Xia Fen’streasured knife was the real thing.

He hadpreviously gone into the sea and used that small knife to stab blind the eyesof a whale, and used it to deal with new soldiers who had provoked him before,even more times, he used it to cut apart chicken b.u.t.ts using the not too bignot too small knife as a fork. Xia Fen had never thought before, such amultifunctional small knife would be used by his own birth father to stab intohis own stomach, blood flowing to the ground.

The stunnedsmall leopard, his little eyes round and bulging, not in the right state ofmind.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was half supported up by Xia Ling Mei, he glimpsed at Xia Fen: “Comehere.”

Xia Fen didnot move.

w.a.n.g YunFeng gasped in a breath, a bit more strictly: “Fen Er, come here.”

He wasundoubtedly a feeble scholar, aged thirty the only martial arts he had masteredwas. .h.i.tting pressure points, he was most adept at criticising people, he couldadmonish the most righteous n.o.blemen into a person of low social status, andcould make a deeply emotional good person, forcing them into a cruel andunscrupulous cold hearted treacherous brute. This sort of man seemed extremely delicate,deliberately making people produce a strong heroic misconception.

A thread offear suddenly appeared in Xia Fen.

Such a verysmall child, completely unruly, when he faced danger his body moved morequickly than his mind.

Blood,scarlet red.

Xia Fensubconsciously took a step, lifting his head he looked at w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s paleface, suddenly he turned, like a common angry wild animal he fled out.

Juan Shuand Xia Ling Mei supported w.a.n.g Yun Feng into the inner room, w.a.n.g Yun Fenggave a meaningful glance, Bai Yan already personally ran out following afterXia Fen. Juan Shu one had took w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s pulse, the other hand alreadyasking someone to prepare scissors, hot water and other things such asmedicine.

Xia LingMei firmly grasped w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand, not calm at all.

w.a.n.g YunFeng was still in the mood to joke with her: “I won’t die.”

“Shut up!”Xia Ling Mei almost wanted to bellow, in pa.s.sing she tore apart the clothing athis stomach, the two thin layers of cloth produced a heart wrenching scream.

w.a.n.g YunFeng pursed his lips, lying down well behaved, sweat filled his forehead,letting Xia Ling Mei and Juan Shu treat his wounds as they liked.

Outside thewindow was a splendid sun, the wall outside was heating up, inside the housenot many vertical lines of sunshine could be seen, there was a layer of lightyellow covering everything.

w.a.n.g YunFeng watched the shadows of the furniture and household utensils faintlyfalling onto the floor, absent-mindedly thinking about the past years, peopletried to a.s.sa.s.sinate him.

At thattime, he was sitting on horseback, forced by the a.s.sa.s.sins to a dead end.

Above hishead was a blazing white sun, basking on his body very hotly, clothing floatingon his body, there was only heat no sweat. He knew, his heart was very cold, socold that a layer of ice mist covered over her skin, making his mind clearenough that he was still able to recall those happy years with Xia Ling Mei. Hecalled it happy, in fact most of the time he was hemmed in by the males of theinfluential generation of the w.a.n.g family he had offended, Xia Ling Meibrandishing her long whip sticking up for him, whipping that group of shamefulyounger generation shouting at her `shrew`. While she was viciously whippingthem, on the other hand she sneakily peeped at his face, afraid he would sayout loud `Xia Ling Mei will not be able to marry`.

The youngerXia Ling Mei was very brash, he was very cowardly.

After theymarried, how strong the brash Lady w.a.n.g was, he was that much stubborn.

After theyseparated, after she left, at a time of life or death he thought of her.

That dayw.a.n.g Yun Feng discovered for the first time, it turns out he did not feelguilty and need for atonement towards Xia Ling Mei. Actually, many years ago,she had long ago left a mark in his heart, only he had never noticed.

Someonewiped the cold sweat from his forehead, softly asking: “Does it hurt?”

Hetightened the soft hand in his palm, barely enough to comfort her: “Compared tobefore, this single wound basically counts as nothing.” He again casted a net,he wanted to tightly hold her in his arms, make her distressed, make her onlylove him.

Xia LingMei coldly shouted: “What foolishness is this!” this doesn’t count foranything, then how many times had he experienced extreme dangers before?

“No matterwhat, Zhuang Sheng can no longer threaten you again.” He widened his eyes,staring at her: “You can only be mine.”

Xia LingMei opened her mouth, her eyes sparkling at the corners blinked, forcing asmile: “Your trick of injuring yourself to gain the enemy’s confidence will bethe life of me.” She knew where that stab wound was, and she knew this largeamount of blood was not flowing out of the wound in the stomach at all. Sheknew even more, she was unable to conceal her franticness and helplessness atthat moment, furthermore the panic similar to falling to h.e.l.l.

This man,was too vicious.

He schemedagainst Zhuang Sheng, schemed against her, so much that he schemed against XiaFen. He schemed against everyone, make everyone see his determination to winher the deep feelings, and make her feel sorry and blame herself. And him, heonly paid the small wound in his stomach, and the wound on his left hand.

This wasthe first time w.a.n.g Yun Feng used a scheme for her, this was also the firsttime, he in front of everyone with grandiose make clear; Xia Ling Mei is thewife of only w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

“It’s nothing,in life or death we’ll be together.” He will no longer stand silently under thescorching sun, coldly watching the raised blades heading towards him; he willno longer close his eyes, waiting for death to come, coldly thinking after hisdeath at his burial mound only Juan Shu and Bai Yan would be weeping bittertears; he will no longer think, on the day of his death every year, whether anyone person would light an incense stick in front of his memorial tablet, sayhis name…

She loweredher head, heavily knocking his forehead, gently once, heavily once.

He onlysmiled lifting her hand placing it by his lips, kissing it warmly.

Xia Fen ranabout without a purpose, in the distance he saw a Zhuang Sheng lost in his mindstanding by the lotus pond.

May, theflowers in the pond had still not bloomed, only a few pieces of duckweedsubmerged in the cyan water surface, floating without roots.

Xia Fensuddenly returned to his thoughts, his four limbs squatting on the high wall,stupefied he looked at the man standing not too far away.

He hadstuck the small knife w.a.n.g Yun Feng had used into his belt, the sharp edge ofhis knife was still slightly pink, like it had been stained by a drop of awoman’s blood drop.

A lightearly summer breeze blew past, moving Zhuang Sheng’s clothes to and fro, theremains of a drop of blood still emitted a smell in the air, the backdropmaking the rear view of the person lonely and desolate.

Xia Fenfelt the Zhuang Sheng right now was somewhat pitiful.

However, hewas also pitiful.

Xia Fensquatting body made him again somewhat shorter, subconsciously he touched hiswaist with one hand. A child’s temperature was on the high side, when hisfingertips were near the edge of the blade he was shaken by the coldness of itfor a while, he wasn’t sure where the scabbard was. Xia Fen also didn’t care,he carefully took out the blade, placing it horizontally across his eyes, hisblack pearly eyes narrowed into a slit, glaring he moved his eyes to ZhuangSheng’s waist.

He c.o.c.kedhis head, as if he was debating something.

The usuallyagile Zhuang Sheng seemed to not have noticed him, appeared to be preoccupied,by his feet a small blue-green frog leaped past, jumping to the sleek rock atthe sh.o.r.e halting there, looking left and right, finally turning over, stickingup its moon white belly basking in the sun.

ZhuangSheng was motionless, deeply sighing, brows still locked together, forcing asmile.

When hishair was flying around, he just moved it to one side, feeling the flesh at hiswaist shake. This kind of martial artist who dallied with women, his body wasmost acute, still not thinking of a countermeasure for dealing with thissituation, his body was already injured from the murderous intent.

For amoment he almost moved away a bit, his lower back froze, a weapon skimmed pasthis side, a small silhouette knocked against him. This wasn’t the first time hesaw this kind of directness in trying to kill him, he didn’t dare to becareless, the other person advanced in a different direction, as he dodged heturned extremely beautifully, not going forward but retreating, and the otherperson staggered more than a zhang distance.

Xia Fenlearned martial arts from the battlefields, the first move unsuccessful, likean arrow released his body suddenly paused on the rock garden, borrowing thedrive to once again attack towards Zhuang Sheng.

In hisblack pupils were the naked intent to kill.

“Smallleopard!” Zhuang Sheng was stunned, raising his foot to kick a stone towardsthe cold blade in the other person’s hand. Extending his long arm, almost likea snapshot grabbing the other person’s collar, and taking advantage of beingolder bullying the younger 

he incessantly shook him in the air.

“What areyou doing?” He furiously said. Usually when they competed in martial arts,although Xia Fen’s style was swift and fierce, it was however not murderous.

“I want tokill you.” Xia Fen coldly said, with a righteous hatred expression.

ZhuangSheng’s eyes remained depressed, the child in his hand wasn’t an outsider, hehated to hurt him, these past days they had gotten close, Zhuang Sheng hadalready placed this wild child in his heart. Only, his natural free and easydisposition, and many years of travelling alone around the country, his truefeelings were already rarely shown, expressing his adoration for Xia Ling Meiwas already beyond his normal state, his fondness for the 

small leopard wassomewhat because of his connection to her.

However, acompletely wild child was also hated in his heart, the same carefree, the samedisregard of the world’s restrictions.

Right now, thischild’s mere three words, undoubtedly sprinkled salt on the wound already inhis heart.

“Why?” Heasked.

Xia Fen didnot reply. Truthfully, he also didn’t know why. Only, after seeing that scenebetween w.a.n.g Yun Feng and Xia Ling Mei mutually protecting and willing to payfor each other, the bottom of his small heart felt extremely guilty andworried. Seeing Zhuang Sheng again, a thread of angry thinking grew withoutfoundation, wanting to stab Zhuang Sheng in the same place as w.a.n.g Yun Feng’sinjury.

ZhuangSheng looked at the doubt and stubbornness on the child’s face, pondering alittle before understanding the truth.

Sure enoughthey were father and son, any more misunderstanding could not disconnect thatbloodline.

Heagonisingly opened his mouth: “You want to take revenge for your father?”

Xia Fenrepeatedly stamped his little feet: “As if he is my father.”

ZhuangSheng swiftly smiled, with almost his usual ease, half his agony actuallyremained, looking at the bronze corner of the roof peeking through the unevenancient trees in the distance, quietly in deceiving tone: “If Lord w.a.n.g isn’tsuited to be your father, then should I be your daddy?”

“I don’thave a daddy, I was born from a whale.”

ZhuangSheng indifferently said: “Of course he’s your sea daddy, in the Jianghu, Iwill be your daddy.”

Xia Fen wasshocked, it’s possible to have several daddies? Then can there be several moremothers? He only had a little doubt, Xia Fen immediately shook his head todisagree, using both his hands and feet, his little bottom lowered and jumped,his whole body flipping onto Zhuang Sheng’s arm, his tiny legs suddenly steppingback, Zhuang Sheng was too late to react, in a split second the other person’sfeet had stood on his face. Xia Fen had run for such a long time, the soles ofhis feet not used to wearing shoes had stood on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s blood, steppedin ant holes, stepped on green leaves, as well as much dust and sand. One footon Zhuang Sheng’s face, it could be said there was five brilliant and variedcolours, there was feet sweat and sand on his face, almost making the man throwup with the stink.

Xia Fenunderstood he was no match for him, the small knife slashing at the otherperson’s wrist, Zhuang Sheng let him go, acting like a small beast, his fourfeet slithered onto the ground he ran away.

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