Chapter 11

w.a.n.g YunFeng woke up to the repet.i.tion of questions and answers, when he opened hiseyes he found he had already returned to the w.a.n.g residence, beneath his headwas indeed embroidery ` Whenothers do not trouble me, I would not trouble others` bed curtains.

As a seniorimperial censor, he always remembered his responsibilities ---- to take downall unscrupulous officials.

Of course,those seven words weren’t his motto, but the imperial censor w.a.n.g familyteachings.

Outside thecurtains, behind the twelve green hills and rocks, vermillion orchids,sandalwood screen was Xia Ling Mei’s faint silhouette, leisurely askingsomething.

“Lordw.a.n.g’s injuries only need a month to completely heal…”

Xia LingMei asked: “That is to say he won’t die?”

“Lady, Lordw.a.n.g has always been healthy, he’s also in his prime…”

“Then hedoesn’t have any internal injuries? Just last night I saw him cough blood.

“Hisinternal injuries aren’t serious, let this old doctor prescribe some medicine,to nurse his health…”

Xia LingMei felt great pity: “He really won’t die?”

“Lady,w.a.n.g…Lord w.a.n.g, the heavens helps the worthy, also he’s an important courtminister, you…”

Xia LingMei was at a loss: “Are his bones strong or is his life strong, he won’t evendie from this.”

“Of coursehe won’t die!” The doctor could no longer bear it, shouting out, “I’ve seen thecold and ruthless murder for money, I’ve also seen those with false friendshipsuse powerful connections to intimidate people, I’ve even seen those who pay lipservice and are secretly ruthless, this is the first time I’ve met someone likeyou who openly curse a person’s injuries to not heal and die early from so muchpain as to not want to live and reincarnate earlier. 

Are you sceptical of Lordw.a.n.g’s desire to survive, or are you sceptical of this brilliant doctor, ormaybe, you wish this old doctor to die but won’t so you’ll cause him to diefrom excessive anger!”

Xia LingMei blinked: “How did you know?”

“You, you,you.” The old man shook his beard blossoming with white, his nose flared,finally he suddenly slapped the table: “This old doctor will fight you. Anyhowthis old doctor will make him better, infuriate you this poisonous woman.”

Xia LingMei’s mouth deflated: “You don’t have to completely heal him, at least make itso he’s paralysed on one side of the body, blind or deaf, maybe make it so hecan’t have intercourse…”

“Go dream!”The old man who was driven crazy wrote several prescriptions, tossing thewriting brush aside, he humphed in anger, stamping his feet he personally tookthe medicine to boil. He did not believe, with this old man here, that apatient doing well could…be dysfunctional? Ah pah, Lord w.a.n.g simply didn’t havean illness in that area.

Xiu Yulooked at her lady, before looking at that old man filled with vitality:“Should I take a look?”

Xia LingMei was flipping over the name cards covering the table, looking at one shefrowned, looking at two she crossed her eyes: “Go, on the way get someone todeliver a pot of good tea.” When she finished speaking, she picked up the pileof cards herself and wandered to the bedside, bending over to look at theseemingly still asleep w.a.n.g Yun Feng, without the slightest hesitation,ruthlessly, she opened her hand. Numerous cards turned into a downpour poundingon w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s body, he didn’t move at all.

Xia LingMei crooked her head: “Could it be he really didn’t wake up? Just now I clearlyheard the sound of him heavily breathing.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng kept his eyes shut, motionless.

If he wokeup, it couldn’t be said for sure Xia Ling Mei would immediately turn to leave, ifshe didn’t have to take care of a patient, she would have no reason to stay atw.a.n.g residence; if she didn’t stay at w.a.n.g residence, then he couldn’t hang onto her; if she left, she really won’t return.

w.a.n.g YunFeng could feel the other person’s gaze resting on his cheeks, he made aneffort to slow his breathing.

Not longafter, his nose was pinched together, if he opened his mouth he would beexposed, he couldn’t breathe, his face was choked to redness, his chest andback where he had been whipped faintly ached, he felt he was the first officialin Dayan to be murdered by their ex-wife, and the only one.

When he hadlost all hope, his nose was released, he was alive again.

“He reallystill haven’t woken up.” Xia Ling Mei uttered to herself, then slapping w.a.n.gYun Feng’s cheeks.

She startedgently, afterwards each hit was harder than the last, this wasn’t wakingsomeone up, this was beating someone up, this was violence, if it carried onlike this, even though he’s alive he wouldn’t be able to see anyone for sometime. However, w.a.n.g Yun 

Feng was still not prepared to wake up. If he can’t seeanyone then he can’t see anyone, it was enough to trap Xia Ling Mei to have avery close relationship with him every day, every night a man and woman alonetogether, afterwards, even if she wanted to run away she wouldn’t be able toescape the palm of his hand. What is a tinnitus dizziness count as, after a fewdays the swelling in the face will no longer be a serious matter, a month ofbeing too embarra.s.sed to see people did not matter…

“Lady, amessage has arrived from Lord Gu.”

The hittingfrom the palms stopped, Xia Ling Mei took the message looking at it, with herback to the light, her expression was not clear: “Where is he?”

“Right nowhe’s waiting in the hall.”

Xia LingMei without the slightest hesitation: “Let’s go.”

No! w.a.n.gYun Feng who was lying on the bed pretending to sleep felt he couldn’t waiteven a day, he had to stop Xia Ling Mei from seeing outsiders, especially thatwolf of the Gu family who likes to eat chicken.

Not having seenhim for a few days, Gu Lang was somewhat even more good looking and handsome,from head to toe he had a trace of manners of an outstanding scholar, donned inwhite, a white fan, spinning a jasper pendant in the air, attracting recklessthoughts.

He did notcome to see the seriously injured Lord w.a.n.g, he came to see Xia Ling Mei. Somepeople, with beautiful people they always meticulously compare men, especially underthe circ.u.mstances that this man could still be a rival in love.

The twowere silent for a while, Gu Lang’s gaze always remained on Xia Ling Mei.

How was henot aware of it before? This woman’s manners could not be that of a Jianghuwoman, her every word and action seemed recklessly laid-back, but between herevery movement there was an air of n.o.bility which could not be concealed;although she often used rash language, but in her eyes there were never anyindignation or grievance, she was proud, and good at hiding the truetemperament of a woman. Clearly living at the Gu residence, she was disliked bythe old lady, ignored by the old maids and young maids, her basic needs werenot limited, but everything revealed finery and luxury.

Such aperson, was naturally born to socialise with the sly and treacherous, wearingmore masks than the essential medicines at home.

This waswealth delivered to the door, it’s a shortcut to power.

Gu Langdecided to act late than never, he decided to firmly grasp hold of her.

Gu Langgrabbed the whip in Xia Ling Mei’s hand, lovingly: “I’ve already talked it overwith mother, to select an auspicious date to go to your house to proposemarriage, let’s decide our marriage as soon as possible.”

Xia LingMei secretly pulled on the whip, she didn’t pull it free, putting on a fakesmile she asked: “Originally didn’t the old lady object. She knew my familybackground isn’t good, appearance isn’t good, completely without talent andlearning, temper isn’t dignified or amiable, also not intelligent and talented,well-mannered, kind-hearted, self-cultivated and virtuous, how can such a womanlike myself enter the doors of the Gu family.”

Gu Lang didnot understand in the slightest her sarcasm: “Even if there’s a hundred orthousand things no good about you, I still like you.” He repeatedly stroked thewhip, just like he was holding Xia Ling Mei’s supple physique: “Didn’t youoften say, liking a woman you must like all her merits and faults.”

Xia LingMei smiled: “Then tell me what are my faults?”

Gu Langcontinued tender-heartedly: “All your faults are merits in my eyes.”

He came tonose around his rival, Juan Shu who acted as the door G.o.d rubbed his own gooseb.u.mps. This Lord Gu, his words of love were truly filled with affection, filledwith emotions and serious meaning, deep feelings like the sea, love…

“But,” Xia LingMei frowned, “doesn’t your cousin Lady Hua also love you a lot?”

Gu Lang`hehe` laughed, he couldn’t conceal his pride: “That is cousin, she likes mebut I don’t like her, no harm.”

“But shewants to marry you.”

“It’s notlike she wants to marry you, why are you worried.” Gu Lang said slightlyangrily, immediately he was pleasant again: “If the worse comes to worse I’lllet her be my concubine.”

Xia LingMei raised her eyebrow, fingers pulling with all her might freeing the whip:“Lord Gu is a high ranking official, to go so far as to make the first daughterof a grand third rank official your concubine.” You think you’re a lecherousemperor.

Gu Langcoldly snorted: “How can Bao Xia be considered the daughter of a third rankofficial, at best she can only be considered the daughter of a merchant. Theofficial is her uncle, not her father, making her my concubine is an honourfrom the Gu family.” Although several days ago the mother and son were rushingto invite that Lady Hua to stay at the Gu residence for a long time, making uptheir minds to make her the mistress of the Gu residence in advance, he didn’texpect after all this work, unexpected the wife he had 

prepared for actuallybecame a backup concubine.

Xia LingMei smiled weakly: “This is inappropriate, if you break their dignity, Huafamily will definitely cause trouble for you. You haven’t been an official forlong, you don’t have any authority behind or in front to look after and helpyou, inevitably it’ll go wrong.”

Gu Langstared blankly for a moment, he only placed the other person’s thoughts andefforts on himself, worried about his future as an official. He couldn’t helpbut step forward, he wanted to get close to her: “What’s to worry, don’t I haveyou in front of me.”

“Thenbehind you?”

Gu Langbeamed genuinely: “There’s my wife’s parents’, your parents’.”

Xia LingMei’s expression changed several times, could it be her ident.i.ty was alreadyknown by every one? Or maybe, Gu Lang is being sly with his words?

Xia LingMei decided to change rather than not.

Gu Lang watchedher without a word, thinking his words had already moved her, increasinglypleased with himself: “Anyway sooner or later I will have to go proposemarriage, why don’t you first tell me where your hometown is, what the rank of yourfather is, I will quickly send someone to ask for marriage.”

Xia LingMei did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Last nightshe heard those people talk about Lord Gu, she had believed it was this Lord Guin Chenzhou, she thought sooner or later she would have to pry out of them theperson controlling behind the scene, she didn’t expect she still couldn’t findout about anything, the other person had thought of her plan before she did,she did not know how many thoughts had gone around the back of that person, todeal with the Xia and w.a.n.g family.

Her mindwas flexible, having experienced much, and she was good at communicating withpeople, as long as she set her mind to a plan, no one could beat herdedication.

Thinkingfor a little while, she pretended to be suspicious: “It’s not impossible topropose marriage, but, your current official rank is too low, I’m afraid fatherwon’t approve. It would be better, if you find someone who is of a betterposition in the country, a real powerful official to my house to ask, maybe itwould work…”

“Yourfather won’t approve.” He shouted resolutely, breaking the seemingly non-existentambiguity and temptation between the two. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was leaning on Juan Shuwho had tipped him off, he walked in too weak to stand.

Gu Langimmediately stood up: “Lord w.a.n.g, you…”

“She won’tmarry you.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng did not feel like socialising with him.

When GuLang heard these words he was angry, imposingly he said: “The personal mattersbetween us two do not concern Lord w.a.n.g.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng snorted, at a fast pace he walked over pulling Xia Ling Mei’s wrist: “Tellhim, you won’t marry him.”

Xia LingMei sneered: “Aren’t you more dead than alive, why did you come out here, doyou dislike having a long life?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng knew Xia Ling Mei’s temper, enduring the pain he pulled her behind him, ina towering rage he said: “Lord Gu, you might not know, in earlier years she hadalready become my official wife.”

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