Yin Long’s death made Xu Yun’s inner evil surge. At the time ShiFu had told Xu Yun, that if he didn’t purge his inner evil, he would forever remain below true experts, unable to break through to the next realm.

Every day Xu Yun would practice according to ShiFu’s personal instruction of inhaling and exhaling techniques to adjust his own boundaries, however his inner evil never showed any ablation.

However today, after following the Violent Fox Lady Qiu Yan on that chase, Xu Yun felt a sense that the inner evil seemed to ease a bit.

Although this kind of feeling lasted for just a moment, it encouraged him to train harder with this unreliable method – was finding and contesting a near-peak expert a solution to completely banish his inner evil?

Before leaving off to somewhere, ShiFu proposed this idea. The result was an overwhelming shaming rejection, criticizing that this unreliable method was something only a wretch could propose!

Alas, as many days pa.s.sed, Xu Yun trained his breathing exercises daily, but never felt his inner evil weakening. After a while it was normal to feel a bit of impatience, so he boldly tested the theory out.

Xu Yun sighed, he never would’ve thought that this time, the Chinese Underworld would have such a major reshuffle that was this unexpectedly colossal. Even the Giant Owl Feng MingGuo, vast like Mount Tai, barely managed to escape. It seems this area had a conspiracy that definitely was like a wolf’s lair – too deep to measure.

Xu Yun also never would have thought that GuoGuo was surprisingly Millenium Feng’s only, precious granddaughter. The Feng Clan’s precious daughter was definitely that earth-shakingly famous, little witch of the Suzhou Underworld.

Who would dare to believe that Xu Yun is acquainted with such a famous and precious granddaughter?

“Forget it, I’ll stop thinking about it.” Xu Yun shook his head. Tomorrow he had to get up early to go to work. If he was late and messed up, GuoGuo would penalize his salary.

Xu Yun got up early and directly headed to the panacea restaurant. Ruan QingShuang was mopping and GuoGuo was holding a washcloth and tiptoe-ing in her chair.

“Daddy, why don’t you say yourself what time it is?” GuoGuo seriously pointed at her genuine Disney Mickey Mouse watch, “The early bird gets the worm.”

Tch! This girl…

Xu Yun picked up GuoGuo and put her on the reception desk. He directly started tickling her, “Early worm gets eaten by the bird!”

“Hahaha…” GuoGuo laughed particularly brightly.

Ruan QingShuang couldn’t do anything about GuoGuo on the table, so she helplessly said, “GuoGuo, stop bothering people. Don’t disturb Uncle Xu Yun from going to prepare the kitchen. Stop causing trouble.”

Xu Yun heard Ruan QingShuang also acquiesced to addressing him (as uncle), he internally swelled with elation, “Alright, GuoGuo go help mommy scrub the chairs, daddy has to go to work.”

“Mkay, pay attention to details! Working with the boss, perception is a must.”  GuoGuo had the aura of a small manager. She said in a low voice, “If you wanna pick up my mommy you need to be hard-working.”

“GuoGuo!” Ruan QingShuang’s pretty face blushed as she glared.

Xu Yun couldn’t help but laugh.

Once it hit lunch time, contrary to expectations, the panacea restaurant had a ton of customers.

The spectacle was like a flag unfurling in the breeze, with mountains and seas of people coming for lunch in huge crowds.

GuoGuo excitedly stood up directly on the reception desk. Holding and shaking a laptop and wagging her hand like a beckoning money-cat, “Seniors, aunts, and uncles, please place your order! Check-out is here!”

TN: money cats are symbols of good luck and fortune.

With such a cute little bookkeeper directing people, the customers couldn’t resist ordering extra. Several beautiful women couldn’t resist pinching GuoGuo’s little cheeks.

“To earn money, I have to sell myself a bit like an alluring beauty sells her face.” GuoGuo said glumly. GuoGuo certainly wasn’t too happy, but instead said nothing and gave a welcoming smile just like a flower.

Ruan QingShuang felt that everything in front of her was just like a dream. The panacea restaurant lately had been dull. Although not on the verge of closing, it was just barely by.

Ruan QingShuang originally used secret recipes from a famous lineage for healthy and health-maintaining dishes. After Xu Yun was hired into the mix, he used techniques that were more palatable, eliminating the taste of Chinese medicine. Even children liked it, including GuoGuo who also felt deeply about it.

Most remarkable was Xu Yun’s ginseng orchid soup with lean meat. It cancelled the orchid’s unusual flavor. Originally a very unpopular choice, the orchid soup went so far as becoming an absolute hit. Customers praised it non-stop!

“Old man Li, in the past wasn’t your master the one who cooked for the Emperor? This is your field, did you come to judge it?” A 60+ year old man beside Li asked him.

“This dish is absolutely excellent!” Old man Li nodded his head repeatedly, praising non-stop. “I never would have guessed that this chef has quite a bit of skill with Chinese medicine flavors! It must be known, these are skills that most people in the imperial kitchens couldn’t grasp their entire lives!”

Many young people heard these two old-timers chatting, making them antic.i.p.ate the imperial kitchens’ flavors eagerly – what exactly did the creations of the panacea cuisine taste like?

Ruan QingShuang secretly pondered that GuoGuo was truly a lucky star. She went so far as to give her such an amazing chef, and yet his salary was still low.

GuoGuo’s hands had cramped from counting money, but she still laughed like no other. A pair of small hands rapped on the calculator with a pi-li-pa-la sound. Her mind was very clear, methodical, and on all accounts there wasn’t a single mistake.

The business of the panacea restaurant exploded, the people who discovered it spread the word very quickly on the internet until Lu Bao heard about it. Lu Bao was still biding his time, and directly slipped into the restaurant. He never imagined that business would be so good that it left him speechless.

As GuoGuo was stuffing stacks of cash into the drawer, the sharp-eyed Lu Bao discovered it in an instant. He lowered his posture and soundlessly made his way to the reception desk.

GuoGuo suddenly felt a sense of danger and turned her head and saw Lu Bao’s still bruised face hanging a sinister smile, looking disapprovingly at her.

Lu Bao couldn’t possibly think of GuoGuo as a problem, “Little miss beautiful, someone is looking for you outside. Go outside and play yeah? Leave this to uncle to handle and it will be fine.”

“Pshh, are you tricking a three-year old?” Is GuoGuo at the level of an urchin? How can just a few words trick GuoGuo?” GuoGuo said with disdain. Her face was now full of contempt as she said, “Mister wants to claim me as a relative to try to get connections, but this little lady won’t bite.”

Lu Bao was worried Ruan QingShuang would finish whatever she was busy with and discover him. Seeing GuoGuo wasn’t easily fooled, he ferociously glared at her and like a tiger said, “Will you believe me if I say I’ll sell you to the people in the middle of nowhere as a child bride?! You little sh’t…”

“Daddy!” A clear and tender voice sounded out. GuoGuo wasn’t going to fall for this trick.

Lu Bao still hadn’t learned his lesson. A figure towered over him, his stare unbroken. Lu Bao’s pupils flashed alarmingly with sheer terror, completely doubled in size. “B…b…brother….”

Xu Yun cleanly and orderly raised his leg. Swiftly and ferociously like icy wind, he kicked Lu Bao right in the stomach!

Lu Bao curled up with stomach pain! He flew directly out the reception area, and with a crash, landed kneeling on the floor. The stomach acid in his belly nearly came out!

“Are you a toy? Done after that?” Xu Yun loosened his arms with big circles. “Scaring a little kid, is it very profitable eh?”

Many of the customers heard the commotion and threw disdainful glares. Ruan QingShuang was also drawn to the sound, and seeing Lu Bao on the floor, she frowned her brow in anger and shouted, “What are you doing here! Scram!”

“Are you waiting for me to escort you?” Xu Yun was too lazy to dirty his hands.

Lu Bao’s forehead dripped sweat – hearing Xu Yun speak was getting mercy. He lowered his head and bowed, clutching his stomach as he fled. Inside though he was gritting his teeth angrily, though he didn’t dare let out so much as a fart.

“Worthy of being my daddy!” GuoGuo giggled loudly – suddenly sniffing the air, “Huh….what’s this smell?”

Xu Yun also smelled a scorched smell, suddenly he frowned, cr’p! The fire was still on for the pot!


Even with the small episode, there was no effect on the business of the panacea restaurant. As soon as it was midday, approximately 2-300 customers worth of income was quite consistent.

“7368!” GuoGuo proudly declared, wiggling her little bottom left and right. She shook a stack of bills and an account book. They had money at last – on Ruan QingShuang’s face there was a relaxed smile. What else could possibly excite GuoGuo more?

Ruan QingShuang experienced a sense of comfort she had never experienced before. In the past, one day’s worth of income was 2-300 Yuan. After expenses, pure profit was plentiful, and today in the tight s.p.a.ce of 2 hours in one afternoon of operation, they had surprisingly earned income that exceeded the 7000 barrier!

Xu Yun took off the ap.r.o.n and walked out of the kitchen. His face beamed, “Shuang-jie, your inherited recipes of the panacea restaurant are well received.”

“I never would’ve believed business would be so good!” Ruan QingShuang exclaimed. Ruan QingShuang didn’t know that it was all thanks to the flyers that Xu Yun arranged for. “Do you think that other days will also be like today?”

“Of course, getting better is a must.” Xu Yun smiled till his eyes were tiny, “Maybe in 3-5 months, we’ll be able to open an even bigger panacea restaurant.”

“Really? Today was tough on you!” Ruan QingShuang got somewhat carried away… Unexpectedly almost like she was possessed, she snuck a kiss on Xu Yun’s cheek!

Of course, after such a move, she herself felt it was too sudden. In an instant her face flushed red. Even though she had grown up, it was the first time she had ever been so close to a man.

But just now was like some kind of mysterious power, a crazy motion beyond Ruan QingShuang’s control.

Was it because this man brought about so much change?

Xu Yun, after this situation… In the past, he had to follow a sweaty herd of some old men’s playboy sons everyday, eternally unable to bathe cleanly. As it was, how would he ever know of a woman’s tender touch? Just now Ruan QingShuang’s gentle kiss shocked his entire body like a gunshot!

This could match winning the lottery!

“♪ Give me a kiss~ kiss my face and leave a love mark~♪!” GuoGuo saw it and immediately began singing, “Give me a kiss~♪ so that in my heart I will think of you~♪.”

TN: It’s the lyrics from a cla.s.sic love song if you’re curious:

Ruan QingShuang heard the singing and immediately escaped to the reception desk, her face beet red with no signs of fading. She firmly kissed GuoGuo’s forehead, “Were you happy with that just now?”

“Completely can’t compare with kissing daddy just now.” GuoGuo said matter-of-factly. GuoGuo had to point out the vast difference.

Ruan QingShuang squinted at GuoGuo with her face flushing to an even deeper hue of red and she firmly said to GuoGuo, “Then how about GuoGuo follow mommy upstairs, mommy can make you tender….”

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