Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 54


By the afternoon the carpenting was basically done, and very quickly they entered the phase of laying down the new flooring. Ruan QingShuang was restless; after Qiu Yan dropped off GuoGuo at school, she then called Xu Yun to go to Shan HongNing’s hotpot restaurant to see how the cooks she chose were doing.

For the next two days Ruan QingShuang was always at Shan HongNing’s hotpot restaurant. The degree of welcome for panacea cuisine far exceeded anyone’s expectations, and didn’t affect Shan HongNing’s hotpot business in the slightest. Normally few people would eat hotpot during the summer, but instead it attracted even more customers.

Everything was beautiful on Shan HongNing’s face, and his heart was happy.

These past two days Xu Yun also wasn’t idle – the 150,000 from QiangZi selling the car in WenHui District’s neighboring HongNan District was used to lease a failing fast food restaurant. The location wasn’t bad, and it didn’t need renovation – directly changing it with a panacea restaurant sign was enough to start business.

Ruan QingShuang had no knowledge of the matter, and Xu Yun didn’t let QiangZi mention it to Ruan QingShuang because one of QiangZi’s underlings was called Zhao Peng, and was a graduate of the New Oriental Chef School. Xu Yun directly had QiangZi bring that Zhao Peng and Xiao Fei to HongNan District to run the branch.

That Zhao Peng was especially determined not to fall short. Under the instruction of Xu Yun, in half a day he could basically make the especially popular panacea recipes, and the flavors of dishes he made were pretty good – at least Xu Yun approved.

Upon hearing that Shan HongNing’s hotpot restaurant had started making Shuang-jie’s ancestral heirloom panacea cuisine and was earning a good amount of money, Lu Feng and Kong Zhong eagerly proposed the idea of opening a chain a stores. The style of the restaurants would be handled by themselves – they only needed a list of Ruan QingShuang’s secret recipes. They and Shan HongNing alike only wanted a 50/50 split. They were both willing to hand over half of the earnings to leaders Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun.

Naturally Xu Yun was especially pleased. He didn’t need to put up money and he could just sit and enjoy the benefits. Once Xu Yun agreed, they immediately started preparing.

In the beginning Qin Wan’er was worried about Xu Yun involving Ruan QingShuang in a gang, but after these days of observation, Xu Yun never took Ruan QingShuang to do any illegal things.

On the contrary, Lu Feng, who because of his work would frequently have fiery battles everyday, didn’t cause any kind of big ruckus. On Kong Zhong’s side with his gravel pit, he didn’t need to go to the police station to bail out anyone. Shan HongNing was completely like a businessman, and absolutely hadn’t brought his brothers to other hotpot restaurants to stir up trouble.

Thus Qin Wan’er didn’t interfere – perhaps the three guys that Qiu Yan subdued were at heart, not bad.

Of course, even though the South City Tiger Trio weren’t bad at heart, but they weren’t a good crop either. According to Yun-ge’s intent, they reaped quite a few of former Four Wolves Gang and Blade Axe Crew gangsters. A portion had been recruited, neatly becoming Ruan QingShuang’s organization’s gangsters. Another portion that had been attacked left HeDong City fleeing. Of course still another portion resolutely gritted their teeth, and sought shelter with another big gangster leader.


One week later, the panacea restaurant’s renovation was finally done. Ruan QingShuang and Xu Yun weren’t the kind of people to care about some lucky day, and so didn’t bother looking for a divination master – they immediately decided that tonight they would open for business.

With Shuang-jie re-opening, how could the South City Tiger Trio not partic.i.p.ate? And their connections were borrowing from their relationship – many reputable people with recognizable faces and heads had heard of Ruan QingShuang’s panacea restaurant long ago. The South City Tiger Trio were all convinced of their Big Sister opening for business and their entrance was as lively as a market. Bouquets and what not very quickly blocked up the next door’s entrance, but the boss next door didn’t dare to utter a word, because this crowd of people that came didn’t look like good people.

Xu Yun really hadn’t thought that the South City Tiger Trio would make the situation into such a big event, but to this he and Ruan QingShuang both had the same perspective – that it was an opportunity to publicize, to strive for even more people to pay attention to the panacea restaurant. That way they could think about their next franchising step.

Qiu Yan didn’t feel any interest. She also didn’t like this kind of loud, large crowd type of setting. But with eyes and ears everywhere, her heart lessened with worry – at the very least these people could help her pay attention to a stranger’s appearance. She already had the South City Tiger Trio pa.s.s orders to their underlings – once they saw a man with dark red hair and a face full of a beard, to immediately inform her – even if it was in the wee hours of the morning they must tell her.

Qin Wan’er got off work in the afternoon and saw the lively scene at the panacea restaurant and nearly called her police station. This was simply a gang gathering – the people who came to cheer weren’t ordinary people – bald, tattooed, gold necklaces – they were marks of the thug life…. but this was after all, QingShuang-jie’s panacea restaurant, she should just hold it in…. ai…..

GuoGuo was the happiest of everyone; she sat imposingly in that newly renovated reception desk. Shan HongNing immediately placed a red account book, and then closely followed with fishing out 10,000 Yuan as a congratulatory gift. He then had an underling hang up a personally commissioned deer head on the left side of the hall. In beautiful characters it read: Making money has a path!*  

*TN Deer and path are h.o.m.onyms in Chinese.

Kong Zhong of course couldn’t help but to coldly shiver – it had to be a 10,000 Yuan congratulatory gift. The things he gifted were pretty good, a half-meter in diameter of pure copper-gold toad with its mouth inlaid with copper coins. On the reception desk it was quite domineering for considerable luck!

Though Lu Feng on any ordinary day was a crude person, with the event of Big Sister having an opening ceremony he definitely put in effort. Naturally the congratulatory gift wasn’t a small amount, and he delivered an entirely white jade large elephant with a big napa cabbage, and the message on it was very clear: Good luck for 100 fortunes!

Besides the three of them, many others had contacts with them. Perhaps through a further layer of relations, as long as they were gangsters, they didn’t come empty-handed!

GuoGuo received money at the reception desk – her smile cracked into blossoms. Qin Wan’er was rolling her eyes the whole time – no matter what she felt that all of these people’s money was dirty money.

Hearing that the panacea restaurant was opening, QiangZi had Xiao Fei and Zhao Peng watch the branch, and he also urgently hurried back. Seeing the reborn panacea restaurant so bustling like their courtyard was a market, he became so excited he couldn’t take it. The panacea branch that Xu Yun had them manage had really good business, and very soon they would make a return on the business.

“Hey, you wait!” GuoGuo was eagle-eyed, and directly called out to QiangZi, who wanted to go inside and have a look.

QiangZi went to the reception desk grinning. Seeing GuoGuo and Qin Wan’er he said, “GuoGuo, Qin-jie, what are you two doing sticking around here?

GuoGuo used her pen and knocked on the tabletop account book, and then lightly coughed. Stretching out her little pink hand, three plump little fingers gently rubbed together. “You’re asking me what I’m doing?”

In a flash QiangZi was enlightened, and quickly dug out his wallet. Today the HongNan District’s branch’s afternoon income of 5,000 Yuan hadn’t been deposited yet, so he directly placed it into the account!

“Ai, isn’t this too little?” GuoGuo was clearly not too satisfied with this. She stretched out her hand and pointed at the South City Tiger Trio, “All three of them had 10,000.”

“GuoGuo, please pity ge.” QiangZi’s face was tragic. “Look at my car, look at my……”

GuoGuo waved her hand. “Well forget it, ai, too bad they have to call you Mighty Brother.”

With that GuoGuo was finally done talking. Lu Feng saw QiangZi and quickly waved, “Qiang-ge come over, haha, come, come, got an acquaintance here. Last time that guy that helped you handle that car is here too!”

QiangZi heard and his eyes shined – HongNan District’s branch had such a fiery business going, and Yun-ge insisted on him taking 70% of the income. He also ought to change his car, and just now he came across a footsoldier… Then he should have a good talk with him to see if he could get a car with more face for a lower price to play with.

Xu Yun was really relaxed towards these people, since those that came were all friends. Shan HongNing also brought the three panacea cuisine chefs with him. The little panacea restaurant directly started up the fire, and plate after plate of delicious dishes were presented to the crowd.

GuoGuo counted money with great joy, and the entire restaurant’s people all had a great laugh, full of praise for the panacea restaurant!

The panacea restaurant re-opened with a vengeance!

The sound of a brief, disdainful laugh came from the entrance. GuoGuo astutely raised her head to look, and stared intently at an old woman who definitely didn’t seem like she came to give gifts.

Ruan QingShuang with her sixth sense craned her neck to look at the doorway, immediately her eyes suddenly widened. “Aunt Weng, why are you here?”

“To turn my nice little shop into this… hm hm hm, you still have in mind to have such a large opening ceremony?” The woman looked like she was around 50 years old; her face was a bit saggy, but still had heavy make up. With big crystal earrings, an exquisite platinum necklace, both her wrists had green jade bracelets – her entire outfit with luxurious brands projected an imposingly proud person.

Ruan QingShuang had a bit of an ugly expression, “Aunt Weng, it’s not like that. Because some time ago the shop was destroyed by people, I had no choice but to renovate anew….”

But the woman known as Aunt Weng by Ruan QingShuang had an indifferent expression and said, “I don’t care about your reason. On the contract it is written very clearly; without getting my consent and to change my property on your own, then I have the right to take my property back.”

What!? Retrieve the shop?

GuoGuo’s eyes stared and then she stood on the reception desk – this landlady was too scamming right?

Ruan QingShuang continued to explain, saying, “I really didn’t intend to, I also didn’t want to do things like this…..”

“Hehe, even the floor tiles were changed? It seems like you’re really treating this like it’s your own property?” Aunt Weng smiled her eyes squinty, “Little Ruan, it’s not that Aunt Weng isn’t reasonable, but I handle things according to contract. I will take back the property. Move out tomorrow.”

Ruan QingShuang suddenly felt thunderstruck – move out! Move out to where!?

Not waiting for Ruan QingShuang to say anymore, Aunt Weng suddenly raised her voice – towards everyone in the room she shouted, “Everyone listen clearly! I, Weng Qing, am taking back this property today. If anyone damages anything inside, then don’t blame me, Weng Qing for being ruthless!”

Weng Qing!?

Originally a hundred or so people from HeDong City’s two southern districts were all chatting and laughing, but suddenly everyone became quiet. Everyone’s gaze was as though it had been sucked by a magnet, directly locking onto this elegant old woman at the entrance!

Xu Yun frowned, and walked out from the kitchen. It really was one after another, who was this woman?

QiangZi’s jaw nearly fell onto the ground. Why would the wife of Jin Biao, HeDong City’s Eastside boss appear here? And she even said she came to take back the property. He was amazed that the owner of this property was actually Weng Qing.

This woman was not simple. Even though this 50 year-old woman had the charm to manage Jin Biao’s things, and she could tacitly allow him to go outside and play with women, but she absolutely wouldn’t allow Jin Biao to support half a woman outside.

Jin Biao originally relied on his wife’s father to climb to his position, so he basically followed his wife’s advice. The magnificent Eastside gangster boss didn’t even dare to support a third mistress, and he cherished number four. If Ma PingHai could contend for number five, his colorful happiness would decrease by a lot.

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