Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 50


The renovation of the panacea restaurant fundamentally didn’t need Xu Yun to worry about it anymore. Lu Feng brought dozens of experienced workers directly to Pang Gang.

First thing in the morning, Lu Feng informed his foot soldiers and introduced them to QiangZi as the head. Yesterday they had already settled the discussion of the car – 150,000 Yuan since after all it was a stolen car without registration. Anymore and he wouldn’t be able to sell it in another province.

After Xu Yun had agreed, QiangZi readily threw the footsoldiers the car keys. After driving the BMW for a hundred or so kilometers, driving his own Citroen again was like driving a tractor. All along the road QiangZi’s brain was full of ideas to earn money and change his car.

Shan HongNing also wasn’t idle – first thing in the morning he went to the panacea restaurant.

“I want to try an experiment at your hotpot restaurants. Take Shuang-jie’s heirloom panacea recipes and put them on the menu. You go look for the chef.” Xu Yun got straight to the point. “The earnings we’ll split 30/70. You put in the work, and you get 70.”

At first Shan HongNing had a bit of an ugly expression, but afterwards hearing about the 3/7 split, he instantly had no gloom. “No, no, Yun-ge, these secret recipes are Shuang-jie’s, how can I dare to take 70%. I…..I….. 30% is fine.”

People didn’t not do things for themselves. In the beginning, Shan HongNing didn’t think that Xu Yun would actually split money with him, and was thinking that they were borrowing his place to sell panacea dishes and so he was very worried. After all, he can’t refuse. If he couldn’t refuse, then he would still have to take up the cost of looking for a chef.

But Xu Yun had said to give him 70% – how could he not be pleased up to the heavens and happy down on earth? Once Shan HongNing was happy, he quickly took out ZhongHua cigarettes from his pocket and handed it before Xu Yun.

“The chef isn’t free, don’t be stubborn. Seventy percent isn’t considered much – as long as you carefully make it, I guarantee it won’t be less than the income from hotpot.” Xu Yun then blocked Shan HongNing’s offered cigarettes. “If you agree, then right now I’ll go and talk it over with Shuang-jie.”

“Ge, 50/50, let’s do 50/50. How can it be like that? The panacea dishes are inherited by Shuang-jie’s ancestors. I’m just providing a place and some people… 70%….. is too much.” Shan HongNing didn’t just become a triad member – for him to talk like that was very slick. Knowing this situation, how much you get definitely has to pay attention to propriety.

If right now Xu Yun and Ruan QingShuang were ordinary people that begged him to put the panacea dishes on the menu in his hotpot restaurants, then at the very least he would want 80% – but Xu Yun wasn’t. Xu Yun wasn’t merely an ordinary person, but in fact a fierce and frightening person that had reduced him into a soldier.

At the moment, Shan NongNing was following Shuang-Jie and Yun-ge, with the intent to follow the tailwind of the current. From time to time he also needed to give Officer Qin some face, and for that it was required to have Shuang-jie and Yun-ge happy. The best method to make people happy was for them to have money. At the very least, Shan HongNing himself thought this way.

“50/50?” Xu Yun’s brow jumped, this guy was sensible, not bad.

“Yun-ge, if you think it’s suitable, then that’s how it’ll be. If I get more than Shuang-jie, then you can trash my face!” Shan HongNing had an a.s.s-kissing smile. “The matters of the chef you don’t need to worry about. You also don’t need to worry about popularizing the food. Even if I don’t let people eat hotpot, I definitely will do my utmost to recommend Shuang-jie’s panacea dishes!”

Xu Yun smiled and nodded, saying, “Then we’ll do it like that. I’ll have Xiao Fei go to your side to coordinate this bit of work, no problems right?”

“Of course not, for Yun-ge to arrange help, I’m so happy I can’t take it.” Shan HongNing saw Xu Yun smile, and in his mind it was like seeing the sun piercing the clouds. “Ge, I’ll pay Xiao Fei two….. uh, three thousand, okay?”

Dafuq! Big daddy’s salary is only one thousand! Xu Yun was completely defeated, all because he boarded GuoGuo’s pirate ship… that little money-grubber, d.a.m.n!


“Achoo! Achoo!” Just arriving at the school’s entrance, GuoGuo sneezed twice. She rubbed her little nose, and with exceptional discomfort, looked at the heavens.

Qiu Yan asked worriedly, “GuoGuo did you catch a cold? If you aren’t feeling well then ask your teacher if you can be sent home. Jiejie will take you home.”

GuoGuo deeply and mysteriously looked at the clouds floating by in the heavens, and then calmly said, “One thought, two curses, and three things to worry about. I sneezed twice, this means that someone is cursing about me….. hmph, it definitely must be that little fatty. I can’t forgive him!”

Qiu Yan’s brow scrunched – she completely couldn’t understand what GuoGuo was saying to herself.

“Qiu Yan-jiejie, go home.” GuoGuo waved her hand good-bye to Qiu Yan, then with a step and a hop she charged over to the building with the cla.s.srooms.

Qiu Yan watched GuoGuo until she disappeared, her soft gaze started to change slowly to icy cold.

Crimson Scorpion…. in the end did you come to HeDong City? Thinking of that Qiu Yan got a fierce headache – that elusive guy, if he really came then it was tricky enough.

Possessing the Violent Fox Lady t.i.tle, Qiu Yan was wrapped up in the Underworld for many years, and came across very many opponents. But she had never crossed fists with Crimson Scorpion. She had fought against Blue Ghost, who was even more powerful than Crimson Scorpion.

That defeat during the battle between Qiu Yan and Blue Ghost doomed Millennium Feng to be cleaned out of Suzhou’s Underworld.

That man was too terrifying. Qiu Yan didn’t know if Blue Ghost had already broken through the bottleneck and became a true ultra elite. Even with her power as a 1st-tier elite, before Blue Ghost she could barely resist 10 moves!

Also during that fight, Qiu Yan was. .h.i.t by the 7-Absolute Palm that nearly took her life. Now thinking of that, Qiu Yan still had some lingering fear. If she hadn’t come across Xu Yun, then perhaps she would’ve died a few days ago. Even if she didn’t die at Leopard’s hands, and didn’t die at Gong You and Qin Hu’s hands, then she would have died from her internal injuries.

Blue Ghost wasn’t someone that Qiu Yan could defeat, and Crimson Scorpion was Blue Ghost’s first general for battle. Many people said it wasn’t clear whether his or Blue Ghost’s power was higher or lower. Obviously Qiu Yan knew that this statement was complete nonsense, because the Underworld mainly relied on strength to speak. If Crimson Scorpion really was even more powerful than Blue Ghost, then he wouldn’t follow Blue Ghost.

However, even so, Qiu Yan was very certain that Crimson Scorpion’s power was definitely that of a 1st-tier elite. He had to be at least 10 times more powerful than Gong You!

In the end the type of 2nd-tier elite like Gong You had achieved strengthening the 5 organs and strong blood and qi in the 6 bowels. Maintaining this for ten birthdays, all this meant was robust strength stacked in layers in his blood and meridians.

And Qiu Yan herself as a 1st cla.s.s elite had already cleared all of her body’s meridians by default – hundreds of layers of strength had become a strand of internal energy; her skills had reached the summit of her realm.

Apparently, among first-tier elites there were also orders of rank. Perhaps Crimson Scorpion was rank 6 or above, and Qiu Yan was very clear that even if she used all their might, she could only barely fight a rank 5. And the current her, even if the internal energy of the 7-Absolute Palm had been eliminated by Xu Yun, and with the 9 Treasured Revival Pills, she was at the most at the level of 2nd or 3rd rank.

Then did she really have to rely on Xu Yun? In Qiu Yan’s heart she felt a big knot. Even though she clearly understood that Xu Yun was definitely a 1st-tiered elite, but could he fight someone in the 6th rank and above?

Even if Xu Yun really had the power of a 6th-ranked and above, then could he really fight with Crimson Scorpion? After all, in the Underworld she had never heard of the name Xu Yun, and Crimson Scorpion’s reputation shook the four directions as a fearsome person. If not, he wouldn’t be wanted by the Chinese government as an S-rank criminal!

Qiu Yan was also a fearsome person in the Underworld – but besides the Underworld, she had never done anything beyond the legal frame, and so didn’t have an arrest warrant out for her.

For a spell, dark clouds drifted overhead. Qiu Yan felt an especially ominous feeling in her heart…. this kind of feeling was very stifling.

“Qiu Yan?” Suddenly a voice like silver bells said, “Today did you come by yourself to drop off GuoGuo?”

Qiu Yan turned around and saw the professionally dressed Su XiaoRan. “Teacher Su.”

“Where’s GuoGuo?” Su XiaoRan smiling brilliantly asked.

Qiu Yan looked towards the cla.s.sroom building, “She already went inside, Teacher Su, I’m going to leave now.”

With a low voice, Qiu Yan turned around and left. She always felt very unsafe – if she hadn’t thoroughly investigated the entire school in a loop, she wouldn’t allow herself to relax.

“Qiu…..” Su XiaoRan still wanted to say something, but in the end she stopped. GuoGuo’s personality was really lively, but her sister was instead really cold. When she was talking with her, Su XiaoRan could feel it.

Forget it, Su XiaoRan smiled widely and shook her head, then in big steps she went to the office floor. Another beautiful day was starting!


The first grader’s cla.s.sroom was very lively with a crowd of people surrounding the back of the cla.s.sroom to watch.

“You dead fatty, was it because you couldn’t catch me that you secretly cursed me this morning?” said GuoGuo, with an unhappy expression. With a single hand on her waist, her other hand was pointing at a 100+ pound little boy in front of her.

That little fatty grunted heavily, and put down the hamburger in his hand, using the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Feng GuoGuo, do you know who my daddy is? If you don’t promise to become my girlfriend, I’ll tell my daddy!”

GuoGuo’s expression disdained, and rolling her eyes she said, “I’m too lazy to know who your dad is. Do you know who my mommy is?”

That little fatty looked at GuoGuo up and down several times, “Who’s your mom? Even if your mom is powerful, when she sees my dad she’ll be scared. Feng GuoGuo, just be my girlfriend. From now on, I’ll give you my hamburger to eat every day.”

After he finished talking, the little fatty picked up the rest of the hamburger on his desk, and reluctantly gave it to GuoGuo.

With a look of disgust, GuoGuo said, “Awayawayaway, who wants to eat this junk food? Everyday all I eat are panacea dishes that my daddy personally makes – much better than your p.o.o.py hamburger!”

“So your daddy is a chef that cooks? Ahahaha, GuoGuo, my dad is a big boss!” The little fatty proudly said.

Of course GuoGuo wouldn’t accept that, raising an angry hand she pushed the little fatty, “If you say bad things about my daddy again then be careful that I might hit you!”

“You dare? If you hit me I’ll tell Teacher Su!” The little fatty wasn’t afraid.

“Fine, I won’t hit you, I’ll have my mommy catch you and feed you to dogs. Hmph, dead fatty, my mommy is a Big Sister in the thug world, you’re dead for sure!”  GuoGuo fiercely looked at the little fatty before her.

The little fatty’s entire body shivered, and his eyes actually reddened. With a *wahhh* he started crying, and like he was insane, he ran out of the cla.s.sroom!

Just then Su XiaoRan came to the cla.s.sroom; before she could even react she could only see the back of the little fatty. “Sun HaoRan! Where are you going? Cla.s.s is about to start!”

Once GuoGuo saw that Su XiaoRan had arrived, she quickly stuck out her tongue. She threw a glance back at her surrounding companions and in a low voice she threatened, “No one is allowed to snitch!”

The crowd of companions were all shocked, who would dare? Feng GuoGuo just said her mom was a Big Sister in the thug world. Each of them easily sat in their own seats.

“GuoGuo, what’s wrong with Sun HaoRan?” Su XiaoRan looked puzzled as she walked into the cla.s.sroom.

GuoGuo shrugged her shoulders, spreading out both hands, “Maybe he peed on himself, how would a girl know…..”

Su XiaoRan’s reaction to GuoGuo’s answer was obviously helpless – ai, kids these days, such a big kid was still wetting himself. “Alright, everyone sit down, we’re getting ready to start cla.s.s.”

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