Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 90


Originally this guy wearing a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops was sitting at Su XiaoRan’s side, already made Liu TianYi especially unhappy, and now this guy actually dared to speak up and mock him? Simply laughable!

Liu TianYi looked up Xu Yun up and down, and he swore that that a single shoelace of his was worth more than than his whole outfit by who knows how many times. With just him, how was he ent.i.tled to sit next to Su XiaoRan? Towards Xu Yun, Liu TianYi didn’t have any kind of elegant smile. “Who are you? When I’m talking to XiaoRan, is it up to you to interrupt?”

Su XiaoRan’s face slightly changed. Among the young teachers, Liu TianYi was the one with the most background, and rumors said that his family isn’t that type that just had a little bit of money – he had three or four cars, and the cheapest was worth 500 – 600,000.

Thus among teachers at the school, Liu TianYi was more a.s.sertive without fear. Because of his background, most of the teachers viewed him as lofty, so he entirely felt he was far, far above others.

Su XiaoRan was absolutely HeDong International Bilingual School’s beauty, more beautiful than all other teachers in the whole city.

Liu TianYi naturally felt the two of them were “rich”* together; a match made in heaven. Thus he never stopped his pursuit of Su XiaoRan, only that Su XiaoRan’s response was pretty clear that she didn’t like the type of tall, rich, and handsome like Liu TianYi. She wasn’t the type of girl that dreamed of marrying into the rich and powerful everyday, and wasn’t the type of girl that would frivolously commit herself for luxury things.

 *Riches or wealth (cai) in Chinese is a h.o.m.onym for the phrase lángcái-nǚmào or a perfect couple.

Xu Yun being annoyed by Liu TianYi hadn’t said anything. When Shuang-jie went out, she had told GuoGuo to not cause any trouble at school for Teacher Su. If he couldn’t help but to give this pretentious b.a.s.t.a.r.d a slap, then the one who found trouble for Teacher Su wasn’t the wicked daughter, but the wicked father.

Liu TianYi saw Xu Yun had no intent to respond, with a sneering *hmph*, inside he said:Just a f.u.c.king useless thing, and you still want to s.n.a.t.c.h a woman from papa? And don’t p.i.s.s yourself when you look in the mirror and see how disgraceful you are.

The vicious inner Liu TianYi was on the surface gentle to death of a person. “XiaoRan, with my position as a friend and colleague I want to teach you how to drive, truly without other intentions.”

Su XiaoRan already didn’t want to bother with stressing that he call her Teacher Su. “Teacher Liu, I thank you for your good intentions. You can also see I have an instructor. I don’t need to trouble you.”

“Him?” Liu TianYi disdainfully looked at Xu Yun. “From where could he be considered an instructor? What can moving his lips do? Seeing the top of the front car’s rear b.u.mper and the car’s distance is about one meter? What kind of use do these kinds of rigid things have?”

But Su XiaoRan didn’t agree with Liu TianYi’s words. “I think that if it can be used, it’s good. This is the way I’ve chosen to learn.”

With that, Su XiaoRan said to Xu Yun. “Instructor Xu, you can continue to explain, I will earnestly take notes.”

Xu Yun didn’t mind. “Sure, then I’ll continue, eh……from the left rear view mirror, seeing the back tire’s hubcap distance from the ground is the position of the car’s rear…….”

“Just what are these things you’re talking about?” Liu TianYi directly interrupted Xu Yun’s words. Without the slightest courtesy he asked, “Do you have a car?”

Xu Yun honestly replied. “No.”

Liu TianYi heard and with a face full of disdain said, “You don’t even have a car, how can you teach XiaoRan to drive? Have you driven a car before? Have you driven a Porsche before? Driven a Benz before? Driven a BMW before?”

“Haven’t.” Xu Yun shook his head.

Liu TianYi truly wondered how this guy could shamelessly reply to him, and continued forcefully asking, “Then have you heard what a Ferrari is? What a Maserati is? Have you seen a Bentley before? Have you seen a Rolls-Royce Phantom before?”

“I have indeed heard of them, but have never seen them.” Xu Yun still honestly replied.

Liu TianYi scoffed, of course he knew this kind of ground beetle definitely hadn’t seen them before. Proudly pleased with himself, Liu TianYi said, “I’m telling you, the cars I have driven are far more than the cars you know! How can you teach XiaoRan to drive? What kinds of vehicles have you driven?”

Xu Yun stroked his chin, pondering for a bit before opening his mouth to speak. “I’ve driven light tanks, driven armored personnel carriers, driven amphibious transports, and infrared laser reconnaissance vehicles – can these be considered?”

Su XiaoRan stared at Xu Yun wide wide eyes – was this guy joking? How could those things be driven by an ordinary person?

Liu TianYi froze for quite a while before he suddenly exploded into unbridled laughter. “Hahahaha! You think I’m an idiot? You’ve driven a tank? Hahaha! I’ve driven an airplane too!”

“Oh? Airplanes also count? Then I’ve piloted the Fierce Dragon light combat aircraft, piloted Apache helicopter gunships, and also Air Early Warning aircraft.” Xu Yun exceeded the numbers on both hands from counting, as though it was that many types. He wasn’t a pilot, and didn’t have that many chances to fly the skies.

“Are you treating me as a fool?” Liu TianYi already stopped listening. “Who would believe the things you said? Hmph!”

Xu Yun shrugged his shoulders. “If you don’t believe it then forget it. I don’t need you to believe me, you asked me yourself.”

“XiaoRan, do you believe the words this kind of person is saying?” Liu TianYi completely treated Xu Yun as a mentally ill idiot. An ordinary person absolutely wouldn’t boast about this kind of stuff, complete and pure nonsense.

Su XiaoRan’s face was a bit unsightly. Her tone became serious, “Teacher Liu, what I do is my free will. If you don’t have anything else then I won’t see you off.”

The flesh around Liu TianYi’s eyes clearly twitched, apparently he felt rage at this choice of Su XiaoRan. “You still feel that this guy understands cars better? He might not even be able to even drive! When you see his clothes, don’t they seem like someone who can’t afford a car?”

Su XiaoRan sternly said, “If you didn’t see it yourself then don’t make presumptuous judgments!”

Liu TianYi saw how Su XiaoRan was sternly berating him, and he was surprised. He fiercely glared at Xu Yun. “Boy, you’d best be careful!”

“As should you.” Xu Yun was too lazy to think about this guy’s threat. Compared to the danger of the person that saved Crimson Scorpion, this tall, rich and handsome teacher’s threat was completely just a fart.

“Hmph!” Liu TianYi heavily snorted then turned and left, a blaze of fire thirty feet high rapidly shot up from the top of his head.

Su XiaoRan couldn’t help but to knit her beautiful brow together. She was quite a bit worried, after all Liu TianYi was a guy from a family with a lot of background and a lot of money. For Xu Yun to not give him face like that, she was a bit worried he would do something improper to Xu Yun.

After waiting for Liu TianYi to leave, Su XiaoRan couldn’t help but to reveal a worried expression, “Xu Yun, I’m sorry, Teacher Liu is exactly a proud and arrogant person. If he offended you in any way, I apologize for him.”

Xu Yun shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize for him. I can see that you don’t like him. I’m guessing he’ll often come to bother you right? Teacher Su, if you need any kind of help you can talk to me. What I hate to see most is a shameless man.”

Su XiaoRan slightly bitterly smiled and said, “It isn’t as serious as you say. But I truly don’t like that kind of man that relies too much on the relationship of his family, always with an air and manner of arrogance. And this arrogance really isn’t from relying on himself, so I don’t like it.”

“Then directly tell him.” Xu Yun said, “If you don’t like him then you don’t like him, this can’t be forced.”

Su XiaoRan nodded her head, “I have said it before, just that……”

“But he’s still thick-skinned and shamelessly bothering you? I knew it definitely would be like this. He seemed like a person like a dog and fake, but I hadn’t thought that he was also a shameless fellow.” Xu Yun gave a very blunt a.s.sessment.

“Eh, till now he hasn’t done anything, just always saying he wanted to be friends. Ai, but in front of other people’s he would always call out to me so familiarly. Someone who didn’t know clearly about the situation would always think there was something between he and I.” Su XiaoRan’s headaches were exactly this situation. “Right now very many teachers are already saying things like I’m in a relationship with the rich and powerful and so on, and I have no way of explaining.”

Xu Yun nodded his head, indicating that he especially understood. That guy’s methods were already considered smart, a scheme to make smoke, making the many colleagues think there was something between the two. Then after groundless gossip spreads, by then even if Su XiaoRan doesn’t agree she has to agree. Sooner or later the matter was like how a water current would push the boat.

The intelligence of this kind of method was that it birthed feelings from nothing. Even if Su XiaoRan didn’t have one bit of feelings for him, people would think she was indecent, pretending. If Su XiaoRan persisted till the end of not being together with the opposing side, then people wouldn’t think that Su XiaoRan was faithful, but definitely would think that she thought too highly of herself, and then Liu TianYi got tired of her and dumped her.

“How about I’ll talk to him for you?” Xu Yun smiled, that person was exactly the type that relied on his family’s circ.u.mstances well. From childhood to adulthood they were spoiled, if he truly viciously gave him a beating, just once would change him.

Su XiaoRan quickly waved her hand. “No need, truly no need. I can handle my own situations myself.”

“Then sure, do you want to continue listening?” Xu Yun pointed at Su XiaoRan’s pen for recording notes.

Su XiaoRan used all her strength to nod her head, “Of course! Right, just now you said you drove tanks before, piloted airplanes before, is that true or false?”

Xu Yun squinted his eyes and smiled, if in the end she asked like breaking the pot to get to the bottom of it – he didn’t know how he would explain, and then directly shook his head. “I’m not Shook or Beta* , where would I go to drive airplanes and tanks? It’s just nonsense.”

*Chinese cartoon mice who drive tanks and other military vehicles.

Su XiaoRan’s expectant expression was clearly a bit disappointed. Just now she truly believed – without knowing why, she felt that this man’s words were very much plausible. Just now she suspected he was a the kind of fighter that was good at everything and was a legend in the Chinese army.

However, returning to the topic, how could a soldier good at everything that was this young escape to come out as a chef? Because of Su XiaoRan’s rich imaginative power she felt it was especially ridiculous.

The lecture continued, and Xu Yun spoke vividly and colorfully while Su XiaoRan listened with keen interest and pleasure. Besides the large time interval between cla.s.ses when GuoGuo came here to pester endlessly, most of the time it was still rather harmonious.

Finally cla.s.ses ended, and GuoGuo again directly rushed to Su XiaoRan’s office, known as “catching them in the act”.

In one morning, Su XiaoRan learned very much information that driving school didn’t cover, so she was extremely grateful. “To show my grat.i.tude, I’ll treat you guys to lunch okay? Is it alright GuoGuo?”

With a suspicious expression, GuoGuo rolled her eyes. In her heart she said, This development is too excessively fast right? In one morning dad won over Teacher Su? Dad is worthy of being called an expert in picking up girls.

This morning it was you that was driving us over, it should be me and GuoGuo thanking you.” Xu Yun slightly smiled saying, “It should be us that treat you.”

GuoGuo waved her hand like a small adult, “Okay okay, you guys don’t be polite. We should directly go back to the panacea restaurant to have a meal alright? Teacher Su, could it be that you don’t want to taste my dad’s craftsmanship?”

Su XiaoRan heard and couldn’t help but nod her head, apologetically looking at Xu Yun she asked, “Can we?”

“Let’s go!” Of course Xu Yun was willing.

“I’ll drive. Hehe, GuoGuo, Teacher Su is no longer this morning’s killer on the road, your dad taught me many things.” Su XiaoRan said proudly.

GuoGuo had a confused expression, “Could it be that this morning inside the car when Teacher Su was touched in the thigh by dad, now she can learn anything?”

Su XiaoRan’s smiling expression directly became rigid on her face – Xu Yun directly wanted to use his head to crack the wall!

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