When w.a.n.gYun Feng received news about Xia Fen, he was sitting under the sun wrapping uphis injuries.

Juan Shuwas in charge of bandaging, Bai Yan’s mouth was chewing on an apple, w.a.n.g YunFeng nearly fell asleep resting on the rocking chair, absolutely not treatingthe blade wound so deep the bone could be seen as a matter. Where there’s skinand flesh there’s blood, gradually it becomes similar to its owner’s mentalstate, more and more st.u.r.dy.

Han Yi Fanwas handling the matters of the Jianghu, w.a.n.g Yun Feng still went wherever the pervertedemperor secretly decreed through rain or wind. After he had rejected PrinceZhao’s troops to his face, no longer than two days later he came back, now theremaining guards were his own family’s shadow guards. The guards beside him hadreduced, some people in secret had again started rubbing their shoulders,preparing to take his life, for this reason, w.a.n.g Yun Feng really wanted tosend a letter to ask the perverted emperor: How much is this humble servant’shead worth, drawing corrupted officials one after another demanding his head?

Theemperor’s imperial edict had still not arrived, contrary news of his wife andchild had arrived in his hands ahead of time.

Bai Yanheld the letter looking and reading it out loud at the same time, Juan Shu fromtime to time spurted out a few laughs, somewhat rejoicing in other people’smisfortunes: “Master, it seems like the young master will not be able toinherit your legacy.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng was bepuzzled with sleep, vaguely he said: “it won’t hurt, let him becomean important general in the future. Ling Mei can give birth to another son forme, allow him to carry on the w.a.n.g family, family business. Let’s hope thefuture new emperor can put up my son pulling out the hairs from his forehead.”

“Thecurrent his highness crown prince temperament is unstable, not a good master tobully.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng flung a glance at Bai Yan: “My son is also not good to bully.”

Bai Yanreminded him: “Offending the crown prince, I’m worried it would instigate theharmonious relationship between the imperial consort and the mistress.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng said: “What is to be feared. The emperor has tormented me for so manyyears, and still isn’t happy with me and cause him trouble. The empress won’tallow us 

w.a.n.g family have an easy time, I won’t let the emperor have an easytime.”

Bai Yanstroked his scraggly beard on his lower jaw: “Master, you’re not actually acomplete honest official? Are you actually with the emperor…”

“How can ahonest official criticise the emperor, and take part in the impressive speechpresenting by the corrupt officials to the emperor.” Saying this, turning hisrigid neck: “The emperor isn’t an honest emperor, then why would I be a honestofficial. So-called subordinates imitate their superiors’ vices, so far Dayandynasty is still flourishing and bustling, the empress ought to be endlesslygrateful to this humble servant. If it wasn’t for me constantly correcting theemperor’s error, how can the empress sit in her high throne in the chambers ofimperial concubines safely and without worry.”

The twopeople thought of the scene how the emperor had been pointed at the nose andreprimanded severely by officials over the last years, they couldn’t help feelgreatly sympathetic to the emperor. Of course, the emperor was sincere, theempress was happy. Therefore, the empress really should be grateful to w.a.n.g YunFeng.

However, thesewords were somewhat disrespectfully suspicious. Always with a dignified appearance,beneath the surface the slippery treachery of the w.a.n.g family was never shown,at most like today, bringing it out to past boredom.

Maybe, w.a.n.gYun Feng was really angered by the emperor, when he was secretly investigationthe matters of the dynasty, and being chased to death in quick succession, fromtime to time sustaining injuries, anyone would be unhappy. Thinking of Xia Fenbeing able to torment the crown prince, w.a.n.g Yun Feng could only be happy, whatmore he wouldn’t stop it.

Finishedwith wrapping his arm, w.a.n.g Yun Feng himself took the letter about Xia Fen toread careful once more, laughing he said: “Fen Er actually took General Xia’shanded-down teachings, his initial show of strength is imposing on otherpeople.”

Bai Yandeliberated as he spoke: “Master isn’t afraid when those two companions grow upthey won’t be loyal to the young master?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng lightly laughed, the black in his eyes looked silvery grey reflecting inthe sunlight, slightly cold: “You believe, there are people who would becompletely faithful to their master the first time they meet?”

Bai Yan didnot reply, Juan Shu was actually for the first time not glib-tongued as usual,seriously saying: “No. People’s feelings cannot lean to one side the most, somepeople believe themselves to be loyal and devoted, when they truly come acrossa matter, breaking faith and abandoning right, betraying their master is verycommon. Contrary, some people look as if they sway left and right, going eitherway the wind blows, but if they run into a national disaster they would also bewilling to give their lives to save the nation. In this world, no one couldtruly say they will not betray someone, rather it’s whether the risk ofbetrayal is high or low.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng seemed very tired, reclining on the rocking chair he rocked for a littlewhile. With only this conversation, Bai Yan suddenly felt something hadhappened between the master and Juan Shu, making him isolated on the outside.

“A personin a high position, can’t go and naively believe someone will genuinely give uptheir life for them, like the emperor, he as the first under the heaven is infact also the most lonely person in the world. Because he knows, the countlessofficials do not actually care about him the emperor, rather they care aboutthe power in his hand, if he was no longer the emperor, other people would justtreat him as dispensable. The emperor is the weight used by imperial officialsfor balance, and Fen Er also uses the two chamberlains as an equilibrium. UsingNu Ju to beat out Bai Shu’s hatred, in the future the two subordinates would beunable to hide anything from him at the same time. The two of them willsupervise each other and view each other as enemies, completely unscrupulouslytry to find the other person’s weak points. Fen Er doesn’t have to anything,only when the two people fight to the point of becoming caught up in anirresolvable situation, today be a bit prejudice towards Bai Shu, tomorrow be abit prejudice towards Nu Ju, he would be able to their complete respect, andneed not worry they would gang up for personal interest to conspire againsthim.”

They willgrow up together, Fen Er will slowly give them respect, at the same time hewill foster more servants, even if someone betray him, and there will besomeone to replace them immediately. From time to time Fen Er will, willintentionally remind them, make them remember their own status. If he can showrespect, he can take it back. Fen Er will be the monarch in his subordinatesminds, he will tell his subordinates his expectations, his subordinates onlyneed to try their hardest to fulfil his request, subordinates can devotethemselves wholeheartedly to gain privileges, and can offer their own talentsand learnings to be put in an important position. However, Fen Er must tellthem on the first day, he needs Bai Shu’s talent and learning, he also needs NuJu’s martial arts, but he himself place above them in intelligence and courage.

He needsthem, but, it doesn’t necessarily have to be them.

This skill,is a method to control that the Xia family has continued to use for severalhundred years, and is the key to how the Xia family has gone through twotransition periods between dynasties and increasingly flourished unfailing. Bycomparison, the w.a.n.g family are too harsh with outsiders, yet weak to their ownfamily, it’s a great fear.”

He lookedremotely into the sky: “I really want to say, Fen Er is a child I taught bymyself, he is my pride. Unfortunately…”

“Master canjust have another child.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng took the iced redberry from Juan Shu’s hand, taking a sip before saying tohim: “That would also require your mistress to put down the misunderstanding inher mind, on her own initiative move into the residence to make it happen.” Hedid not dare to plot against Xia Ling Mei at the Xia residence, that kind ofplan will once again be pushed down on the mah-jong table, `lashed` one afteranother by the Xia family’s male and female, old and young a hundred times over.

Maybe, evenif it wasn’t his birth sign’s year, he still needs to start wearing reddisrespectful clothes and underpants.

“Oh dear,since we are unable to ask the mistress to return to the residence, why don’twe just get other people to ask her back. So-called making trouble out ofnothing, and for the master who stirs people into complete confusion, such atrivial matter naturally is easy to grasp within your fingers.”

Bai Yan wasshocked, he suddenly thought of those days when he was seriously injured, JuanShu was so nauseating that even if he was so ill he couldn’t stand, he stillexerted himself to crawl out of bed and practice martial arts. Maybe, Juan Shugenuinely thought in consideration of the master, that person thinking what themaster thinks. He didn’t know, the best at playing the fool Juan Shu and themaster had experienced a lot of good and bad together, just to reach the masterand servant single minded stage now.

He wantedto express this, but when he raised his head did he then discover, Juan Shushadow had already long disappeared, and w.a.n.g Yun Feng had gradually returnedto his somewhat youthful habits, a little bit of coldness and ruthlessness onceagain returning to his features.

He put downhis cup, suddenly saying: “We should return home.”

Leavingaside the carnage which had risen after young master Fen Er had enrolled tostudy at Bailu academy, the usually tranquil w.a.n.g family suddenly exploded, asif a burnt very red iron cooking pot was thrown at two still alive carps, almostoverturning the pot.

The w.a.n.ghousekeeper plastered in sweat, soaking wet from head to toe ran to Xia LingMei: “Mistress, you must support the master! The master isn’t at the residence,if you still won’t go over, the master of the w.a.n.g residence will change nameand switch surname.”

Xia LingMei seldom saw the old housekeeper sweating like a pig, having heard what wassaid she spoke pacifying: “Indeed is that old lady causing havoc again?”

“Far fromjust havoc, she bought her son with her wanting to live in the residence nomatter what, loudly throwing insults at the gate every day, saying the deceasedold master forgot favours and violated justice, abandoning the mother and childnot in the least concerned, even when the master pa.s.sed away, her son didn’teven get a little bit of the family’s wealth, making the old master’s sonwander about dest.i.tute outside suffering greatly. She also said, the youngmaster isn’t the eldest son, without the qualification to inherit the w.a.n.gresidence, saying the young master needs to return the w.a.n.g residence back toher son.”

The elderlylady beside Xia Ling Mei couldn’t help but spit out: “It’s simply nonsense.”

The w.a.n.ghousekeeper also nodded: “But no matter what we have no way to reason with her.Somehow this matter has disturbed the second branch of the extended family,they’re saying they need to seek justice for the mother and child, demandingour master to again split half of the family’s wealth to them, to comfort thesoul and spirit of the deceased old master.”

As it turnsout, Imperial censor w.a.n.g’s distinguished name had already relayed from BeidingCity to every household of the Dayan. Imperial censor, above them they couldadmonish an incapable ruler, below them they could scold devious officials, healso happened to be a son of an influential family, generous family property, aloneand without a son, incessantly allowing the w.a.n.g family’s other family membersto view him as a thorn in one’s side and one’s flesh, thinking to the extreme amethod to pull out some of the wealth to stuff their own pockets which the mainfamily has controlled over many years, unfortunately suffering any ways.

 Afterwards because of the matter with Xia LingMei, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was unhappy with everyone in the family sending people intothe residence, as a result he withdrew from his position as clan leader to stayaway from the filth and unrest. What wasn’t expected, a few years later, againsuddenly another old lady has appeared, bringing with her a son who is a yearolder than w.a.n.g Yun Feng, directly saying they were a good family who was awife the deceased old master had taken outside, and had a son. She is actuallythe first wife, and her son is the genuine eldest son of the first wife of theold master. You w.a.n.g Yun Feng not only infuriated your own mother to death, andtreated your own father to death, in vain attempting to hog the w.a.n.g familyfortune to yourself living as an outstanding and confident rich man,delusional.

The masterof the w.a.n.g residence shouldn’t be w.a.n.g Yun Feng, rather her son w.a.n.g Yun.

Great, hisname even has once less character than w.a.n.g Yun Feng, could this possibly proofthat w.a.n.g Yun is in fact the deceased old w.a.n.g master’s true eldest son?

If he wasmerely an orphan, nothing to rely on and depend on, even if he wanted to useblood to identify family relations there was no way to dig out the old w.a.n.gmaster who has pa.s.sed away for many years to identify a stranger who had cometo create issues, but that second branch of the w.a.n.g family again have gatheredexploit a lively opportunity?

w.a.n.g YunFeng’s mother was indeed the daughter of an influential family the old w.a.n.gmaster officially wedded, status and ident.i.ty can be placed, even if the oldmaster had previously truly had a short relationship, that woman could stillnot replace the imperial censor w.a.n.g’s proper wife. The old lady came to causetrouble, no one was scared; again with a beardless w.a.n.g Yun as well, there wasno fear. But in the chaos again gathering together the other relatives of thew.a.n.g family, even if this matter was clearer it would still get more and morecomplicated, if it carries on, w.a.n.g Yun Feng will definitely suffer.

This time,no matter what Xia Ling Mei must help w.a.n.g Yun Feng support this family on hisbehalf, knock down these fabricated disasters.

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