While w.a.n.gYun Feng rushed to the rear courtyard, Gu Lang happened to have just padrespects to the Zhao Princess. This wolf had an even better nose for huntingthen a hound, if there was even the tiniest movement in the w.a.n.g residence hewould immediately run over to b.u.t.t in, not concealing in the slightest his wildwolf ambitions towards Xia Ling Mei.

Althoughthe Zhao Princess status is respected, when she was younger she was ratherfamous for being foolish. This foolishness was to play the fool, with greatintelligence appearing stupid.

Wolf Gu Langmentioned his own outstanding achievements as a county magistrate, talking bigwith saliva splashing, the Zhao Princess opened her phoenix eyes, a face fullof admiration: “So Lord Gu has pa.s.sed sentence on so many murder cases, trulydeserve praise for your courage.”

Wolf GuLang with false modesty: “You overpraise me.”

The ZhaoPrincess turned her head to ask Xia Ling Mei: “Tell me, a murder case takesplace every day in a county town, does that not prove those within the countyare a group of poor and extremely terrible and fierce people? These people hadtheir cases solved by Lord Gu, is good if they were beheaded, if they haven’tbeen beheaded, then when the emperor gives amnesty every year they will bereleased from prison, would they not seek revenge against Lord Gu?”

Xia LingMei sat cross-legged on the couch, smiling but not smiling: “It’s nothing, LordGu is a nine live cat, he won’t die.”

The ZhaoPrincess pondered over it for a while, echoing her: “Indeed, I heard somepeople really like to cut open the chest and belly of corrupt officials, usingtheir intestines to make a rope to hang the other person to death, letting theother organs to fester and die with a remaining grievance.”

Lord Gugave a forced laugh: “This official is honest and clean, never be corrupt toaccept a bribe, opening up the chest and belly this sort of thing…”

Xia LingMei gave him a sidelong glance: “Princess did not say you’re a corruptofficial, what are you scared of?”

The ZhaoPrincess beamed: “Actually there are also some people who cut out the tonguesand dig out the eyes of officials pretending to be righteous who use theirpowerful connections to intimidate people before stuffing their bottoms,afterwards hang their naked corpse on the city gate.”

Lord Guurgently spoke: “This official’s words are seriously pa.s.sionate and seriouslyjust, I’ve never done anything in a friendly manner belying hypocriticalintentions, ought to…”

Xia LingMei glanced at him: “The princess again did not say you are a two-faced person,why are you refuting so urgently?”

Lord Gualready started to wipe his sweat away, looking at the Zhao Princess he wasprepared to speak again, immediately interrupted: “I wonder why the princesscame here this time?”

The ZhaoPrincess rolled her eyes, pointing at Xia Ling Mei: “I’m here to help pick ahusband for the older cousin.”

After shespoke, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already come in at a fast pace, hearing these wordshis expression darkened, glancing at the Zhao Princess, not even payingrespect, directly saying: “The princess does not have to worry about matters todo with Ling Mei.”

Xia LingMei hated the most to see the two of them together, her spring wind in herheart in a flash blew a winter snowfall, snorting she said: “You also don’thave the right to b.u.t.t in on my business.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng straightened his neck, subconsciously prepared to retort, his brainthought back to what the Imperial Consort had said about the Confucian moralinjunctions for woman, he couldn’t say what he wanted to say but he alsocouldn’t swallow it down, his face red as he choked.

Xia LingMei only decided he was angry, not liking it even more: “The three of us aretalking, why did you come here, are you being lazy and not going to thegovernment office?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng arranged his clothes, sitting opposite Gu Lang: “How is official mattersmore important than you, I’m not going today.”

Xia LingMei was a little startled, while her ears were trying to understand these wordsher face had already turned red, fingers trembling: “What nonsense are yousaying?”

Gu Langalso laughed: “I also didn’t go. The matters at the government office can bedealt with at any time, to make clear to the princess my adoration for Lady Xiais actually my top priority.”

“Hahaha,these words are great.” Not knowing when two people also floated down from theroof top, the drunkard bore the brunt, holding a wine pot in his mouth as hecried out tumbling into the chair, leaning and swaying for a little while,cupping his hand in greeting: 

“Not keep this from the princess, this crudeperson also am very fond of Lady Xia.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng raised his eyebrows, his line of sight switched from Gu Lang to thedrunkard, before arriving on Zhuang Sheng who had his back to the light comingthrough the doorway.

He hadalready noticed this person’s appearance seemed like a gentle and cultivatedman, too similar, the other person resembled himself many years ago. He againturned his head, sure enough he saw Xia Ling Mei’s sight had also fallen onZhuang Sheng.

The ZhaoPrincess smiled: “Is it possible that this man also seeks to marry my oldercousin?”

ZhuangSheng slowly walked over stepping on sunshine, after bowing in greeting he thenspoke: “Asking for marriage is second, the actually I genuinely want to getfamiliar with the princess.”

Xia LingMei treated Zhuang Sheng with the least amount of attention, merely warning theothers: “Half of what this person says cannot be trusted.”

“Hey, yes, Ilove to speak ironically. It’s fake that I said I don’t want to ask formarriage, I want to gain Lady Xia’s adoration is however true.”

Xia LingMei did not feel like paying attention to him.

 “Princess you don’t know, Lady Xia and I can’tspeak more than three words to each other before we start fighting, if we sayfive words she would chase to kill me to the ends of the earth, supposing thatI act recklessly and said five words, she would follow me in life and death.” ZhuangSheng moved a chair, stubbornly cramming himself in front of Gu Lang and faceto face with Xia Ling Mei: “There’s a common saying `to hit is to be intimate,to scold is to love`, both of us has fought, you’ve scolded me, we’ve alreadyhad a close physical relationship…”


“Eventhough I’m a person of the Jianghu, but I’m still an upright man, I definitelywill take any responsibilities I should bear to the end…”

“Who wantsyou to take responsibility!”

“Then youtake responsibility for me. You’ve held my hand before, you’ve attacked mychest before, you’ve touched my waist before, you’ve also kicked my legsbefore, even my face…”

A tea cupflew at him aimed at his head: “What irresponsible remarks are you making!”

ZhuangSheng arranged himself prettily, catching the tea cup, pouring tea in, coveringit with a cup lid, overjoyed at the unexpected good news: “Right now I evenhave a token of love…”

With a`swish`, not knowing where the whip came from it headed towards the tea cuptoken 

of love, Zhuang Sheng in succession bounced up and down: “Aiya, princessquickly look, 

Lady Xia is ashamed into anger.”

Everyoneflew into a rage: “Zhuang ---- Sheng!”

The ZhaoPrincess grinned from ear to ear: “Older sister, it seems to me this masterZhuang is an old c.o.c.kroach which cannot be beaten to death, if you choose himyou certainly will have marital harmony, turning into an immortal couple thateveryone envies.”

Everyoneturned pale with fright: “Princess, it’s unacceptable!”

Gu Langtook a step forward: “Actually, Lady Xia has already made a pledge to marrythis official, I won’t marry anyone but you.”

Everyone couldn’ttake it anymore: “Wolf Gu, you immoral and despicable person!”

Thedrunkard holding a wine pot, belched: “You are all mere trifle, you need toknow, Lady Xia and I had already shared a room in the wine cellar, sleeping onthe same couch.”

Everyoneseethed in anger: “Shut up, drink your wine!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng was already shaking from head to foot, pa.s.sing through the crowd, duringthe chaos he seized Xia Ling Mei’s arm. The other person was already so angryher mind was muddled, face full of red clouds, eyes still locked onto thejumping Zhuang Sheng, long whip hitting the floor with a banging noise.

“Ling Mei.”

Sheglowered at him: “What are you doing, you also want to be beaten.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng pursed his lips, both hands fastened, dragging her into his arms, underthe all their stares, kissing her on the lips.

The twopeople seemed to stand between heaven and earth, just looking at the woman’s skirtslowly hanging down to the ground, hair sparkling and shining under the sun,that bright red coral whip was still angry, again ashamed, trembling andrippling over, again when the other person was taking in a breath it rippledout, for a moment, it was silent.

The ZhaoPrincess looked over with wide eyes, a flash pa.s.sed through Zhuang Sheng’seyes, in Gu Lang’s hazy expression there was still malice, the drunkard…was alreadydrunkenly unconscious.

Quite awhile later, with a cry in the air, the long whip once again came to life, viciouslyknocking into the direction of the daredevil of a man in front of her: “w.a.n.gYun Feng, go die!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng Imperial Censor who was ready to risk life and limb, unwaveringlyremembered in the pain of his flesh; he must endure the beating and scolding ofhis wife! He endured. Once again brother w.a.n.g’s skin was torn open and carriedback to the main courtyard by Bai Zi, Hei Zi was bouncing around after them,and rejoicing in the other’s misfortune: “Really is the death of peony flower,even as a ghost he’s distinguished and accomplished!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng groaned. In order to make his rivals in love back out, what was awhipping. What’s more, Xia Ling Mei’s tofu was also worth a whipping,he was lucky.

Of course,when he was rolling around on his bed in pain unable to sleep that night, hestill couldn’t bear but to ponder whether or not it was right for him to usesuch a trick. After all, that trick of kissing a girl, was a specialty of acertain perverted emperor. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was not a s.e.x-crazed emperor, Xia LingMei was also not a poised and luxurious cold hearted Imperial Consort.

During thatnight, the usually solemn w.a.n.g Imperial Censor woke up to find his lips hadsplit, recovering from his erotic dream, his bedding had to be changed. Hehimself took the bedding and nightwear which needed to be changed in his ownarms, embarra.s.sed, he finally pushed Juan Shu who slept on the floor by thedoor out, swapping the two people’s bedding and other things. In the end, he wasstill not relieved, again in the presence of a white faced owl, he strippedJuan Shu who was sleeping like the dead, putting his own clothes on Juan Shu,clapping his hands, with big strides he ran to the courtyard destroying theevidence of Juan Shu’s night clothes, then did he go and bask in the moonlight.

He did notdare to sleep, if he had traces of an erotic dream again, where could he findanother scapegoat?

Howunexpected, tonight he moonlight was very attractive, he wasn’t the only personappreciating beauty in the dark of the courtyard, there was the Zhao Princessby the pond.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was debating in his heart, whether to go and call out to her.

The ZhaoPrincess smiling from ear to ear under the moonlight had a faint white haloaround her, as if she was a flower in the mist, not very distinct: “Is theresomething Lord 

w.a.n.g wanted to say to me?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng sucked in a deep breath, the dewy fresh air at night followed through hisnose into the bottom of his heart, invigorating his whole body. He took threesteps closer, only looking at her, he made a solemn vow: “I will protect LingMei.”

The ZhaoPrincess understood: “I believe you. If I’m talking about who cares aboutcousin’s life the most, apart from you, no one dares to be first. In the end,because cousin helped us two sisters, that’s why she has caught the attentionof the Gu family. Right now the enemy is hidden, we are in the open, cousinalso doesn’t know the reason, it’s inevitably will go wrong.”

“I don’twant her to get involved in the matters of the court. That year, I should haveas the head of the family taken her place in entering the palace to rescuepeople, and not let her by herself enter into a risky situation…when all issaid and done, at that time I had made too many mistakes, I ought to protecther for the rest of her life.”

“Cousindoesn’t know how to deal with kindness?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng looked at the pond sometimes light sometimes dark, the hands behind hisback clenched tightly into fists, murmuring: “That’s because I imagined my lovewas reciprocated back then.”

When hesaid those words, he said it directly to Zhao Princess’ face, from afar, theylooked like lovers’ part, but still long for one another appearing to confidein each other.

Under theyellow light, some tenderness and love emitted into the air.

Xia LingMei sat on the rooftop, looking from a distance at the two people facing eachother, only feeling a chill through her whole body. Zhuang Sheng who sat by herleaned on the roof ridge, secretly using qinggong to move the wine cup in frontof her, saying indifferently: “If you want to completely forget someone, the bestmethod is to use someone else to completely replace him.”

“Lady Xia,everything I said in front of the Zhao Princess today, is all true.”

“You me, alioness with an old c.o.c.kroach, you won’t be able to find a perfect match likeus in this world any more. Opportunity knocks but once, lioness, just take methis old c.o.c.kroach.”

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