w.a.n.g YunFeng pushed everyone away and rushed outside, only seeing the injured andvictims walking to and fro.

Juan Shuran over: “Master, you called for me?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng looked at him strangely: “Who said I was looking for you?”

“Ah,” JuanShu scratched his head, looking left and right, again smiling: “Master didn’tyou call a random lady to get me? What’s going on?”

w.a.n.g YunFeng grabbed hold of him: “Where is the mistress?”

Juan Shuappeared to not have heard what he said: “After she spoke she left.” Juan Shuseemed very busy, in his hand he still held herbal medicine, as he muttered ifthe master is fine then I’ll get on, after if there’s nothing then don’trandomly call for me, I’m so busy I’m about to die, master you have a beautifulwoman to accompany you but don’t come out to show off, I’m worried you’ll failmiserably…

Juan Shu’smouth was like a parrot’s, once it’s open it would incessantly blather on. w.a.n.gYun Feng was used to him prattling on, he didn’t pay attention, he lookedaround once more to see if he could truly see that familiar person’s shadow, hecould only return to the house.

At thatmoment, a boy climbed out from the small table, his tiny claws scratching overhis entire body, seeing w.a.n.g Yun Feng he skipped over: “Itchy!”

w.a.n.g YunFeng reached over pushing aside Xia Fen’s clothes, only seeing his tender fleshhad been scratched to a bulging red, he worryingly felt Xia Fen’s forehead, hedidn’t have a fever. Xia Fen’s body had been itching for a while, today hetruly couldn’t bear it, he slapped w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand away, under the gaze ofeveryone he began to take off all his clothes to scratch the itch.

Hua Bao Xiastood extremely close to w.a.n.g Yun Feng, not knowing Xia Fen’s true ident.i.ty. 

Usually she only saw other people walk by Xia Fen, merely thinking the otherperson was like herself a young overlord from some family who came here toplay, and did not take him seriously. After all, when w.a.n.g Yun Feng worked, XiaFen understood very well he couldn’t go stir up trouble as he wished, otherwisehis bottom would meet calamity. So, Hua Bao Xia when she saw this child whinecompletely without respect to w.a.n.g Yun Feng, was prepared to a.s.sume an att.i.tudeto teach Xia Fen a lesson. Before she could open her mouth, Xia Fen had alreadyone by one took of two clothes, immediately a strange odour arose in the house,as if…

“It smellsso bad!” Hua Bao Xia used her perfumed handkerchief to cover her nose, her faceeven more pale she took a few steps back. The maids’ noses had already beenlong ago numbed by the refugee like camp, now they only felt that the smellemitting from Xia Fen taking off his clothes smelled even worse, hearing theirown young lady cry out in fear they immediately supported her up. Two maids andan invaluable young lady withdrew to the door as if avoiding snakes andscorpions, Hua Bao Xia shuddering pointed at Xia Fen and cried out in fear:“Quickly drive him away.”

Xia Fenshot a glance at that unfathomable woman. He hadn’t turned away from her bodyodour and go and shake up her home, she actually still dare to be rude to themaster, too…

w.a.n.g YunFeng seeing the corner of Xia Fen’s mouth twist up he knew this spoiled childwas again itching to do something. His Highness the crown prince was a bad egg,he even corrupted his own son into a black leopard. Before when Xia Fen wasunhappy with someone he would directly beat them up, now when Xia Fen wasunpleased, he wouldn’t simply secretly pull down the other person’s trousers, hewould also throw a mouthful of dirt into the other person’s mouth that theycan’t even spit out.

It was toomischievous!

What waseven more mischievous, w.a.n.g Yun Feng felt this was all the crown prince’sfault, and he as a father simply did not encourage him.

“A manamongst men, won’t bicker with a young woman.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng warned in a lowvoice. He wasn’t loud enough, but everyone in the house had their nose a.s.sailedby the stink, were all feeling rather dizzy, on hearing such words, it was asif a pebble had been thrown into a tranquil lake, startling Hua Bao Xia terribly,and the smell was unbearable.

w.a.n.g YunFeng did not feel like taking them into consideration, occupied with taking allof Xia Fen’s clothes off, leaving him in his underpants, seeing fifth could berubbed from his neck, waist, back and knee, that’s when he recalled how longhis son hadn’t washed.

Of course,before by the sea, jumping into and swimming around a lap his whole body wouldwrinkle. Returning ash.o.r.e, before he met Xia Ling Mei there were personal servantstaking care of him. Arriving at Beiding city, the men in the Xia family had topractice martial arts, they bathed in the morning and evening. Xia Fen was amischievous and troublesome child, from the start it was hard for him to beclean. But on reaching Zhuozhou, because w.a.n.g Yun Feng was busy, that he evenforgot to eat, let alone to take a bath, truthfully he only scrubbed his bodywhen it didn’t feel comfortable. When the crown prince was here, 

Xia Fen wouldgo to the tavern, the crown prince left, whatever way his father was treated, 

Xia Fen was treated in that way, no one gave attention in taking care of him,even Juan Shu didn’t have the time to heat water and give him a bath. Adding itup, Xia Fen had already not entered a bathtub for around half a month. Notchanged his clothes, not washed, in these disaster regions there were alwayssome small bugs, biting and itchy, with dirt on top of that, the smell from hisbody was stronger and stronger, the smell of taking off those clothes, `ze`, there truly was nothing greatabout it.

Hepersonally went to the side room rummaging through his own clean clothes tobundle Xia Fen up, again ordering someone to help call for Xiao Bai to heat upwater for Xia Fen, on the way go the physicians to get some medicinalingredients to get rid of rheumatism and boil it, give it to Xia Fen to soakin.

Xia Fen worew.a.n.g Yun Feng’s long gown, the sleeves were long, the hem was also long, hefelt it was novel. w.a.n.g Yun Feng continued to discuss proper business at oneside, Xia Fen jumped about on the wooden couch behind him wearing the longgown. He was tired from playing, very vilely he went to hug Hua Bao Xia to pokeher acupuncture point.

His fatherwas very good at hitting pressure points, it was a moderate and not fatal formof martial arts; and Xia Fen himself knew how to chop off heads, it was themost overbearing and barbarous yet most direct way to save one’s own life. Nowhe lived with his father, sometimes he couldn’t help hit w.a.n.g Yun Feng’sacupuncture point. As a father he obviously knew what his son was thinking, heused the approach `You want to learn? What, you don’t want to learn, you can’tkill someone? I’m telling you son `sigh`, killing people is a job for thickpeople, do you know how scholars rather die than live? You don’t, I’ll tellyou, as long as you learn to hit pressure points, you can make the other personlaugh for three days and three nights laughing to death while still alive, andcan make the other person cry for five days and five nights cry to death whilestill alive, and can make the other person starve to death unable to eat, makehim unable to move so at last he’ll be roasted dry by the sun…what, you want tolearn, that’s the right way!`

In reality,where is there a pressure point that can kill someone. w.a.n.g Yun Feng onlywanted his son to not use b.l.o.o.d.y violence every time to deal with a problem.

As aresult, Xia Fen exceedingly bad-hearted used Hua Bao Xia, the three mistressand servants as objects to practice hitting pressure points, making them nowcry now laugh, now limp and powerless now groaning in pain. The maids weresnivelling and overflowing with tears by the sneak attack, even the extremelydignified Hua Bao Xia complexion was flushed, gazing at w.a.n.g Yun Feng withanger and complain.

At night,the people who came and went from the house gradually decreased, when the smellof food could be smelled outside the house, Juan Shu entered carrying food,sweeping his eyes over the dishes with generous amounts of meat and fish fromthe Hua family, for the first time, he rather couldn’t help say these words tow.a.n.g Yun Feng: “Master, your forehead is dark, both your eyes are lifeless, youmay have a b.l.o.o.d.y disaster, it might be best for you to not have these thingsthat the Hua family sent, in case something happens.” Hence, not waiting forw.a.n.g Yun Feng to lift his head, and not waiting for Xia Fen to protest, he ranout carrying the delicious fine food, sharing and eating them with some bad-heartedscoundrels.

Xiao Baihad already long ago found time to boil a barrel of medicinal water, carryingthe bathtub into the house, waiting for that father and son to finish eatingdinner, then throwing Xia Fen into the hot water, using a chicken featherduster like thing to scrub hard Xia Fen from inside and out, up and down onceover, then seeing the jet-black bath water, he turned to say to w.a.n.g Yun Feng:“Master, it’s not me, you are an a.s.signed official of the court, not a Buddhistmonk of the people. For your health, and our nose, please also clean yourself.Otherwise, you will regret it.”


“Regret abeauty is in your arms, but turn her back on you because your body smell toobad.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng spoke mildly angry: “What nonsense are you saying! Where is there a beautyhere.”

Xiao Bai’swords you will regret this soon! Not listening to Xiao Bai, sooner or later youwill suffer. Master, you just wait!

Xiao Bairejoicing in other’s misfortune he left the house, turning he ran to Juan Shuto jabber, occasionally running to a certain place at a face pace.

Xia LingMei knew w.a.n.g Yun Feng did not have a lot of people at hand, this time sheintentionally placed the shadow guards in plain sight, then as a voluntarycitizen she registered her name in the book with Xiao Bai, again a.s.signingtasks.

Xiao Baiand Juan Shu were like two giant dogs rushing to take credit for theirachievements, repeatedly voicing their complaints following Xia Ling Mei:“Mistress, you have to urge the master. After coming to Zhuozhou he has onlybeen resting four hours every day, whatever the victims eat, he will eat. Evenbetter medicine wouldn’t be able to continuously support the master’s wearybody, when he had just got to Zhuozhou, he fainted from being angered by thoseofficials. If it was only the master then it’s fine, but the young master isgrowing, how can he eat these coa.r.s.e grains…”

“Fen Er?”

“Ah,Mistress you didn’t know? The young master is here” quietly, “He came with HisHighness the crown prince, after causing a major event, the crown prince left,the young master stayed behind. Have pity, the white and plump body obtainedwith difficulty in Beiding city, its become skinny having been here barely amonth, seeming no different from the victims.”

“Now theyoung master would drool thinking of red braised pork, needing to practicemartial arts, practice writing characters, and every day he’s forced by themaster to learn lessons by heart, oh, sometimes the young master ma.s.sage themaster’s shoulders, his back, the sole young master of my house, from birth heought to live comfortably, coming here he’s been reduced to a common person,not eating well, not sleeping enough, and has to work…”

Xia LingMei smiled yet not a smile casting a glance at the two family counsellors:“However I listen to your words they seem to be your complains, and not in theaid of the master and Fen Er?”

Juan Shurepeatedly gestured with his hands: “Mistress, you accuse us wrongly, we trulyare worried for the master and the young master. We really are not complaining thatwe’re working too much, a meal without generous amounts of meal and fish,sleeping no longer than four hours…”

Xiao Baiadded: “We are definitely not complaining there are no beautiful woman in theirprime youth here, and we’re not homesick. Right, mistress, has Hei Zi come?”

Xia LingMei secretly sighed, these two scoundrels lying without blinking, are theyactually loyal and devoted to the w.a.n.g family?

It wasdark.

Today XiaFen had no choice but to sleep with his daddy today, because his bedding hadbeen taken by Xiao Bai to be washed. The November sky, it was cold but notenough for it to snow, it was out of the question that it was hot. Xia Fen’sclothes had all been taken away, right now he was using his father’s underpantsas inner trousers, using his father’s inner top as an outer top. Then coveringhimself with the bedding he jumped up and down on his father’s bed, from timeto time using his finger to jab in the air, experiencing the joyous feelingfrom hitting Hua Bao Xia this afternoon.

That onlyemitted the body odour of the fox Hua, she wasn’t as delicious smelling as him,hahaha!

“Fen Er,sleep.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng entered, exhausted he took off his outer clothes, pushing his son down onthe bed: “You’ll catch a cold, tomorrow I’ll get Juan Shu to bring you into thecity to buy a few winter clothes, don’t keep the old ones.”

Xia Fenstruggled free of his suppression, rolling on the bed once before saying: “I’mnot cold.”

w.a.n.g YunFeng already collapsed on the bed from exhaustion, stroking his head: “Fen Erlisten to me.”

Xia Fenlooked at his cheap father’s complexion, somewhat even paler than these pastfew days, he struggled away awkwardly, climbing into the bed to sleep properly.w.a.n.g Yun Feng in a daze tucked him in with the quilt, thinking about it, thenpulled the child into his arms, with no time to speak he fell asleep.

It was thefirst time Xia Fen voluntarily allowed w.a.n.g Yun Feng to hold him to sleep, thewarmth on his forehead was w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s breathing, a small hand of his washeld in his big one, there was no place for one of his legs, he moved for alittle bit before finally placing it on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s belly. His foot waswarm, his father’s belly was also warmed softly.

In thedark, Xia Fen smiled, as he was about to sleep, his ears p.r.i.c.ked up suddenly.

The bedroomdoor was softly opened, a dexterous figure entered.

Xia Fenopened his mouth: “Mother?!”

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