Chapter 77

"Wife, I want to eat meat” 《娘子,我要吃肉》Chapter 77 Zhuang Hei Zi sat on a lofty black horse, towering above the three children, the sunset behind his back, his body warm and mixed with greenish black, looking as if immersed in shadow. Zhuang Hei Zi first called w.a.n.g Zi Feng to a halt: “Young master are you going home? Is your mother home?” w.a.n.g Zi Feng truly did not understand, why every time he saw this person he would ask the whereabouts of his mother. But he had just had a brawl, his muscles and bones were relaxed, his mood also very good, he honestly replied in a rare move: “Mother is at home.” Thinking better of it, again he maliciously and evilly said: “Why do you want to find my mother?” Zhuang Hei Zi laughed: “Only asking. Originally I wanted to see whether you were going to Xian Yun manor, now I see there’s no need to ask.” w.a.n.g Zi Feng was baffled: “Where is Xian Yun manor?” Zhuang Hei Zi was silent for a moment, staring at w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s expression he had a kind of intangible sadness, dispersing layer by layer. Quite a while later, did he then laugh at himself saying: “So the young master already doesn’t remember. That’s right, when all is said and done, a dead person cannot beat a living person, he was foolish, rashly delivering his own life.” w.a.n.g Zi Feng was even more baffled. He was a child, a child was too forgetful, even greater injury and suffering would always be forgotten at a happy and free from worry time. Therefore, he already could not remember Xian Yun manor at an earlier time, and did not remember that man buried behind that mountain. Zhuang Hei Zi sat up straight, finally turning back to cast a glance at the three children. The crown prince had already susceptibly discovered, his glance was already no longer the same as before. If it could be said Zhuang Hei Zi previously looked at them with a little bit of liveliness, at this moment, he already treated them as dead objects. As if, Zhuang Hei Zi had already made some kind of important decision from those simple sentences. “Does the young master know the most recent rumour within the city?” The young princess happily laughed moving closer: “I know, it’s about a black bear. Uncle Zhuang is going to capture that black bear?” Zhuang Hei Zi smiled: “How can that be? That black bear already has a master, it’s hard for ordinary people to capture it, unless,” he glanced at w.a.n.g Zi Feng from the corner of his eye, “unless, it allows itself to be.” His words were very strange, the young princess was still prepared to ask, Zhuang Hei Zi had already urged his horse intending to leave. The crown prince took a step forward, abruptly asking: “Uncle Zhuang where are you going? It looks as if you’re leaving the city.” “Continuously raining at Qingming, young masters say, where can I go!” He laughed heartily, suddenly thrashing the horse’s b.u.t.t, at lightening speed leaving from the three people’s line of sight. The crown prince always felt Zhuang Hei Zi was much stranger than other people, once he had actually asked father emperor to send someone to investigate his inside information. Only knowing this person was a person of the Jianghu, heroic disposition, very much looked to by some people, an expert who kept his words at the hired bodyguards office, there was a little connection between him and Zhuang Sheng who had rescued Xia Ling Mei last year. Investigating even more it was just some common information, the emperor only added some more protection to the crown prince’s side, and did not say any more. The crown prince was a fairly opinionated child, since he was already suspicious,

and pragmatically went to probe the other people in the hired bodyguards office, even more specially watch Zhuang Hei Zi’s treatment towards w.a.n.g Zi Feng. It had to be said, the Zhuang Hei Zi today just now completely put him on his guard. The three children arrived at the w.a.n.g residence together, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already returned to the residence at an earlier time. Xia Ling Mei was too big, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already given w.a.n.g Zi Feng independence, he couldn’t help keep watch over Xia Ling Mei for the whole night without being apart. When they arrived home, they just happened to hear Xia Ling Mei’s cry of pain, w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s expression changed greatly, with a few leaps he rushed into the rear courtyard.Xia Ling Mei was half leaning on the couch, both hands supporting her body, a leg held in w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s hand, the other hand continuously ma.s.saging her calf. “Mother!” w.a.n.g Zi Feng came running in covered in cold sweat, standing by the couch he didn’t know what to do. w.a.n.g Yun Feng again pressed down on Xia Ling Mei’s calf a few more times, seeing Xia Ling Mei’s expression ease then did he put it down, letting the maid wait upon him to wash his hands, Xia Ling Mei also washed her face, then pulling at her son she smiled: “Nothing, my calf simply cramped that’s all. It’s better after your father ma.s.saged it a few times.” w.a.n.g Zi Feng with a few moves forced w.a.n.g Yun Feng aside, dominating the best position, both little claws were placed on Xia Ling Mei’s legs, from time to time kneading here kneading there, and asking Xia Ling Mei whether it hurt. That was when the husband and wife felt Fen Er genuinely understand things. The young princess and the crown prince came in, paying their respects to aunt and aunt’s husband, and one after another looked around inquisitively. The young princess took off her shoes climbing onto the couch, kneeling behind Xia Ling Mei: “Auntie, I’ll ma.s.sage your shoulders.” The little hands lightly, treating Xia Ling Mei like fragile crystal, while ma.s.saging she asked: “auntie, is Jin Er well-behaved?” Xia Ling Mei nodded: “Well-behaved.” “Then is Jin Er pretty or not?” “Yes, pretty.” “Then, then if Jin Er doesn’t marry, can auntie marry off younger brother Fen Er to me?” w.a.n.g Yun Feng who was gently drinking tea nearly sprayed out a mouthful of tea: “Young princess, who taught you such a thing? Fen Er is your younger brother, how can he marry you, what’s more…” let alone marry off to you! Truly infuriating, when did his w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s son need to be married off to be his wife’s family, and married off to that black bear Zhao Prince’s daughter, against reason! The young princess betrayed the other person without hesitation, she pointed towards a certain person who was prepared to run: “Older brother crown prince said it.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng suddenly slapped the table: “Your Highness crown prince, you ought to know human relations!” The crown prince jumped three chi high, very quickly he scurried out: “I deceived Jin Er, I will never dare to do it again. Ah, uncle you can’t tell on me to father emperor!” w.a.n.g Yun Feng was so angry that his hair almost burned with rage chased after him all the way, not long after he came back holding the crown prince tightly, once more dragging the other two children to the study, beginning to teach them proper human relationships. The three difficult brats secretly made disdain looks at each other, their faces still showing respect listening to w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s nagging, they truly itched to fold in their ears. In any case one hour later someone from the palace was sent to take the two masters back to the palace, w.a.n.g Yun Feng then repeatedly warned the crown prince: “Recently the city hasn’t been too safe, from now on after studying don’t go wandering around outside.” The crown prince face flashed: “Is it about the black bear?” “Yes, these few days, there’s been people walking around at night who were s.n.a.t.c.hed and torn apart by a wild animal, the crown prince is of an honourable position, by all means you cannot rashly take risks.” Beiding city was the most flourishing, there were many outsiders, there were even more innumerable people with unusual goods. At first the people at the government office also only thought if it was a treasured animal raised by those wealthy families which ran away, but investigating here and there, yet no family admitted it. Someone speculated a wild animal ran out from the imperial villa at the imperial family hunting ground, because it was hungry that’s why it killed people. Yet the imperial hunting ground was far from here for several tens of li, even though the hunting ground wasn’t very big, but it was heavily-guarded, spring time was when prey multiplied, the hunting ground was closed, the imperial family won’t go to hunt, and no prey would sneakily run out. There were also people who say, the people torn apart at night weren’t injured by a wild animal, maybe it was the amazing martial arts of a powerful martial artist, for example similar to an eagles claw move, fantastic oddities of every description spread around everywhere, it made people anxious. In the end w.a.n.g Yun Feng was still worried about w.a.n.g Zi Feng, his son was too feral, when there’s nothing he would always find something, he had no alternative but to continue picking him up and dropping him off every day. There was no choice, the people in the residence could not control him. After all most of the time he wasn’t at the residence, Xia Ling Mei was also unwilling to be oversensitive with him, only secretly instructing Hei Zi to send someone to the temple to add more oil for Zhuang Sheng. At that time, Zhuang Hei Zi had already arrived at Xian Yun manor, having seen the martial arts leader Han Yi Fan, listening to the cause and effect of how his younger brother had died, not speaking for a long time. Dragon Boat Festival was just approaching, the worry brought along with the black bear was finally somewhat dispersed by the festival. The fragrance of rice dumplings wrapped in leaves began to waft through the great streets and small alleys, w.a.n.g Zi Feng had never seen dragon boats race, kicking up a fuss wanting to watch the bustling scene, w.a.n.g Yun Feng could do nothing, only after settling down Xia Ling Mei, he took his son to the Wu lake to watch the dragon boat compet.i.tion. Xia Ling Mei’s stomach already swelled out very greatly, her legs were also swollen, she didn’t dare to move around rashly. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was always overly worried about the child, with a little small sound of activity he would be so terrified he would pale, seemingly more frail than Xia Ling Mei the pregnant woman. Seldom a day was w.a.n.g Yun Feng not constantly stuck to her, Xia Ling Mei only felt a lot more relaxed. Xiu Yu and Ying Shi supported her to walk round the courtyard twice, she ate lunch, again drinking some supplemental soup, only feeling the liquid in her stomach swaying, as she was about to fall asleep, a servant came to inform, saying: “Gu Lang, Lord Gu has asked to be seen” Xia Ling Mei narrowed her eyes, thinking about it for a while before then recalling who Gu Lang was. Hearing this announcement, it felt like this person had call on the residence before, she asked about it, that servant then spoke about Gu Lang’s recent activities at the w.a.n.g residence. At first after Gu Lang left the w.a.n.g residence that day, his hopes of being an official had still not been dashed, from time to time he would go back to the w.a.n.g residence to force himself on w.a.n.g Yun Feng. w.a.n.g Yun Feng this person was genuinely cold hearted, he really didn’t like people without achievements and only wanting to seek relations to buy an official position, after seeing Gu Lang’s shamelessness, he repeatedly ignored him. The master had a cold temper, Juan Shu and Xiao Bai naturally idled about and loved to torment people. Secretly they used some methods, tricking Gu Lang to those prost.i.tution places, by chance running into that w.a.n.g Yun who used powerful connections to intimidate people, the two of them both appeared to be dignified but behind people’s back their mind was lecherous. Juan Shu thought of ways to coax w.a.n.g Yun with a few words, boasting Gu Lang into a unique great official, after Xiao Bai also bragged to Gu Lang w.a.n.g Yun’s position in the w.a.n.g family, telling him he was a son of the second branch, whatever, whatever he had the second master’s favour, if only w.a.n.g Yun is coaxed into a cheerful mood, obtaining and using the second master’s social connections, that official’s luck could certainly be very easy and such things, saying it with so much delight that spit flew everywhere. Gu Lang intended to be an official, w.a.n.g Yun intended to show off, the two of them paid respect to each other with the red honey of the brothel, becoming sworn brothers. Squandering their money like dirt every day at the brothel, wantonly showing off their financial resources and `energy`. The women of the brothel took their `essence` and their money, putting out even more energy to serve them, in less than half a month, Gu Lang’s little bit of family property withered until he could see the bottom. w.a.n.g Yun was also loyal enough, bringing Gu Lang to his own courtyard to stay. At this time, Gu Lang then found out w.a.n.g Yun couldn’t even enter the main entrance of the w.a.n.g residence, but he had no money on him, and had no honour. Waiting for an opportunity he kept watch over the w.a.n.g residence entrance for several days, seeing w.a.n.g Yun Feng leave today, did he then knock on the door. The servant described Gu Lang’s dest.i.tute appearance once, again comparing how he looked the first time he came, almost laughing at the difference. That servant also seemed to think of something: “Right, this time that Lord w.a.n.g also brought along a woman, saying she’s an old friend of the mistress, saying the mistress must see her once.” “Did that woman say what her family name is?” “She said, her surname is Hua.” Xia Ling Mei looked distracted, pondering over it she stood up.

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