Chapter 59

"Wife, I want to eat meat” 《娘子,我要吃肉》Chapter 59 These past few days w.a.n.g Yun Feng simply couldn’t stay in the house, in reality he had too much to do, there were many annoying things he hasn’t resolved, to begin with his time in the house was already short. Only, now there was one more person in the house, every day apart from when he couldn’t go without taking a break, he wouldn’t go back. There was an emotion called extreme worry! The more w.a.n.g Yun Feng ignored it, occasionally when he pa.s.sed by the house he couldn’t help but want to go in to take a look to see if the child was restless, whether he has been causing trouble for people, if he had properly had his meal… He felt his head hurt even more. The crown prince also wanted to come over and live there for a while, but this was outside the city, there were victims everywhere who needed to be resettled. The surrounding ten li where they lived were grave pits, every day people and animals who died from illness were thrown into a deep hole to burn. Even in the middle of the night an air of death could be smelled, if the crown prince really came to stay, w.a.n.g Yun Feng could only apologise for his offense with death if something happens, therefore, most of the time the crown prince only secretly came to visit, not daring to be public, it was even more impossible for him to live. Luckily even the crown prince knew his life was extremely precious, he also understood w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s current situation. He originally was only pa.s.sing by the disaster area, wanting to seize the opportunity to check up on the disaster situation, using w.a.n.g Yun Feng as a shield to by way check out some of the obscurity of the officialdom, increasing his knowledge a bit, and as soon as possible understand the actual situation behind these yearly floods to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Xia Fen simply did not think of the crown prince’s thoughts, in his mind the crown prince was the most cunning person in their generation, following him, you don’t have to think of anything. Just like on the battlefield, the crown prince is the general, Xia Fen is the vanguard, the crown prince made the decisions, Xia Fen only holding a spear charge and break through the enemy lines. Right now, the general was still thinking, there was no harm for this vanguard to be lazy, occupying his cheap father’s house by force and using his position to eat well, drink well and sleep well. In any case, w.a.n.g Yun Feng would rather suffer himself than allow him to suffer. The father and son did not discover, Xia Fen was reliant on w.a.n.g Yun Feng. However, w.a.n.g Yun Feng leaving early and returning late every day put Xia Fen in a bad mood, and the local officials looking on without lifting a finger also made the frown between the crown prince’s forehead deeper and deeper. “Maybe, we should give those officials a bit of att.i.tude.” The crown prince finally couldn’t bear it any longer. Xia Fen immediately waved his fists: “We should cause chaos in their official residence.” The crown prince exploded shaking hitting him on his head: “Apart from fighting you only know to kill, what else can you do?” Xia Fen looked down upon the crown prince: “What are you good at apart from your gab?  On the battlefield, if someone obstruct the road in front of my army, the general would give the order to immediately burn their lair.” He retorted, a face of jealousy and hatred: “The territory of my Dayan, must not be encroached on!” The crown prince sneered: “You regard this as the battlefield? This is a disaster area, the people blocking your way is the officials of the Dayan, the old lair you want to remove is the officials g

overnment office.” Xia Fen simply did not understand this, in his eyes there was only the enemy, and us. If not good then there is only bad, there was no grey area. The crown prince also knew he couldn’t make him understand, waiting for w.a.n.g Yun Feng to come back, to ask: “How much more foodstuff do we have to use?” “There are more and more victims, the surplus grain will only last for three days. A few days before I forced some merchants to help the victims, the foodstuff delivered were all mouldy old rice.” The crown prince looked at the mountain of paperwork on the table, smiling: “I heard daddy say, Lord w.a.n.g is the best at gathering people’s secrets, you’ve been in Zhuozhou for half a month, I wonder how much information you gathered?” w.a.n.g Yun Feng was just about to start checking out the information delivered over these few days, having heard what was said he gazed at the crown prince with a deep look, deliberating: “This is a matter amongst the officials, young master is too young…” “I’m not young.” The crown prince moved in front of him at a fast pace, looking up at him: “I’ve known all along those things daddy has been getting you to do. Over this half a month you haven’t made a move so you ought to be searching for their weaknesses, you’re waiting for an opportunity to negotiate with them.” He paused a while, exposing an evil smile, his two little canines were somewhat sharp: “Lord w.a.n.g, I know you’re dependable, this is also the main reason why daddy thinks highly of you. But now it’s an unusual situation, you’ve always been in a pa.s.sive position, aren’t you too easily belittled by people? Good people are taking unfair advantage of, right now you bare on your shoulders the life of tens of thousands of citizens, you want all those officials to push all the guilt onto you?” The crown prince turned his head to roar at Xia Fen: “If your father is killed, what would you do?” Xia Fen lifted his head up from a map with many territories, blinking, he stared at w.a.n.g Yun Feng. The child’s eyes were very clear, many true feelings could easily be seen in his dark pupils. When he was stared at by him, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had an intimate feeling of `this is my son`. Xia Fen asked: “Who wants to hurt him?” The crown prince said: “The bad people in the town.” Xia Fen manner was cold: “I’ll kill his entire family.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s head really hurt. This child, apart from kill there was only kill in his head, he lived like he was surviving on a battlefield, completely without the realisation of an innocent ordinary person of not randomly killing. In fact, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was wrong, this father still only knew the son he had gotten to know at Xian Yun manor, at that time Xia Fen had just returned from sea battle, everyone he met were people of the Jianghu. Every day those people went by the you die, I live idiom, naturally they killed without a thought. After Xia Fen returned to Beiding city, the people of his generation told him, killing people you have to pay with your own life, it will make your mother heartbroken and deeply hurt, everyone will abandon you. Therefore, Xia Fen controlled his slaughtering, at most he only beat people up when he wasn’t happy, while he was in the imperial palace, he was plotted against by people, learning to endure and must not a.s.sault the dignified imperial family. With the crown prince, he saw different battlefields apart from struggling with life or death, seeing the darkness in human nature, he finally started to realise fear. Losing the most important love and protection, Xia Fen would be sold off; if his parents weren’t here, he would just be a common child; if his parents died, Xia Fen…would also die!If w.a.n.g Yun Feng was plotted to death, mother would definitely die as well, Xia Fen would be abandoned, sooner or later he would also be killed. A child’s thoughts were very simple, since you want to kill my entire family, then I will also kill your entire family. w.a.n.g Yun Feng at first hearing this only felt alarm, his complexion changed, suddenly hitting the table: “Fen Er, you can’t talk nonsense!” Xia Fen stared fixedly at him, not knowing why the cheap father was angry. If the cheap father was killed, does Xia Fen also need to stick out his neck and let people cut it off? Who are other people, why does the cheap father get angry at him because of them? Me Xia Fen, in the end am I your son! As soon as he thought of this question, Xia Fen’s tiny stomach felt sour, like everything wanted to rush up, as if since a very long time ago he had wanted to ask w.a.n.g Yun Feng `in the end am I your son?`, `Why didn’t you come to see me?`, `Why won’t you hold me?`, `Why didn’t you want mother and me, is it because I did something wrong?` He thought of a lot, gradually he reached a fork in the road. Afterwards, he couldn’t help poke at the portrait he kept close to him, ferociously saying `you don’t want me, I don’t want you either!` `I don’t want you to be my daddy!` `I hate you, you bully mother, you don’t want me…` all his thoughts was because of a lack of concern and care by his father. It felt like something wanted to flow from the corners of his eyes, Xia Fen was stubbornly angry at w.a.n.g Yun Feng. The child’s obstinate expression and grievance was self-evident, w.a.n.g Yun Feng suddenly felt alarming pain, he couldn’t help but embrace this son of his. Apart from that one night when he slept in his arms, these past few days, at night, Xia Fen may not even allow him to touch him, only staying at a distance, watching w.a.n.g Yun Feng show a hopeful and yet uncomfortable expression. Until now, w.a.n.g Yun Feng just couldn’t help but hold him. The more the child struggled and put up a fight in his arms, the tighter both arms locked around him, incessantly saying: “Fen Er, listen, you have to listen to your daddy…” w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s chest wasn’t broad enough, his back wasn’t thick and solid, his arms didn’t have much strength, his voice ought to be serious and unfeeling, but he didn’t let go of Xia Fen, tolerating the child’s arrogance and wilfulness and anger, apparently a very small hug can lift a son’s spirit, make him no longer confront the rain of blood outside, no longer afraid of challenging distress. It was only a child in his embrace, it wasn’t necessary for him to undertake the hatred and animosity of a grown up, and did not need to bear the life or death of his parents.w.a.n.g Yun Feng wanted so much to tell Xia Fen: you are a child protected by us, no need to bear your own fangs to face the dangers outside, and no need to guess at the selfless love of your parents towards you. Him and Xia Ling Mei only asked for, as long as Xia Fen is happy and comfortable. The crown prince’s legs were rested on the chair, opposite him Xia Fen was rigidly kept on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s knees, not allowed to move at all. “In the future, apart from a life or death situation, you can’t kill anyone!” “Humph!” “Fen Er, come to an agreement.” “Humph!” `xixisuosuo`, the crown prince stared, watching w.a.n.g Yun Feng pull down Xia Fen’s trousers, one palm hitting his white chubby bottom, both ruthless and quick. Xia Fen also did not think that leaving the palace he would unexpectedly still experience the taste of a beating, for a while he held it in, until his very small bottom was burning spicily in pain before he then cried out: “Let me go, you’re not my daddy, scoundrel, let me go!” “In the future if you dare to recklessly pick a fight with other people, I will turn your bottom into mush. Let alone seeing me in the future, you won’t even be allowed to see your mother.” “Ah----!” Xia Fen repeatedly struggled, he wasn’t sure whether his face full of tears and snot was from fear or pain, a pair of hands grabbed and torn the moving sleeves of w.a.n.g Yun Feng. The crown prince was inwardly surprised, seeing Xia Fen’s extreme misery he wasn’t sure whether he ought to rejoice in his misery or be moved. Hey, so an ordinary father and son are like this! His emperor father has never beaten him like this, at most he would allow a young eunuch sort of hold him down and hit him for a while, those injuries were healed in just half a day. Unlike w.a.n.g Yun Feng, personally holding his son down and teach him a lesson. However, this bad child Xia Fen ought to be beaten. For the first time Xia Fen experienced being beaten by w.a.n.g Yun Feng, he was too embarra.s.sed to see people. Xiao Bai came scurrying into the house, again turning into a loathsome gossip, from time to time lifting up the quilt to look at Xia Fen’s very red bottom covered in toothpaste: “Aiyoyo, so good-looking!” At noon, he carried a bowl of meat in: “Young master, do you want to eat red braised pork? Oh, you don’t need to eat it, you’re already now the biggest piece of red braised pork.” Xia Fen wanted to pick something up to teach him a lesson, Xiao Bai jumped and shouted at the same time: “Young master don’t beat people up, the master will hear, ah, ah, the master is here…” When w.a.n.g Yun Feng entered, Xia Fen was already sprawled on the bed sleeping. Xiao Bai carrying the red braised pork with a innocent face: “Master, should we wake the young master up, to have lunch together?”  Xia Fen secretly detested him, Xiao Bai is so hateful, too hateful.

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