shocking, they sealed the entire Tibetan Mastiff kennel base.  They really couldn’t have imagined that w.a.n.g ShunXi had so much ambition, to go so far as h.o.a.rding so many weapons.  It seemed like he really had the desire to conquer all of HeDong City.

In this case, having Qin Wan’er at WenHui district’s police station suddenly promoted it to an unprecedented degree!  Even Superintendent Liu’s face had a kind smile, because Qin Wan’er’s consecutive heroic contributions thoroughly had their station vigorously seizing all the accomplishments and distinctions from all of the other police stations in HeDong City’s WenHui District!

Qin Wan’er found an excuse saying that she wasn’t quite well and quickly ran away early.  Because she knew the office’s leadership left; if they caught her she wouldn’t be able to escape going with them and going to eat in some kind of celebratory party.  Then there would be a crowd of people asking about her family’s situation, and then introducing her to people….

This feast was worth 2 million bucks of refreshing hot pot in a loud room.  From small till it was grown, it only ate beef, making this Mastiff indeed worthy of being a Mastiff King.  The meat was tasty and extremely relishing.

One of QiangZi’s little bros went out and bought ten beers, and the crowd of guys became loud enough to shake the heavens.

While eating, Xu Yun and Pang Gang discussed it over.  Tomorrow they would begin working overtime, and Xu Yun would pay triple!  But the completion date would also have to beat others by three times!  Pang Gang with a bottle of beer in his belly, promised just like that – in one week he could have them doing business!

Waiting for everyone to leave, it was already past 10 o’clock at night.  QiangZi and his crew said they hadn’t drank enough, and went to continue at the barbecue Night Market.  Pang Gang and his employees all went to go sleep.  Tomorrow they would get up early after a good rest to attentively get to work!

Even though the panacea restaurant’s first floor was smashed beyond recognition, the second floor was unscathed.  Qiu Yan had gone upstairs an hour ago, while GuoGuo had thought of something and pulled Qin Wan’er running up the stairs.

Both Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang remained, cleaning up the battlefield before locking the doors and going upstairs.

“Wowww!  Wan’er-jiejie, you’re even bigger than mommy!  Maybe it can’t fit you?”

The two of them just arrived at the second floor, from inside Qin Wan’er’s room came GuoGuo’s voice.  Xu Yun’s eyes shined, thinking of GuoGuo making Qin Wan’er try out the bras.  She was definitely forcing Qin Wan’er to wear the underwear.

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